Vice vs

Vice vs. Virtue Frankenstein Essay

In chapter seventeen of Mary Shelley’s gothic novel Frankenstein, the monster describes to Victor how he is not innately a monster but has thus been turned into one as a result of being rejected by society. In his argument, the Monster states, “My vices are the children of a forced solitude that I abhor, and my virtues will necessarily arise when I live in communion with an equal” (150). Using this remark of the creature as a guide, find an example in contemporary society or in past history that embodies either consequence:

~A forced solitude fostering destructive behavior


~A community or companion evoking constructive behavior

Write a structured, five paragraph essay discussing the relationship of vice or virtue as it relates to an individuals rejection or acceptance by society. In your essay, describe how both the monster from Shelley’s Frankenstein and the individual from history you choose either suffers or benefits from society’s attitude towards them.


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|IDEAS |_____ X __5___ |/25 |

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|ORGANIZATION |_____ X __5___ |/25 |

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|SENTENCE FLUENCY |____ X __2___ |/10 |

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|WORD CHOICE |_____ X __2___ |/10 |

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|VOICE |_____ X __2___ |/10 |

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|CONVENTIONS |_____ X __2___ |/10 |

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|PRESENTATION |_____ X __2___ |/10 |

Total: /100 points

Scoring Guide for an Argument Essay

Ideas- 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1

• Do I have just one overall thesis statement that I will answer in my essay?

• Is my paper clear and focused?

• Do I have enough relevant anecdotes and accurate details to support my evidence?

• Do I address and define vice and virtue while focusing my paper on acceptance and rejection? Is the relationship between inclusion/seclusion and behaviors fully realized?

• Are my readers’ questions anticipated and answered?

Organization- 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1

• Do I use an inviting introduction that draws the reader in?

• Do I use a satisfying conclusion that leaves the reader with a sense of closure and resolution?

• Do I have a minimum of three quotes in each paragraph that I will use to prove my thesis?

• Does my organization flow smoothly and matches the purpose and audience?

• Do I use an original, thoughtful, and intriguing title?

Sentence Fluency- 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1

• Are my paragraphs divided using transitional sentences?

• Do I avoid repeating myself word for word within my essay?

• Do I use strong and varied sentence structures within my paragraphs utilizing compound and complex sentence structures?

• Do I avoid run-ons?

Word Choice- 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1

• Are my word choices powerful and engaging — specific and accurate?

• Have I removed all dead words such as good, bad, said and nice?

Voice- 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1

• Do I speak directly to the reader in an individual, compelling, and engaging way?

• Do I avoid speaking directly to the reader and stay away from “I, “me”, my” and “you”?

• Do I speak to the reader through a focusing of the topic and selection of relevant details?

Conventions- 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1

• Did I spell everything correctly?

• Do I have any errors in usage?

• Do I have any errors in capitalization?

• Do utilize MLA formatting appropriately in parenthetical documentation and my Works Cited? Do I properly lead-in to my quotes i.e Victor states in chapter fifteen “Quote” (118).

• Do I have any errors in punctuation?

Presentation- 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1

• Is my heading appropriately formatted on the page?

• Is my writing legible without scratch outs and my composition neatly presented?

• Do I use 12 point font, Times New Roman with double-spacing and 1-inch margins?


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