
7620000-101092000left0What did the Romans do for us?0What did the Romans do for us?Reading, writing and SPAG – link to topicMathsScience- SoundReading: I will upload texts and VIPERS style comprehension questions to aid the children’s reading fluency and improve their comprehension knowledge. What is VIPERS?They are the key areas which we feel children need to know and understand in order to improve their comprehension of texts.VocabularyInferencePredictionExplanationRetrievalSequence or?SummariseSpelling – Year 3 and 4 national curriculum spelling list and additional Year 4 spelling activities. Punctuation and grammar: Expanded noun phrases Prepositional phrasesFronted adverbials Use of comma after a fronted adverbial Apostrophe to mark plural possessions Correct use of inverted commas in speech Use of paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme Books to be studied during this term:The Roman Record – Paul Dowswell Escape from Pompeii – Christina Balit What The Romans Did For Us – Alison Hawes Additional SPAG and writing tasks will be uploaded onto the Year 4 blog daily. Time: read, write, calculate and convert time on an analogue and digital 12 and 24 hour clock.Statistics – interpret and present continuous and discrete data, solve problems and incorporating measures. Roman numerals to 100 and zero Negative numbers – counting through zero and calculating negative numbersMultiplication: multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers by using a formal written method Division: divide 2 and 3 digit numbers by a one digit number using a formal written layout Geometry: angles, coordinates, triangles and shapes.I will upload daily activities on the Year 4 blog and there will be a theme each week. For example: Week 1 – time Week 2 – multiplication Week 3 – division etc. The children can also continue to use their ABACUS workbooks for additional maths work. Identify how sounds are made and associating some of them with something vibrating. Recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear. - watch the video and complete the activity Draw a step-by-step guide to how sounds are made and how we can hear them. Remember to label your diagrams.Find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it. Find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it. Recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases. Create your own science experiment at home:Find 5 objects which make a noise when you hit it with something ( a spoon or a pen) For example: a pan from the kitchen. Ask a family member to go into a different room, or even upstairs. Ask them to hit them all one at a time. Which one did you hear the most?Were there any that you didn’t hear at all? Rate them out of 10 (10 being you heard the sound really well – 1 being you didn’t hear it at all) Think about why you heard some more than others. Record your observations and have a conversation with a family member about your findings. Think about if it was a fair test. Did you hit the objects with the same thing? For example: did you hit them all with the same spoon? Did your family member hit every object exactly the same? For example: did they hit one object harder than the other? Write down if you think it was a fair test or not? If not, why? What would you do differently next time? Do the test again if you do not think it was fair and if you think your results are inaccurate. Additional videos and activities on KS2 sound and vibrationsHistory- What did the Romans do for us?Geography- Link to our topic DT- Link to topic and JIGSAWPlease see daily tasks which will be set on the Year 4 home learning blog. These tasks will allow the children to answer these questions through an activity. 33210517018000Who were the Romans? What is a Roman empire? What did the Roman empire do?When did they invade Britain? Why did they invade Britain?What did the Romans give us?Describe some of the main events, people and changes of the events or people during Ancient Rome. Ask questions and share knowledge of these events and begin to devise historically valid questions about differences, similarities, change and the significance of events. Show an understanding of the past and how it is represented in different ways. Please see daily tasks which will be set on the Year 4 home learning blog. These tasks will allow the children to answer these questions through an activity. Where is Rome?Why is Rome the capital city of Italy? How did the Romans change Rome? What did they add to all the countries they invaded?Food technology: Before Easter, we were meant to be making our own pizzas but due to unforeseen circumstances, we were unable to make them. We spent a lot of time planning, prepping and designing our healthy style pizza. Can the children use all their prior learning to create their own pizzas at home? To make it a healthier pizza, we decided we were going to make our own dough with wholemeal flour as this will give us additional fibre which you do not get from white flour. However, I understand flour is an essential item at the moment and it is difficult to get. Here are some ideas that the children could use instead of making pizza dough: (preferably wholemeal)wrapspitta breadsmuffins bagels naan breadThe children will then need to decide which toppings they would like to add and they will need a tomato base sauces (tomato puree, passata or any pasta sauce). Here is a recipe if you need one - they have made it, you can all have a taste. Ask the children to review their pizza. What do they like? What would they change if they were to make it again?PEREMusic and active hobbies are a great way to get moving, which is really important for everyone's physical health, and can help improve confidence and self-esteem.Kids should aim for a minimum of 60 minutes' activity every day. We know that might be hard to do right now, but we've got lots of great ideas to get you started.Have a look at the activities on the website above and try some of them out at home.Jo Wicks’ PE lessons every morning at 9am are a great way to start the day and get moving. You can watch this live on Youtube. Search in The Body Coach. Sacred stories and texts; what is their guidance and impact? What is wisdom? What is a quality of being wise? List 3 people who you believe are wise (religious or non-religious) and tell me why you think they are wise. For example: I think my dad is a wise person. When I am stuck or I find something difficult, I know I can always ask my dad and he will help me or show me how I can overcome my difficulty. How do authorative people help them to guide their followers in their daily lives? Watch this film which is an animated version of the story Ramayna: the key events of this story. Discuss who you think is wise in this story. Why are they wise? Discuss how does Prince Rama’s gets people to help him. Can you think of any other stories which are similar to this one. Where someone who has control, uses his authority to guide followers to help them?Throughout the school, we use Charanga which is a digital music education website. They are able to play, perform and appreciate and understand a wide range of live and recorded music from great composers and musicians. I have set every child up with their own Charanga Yumu log in where they can access Year 4 units. I have sent an email with your child’s log in and a step-by-step guide to log into the Yumu Charanga site. MFL – SpanishSketching (link to wellbeing and mindfulness) – link to topicJIGSAW - relationshipsMi Clase (In the classroom) Vocabulary we are speaking Spanish we have to remember that they pronounce the vowels (e,i,o,u,a) differently to us. I will attach a worksheet which helps the children remember the vowel pronunciations. Once you have learnt how to say the classroom objects, you can play hide and seek with them. Draw the objects and ask someone to hide them around your house. When you find one you need to say:I have found aHe encontrado una/un (if the object starts with la you need to say un) For example: I have found a chairHe encontrado un silla (I am saying un because you say la silla)I have found a pencil He encontrado una lapiz (I am saying una because you say el lapiz) As a class, we have been working on a plethora of strategies to calm us down if we are feeling overwhelmed or angry about something. We realised that we all share a common passion to draw or colour as a strategy to calm ourselves and refresh our minds. I have attached two step-by-step videos on how to draw things which are linked to our topic: Drawing the Roman Colosseum - a Roman soldier – Can you create a memory box of your life so far? Can you think of places you’ve been which you really enjoyed? Can you add pictures, objects (teddy bears, tickets from a day out, a book). Remember a memory can be anything which holds a place in your heart. When you put something into your memory book, think about why it is there and why it makes holds a special place in your heart. If you would like to, you can share your memory box to someone in the class. Love and Loss Can you create a card for something or someone you love but have lost them. This could be a family member, a friend that has moved away or even a teddy bear you have lost and never found again. Remember all of the positive things about them. Why did you love it? What memories did you have with them/it? Add all of these memorable adjectives, phrases or places to your card and appreciate the positive and good things about that person/thing. Put this card somewhere in your room where you can access it if you feel like you need to remember all of the good things about this person/things. If you have any questions or queries, please contact me via email: ebiggadike@reddings.herts.sch.uk ................

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