The cost-utility of Viagra in The Netherlands

The cost-utility of Viagra? in

The Netherlands

*Elly A. Stolk, M.Sc.1

Jan J. V Busschbach, Ph.D.1

Max Caffa, M.D.2

Eric JH Meuleman, M.D., Ph.D.3

Prof. Frans FH Rutten, Ph.D.1


Institute for Medical Technology Assessment (iMTA), Erasmus University Rotterdam


Hospital St. Antoniushove in Leidschendam


University Hospital St. Radboud in Nijmegen

* Corresponding author

Institute for Medical Technology Assessment (iMTA), Erasmus University Rotterdam

Report number: 99.49

Dear readers,

This letter accompanied our research report ¡°The cost-utility of Viagra? in The

Netherlands¡±, iMTA report number 99.49.

The report is meant as a detailed description of our investigation and is made directly

after the data collection in order to allow for fast communication between the











comprehensiveness of the report, the document is also used as the technical part of the

economic dossier of Viagra as requested by the authorities of the national public health

insurance (The Council of the Sick Fund).

Although the report will probably remain the most detailed description of our research

effort, it must not be seen as the final interpretation of the results. The report now serves

as and easy accessible collection of research data, on which basis we hope to write

peer-reviewed articles. The original report will remain available on request, for those

researchers who would like to have a detailed description of the research and the data.

Note that parts of the report still reveal the early thoughts and interpretations, the

informal style, type and spellings errors which are characteristic for a first report written

just after finishing the data collection. Although these characteristics may be annoying

and sometimes even be charming, we have chosen not to change the original report for

two reasons. First of all, so fare we have not found any data that has been presented

inadequate or major flaws in the interpretation. Secondly, we want to present our

research as transparent as possible. We are therefore keen on avoiding any confusion

or misinterpretation that can be caused when multiple version of the same research

document circulated in the public domain. We are therefore happy to share with you our

data in detail and we would welcome your comment on our first interpretations.

On behalf of the researchers,

Jan van Busschbach

Rotterdam, April 1999

This publication can be ordered from iMTA¡¯s secretariat

Institute for Medical Technology Assessment (iMTA)

Erasmus University Rotterdam

P.O. Box 1738

3000 DR Rotterdam

The Netherlands

Tel: +31 10 4088533

fax: +31 10 4089092


Price: F 35,=



No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission from iMTA.


This research was financed by Pfizer b.v. in The Netherlands and done within the

framework of the collection of economical data of use the Viagra. We like to thank the

patients of the University Hospital St. Radboud in Nijmegen and the hospital St.

Antoniushove in Leidschendam for their co-operation. We would also like to thank

Lianne Damen (nurse scientist) and Paul Rabsztyn (sexologist, NVVS registered) who

facilitated the patient interviews and provide us with more details about the treatment

scenarios. Blauw Call Centre Rotterdam recruited the subjects of the general public.

Larissa van der Hell assisted with both the patient interviews and during the interviews of

the general public.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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