
Video Game Rubric

|Criteria |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Knowledge: |-some aspects of novel are integrated |-All aspects of novel are integrated |-All aspects of novel are integrated |-All aspects of novel are integrated |

|Amount that the novel is integrated |(the concept and character sections |(the concept and character sections |(the concept and character sections |(the concept and character sections |

|into Game |are incomplete) |are filled out) |are filled out) |are filled out) |

| |-detail missing |-deals with most of the concepts and |-Deals with one of each of the |- The game deals with many themes, |

| | |characters from the novel. |concepts and a few characters from the|characters and ideas from the novel |

| | |- |novel. | |

|Thinking and Application: |Application does not really make sense|Basic aspect of novel is applied to |-Straightforward application of the |-Creative application of novel to |

|How the novel is integrated into the |for novel themes and concepts |video game. The video game is based |novel to the video game. More than |video game. Applies aspects of the |

|game | |on one event in the novel |one event from novel is applied |novel in creative ways and considers |

| | | | |many events. |

|Communication: |Basic explanations with information |Simple explanations with some | |Very detailed and clear explanations |

|Ability to explain game concept and |missing |information missing | | |

|how it relates to novel | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Presentation: |-little awareness of audience, unclear|-limited visual prop |-Offers a visual prop to go with |Creates an original presentation for |

| |most of the time |-speaks clearly, and with confidence |presentation |his/ her video game |

| | |and is aware of his/ her audience |-speaks clearly, and with confidence | |

| | | |and is aware of his/ her audience | |


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