Senior Vice President of Corporate and Administrative ...

[Pages:1]Gordon Martin is senior vice president of Corporate

entertainment district, and a four-star convention

and Administrative Services at Alabama Power

center and hotel. Martin is also past Chairman of the

Company, where he has responsibility for the

Board of Directors of the Montgomery Area Chamber

company's General Services (including corporate

of Commerce.

facilities and operations, and property services), Supply

Chain (including contracts, procurement, materials

In the area of education, Martin serves as Chair

distribution, investment recovery, supplier diversity, and of the Board of Directors of the A+ Education

technical support), Fleet Services, Meeting and Event

Partnership and Immediate Past Chairman of Board

Services, and Corporate Real Estate (including land

of Trustees of the McWane Science Center. At The

acquisition, land and shoreline management, and sales University of Alabama, Martin is a member of the

leasing, and development). Martin

President's Cabinet and serves as

is also responsible for Corporate

Chairperson of the the Board of the

Security, Business Assurance, and

Blackburn Institute. He previously

Information Technology.

served on the Board of Trustees of

Huntingdon College and advisory

Martin served for eight years as the

boards at Auburn University,

company's General Counsel as well

Auburn University Montgomery, and

as seven years as its Division Vice

Birmingham-Southern College.

President in Montgomery. He has held

management positions in Generation

Martin has played a leadership role

Planning and Development, Fuels,

in numerous charitable and civic

and External Affairs. He also served

organizations. He is Chairman of the

as the company's lead government

Board of Leadership Alabama, Vice

affairs representative in Washington,

Chair of the Board of the Alabama

D.C. Before joining Alabama Power

Shakespeare Festival, and Immediate

Company, Martin was a legislative

Past Chair of the Board at the The

lawyer with Hogan & Hartson (now

American Village. He is a member

Hogan Lovells), Washington D.C.'s

of the Board and Past President

largest law firm, and a legislative assistant to U.S. Senator Howell

Gordon G. Martin

of the Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama, Alabama's

Heflin and the Senate Judiciary

Senior Vice President "good government" think tank. In

Subcommi ee on Courts. A native of Birmingham, Martin

of Corporate and Administrative Services

addition to his past board service at the United Way of Central Alabama and co-chairing the Health Care Bold

graduated cum laude from the

Alabama Power

Goals Coalition, Martin led the 2012

University of Alabama, where he was elected President of the


campaign, which raised more than $37.5 million, making it the 12th largest

Student Government Association.

United Way campaign in the country.

He also earned a law degree from

the University of Alabama and a Master of Public

Martin is a graduate of Leadership Alabama,

Administration degree from George Washington

Leadership Montgomery and Leadership Shelby

University. He studied international law in London,

County. He was named the Montgomery Advertiser's

where he worked for a member of the British

Citizen of the Year in 2006 and was the recipient of the

Parliament, and has completed executive coursework

Montgomery Sunrise Rotary Club's 2007 Commitment

at the Wharton School at the University of

to Service Award.

Pennsylvania and Oxford University in England.

Martin and his wife, Margret,

In the area of economic development, Martin served

have five children: Tucker (23), a

for eight years as Chairman of the Board of the

student at Samford University's

Montgomery Riverfront Development Foundation,

Cumberland School of Law; Baily

where he was instrumental in the revitalization of

(21) and Perry (19), both at The

Montgomery's downtown, which includes Riverwalk

University of Alabama Honors

Stadium, the Montgomery Biscuits baseball team, an

College; Lilly (16), and Walker (9).


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