
centertop00Maintaining Current Auxiliaries The National Organization has developed many resources for members' use, including tools available on the Online Auxiliary Academy and the Program & Publicity Resources page of the National website: resources. Two of these resources have proven to be valuable tools in helping Auxiliaries be more productive. The Healthy Auxiliary Tool Kit includes seven (7) resources to assist Auxiliaries in identifying and solving issues. Building on the VFW Auxiliary Foundation makes every effort to educate members on all aspects of the duties of Officers at all levels, how to be a Chairman, the why of reporting, etc. These tools invite all members to come forward and take on a position of leadership, mentoring, and being a member who advocates for their Auxiliary and the veterans we serve.3 R’s Reconnect, Rejuvenate and Revitalize The Department of Arizona Chief of Staff has created a new resource for Auxiliaries to use, to help them:Reconnect with our members Rejuvenate our members Revitalize our Auxiliaries Auxiliaries are encouraged to use the questioner to learn about their current members. To find the questioner visit of an Auxiliary The National Organization requires only five (5) things of an Auxiliary: Auxiliaries should have at least ten (10) business meetings per year. (Sec. 210) Five (5) members in good standing (of that Auxiliary) shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. (Sec. 212) Dues should be paid by at least ten (10) members on or before February 1 of the current year. (Sec. 207)Quarterly Audits by Trustees must be submitted. (Sec. 814)Officers elected, installed and reported to National Headquarters no later than June 30. This generates the bond application via email. (Sec. 804A and 806A)The offices of President and Treasurer MUST be bonded by August 31.Know what you read and what is written using the following words found often in our National Bylaws:MAY: Past-tense verb of might used to indicate: 1. Possibility. 2. Permission.MUST: Verb used to indicate: 1. Obligation. 2. Probability or certainty. Noun 1. Something that is required.SHALL: Verb used to indicate: 1. At a future time. 2. Determination, obligation or intention.SHOULD: Past-tense verb of shall used to indicate: 1. Obligation. 2. Probability.Official Visit Communication District Presidents look to the Chief of Staff for guidance as they perform their Auxiliary inspections. The Chief of Staff educates Districtrit President on how to recognize red flags that may lead to a problem in an Auxiliary. District Presidents are encouraged to use the District President Notice of Auxiliary Official Visit and Official Visit Inspection Form available at . The report must be an honest assessment of the Auxiliary and affirm that the Auxiliary is in good working order, or that it has areas that are in need of improvement. Distribute reports to the Auxiliary, the District and Department Presidents, and the Department Chief of Staff. Doing so will allow any concerns to be corrected before they become major problems.Establishing New Auxiliaries & Presentations to Unaffiliated Post Whether a VFW Post decides on its own that it wants an Auxiliary or whether an Auxiliary member or non-member sees the potential for a new one, the steps for creating an Auxiliary are the same. An Auxiliary cannot exist without a Post, as an Auxiliary cannot be started without the 2/3 vote of a Post. The Chief of Staff Identifies the unaffiliated Posts in your Department and inform them about the benefits of having an Auxiliary. The Chief of Staff speaks to the Post Commander and ask for permission to address the Post membership about the benefits of having an Auxiliary. It is a win for both Post and Auxiliary and especially for the veterans we serve. Extension presentations and tools are available at resourcesSuspensions, Cancellations and Consolidations An Auxiliary is in danger of losing its Charter when they are unable to meet the 5 Essentials of an Auxiliary. Suspensions are used in certain cases to give Auxiliary members a chance to fulfill their duties and continue with their mission of serving veterans, service members and their families. Please know that being placed on suspension is not negative. It is not labeling your Auxiliary as a “bad Auxiliary.” It simply means there is some work that needs to be done to get your Auxiliary where it needs to be. A team appointed by the Department President to mentor, educate, and listen will help bring your Auxiliary back to health.National Awards:AWARDS FOR MEMBERS1. $25 VFW Store Gift Certificate to one member in each of the four Conferences who assisted in revitalizing/rejuvenating a struggling Auxiliary and utilized Building on the VFW Auxiliary Foundation in their efforts. Any member at any level of the organization can be nominated by the revitalized/rejuvenated Auxiliary. Form is due to the Department Chairman by March 31, 2021. ................

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