
UPS Report Uplands Park School—A Community of Learners Uplands Park School Phone: 758-3252 Lisa Robinson–Principal Connie Thyssen-Secretary3821 Stronach Drive Fax: 751-0635 November, 2016Principal’s Message:We look forward to seeing you at upcoming events and PAC meetings.As always if we can assist you in anyway please contact us at 250-758-3252. In the meantime keep checking our emails (listserve) for upcoming events and weekly reminders. Ms. Robinson – PrincipalPANAGO PIZZA COUPONS:Ms. Jordan and Mrs. Dyck's classes will be selling Panago pizza coupons. They are 12.00 and can be used for any medium pizza. ?Order forms will be coming home in the next week and due by December 1st. ?Please contact Laurie Dyck if you are interested in purchasing some coupons.?GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP CLUB:Meets every Tuesday at 11:45 a.m. in the Daycare Room.GO GIRLS – Gr. 5-7 girl group.If your daughter is interested in joining the next GO GIRLS group in January please contact Ms. Robinson at 250-758-3252. Or email at lrobinson@sd68.bc.ca.REPORT CARD CHANGES As many individuals are aware, the Ministry of Education has redesigned the BC School Curriculum. A link to the curriculum can be found at . As discussed in our October Newsletter, the result is that there will be a change when it comes to the reporting of student progress this year. The changes are interim, therefore, there might be a slight change for the 2017-18 school year, as well. The first noticeable change in response to the Government’s reporting order is that there will be 2 formal and 3 informal reports. The October parent- teacher conference will be one of the 3 informal reports. A tangible ‘report card’ will be sent home at the end of January and the end of June. These reporting date changes are reflected on the last page of the Newsletter where the list of school events is printed. Informal reports will include a formative assessment of how your child’s achievement in English, Language Arts (reading, writing, listening, viewing, speaking and representing), as well as mathematics, science, and social studies. Teachers will communicate how the assessment activities they share with you relate to the core standards of the new curriculum. These formative assessments can be presented in a variety of formats. They can be digital (video, photographs, etc.), in person meetings, portfolios of work that are presented or sent home, etc. The assessments will include both a teacher assessment and a student self-assessment component. As a staff, we realize that this is a change in how we report on student progress. As always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.PAC 3rd Annual Santa ShopPAC is once again hosting a Student Santa Shop.Beginning November 1st- December 15thwe will be collecting small household items/toys for the students to purchase as gifts for a parent, caregiver, grandparent or sibling for $1.00.Gifts will be wrapped and allmoney raised will go to families in need.Please contact the PAC via email upspacconnect@ or via our Facebook pageto arrange pick up of items or put them in the donation box at school.The Santa Shop will be set up in the gymDecember 14 & 15 if you would like to volunteer.Thank you for your support.PAC NEWS Thank you everyone who came out to the Monster Mash. A big thank you to Scott Sellars for providing the music.Thank you to Koers and Associates and Costco for helping provide lunch for the grade 5-7 students at the Yes 2 Know Conference.Upcoming Events:Parent Night Tuesday November 8th 7pm Understanding the Teenage Brain with Gary AnakaThursday November 17th 7pm Paint Nite Spots still available November 25th Clippers Cheer Off GameTickets will be available November 16-18th before and afterschool 4/$5.00 or $2.00 eachDrop off your Santa Shop Donations starting November 1st in the box outside the office.Poinsettia Orders are due back by November 7th and Purdy’s orders due by November 10th.Thank you for your continued support.HEALTH AND SAFETY – With school start up brings more illness. A reminder to students to wash their hands frequently. Also please dress your child in layers as the rainy weather is coming and we still go outside when it is lightly raining. We try to send our children outside as much as possible.PARKING LOT SAFETY:Please be safe in our parking lot – it is a crowded place and we need to be conscious of the children. We appreciate the drivers who drop off past the entrance this helps keep crosswalks and front doors safe. If you could arrange pick up and drop off outside of the parking lot this could be helpful.DRESSING FOR THE WEATHER At this time of year, the weather is highly unpredictable. For most recesses students are expected to and need to be outside for big recess. This is at least 30 minutes of exposure to quite cold temperatures and weather that is often wet or damp. Most students will need gloves or mittens, a pair of water resistant boots, and a reasonable winter jacket to be moderately comfortable for this amount of time. Students are also outside for 15 minutes at little recess. Please make sure that they have appropriate clothing for this period of time. If there are heavy winds combined with driving rain, students may be kept in, but this is a rare exception. SCHOOL CLOSURE REMINDER Occasionally, schools are temporarily closed on short notice for emergency reasons. A heavy snowfall is the most frequent reason for emergency school closure; however, individual schools can also be closed because of power or heating failures. If schools are closed due to snow, or any other problems such as power outages or bad weather, announcements will be on local radio stations (WOLF 106.9 FM and WAVE 102.3 FM) by 7 a.m. on the day of the closure. Please do not call the radio station --- tune in and listen for the announcements, which will be made on a regular basis. In addition, the district will post the information on the district’s website (sd68.bc.ca), Twitter and Facebook, unless there are technical problems or a power outage.Dates:Nov – Dec. Donations accepted for the PAC Santa ShopNov. 3 – PAC – 6:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Parent Presentation on New Reporting Procedures.Nov. 7 – Booster Juice Nov. 10 – Gr. 3 Swim to Survive Permission forms due. Nov. 10 - PAC Purdy’s Chocolate Orders Due (on line).Nov. 10 – Remembrance Day Assembly at 11:00 a.m.Nov. 11 – Remembrance Day – no schoolNov. 15 – Clippers here to visit our studentsNov. 17 – PAC Paint Nite.Nov. 23 – Purdy’s deliveryNov. 25 – HOT LUNCHNov. 25 - CLIPPER CHEER OFF night – ticket sales will be in November. TBA.Dec. 5 – 9 - Uplands Book FairDec. 8 – Christmas Sing-A-Long in the Gym (evening)Dec. 12 – FROSTY FOOTRACEDec. 14-15 -Santa Shop in the GymDec. 23 – Last day before Winter Break.Jan. 9 – Return from Winter Break Remembrance Day Assembly:If you have any relatives that served our Country could you please send a photo, name , and a brief (2 sentence write up about their service to our country). Please send these to Laurie Dyck at ldyck@sd68.bc.ca by November 8th for our Remembrance Day Assembly. School District Facilities Management and Budget Forum (2020 Vision for Learning) As the School District embarks on the process of updating their Budget process and their Strategic Plan, they will be holding upcoming public forums. The first is on Monday November 28th from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at Wellington Secondary. The second will be at Ladysmith Secondary on Tuesday November 29th from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. Come out and be a part of the process of shaping the Facilities Management Plan and Budget Process in the School DistrictParent Information Night – New ReportingThursday, Nov. 3We will start at 6:30 p.m. with a short PAC meeting followed by an information session on the new reporting procedures. This information session begins at 7 p.m. in the Library. Please see attached information from our PAC. Everyone is welcome. There will be pizza and child minding available. Please call the office if you have any questions.PAC Parent Info Night – Tuesday, November 8 at 7 p.m. – Library.Gary Anaka speaking on the Teenage Brain. This is free for Uplands Parents.“Y.E.S to KNOW” Summit Gr. 5-7 students:This was a one-day event organized by Ms. Dyck, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Shahi and Ms. Robinson along with Corporal Dave Cusson focussing on bringing out the “SPARK” in our students to be the best they can be. Guest speakers; Gary Anaka (understanding our Brain), Jessie Miller (Digital Citizenship and Responsibility on the Internet), Michael Bortolotto (Internationally recognized speaker on social responsibility), Thank you to our PAC for providing the students with lunch that day and to our Gr. 5 – 7 students! We were very proud of how well our students presented themselves. It was a great day. Please see the newspaper article: am including an email from Corp. Hilderly: “Lisa :I wanted to touch base with you this morning and convey my thanks and appreciation to you and your school staff for yesterday.? I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and was very impressed with all of you.?? As I said yesterday, it's a sign of a great school that recognizes that building successful children is about much more than reading, writing and arithmetic.? A special school inspires their students and equips them with skills to succeed beyond the walls of the school, and that's what I saw from you folks yesterday.? I was honoured to be a part of it, and I wanted to thank you for being so welcoming. You have a wonderful team there, and the kids will one day thank you for caring so much! Have an outstanding day!!! Scott?Hilderley Corporal RCMP Strategic Prevention ServicesOur Community Supporting Uplands School:Nanaimo Soap Exchange: When you are out shopping please consider shopping at the Soap Exchange at Country Club mall. Let the staff know you are an Uplands parent – a portion of the sales goes back to the school.COBBS Bakery – When buying baked goods at COBBS let the staff know that you are from Uplands Park ( “Raise the Dough” program)Country Grocer – We have a box in the office. Please bring all your receipts to us. A portion of the receipt subtotals will be turned into food vouchers. We purchase food for a breakfast and lunch program for our students.Campbell’s Labels:for a list of items see below labelsforeducation.ca/ CASH BACK PROGRAMWe are pleased to offer a 5% cash back to UPLANDS SCHOOL on every invoice when the customer uses the cash back account.There is no sign up required. Simply use the account name UPLANDS ELEMENTARY CBP when you come in for your mechanical & Tire needs at our store on Wellington road off Mostar.For more information call 250-802-4412.AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM – “FUN WITH SPORTS AND GAMES” through PacificSport. Cost is $10 for the entire program for Grade 4-7 students. Thursday’s – Oct. 27-Dec. 15 – time : 2:35 – 4:05 p.m in Uplands gym. Registrations in the office deadline is October 6.FAMILIES SUPPORTING FAMILIES – Networking Groups:When: 1st Wednesday of each month.Time: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.Where: Nanaimo Child Development Centre, 1135 NelsonMore information or to RSVP call Kimberlee 250-753-0251 Ext 259. ................

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