LoadingReadyRun is an online sketch comedy …

LoadingReadyRun is an online sketch comedy group based out of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Performing material that is sometimes geeky, usually intelligent, and always funny, LoadingReadyRun has made a name for itself as one of the foremost comedy groups on the internet. Every week, this group writes, acts in, and produces a new short film, which they post on their website .

The website was founded in 2003 by Graham Stark and Paul Saunders. These two amateur film-makers were looking for a site on which they could post their work, and with no other options, (YouTube wouldn’t be founded until 2005) they started their own. Today, the site is home to over 300 videos, and is viewed more than half a million times monthly, by over 100,000 unique visitors. Their most popular video to date, “Halo: The Future of Gaming,” has been viewed over a million times. The crew encompasses eight members (mostly friends from high school), and videos are produced entirely out of pocket. Responsible for their own video production, web development, promotion, and event organization, (as well as their day-jobs) this amateur comedy group brings whole new meaning to the term “do it yourself”.

In addition to their website, LoadingReadyRun has a number of other achievements to their name. They have produced a live stage play as a part of Victoria’s Fringe Festival. Their films have been featured at the San Diego Comic-Con International Film Festival, and have won awards repeatedly at the Vancouver Island Short Film Festival. They have had videos featured on CNN, the CW, and G4 Tech TV. Last month, they premiered a new project, “commodoreHustle” before a sold-out crowd at their fifth anniversary screening. An ‘internet sitcom’ in the style of your favourite primetime shows, this series promises to deliver a deeper and more engaging take on internet comedy. The group is also responsible for conducting the first documented video-game telethon for charity, Desert Bus for Hope. This 108 hour long video-game marathon was broadcast live on the internet, and raised $22,805 for Seattle-based charity, Child’s Play, which yearly donates over a million dollars worth of toys, games, and funds to Children’s Hospitals around the globe. The marathon was viewed by nearly 40,000 people, and was featured on prominent gaming blogs such as kotaku, Joystiq, and Penny-Arcade. The crew were even contacted by magicians Penn & Teller, who bought the crew lunch and donated to the cause.

LoadingReadyRun is one of the longest-running comedy video websites on the internet. The crew has fought hard to get where they are today, and they show no signs of stopping. Keep an eye on LoadingReadyRun. They’re destined for great things, even if they have to do it themselves every step of the way.


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