
Rarely does the conditions for the perfect Halloween evening come, where the chill of the autumn winds bring the night air to the perfect chill. Perfectly cool for one to not need heavy clothing while trick-or-treating or going out to a social gathering, yet cold enough to bring the right atmosphere to the homes that had spent weeks getting ready to show their spooky side for this special time of the year. In addition, the sky was clear of a single obstructing cloud to allow the full moon and the sea of stars to shine down on the Earth, to bathe the neighborhoods of the world in a brightly lit yet ominous lighting, perfect to send a frightful chill down anyone’s back.

Yet to one individual, this was a perfect night...

To host a Halloween Movie Party for some of his closest friends.

Sage Mageria, the huge magical Flamanine with a big belly to match the sheer level of his incredible muscled arms, chest and legs in addition to the vast amounts of magical prowess he commanded over the many forms of Mana Magic, looked around the living room of his home with a small smile. He had just put the finishing touches on making sure his place was ready to receive the influx of guests ready to come and spend the Halloween night with him.

Yet despite the outward appearance of happiness that Sage was showing, inside was another matter. The nervousness he was doing well to suppress over the fact that this was the first time in his life that he ever hosted a party for anything, let alone having some of his closest friends over, was an entirely new experience for the Flamanine to even do.

But after all the things his friends did-

Jasper Riverclaw, for helping be there for him during a rough period in his life and being an amazing friend with whom he could talk about anything with.

Garr Redstar, a fellow lover of video games just like Sage and a fellow Keyblade Master like his friend Dorgan Ailzan.

And Baum, for being an equally good friend as the others.

For all the times his friends helped and all the small surprises that the three did for the Flamanine, he racked his brain trying to think of a way to repay them for all that they did for him. And with the Halloween season upon them, he quickly came up with the plan to invite all of them for a good time of candy, snacks and movies for all to enjoy.

“Try not to over think it, Sage,” he told himself. “Besides, everyone will be here any minute so it’s kind of too late to cancel. You put this much effort to getting this whole party ready. Nothing bad is going to happen.”

So with a shake of his head to get rid of any remaining doubts lingering in his mind, Sage unrolled a small sheet of paper from his shirt pocket to look over. “Now, just a quick look over to see if I got everything. First off, plenty of movies for us to pick from.”

The Flamanine looked at the pile of DVDs near the large screen TV, twenty movies in total so there was plenty of choices for his guests to pick from.

“Check. Next, some video games in case everyone needs a break from the movies for a bit.”

Sage looked at the small pile of choice video games from his personal collection, games he hoped his friends would like, including a few family friendly games to add variety to the mix.

“Check. Soft blankets in case anyone feels chilly.”

There on the chairs and sofa of the living room where the fore mentioned blankets for the Flamanine’s guest to wrap themselves in less they feel the need to warm themselves up.

“Check. Plenty of snacks and drinks…”

Sage trailed off quickly as he read the last item on his list, his expression instantly becoming one of a blank stare as his different colored eyes fell on the huge table near the living room where stacks of chips, pizza, hot dogs, and various other snacks including plenty of cold drinks lay waiting for his guests to consume, guests that much like the Flamanine were of huge sizes…

And ravenous appetites to match, unlike Sage who didn’t eat as much as his other large friends. And given the fact that Jasper was also bringing his boyfriend, Dino D. Dice, over which meant another anthro who’d like to indulge themselves-

“Right, better bring out more just in case.”

With that, Sage hurried to the kitchen and quickly whipped up more food, to which he then equally hastened to the table to put out before his guests arrived.

“Whew,” Sage let out a small sigh as he rested his huge body down on his couch afterward to relax. “Good thing I saved up so much money, otherwise everyone would probably go hungry after the first hour.”

Looking down, Sage stared at the huge, soft golden yellow furred belly on his lap that was covered up by a huge shirt. Placing his hands on top of the huge sphere and giving it a small jiggle, watching his belly bonce slightly in the process, the Flamanine chuckled softly. “Though given how big I am, I’m sure anyone would say the same about me.”

Just then the doorbell rang, causing the Flamanine’s ears to shoot up in surprise.

“They’re here!”

Shooting up from the couch with surprising dexterity, Sage’s huge body hurried to the front door of his home where after calming himself down, he opened the door.

There standing were two figures, one just six inches shy shorter to the Flamanine’s 8’7” tall frame, a brown scaled hybrid dragon/iguana with two horns, dark brown hair, olive eyes that gleamed with friendliness, a small beard across his lower jaw, and a very obese frame to which a big, bouncy belly was attached to, one he had one hand one while the other was currently busy waving hello to Sage. His choice in clothing was simple with a grey shirt, pants and a light scarf around his thick neck which a long, thick tail with spines running down to the top was poking out of a hole in the back, a brown belt wrapped around his huge waist to hold his pants up.

Standing next to the hybrid was a much smaller dragon/dinosaur hybrid, with purple scales, yellow colored plating across the top of his snout that ended with a small horn at the end. Two large ears sat atop the sides of his head with smaller spike like bumps jutting out the sides of his head. His energetic green eyes looked up at the Flamanine, which while being a very tall 6’3”compared to average size anthros, was much smaller than the giant driguana and Flamanine. But much like the two, this dracosaur was built heavy with a nice size belly despite being more than a thousand pounds lighter than sage of the driguana. He wore a blue shirt with orange floral patterns which he kept open to let his belly stick out while he wore black short pants from his tail with yellow spines running down it stuck out. The one other thing that stuck out was the dice pendant that the dracosaur wore around his neck that hung to his chest. Much like the driguana, he, too, wore a light scare along with gloves to guard against the chill of the night air.

“Jasper! I’m so glad you came!”

Sage proceeded to give his friend a big hug.

“Hello, Sage,” Jasper replied as he wrapped his arms around his huge friend in a return hug. “I wouldn’t miss a party being hosted by one of my best friends.”

Letting go, Sage looked down at Dice and did his best to smile like he wasn’t a freak. He never had many chances to spend time with Jasper’s boyfriend and he wanted to make sure he made a good impression. “And I’m so glad you could come too, Dice.”

“Are you kidding? When someone offers free food, you can bet I won’t pass it up,” the dracosaur ginned innocently, “and of course a night of horror movies is good too, of course.”

The two stared at each other awkwardly, each unable to say something else as Dice was just as much in the same boat as Sage was. Having unable to spend as much time as Sage did with Jasper left the dracosaur with little chances to try and get to know the older Flamanine. Thankfully, Jasper was able to pick up on the waves of uneasiness given off by the two and gently patted his boyfriend on his shoulder.

“Hey, parties aren’t just to eat. It’s a time for us to relax, to get to know each other better,” Jasper winked at Sage, “right, Sage?”

Seeing that Jasper was trying help ease the tension, the Flamanine quickly nodded in agreement with a smile. “Speaking of which, why don’t we go inside instead of spending our time out here? It will be much more comfortable.”

With that, Sage escorted his two guests into his house, hoping that things would go well between him and Dice. As the Flamanine proceeded to join up with Jasper and Dice, who after taking off their scarves and gloves, found the two admiring the décor of his living room, especially his collection of animé DVDs and video game collection that sat on some bookcases behind the large couch.

“Wow,” Dice exclaimed as he browsed Sage’s collection. “You must really like animé. And I see you have so many RPG video games.”

Sage blushed slightly as he nervously rubbed the back of his head. “Well, I kind of grew up with animé and video games, and to be honest, I find RPGs to be my niche. Doesn’t mean I won’t try some other kinds of genre, but I love games like Final Fantasy and such.”

“I personally never tried many RPGs myself,” Jasper admitted embarrassingly.

Dice reached over, placing a small kiss on the driguana’s cheek while giving Jasper’s big belly a good patting, the huge gut bouncing slightly as he did. “Well, when we’re not busy stuffing our faces, maybe we can get together and have a video game night all to ourselves.”

Seeing his friend blush wildly, Sage quickly replied, “Well I would be happy to recommend some good games if you ever do that. I don’t mind sharing some of mine.”

“We wouldn’t want you to go to so much trouble.”

“I don’t mind, Dice. It’s the least I can do for you and Jasper.”

Seeing his boyfriend nod, the dracosaur smiled his best. “Well in that case, maybe later you can show us some of your favorites and we’ll see what we would like to try.”

Sage nodded, silently thanking the Mana Goddess that things were going smoothly so far, but his inner thoughts were soon interrupted by the ringing of the front door bell again. “That must be Garr or Baum. Go ahead and make yourself at home while I check.”

Leaving Jasper and Dice, the Flamanine once more hurried to the front door and opened it…

Only to find a wall of two very huge guys blocking his view of his front lawn and the houses across the street from where he lived.

Looking up at one of two, Sage found himself gazing at a gigantic ten foot tall dark red scaled dragon with a big fat body to match his incredible height. With ocean blue eyes, bright yellow spiky hair and a amazingly soft beard of the same color as his hair that ran under his lower jaw, up the sides of his cheeks to meet up with the hair on his head like a lion’s mane, Garr Redstar looked down at the amazed Flamanine through very big spectacle that sat at the end of his snout.

His huge chest, very thick yet strong arms and enormous belly covered in bright yellow scales like his chest were covered in a white, black and yellow sleeves shirt with a high collar, his wings sticking out of specially made holes for them out the back, while his fat legs built to carry so much dragon were covered in long pants with a thick tail sticking out of a hole made in his pants for it and a pair of huge sneakers. Sage knew that the Keyblade wielder was found of this outfit when he is busy with his Keyblade Master duties.

And of course, Sage instantly recognized the staggering twelve foot kalidah that stood next to Garr as Baum, Prince of the Emerald City of Oz. Baum was just as big and stocky as the Flamanine last saw him, and while he may not have the same size belly as he, Garr and even Jasper had, his was reasonably sized yet unlike him and others, his was more of a firm, muscular gut that went well with the large muscles in the kaildah’s arms, legs and chest covered in brown fur with tiger stripes covering various parts of his fur. The kalidah prince still wore his favorite green headband with the two eagle feathers, along with wearing a long sleeve jacket, scarf and pants that did their best to contain Baum’s bugling, thick built.

“What’s up?” Garr asked noticing the way the Flamanine was gawking up him. “You look like you seen a ghost.”

Shaking his head, Sage did his best to try and hide his blushing face. No matter how many times he and Garr met, the Flamanine could never get over just how huge, heavy and overwhelming of a presence the dragon had compared to him, a hybrid who once thought there wasn’t anyone as big as he was back home…

Not until he met Dorgan, his boyfriend Sabre and of course Jasper. Then one thing led to another and before Sage knew it, he learned that he wasn’t the only giant. But still, to learn that there were guys out there even heavier and bigger than him was something the Flamanine was still getting used to.

“Sorry! Sorry!” Sage stuttered. “I just- I can’t seem to get over how huge you are sometimes.”

While Sage was not as shy and afraid to speak his mind as he was years ago, the Flamanine still had trouble when it came to being put on the spot as he felt he was in, but all awkwardness he felt quickly melt away when he felt a huge arm wrap around his shoulders in a quick hug by a grinning Garr.

“Well can’t blame you. I do feel extra big today!” With a happy laugh, Garr slapped his belly, causing it to jiggle heavily. “I did clear out an all-you-can-eat buffet for lunch today.”

“Well that would explain why your belly is poking out slightly from your shirt.” Bending down the tall Baum began to poke playfully at the dragon’s belly that was starting to stick out, showing off the yellow scales on Garr’s gut.

“Hey, can you blame me? We big guys need the fuel to get by each day.”

As Garr laughed, he let Sage go so he could turn his attention to his other guest. “I’m glad you could make it, Baum. I hope it’s not too much of an inconvenience what with your royal duties and all to come to my party.”

The giant kalidah smiled, waving a hand in a ‘not a problem’ manner in response. “To be honest, I’m actually looking forward to it. Give me a chance to unwind and get away from my duties as prince of the realm.”

An impish grin from Garr was aimed at Baum. “Really? I heard your dad recruited new guards for you and they’re kind of a handle full, what with you having to train them just to show them the ropes.”

A giant hand landed on the dragon’s head as he roughed up Garr’s hair. “I’ll have you know that is far from the truth. They are fine outstanding guards with great promise. My only issue is that they seem to think I hold all the answers when personal experience can be a great teacher too. Even princes deserve a small vacation from their duties.”

With a weak chuckle, Sage regained the pair’s attention. “Well you don’t look like you’re relaxing, Baum. Let’s try to be friends, okay? After all, this is a party. We’re here to have fun and food. Please come in. Jasper and his boyfriend are already inside.”

An excited grin spread across Garr’s muzzle. “You had me at food.”

Going first, there was brief moment when it looked like Garr’s huge obese frame was stuck within the doorframe, but with a small push by Sage and Baum, the dragon was able to get through the door. Baum, on the other hand, being so tall and wide, had to bend down slightly and come in sideways to get inside. Silently thanking that the inside of his home was big enough to handle so many huge guys, Sage finally joined his guests in the living where Jasper and Dice were at the food table getting started on some snacks when they were joined up by Garr.

“Hope you haven’t started on the snacks just yet,” he asked politely.

While Dice’s reaction was very much similar to Sage’s when he saw the obese giant of a dragon, Jasper’s reaction was just as kind and friendly as ever. “Oh don’t worry, we just got to the table. I take it by your immense size that you are Garr Redstar?”

Garr grinned proudly as he jostled his belly for emphasis. “Oh so you know me already?”

“Not personally as this is obviously the first time we are meeting, but Sage has mentioned you so many times that I only need to see how big that belly is and your beard to know who you are. I’m Jasper Riverclaw, a longtime friend of Sage’s.”

The two behemoths shook the other’s large hand in instant friendship. “Nice to meet a fellow big guy.”

“Hello,” Baum’s voice drew the attention of the three as the kalidah stood over them at the table. “I’m Baum.”

Jasper and Dice found themselves unable to pry their eyes off the twelve foot giant for a moment before they both remembered their manners and shook Baum’s hand. “Hello Baum. I’m Jasper and this is my boyfriend Dino D. Dice.”

The dracosaur smiled as he looked between Garr and Baum, still in awe at their overwhelming size and presence. “I heard about you two. So Garr, you’re a sumo Keyblade Wielder who can change his size at will?”

Garr laughed boastfully. “That’s right. I’d give you a demonstration, but I doubt our host would appreciate me knocking over any furniture if I grew inside his home.”

While Sage didn’t want that happening, like Dice’s expression was telling for all, he would have loved to see Garr’s powers at work… at least not where it could damage anything valuable of his.

“Fair enough,” Dice then looked up at Baum, “and you’re the prince of the Emerald City? I didn’t think its prince was so… gigantic.”

The kalidah blushed slightly. “Yeah I get that a lot. Guess I just got all the good genes for growing into a big kalidah.”

Again, Sage thanked the Mana Goddess for the way things were going so well so far. “I’m glad you’re all getting along, but don’t forget that we have some activities to get to. If you’re hungry you can bring over what you want to eat over to the living room, so go ahead and make yourself comfortable so we can get started.”

Though wanting to get the night of movies and video games off the ground, Sage was polite enough to let his guest mingle for a little while before each one gathered what they felt like snacking on before each took their seats. Jasper and Dice had bowls of popcorn, slices of pizza and enough soda to sedate their big thirsty bellies as Jasper took one of the free chairs while Dice chose to sit down in front of his boyfriend’s legs on the floor with a couple of cushions to sit and lean on. Garr, placing dish after dish of fattening food on the coffee table, nearly covering it with food just for him, sat down on the couch, the cushions underneath him groaning very heavily as the dragon rested his huge body down on it. And Baum, taking only half of what the others had combine from the table, sat down on the other chair, the piece of furniture much like the couch, groaning under protest of the huge kaldiah sitting down on it.

Seeing that everyone was seated and comfortable, Sage officially got the party off the ground. “Thank you all for coming. I hope you’ll have a great time as we get into the Halloween spirit with some scary movies. “

For a brief moment, Sage noticed for the first time that Garr, who had been smiling and overall as cheerful as an energetic dragon pup, showed off signs that the dragon had suddenly grown… apprehensive. His tail grew slightly rigid, the cushion Garr hugged was being squeezed just a bit too tightly, and his bright ocean blue eyes had grown a small layer of discomfort in them.

It was also made apparent when the giant dragon replied, “I just hope there aren’t too many slasher films in the works. They just seem to be too much of a rage of late. No one seems to remember the classics anyone.”

As one who used to be scared of even speaking to new people, Sage could tell that the Keyblade Master didn’t like scary movies that much. But he also took that into account when planning the party and he wanted to assure Garr that he didn’t have any kind of movie like that planned. However, he didn’t want to point out when someone was scared and possible start others ribbing into others just to get a reaction out of them which could then escalate into a fight.


“Ugh, I agree,” Dice moaned, “not to mention those stupid, cheesy monster movies they’ve been coming out with. They say there are some movies that are so bad they’re good, but there’s has to be a limit.”

“Well we don’t exactly have many horror movies where we live,” Baum added, “so I would like to start slow, get introduced into what the genre truly has.”

“Well I don’t mind what we watch as long as it’s with friends,” Jasper concluded.

Wow, tonight really was the best night for this, Sage thought to himself before replying out loud, “Well to be honest, I personally don’t like much of the modern horror stuff they have myself, so most of the movies I picked are mostly classics. And, if things start to get boring or if we need a break, I also have some video games we can play until we feel ready to go back to watching movies.”

And so, the night finally began as everyone voted on what movie they were to watch first. The movie picked was one about an ancient Greek monster terrorizing a small European village at the turn of the century. Once the DVD was placed in the DVD player, Sage took a seat next to Garr on the couch, thought it was a bit of a tight squeeze given how big the dragon was compared to the Flamanine, and soon the night of fun and fright began.

As time passed and the film played, Sage periodically looked out at his guests to see how they were doing. Jasper was eagerly watching the movie, all while he was feeding Dice while the dracosaur was doing the same with the driguana, Dice’s eyes only briefly moving away from the screen to look up at Jasper with a smile. Baum, causally pinching at his pile of snacks, stared wide eyed at the TV screen every time a tense moment within the movie played, wincing whenever there was a jump scare or a scary moment, but overall the kalidah was truly enjoying the movie.

Garr, though, while just as invested as Baum was, was hugging the cushion he claimed as his own from the moment he sat down on the couch so tightly, Sage was afraid that his talons would rip into the fabric and he’d have to get it replaced. Not only that, his tail was now so rigged that one could use it as a paddle for a canoe and his fangs were almost clenched together like a vice grip, especially when the climax of the movie came and the protagonist managed to vanquish the monster. What’s more, given how much food Garr brought to the coffee table, he only managed to eat half of what he got and only calmed down when the credits began to roll.

“Geez, that was a talon biter,” Garr mumbled loudly while letting out a sigh of relief.

“I’ll say,” Dice added, “but I think they did kind of a sloppy job trying to keep who the monster was a secret when it was so obvious at times.”

“Well you have to remember we didn’t know why this monster was even at that town until much later in the movie, Dice,” Jasper added.

“I will say they knew how to drag out the suspenseful moments perfectly,” Baum added his two cents, “sometimes movies nowadays either drag them out too long or too short.”

Getting up, Sage went over and got the DVD out of the DVD player to put it back in its case before turning to his guests, “Well I hope you all at least liked the choice, but don’t forget we have a whole night of movies to go through.”

“Ah, actually…” Garr came in, “I was wondering if we could try a game for a bit? You know, we would want to engorge ourselves on movies so much and ruin the… thrill of them.”

Sage could tell that Garr was doing his best to stall the next movie from playing to give himself more time to calm down, but of course he knew that such a decision was not entirely up to him but would be a majority vote between everyone present.

“Well, Garr does have a point. I mean, we wouldn’t want to wear ourselves thin with scary stuff that we won’t get scared by it, but that of course is up to you all.”

“I wouldn’t mind,” Dice surprisingly answered quickly. “In fact, I know the perfect game we can play!”

With that the dracosaur got up and hurried to the Flamanine’s collection of video games, which struck Sage as odd as he already hand picked out a selection of games that he and his friends could play…

But it quickly became clear why Dice went to the rest of his games when he came back and held up the box that held the game so everyone could see the title-

“Dead Space?” Jasper read the title.

Sage winched heavily. Of all the games Dice had to pick!

“Yeah, it’s about a ship in space that gets overridden by undead monsters and you get to fight them with cool weapons that you can upgrade! I heard it’s super scary! I always wanted to try and get it but never had the time to. And Sage did say we could borrow any of his games so we might as well try it before we do.”

Sage and Garr wanted to object but Jasper replied, “Sounds interesting. I wouldn’t mind giving it a brief try.”

“Neither would I,” Baum retorted. “I heard it got amazing reviews.”

“Actually-” But Garr’s response would never have a chance to be heard as heading straight for the gaming system the game would run on, Dice popped the game in and before anyone could have time to blink, he changed the TV settings and soon the opening title sequence for Dead Space soon played, giving a short preview of what everyone would be in store for.

“Oh geez that opening alone was enough to make the fur on my tail stand up on end!” Baum muttered to himself.

“I know, right? Especially with how they used that music in such a scary way,” Jasper added as he still felt the lingering chill from what he saw run down his tail.

“Well wait until we really get into the game!” Dice excitedly picked the ‘New Game’ menu and picking his gaming options before beginning the game proper.

Meanwhile Sage, seeing that he wasn’t going to persuade the others to stop the game, once more sat down next to Garr who was more agitated than he was when they were watching the movie earlier. “Garr, are you alright?”

The obese dragon smiled awkwardly. “Of course I am… it’s just a game, right? And… it is Halloween so… why not play scary games too?”

As worried for his friend as the Flamanine was, Sage didn’t know how to make the dragon feel better other than just sitting next to him to make sure he knew that there was someone nearby and to give his some friendly pats on the back as he and others watched Dice play through the first chapter of Dead Space. Nothing truly considered scary occurred within the game aside from brief tense moments for a while, but that soon changed when the heroes first encountered the first of many dead zombies that now infested the giant spaceship and one was forced to flee with flashing lights flickering on and off wildly while a swarm of monsters were just inches from catching up with the character before they make it to the safety of an elevator.

But that moment was short lived for them when with one brief jump scare a monster looked as if it would get the hero, and then-

Just at the apex of the scary scene, the whole of Sage’s living room and the majority of his home was suddenly plunged in darkness, several yelps of fright leaving the mouths of many of his friends as they tried to register what was going on, some quickly heard rising from their seats and letting out confused exclamations in the dark.

“Everyone relax!” Sage shouted. Searching the drawers of his coffee table, the Flamanine was able to find a small flashlight that he hastily turned on. “It’s probably just a fuse going out! I’ll go check it out and be right back!”

Maneuvering his huge body around the table and chairs of the living room, Sage hurried to the kitchen where the fuse box for the house was. Opening the panel, he searched for a brief moment before finding the problem. The switches for the living room and adjacent rooms were off. Hoping it was just a random incident, the Flamanine turned the switch for the kitchen on, thankful that the lights were back on when he did. He then proceeded to fix the problem for the rest of his house before returning in triumph to the living room where his friends were now only starting to settle down.

“It’s okay, everyone. It’s like I said, just some fuse decided to turn off for…” Sage instantly trailed off when he noticed there was something wrong…

Or rather, when he noticed the absence of something - namely a certain obese red dragon.

“What the – Where’s Garr?!”

Indeed, Garr was no longer sitting on the couch. The only thing that even indicated that the dragon was there was the fact that the cushions still had the deep impression left by the obese dragon’s weight.

With how tense everyone was still from the video game, the movie and now the sudden power outage, Dice couldn’t help but think grim thoughts of what the fate of Garr was. “You… you don’t think…”

“I’m… sure he’s fine,” Jasper counselled his boyfriend. “He’s… probably in the bathroom.”

“Well we can’t just assume anything,” Baum’s face scrunched into a determined face. “Let’s look for him.”

With nods, the three began to search for the missing dragon. However, Sage didn’t not join in their search. The reasons were twofold, first and foremost was that the Flamanine was silently brooding over the fact at how fast his careful planned party had gone off track, but he knew over time that in life, things can’t go exactly as you planned no matter how much precaution one can take. However, his belittling was soon shoved aside for fact two, the reason he didn’t go and help his friends look for Garr.

It wasn’t because he didn’t care to help his friends or he was still too shocked by Garr’s disappearance to move. No, the fact was… Jasper was right.

The moment he saw that his friend was missing, Sage used his Mana magic to try and sense the Mana that was in Garr’s body, and indeed, just as the driguana mentioned in casual talk that he was, indeed, in the downstairs bathroom. So without a second thought, Sage made his way straight to the bathroom and opening the door softly, he quickly found the big dragon. But what made this moment a less happy one than it should be was that all the lights within the bathroom had been turned on and the dragon himself was crouching down in one corner, hands over his head and his whole body trembling in absolute fright.

“Garr? Are you okay?” Sage spoke as softly and calmly as possible to his frightened friend.

Tail rising up slightly in surprise to the Flamanine’s voice, Garr turned his head just enough that one of his ocean blue eyes, filled with fear, fell on Sage. “S… Sage?”

Closing the door behind them, Sage joined Garr on the tiled bathroom floor. “Garr, it’s okay. It was just the power deciding to go out at the worst possible time… You know… It’s okay to admit that you’re scared. No one will think any different of you for it, I mean, after all it is the time of the year where being scared is okay.”

Despite the kind words spoken by Sage, Garr’s fears did little to leave him as he grew ashamed of himself for the cowardly way he was acting. “Easy for you to say. Me and Dorgan, we fight creatures born from the darkness as Keyblade Masters, creatures that prey on the weakness of the heart and some so powerful they would make lesser folks tremble. How do you think people would react if they knew such a brave warrior… is not very good with scary movies or even video games?”

“So are a lot of other people, that doesn’t mean you have to put up a brave front. If you don’t like something, you have a right to tell us.”

“That may work for other dragons, but to know I got scared just because of a serious of events that led to a simple blackout. How am I going to live that down?”

Sage fell silent.

It was clear Garr was struggling to regain his composure, to not let his fear get the better of him, but he knew that sometimes people have trouble getting over life hurdles like that by themselves when they don’t want to feel like they are disappointing others they care about. However, he also knew that in moments like that, there was one simple solution that could help anyone in need…

So without a second thought, Sage leaned forward and embrace the obese dragon in a kind hug.

“Then we’ll both tell everyone what happened, together. It’s the least I can do for a friend.”

At first, Garr didn’t give any kind of response or any indication that his hugging the dragon was doing anything…

But that soon changed when feeling the obese dragon maneuver his bulky body around, Garr, body now trembling less, engulfed the smaller big guy in his huge arms, bringing the Flamanine close into his squishy body in a big hug.


Sage smiled. “No problem, Garr.”

Garr then had the biggest grin he ever had as he added, “You know, hugging you is like hugging a big, fuzzy bean bag, and I mean that as a compliment.”

Face suddenly turning bright red, Sage, letting out a soft ‘meep’, broke away from the hug to wrap his wings around himself to hide himself from Garr. The dragon, seeing such a sight, did not mock Sage or say anything to make him feel even more embarrassed. Instead he chuckled lightly to himself and patted the Flamanine on the back to bring his friend out of his feathery cocoon.

Ten minutes later the two finally left the bathroom, just in time in to run into Jasper who was passing by the door. “Oh, Sage! You found Garr!”

Sage nodded. “You have pretty good insight, Jasper.”

Jasper blushed lightly as he chuckled, “Nah… actually, I only suggested the bathroom… because that was what came to mind as the place to hide myself.”

Garr’s ears rose up in surprise. “Wait, you got… scared too?”

Quick to catch on as to what was going on, Jasper came over and patted the obese dragon’s back with a smile. “Honestly, I found the game scarier than the movie.”

Just then, Dice and Baum came across everyone else as the dracosaur hurried over. “Oh there you are, Garr! I was afraid something happened to you! Where were you?”

“Yes,” Baum interjected. “You just vanished. We were worried.”

Seeing that everyone was inquiring about what happened to him, Garr looked down to Sage, who nodded his head in response. With a small nod back, Garr looked out at his friends. “I… got freaked out when the lights went out, and that jump scare from the video game didn’t help.”

Expecting everyone to laugh at how such a big dragon got scared easily, Garr was surprised to hear no kind of mocking laughter rise from Dice or Baum, especially when the dracosuar smiled. “Yeah, talk about an amazing moment! It was like we were a part of the game ourselves, though after what I saw playing Dead Space, I rather just be the player.”

Baum nodded. “I agree. My heart is still pounding away even now. Really got my blood going.”

Baum and Dice continued to compare how much they found the game to be so entertaining, Garr, watching the two talk amongst themselves, was still reeling over the fact despite admitting that a great, big warrior like him was scared of something, felt someone give him a quick hug. That hug same from Sage, nodding to the obese dragon with a reassuring smile.

Feeling his spirts rise, Garr politely interjecting between Dice and Baum’s conversation. “Well, the night is still young… though if no one minds, I was kind of hoping we could try playing another game, maybe… one that won’t scare the pants off of us, before getting back to watching another movie?”

Expecting Dice or Baum to say they wanted to try again with Dead Space, given how pumped up they were, the obese dragon was yet again surprised to hear Dice quick to answer, “After what happened, I don’t mind. I mean I know what happened was a freak accident, but given that it’s Halloween, I rather we didn’t press our luck.”

Baum also agreed, saying that he didn’t know if he could take another jump scare like the one they experience so soon after the last one. Jasper, just enjoying being with his friends, didn’t mind also. So with that, everyone return to the living room where the group agreed on playing the latest Smash Bros. game. As everyone got a chance at playing the game, it was during this period that the snack table was almost reduced to a bare tabletop surface as Baum, Dice and Jasper put food away into their big bellies.

However, the three were no match for Garr’s appetite as he constantly had some kind of food stuffed in his muzzle, even when he was taking his turn. By the time it was Sage playing against Jasper, Dice and Baum, the dragon’s belly was beyond stuffed, even so far as to sticking out even more from under his shirt as he leaned back, both hands on his mammoth belly giving it rubs while he watched as surprisingly Sage managed to win three straight rounds out of five played within the last hour.

“Oh come on!” Dice moaned as he lost once more. “How are you doing that, Sage?”

“I… I’m not cheating…” Sage, ears pinned back, replied hesitantly.

“That’s not what I mean. You just seem to know when to strike! I’ve played this game for weeks straight the day it came out, played the heck out of it, and even I can’t be that quick with my button presses. How do you it?”

Relaxing slightly, the Flamanine replied, “To be honest… I’m only good with a few fighters. It’s just I’ve been lucky with when the randomizer picks our fighters.”

“He has a point, Dice,” Jasper said, stuffing the last of the pizza slices he had into his hungry muzzle happily. “We did agree to have our fighters randomly picked.”

Mumbling, Dice downed his third can of soda as he laid on his back to relax, his belly shoved up in the air and jiggling slightly as he did. “Some guys have all the luck.”

Letting out a soft burp, a thoroughly stuffed Baum leaned back in his chair, his hefty body relaxing as he replied, “Well I’m all tapped out. Garr, you want to try your hand or are you too stuffed to move your arms?”

Despite seeing the grinning kalidah’s face, Garr knew Baum was only kidding but was still quick to defend himself. “Oh please, it will take more than being stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey to keep me away from any video games.”

“Well it’s a good thing that I made sure to put extra snacks out for all of you. The last time I saw anyone eat that much was with Gachiro back on…”

Without thinking, Sage, who had been sitting next to the obese dragon the whole time, found himself suddenly poking at Garr’s belly, watching his clawed fingers sink into the yellow gut’s pudge. It wasn’t until he noticed how Garr was looking down at him surprised did Sage realize what he was doing. Thinking that the obese dragon wouldn’t like anyone touching him like that, he again let out a soft ‘meep’ before wrapping himself in his wings again.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that! I… just-”

The Flamanine stopped mid-sentence when, after hearing joyful laughter, started to feel something press into his belly through the feathers of his wings. Moving some out of the way, he found that a red scaled hand was pushing softly into his furry gut covered by a shirt, a hand that was attached to a grinning, bright eyed Garr.

“Sorry for what? For wanting to feel how big this bad boy was? Why would I be upset about that?” He said jiggling his belly for fun. “If anything I’m surprised how reserved you were with eating. This bad boy of yours must be starving!”

In the past if anyone, even friends alike, even mentioned how big he was or how much he must have eaten, memories of being bullied would quickly rise to the Flamanine’s mind, causing Sage to burst into instant tears. That had changed recently, however, thanks in part to Dorgan, Sabre, Jasper and those he met when visiting Northis and Podi Monbu. He started to accept his size, even deep down, he now was slightly proud of it.

But never had anyone wanted to feel his belly like he did with Garr. Sage couldn’t control his blushing as he felt slightly embarrassed. Everyone knew he was gay and loved big guys, but to have one giving him belly rubs was completely foreign to him.

“I… I don’t eat… I mean… I don’t eat like all of you…”

Seeing how beet red Sage’s face was, Garr, nodding, suddenly wrapped one arm around Sage’s shoulder, softly bringing him into his huge body in a big hug. As Sage was trying to register the fact that such a huge dragon had just brought him close to their bulky body for a third time that night, he then felt as Garr took one of his hands and manually placed it, of all places, the dragon’s own belly.

“I get it. Listen, Sage. You don’t have to be so bashful about being big or did you forget that you’re in a room with nothing but big guys? We take pride in our size, in our appetites, in our strength, and mostly, we love being big and hanging out with other big guys, am I right?”

Baum, Jasper and Dice nodded.

“You don’t eat like us? Fine, I can accept that. But you clearly like being with us so you don’t have to be so shy around us when it comes to things like asking if you want to give any of us hugs or belly rubs. It just means you appreciate our size, and right now I’m saying I think you have a nice gut.”

To prove his point, Garr began to pat and rub Sage’s belly.

“Garr’s right,” Dice got up and snuggling with Jasper, began to jiggle his boyfriend’s belly, “just as much as I love this wonder guy’s gut. Lots to love and play with.”

With a big smile, Jasper began to play with Dice’s smaller belly. “Well you still have a lot of work if you ever want to catch up with me.”

Baum, chuckling, patted his own muscle gut. “I swear, sometimes I think I got this big boy of mine just by hanging out with guys like you.”

As Sage and Garr watched everyone, the obese dragon went on to say, “See? We’re just regular guys who like being big, like you.”

The Flamanine said nothing at first, but as he watched as everyone continued to express their love of being big, to know that he was in company of friends who not only are just normal regular anthros like him who just happen to be huge, any remaining anxiety that Sage had about that the party was not going the way he hoped melted in an instant.

“That may be…”

Garr was soon the one to be blindsided when Sage, now sporting a big, happy smile, began to jiggle the dragon’s huge belly heavily, sending ripples across his body causing him to slightly shake. “But then who’s the one who has 3/4ths of the snacks I laid out for everyone inside here? Or did you forget how Baum and I had to help push you in through the door? I can only imagine how we’re going to get you after tonight.”

Laughter soon filled the living room as Garr blushed even redder than the red scales on his face, but even he had to eventually join in the laughter.

Once video games were played and snacks were finished, bowls of popcorn were substituted for them as the five went back to watching scary movies, only this time, Sage made sure to have one arm wrapped around Garr to ensure him that he had nothing to fear about them. And from the way the obese was soon making small jokes about certain scenes, jokes everyone got laughs out of, it was clear that he and everyone present were truly enjoying a perfect night for a Halloween Party.

But soon ten o’ clock came and with it, the party came to an end. Like the kind host he has been all night, Sage made sure to see everyone out.

“Thanks for having us over, Sage,” Jasper said, thick arm wrapped around the smaller shoulder of his boyfriend Dice as they stood outside talking with the Flamanine.

“I’m glad you two could come. I’m sorry for the hiccup with the lights and everything.”

Dice grinned. “Oh come on, you couldn’t have guessed that would happen. Besides, it did make for the perfect jump scare. Oh, and thanks for lending us these games.”

The dracosaur proudly held up three to four game boxes that the Flamanine lend the two.

“I hope you get some enjoyment out of them…” Sage then smirked impishly. “You know… with the lights on.”

The three shared one more laugh before Sage added, “Dice, I’m glad you could come too. I really hope someday in the future we can get to know each other a little better.”

Dice shook Sage’s hand happily. “Believe me, when we aren’t being scared, I hope we can get together again and have a real talk. Maybe we can find something else we have in common besides video games and animé.”

And with one last hug to Jasper, Sage watched the two walk down the sidewalk back to their home. Next to leave was Baum, after he once again had to bend over to get through the much smaller door.

“Thank you for the amazing party,” the kalidah told Sage once he was outside.

“I’m glad I could give you a small break from your royal duties. Hope we can do this again.”

Nodding, Baum shook Sage’s hand as he then added, “Well when I have the time, maybe one day you can come visit my kingdom. Maybe show us how well versed you truly are in magic.”

Sage blushed. “I… don’t like showing off much, but maybe a small demonstration wouldn’t hurt.”

With that, the giant prince also started for him homeland, though given how tall Baum was, Sage watched for a while before he actually disappeared from sight.

“That was some evening, wasn’t it?”

Turning around, Sage watched Garr as he once more had to squeeze his obese body out the door, thankfully it was a task he managed to do on his own.

“Yeah… it was…”

The two just stared awkwardly at each other, each big guy remembering the event in the bathroom and the events that led up to the moment. Sage didn’t mean for Garr to get so scared. He knew Halloween was a time to get scared but he also knew it was all meant to be in good fun as long as everyone was having fun. He didn’t know the blackout would happen or that they would be playing a scary game that would send one of his friends into a scared frenzy.

“Garr, I’m sorry!” Sage suddenly softly yelled before regaining his composure. “I only meant for us to have some fun, to watch scary movies and play video games. If I had known that you were scared like that, I would have suggested something-”

Before he knew it, something happened that caused Sage to lose the rest of his words.

Feeling himself suddenly being lifted off the ground, it turned out that Garr, using his growing abilities to make himself fifteen feet high, picked up the Flamanine as easily as one picked up a doll and gave him a big hug before gently putting him down and shrinking back to his normal ten feet height, a bright, friendly smile etched clearly across his muzzle.

“I did have fun. Granted I was scared, but that didn’t mean I didn’t have fun. And don’t be hard on yourself. Yeah you can plan parties all you want but things don’t always go the way you hope they do. Besides, you helped me get calm down the most, so… thanks. Thank you for the good movies, the good video games-”

Garr then patted his bloated belly lovingly. “And especially thanks for the great food. I haven’t this well since lunch.”

Sage, still reeling from the giant hug he received, just nodded.

“Hey, maybe when we aren’t being scared by movies and games, maybe we can get together again, make it an afternoon of watching animé. I’ll even treat you to some lunch. Maybe we can see just how much you can truly put away in this big boy of yours.”

Garr patted the Flamanine’s belly friendly like, causing Sage to blush. “I… doubt I could even eat that much… even if I wanted to.”

Not put off by his friend’s comment, Garr shrugged playfully. “Eh, doesn’t mean we can’t try. If anything, we can just have a friendly lunch, really get to know the other better.”

Seeing how insistent the dragon was, but not enough to be pushy, Sage agreed that he would try to find time to get together with his friend. With that done and with a big smile, Garr started to walk down the pathway leading to Sage’s home to the sidewalk to head home, leaving the Flamanine to stand there in the darkness of the late night with his front lights bathing the door in their luminesces. For some strange reason, as he watched the hulking giant disappear from sight, his mind went back to what Garr said in the bathroom as the two were hugging.

You know, hugging you is like hugging a big, fuzzy bean bag, and I mean that as a compliment.

That was the first time any guy said to him, especially one as huge as Garr was, and the thought that someone said something nice about his size like that, caused the Flamanine to once again encase himself behind his wings. But even as he went inside still hiding behind his wings, there was a small smile stretching across Sage’s blushing face…


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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