
Miller-Dwan Children’s Surgery Video Transcript


The Essentia Health logo appears, consisting of three leaves in a circle. Text, Essentia Health. Here with you.




Children's Surgery at Essentia Health-Duluth


HALEY: Hi. My name is Haley. Today, my mom is bringing me in for surgery at a Essentia Health-Duluth, the Miller-Dwan building. You can follow along. So if you ever need surgery, you'll know exactly what to expect.


Three videos play of Haley in the waiting room and operating room being cared for by her mother and two nurses

Text, Check In


The first thing we do is ride the elevator to the fifth floor and let them know we're here.


Haley and her mother check in with the receptionist


After answering a few questions, I get a bracelet with my name and birthday on it, so that everyone knows who I am.


A hospital worker puts a medical ID bracelet on Haley's wrist


Today, I'm kind of a big deal.


Haley and her mother smile

Text, Getting Ready

Haley sits in a chair and has her blood pressure taken


In this room, a nurse will check my vitals. That's fancy hospital talk for making sure I'm ready for surgery. First, she'll check my blood pressure with a machine that gives my arm a little squeeze.


The nurse applies a pulse oximeter on her finger


This special little clip is called a pulse oximeter. It goes on your finger and let's the nurse know how well you're breathing. Then, she checks my temperature and my height and weight.


The nurse places a thermometer under Haley's tongue, then measures her height while she stands on a scale


Now, we're heading to the coolest room in the entire hospital, this room. And on surgery day, it's my room.


Haley and her mom sit on the hospital bed


Look at me, Mom.

SPEAKER: Oh, those are super cute.

HALEY: Before we get started, I get to change into these cool hospital pajamas. Today, mine have puppies on them. In my room, I get to meet a lot of new people. This nurse asks me and my mom important questions. She made sure I have not eaten or had anything to drink this morning. She puts all of our answers into the computer.


The nurse types information into the computer


Next, I meet a child life specialist. She tells us all about what's going to happen today.


A woman kneels beside Haley's bed and shows her photos of the operating room


She answers our questions, shows me pictures, and lets me touch some of the medical equipment. This stuff is really cool. This is like the mask I'll wear in surgery to help me fall asleep. She even lets me pick out a yummy smelling lip balm inside the mask to help the mask smell better.

If I was a little older, the doctors might want me to get the sleepy medicine through an IV. An IV is a poke that leave a tiny straw in my vein. It kind of feels like a pinch when it goes in.


A nurse allows Haley to touch an IV


Sometimes you have to wait a little bit to go into surgery. Luckily, there are lots of fun things to do while you wait. You can color, watch TV, or go into the playroom.


Haley plays piano in the toy room

Text, Before Surgery


Now, we're upstairs in the surgery waiting area.


A doctor greets Haley and her mom


This is where I meet with my doctor. He makes sure we don't have any questions before we go into surgery.


Haley and her mom give a thumbs up


Next, I meet my very own surgery nurse. She will be right by my side during surgery today. She checks my name band, to make sure I'm me, and asks my mom and I more important questions.

Now, we meet my anesthesiologist. He is a doctor that will give me the sleepy medicine.


The doctor shakes hands with Haley and her mom


He uses a stethoscope to listen to my heart. And he has me open mouth real wide to make sure I'm looking for surgery.


The doctor carefully inspect's Haley's mouth


I'm not really tired right now, but my anesthesiologist tells me all about the special mask that will help me fall asleep when it's time for surgery.


The doctor gestures towards his face to simulate the mask


In case you have to wait a while to go into surgery, there's another playroom here that's super fun.


Haley reads a book in a toy tree house


If I was older than 10, I would have to wait in a different area called pre-op. There are more nurses and doctors here just waiting to meet me.


Haley sits in bed while talking to a nurse


I was nervous about going into surgery alone.

So I asked my doctor and my anesthesiologist if my mom can come into the operating room with me. They said, yes.


Haley nods and smiles


You can ask your doctor and anesthesiologist if your mom or dad can come back into surgery with you too.

SPEAKER: 3, 2, 1. Tadah.


Haley's mom reveals she is wearing a hospital coverall


HALEY: But first, she had to put on a funny suit, so she doesn't brings germs into surgery. Mom looks funny. I wish I could take a picture.


Text, Surgery


When it's time for surgery, my nurse will walk my mom and I back into the surgery room. She helps me up on the bed and gets me ready. Everyone's wearing hospital clothes, hats, and masks to make sure everything stays clean.


Haley lays down on the bed and a nurse tucks her in


It makes me feel better knowing my nurse will be right by my side during surgery.

My surgery team put stickers on my chest and belly that listen to my heart.


The nurses apply electrodes and the pulse oximeter


Then, they put the pulse oximeter on my finger. That lets them know how I'm breathing. Now, the anesthesiologist lets me put my lip balm on my mask


Haley rubs lip balm on the oxygen mask


and shows me one more time how the sleepy medicine works with the mask.


The doctor places the mask on her pink teddy bear


And one I'm ready, they put the mask on me and I start to get very sleepy.


The nurse applies her mask as the screen fades to black

Text, After surgery


And just like that, surgery is over and I wake up in the recovery room.


A nurse holds Haley's arm as she wakes up


There are a lot of computers in the room and even other people who just had surgery. I still have the stickers on and I will still have an IV in my arm. Remember, this is a small straw to help give you medicine.


Haley's arm with the IV


If you're not feeling good after surgery, it's OK to tell the nurse. She might be able to give you something to help make you feel better. After just a little bit of time in the recovery room, my nurse give me a ride on my bed back to my room, where my mom is waiting for me.


Haley's mom sits on her bed


Then, I can have some juice or even a popsicle, if I want.


Haley takes a popsicle and smiles


Some kids have to spend the night after surgery. If you're new, you will stay at St. Mary's Children's Hospital. It's in a different building, but it's connected using special hallways called skywalks.


Text, Going Home

A nurse pushes Haley down a hallway


My nurse says I get to go home today. She lets me pick out a stuffed animal and then gives me a ride in my wheelchair to my car.


Haley leaves with her pink bear and a new black bear


Well, that's it. That's all there is to having surgery at Essentia Health-Duluth. Thanks for coming with me today. Bye.


Wearing her seatbelt, Haley smiles and waves

Text, This project was made possible through generous donations to the Miller-Dwan Foundation

The Essentia Health logo appears, consisting of three leaves in a circle. Text, Essentia Health. Here with you.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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