07 .us

07.07 Study Questions

Provide well-developed responses to all of the questions. Answer in complete sentences that incorporate the stem of the question into the answer.

Proposal for the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial

1. Describe the appearance of the memorial and explain why Lin wanted the names to convey “the sense of overwhelming numbers.”

2. In what order are the names arranged on the monument? Why may Lin have chosen this type of order instead of alphabetical order?

3. What suggestion does Lin make in the conclusion of her proposal, and why do you think she ends with this idea?

4. Lin’s design for the memorial was highly controversial. Do you agree with the critics who favored a more traditional monument? Provide specific reasons to support your opinion.

5. Do you believe that Lin accomplished her mission to create a memorial that would be “not an unchanging monument, but a moving composition, to be understood as we moved into and out of it”? Provide specific reasons to support your opinion.

“Facing It”

6. Describe the speaker’s reaction to the memorial. Quote at least three examples of diction to support your analysis.

7. Explain why the poem is entitled “Facing It.” Do you think the speaker has found peace? Provide specific supporting examples for your opinion.

8. Discuss how Komunkayaa uses imagery to convey feeling. Consider especially the mirror imagery as well as lines 6-8.

9. In Boundaries, Lin wrote "I like to think of my work as creating a private conversation with each person, no matter how public each work is and no matter how many people are present." Based on your reading of “Facing It,” do you feel that the speaker reacted in a way that Lin intended? Provide supporting evidence for your opinion.

10. In one interview, Komunkayaa said that his life was a “healing process from

the two places: Bogalusa [his hometown] and Vietnam.” Explain how this poem can be read as a statement of his healing process.


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