
AP Chem Mr. Dehne

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AP Chem

Quarter 1 Test Review

Topic#1 Foundations

1. Identify the following changes as physical or chemical changes:

a. Baking soda reacts with vinegar to produce carbon dioxide.

a) The copper sheath on the Statue of Liberty turns green.

b) Addition of salt melts ice on the highway.

c) Steam condenses on the windowpane.

d) Epoxy resin cures and hardens.

e) Sugar dissolves in a cup of coffee.

f) Natural gas burns in a furnace.

2. Calculate the density of lead if a 10kg block has a volume of 885cm3.

3. What is the volume of a 10 g bar of aluminum if its density is 2.70g/cm3?

4. Calculate the mass of 100cm3 of uranium (density 19.07 g/cm3).

5. Which of the following physical properties are extensive?

a) heat of fusion

b) melting point

c) color

d) viscosity

e) conductivity

f) density

6. Write the names of the following elements:

a) N

a) Ca

b) K

c) P

d) V

7. Write the symbols for the following elements:

a) silicon

b) chlorine

c) iron

d) sodium

e) silver

f) sulfur

8. Convert:

a) 1342 mL into L

b) 3.26 x 10-6 km into mm

c) 8,768 mg into g

d) 400 cm3 into m3

e) 3600 sq. in. into sq. ft.

9. Write the following numbers in scientific notation with the correct number of significant figures:

a) 1,327

b) 0.00562

c) 2.76

d) 0.166

e) 0.09911

10. Measurements of the boiling point of a liquid were taken by two laboratory technicians (A and B). The actual boiling point was 92.3. Which technician achieved the most accurate result and which technician was the most precise? A: 92.0 92.1 92.4 92.2 B: 91.9 92.5 92.6 92.0

11. Match the prefix with the correct multiplier:

|milli |mega |kilo |micro |centi |pico |

| | | | | | |

|10-6 |103 |10-2 |106 |10-12 |10-3 |

12. Evaluate the following expressions. Express the answers in scientific notation with the correct number of significant figures and the correct units.

a) 0.0045 in + 1.0098 in + 0.987 in + 23.08 in

b) (3.45 cm3 x 2.70 g·cm-3) + (7.433 cm3 x 1.677 g·cm-3)

c) 2.703 g/(1.376 cm x 2.45 cm x 3.78 cm)

13. A 12.3g block of an unknown metal is immersed in water in a graduated cylinder. The level of water in the cylinder rose. The level of water in the cylinder rose exactly the same distance when 17.4 grams of aluminum (density 2.70 g/cm3) was added to the same cylinder. What is the unknown metal’s density?

14. A sample of gold alloy contains 5.6% silver by mass. How many grams of silver are there in 1 kilogram of the alloy?

Topic#2 Atom-Molecules

1. What is the formula of the ionic compound formed between Mg and Br?

d) MgBr

a) Mg2Br

b) MgBr2

c) Mg2Br2

d) Mg2Br3

2. What is the formula of the ionic compound formed between Ca and P?

a) Ca2P3

b) CaP

c) Ca5P10

d) Ca2P

e) Ca3P2

3. What is the name of the SO32- ion?

a) sulfate

b) nitrate

c) sulfite

d) sulfur trioxide

e) hydrogen sulfate

4. What is the correct formula and charge for the chromate ion?

a) CrO42–

b) CrO41-

c) Cr2O72-

d) Cr2O71-

e) Cr3+

5. Which one of the following elements forms ions with two different valences?

a) calcium

b) arsenic

c) iron

d) fluorine

6. The correct name for CCl4 is

a) carbon(I) chloride

b) carbon chloride

c) carbon tetrachloride

d) monocarbon chloride(IV)

e) carbochlorinate

7. The correct formula for hydrogen telluride is

a) HTe

b) H2Te

c) H3Te

d) HTe2

8. The correct formula for dinitrogen tetroxide is

e) NO2

a) N2O4

b) N2O5

c) NO31-

d) (N2O)4

9. The correct name for S2Cl2 is

e) sulfur dichloride

a) sulfur(I) chloride

b) sulfur(II) chloride

c) disulfur dichloride

d) sulfur chloride

10. The correct name for NO2 is

a) nitrogen dioxide

b) nitrite

c) nitrogen oxide

d) nitrogen(II) oxide

e) nitrate

11. The molar mass of (NH4)2S is closest to:

a) 50g/mol

b) 82g/mol

c) 68g/mol

d) 100g/mol

12. How many atoms are in 12 molecules of glucose, C6H12O6?

a) 24

b) 288

c) 2160

d) 7.22 x1024

13. Calculate the number of atoms in 4.0x10-5g of aluminum.

e) 8.9x1017

a) 4.6x1019

b) 6.5x1020

c) 3.8x1023

14. Which of the following samples contains the smallest number of atoms?

a) 1 g H2

b) 1 g O2

c) 1 g O3

d) 1 g Cl2

15. What is the mass of one molecule of octane, C8H18?

a) 114 g

b) 1.89x10-22g

c) 1.10x10-22g

d) 4.32x10-23g

16. What is the percent nitrogen (by mass) in ammonium carbonate, (NH4)2CO3?

a) 14.53%

b) 27.83%

c) 29.16%

d) 33.34%

17. Of the following, the only empirical formula is

a) N2F2

b) N2F4

c) H2C2

d) HNF2

18. A compound consists of the following elements by weight percent: carbon - 40.0%, oxygen - 53.3%, and hydrogen - 6.7%. The ratio of carbon : oxygen : hydrogen in the empirical formula is

a) 1:2:1

b) 1:1:1

c) 1:1:2

d) 2:1:2

19. An organic compound which has the empirical formula CHO has a molar mass of 232. Its molecular formula is:

a) CHO

b) C2H2O2

c) C4H4O4

d) C8H8O8

20. When CaSO4·yH2O is heated, all of the water is driven off. If 34.0 g of CaSO4 [molar mass = 136] is formed from 43.0 g of CaSO4·y H2O, what is the value of y?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

Topic#3 Stoichiometry

…Mg(s) + …NO31-(aq) + …H+(aq) → …Mg2+(aq) + …NH4+(aq) + …H2O(l)

1. When the skeleton equation above is balanced and all coefficients reduced to their lowest whole-number terms, what is the coefficient for H+?

a) 4

b) 6

c) 8

d) 9

e) 10

2. What number of moles of O2 is needed to produce 14.2 grams of P4O10 from P? (MW P4O10 = 284)

a) 0.0500 mole

b) 0.0625

c) 0.125 mole

d) 0.250 mole

e) 0.500 mole

3. The alkenes are compounds of carbon and hydrogen with the general formula CnH2n. If 0.561 gram of any alkene is burned in excess oxygen, what number of moles of H2O is formed?

(A) 0.0400 mole (B) 0.0600 mole (C) 0.0800 mole (D) 0.400 mole (E) 0.800 mole

4. A 27.0gram sample of an unknown hydrocarbon was burned in excess oxygen to form 88.0 grams of carbon dioxide and 27.0 grams of water. What is a possible molecular formula of the hydrocarbon?

(A) CH4 (B) C2H2 (C) C4H3 (D) C4H6 (E) C4H10

5. How many grams of calcium nitrate, Ca(NO3)2, contains 24 grams of oxygen atoms?

A) 164 grams (B) 96 grams (C) 62 grams (D) 50. grams (E) 41 grams

6. The mass of element Q found in 1.00 mole of each of four different compounds is 38.0 grams, 57.0 grams, 76.0 grams, and 114 grams, respectively. A possible atomic weight of Q is

(A) 12.7 (B) 19.0 (C) 27.5 (D) 38.0 (E) 57.0

7. The simplest formula for an oxide of nitrogen that is 36.8 percent nitrogen by weight is

(A) N2O (B) NO (C) NO2 (D) N2O3 (E) N2O5

8. When a hydrate of Na2CO3 is heated until all the water is removed, it loses 54.3 percent of its mass. The formula of the hydrate is

A) Na2CO3●10H2O (B) Na2CO3●7H2O (C) Na2CO3●5H2O (D) Na2CO3●3H2O (E) Na2CO3●H2O

__ CH3CH2COOH(l) + __ O2(g) → __ CO2(g) + __ H2O (l)

9. How many moles of O2 are required to oxidize 1 mole of CH3CH2COOH according to the reaction represented above?

A) 2 moles (B) 5/2 moles (C) 3 moles (D) 7/2 moles (E) 9/2 moles

10. In which of the following compounds is the mass ratio of chromium to oxygen closest to 1.6 to 1.0?

A) CrO3 (B) CrO2 (C) CrO (D) Cr2O (E) Cr2O3

… Fe(OH)2 + … O2 + … H2O → … Fe(OH)3

11. If 1 mole of O2 oxidizes Fe(OH)2 according to the reaction represented above, how many moles of Fe(OH)3 can be formed?

A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 6

12. When a 1.00–gram sample of limestone was dissolved in acid, 0.38 gram of CO2 was generated. If the rock contained no carbonate other than CaCO3, what was the percent of CaCO3 by mass in the limestone?

(A) 17% (B) 51% (C) 64% (D) 86% (E) 100%

13. An unknown compound contains carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Upon analysis it is found to contain 60.0 percent carbon. When 4.00g of the compound is burned, all of the hydrogen is converted to 0.5947 grams of water.

A) What is the weight of each element in a 4.00g sample of X?

B) What is the simplest formula of X?

C) Given that the molar mass of the compound is 362g/mol. What is its molecular formula?

14. When 0.273g of magnesium is reacted at high temperatures with N2 to produce 0.378g of a solid, MgxNy. Calculate the empirical formula of the product.

Topic#4 Reactions

1. On the basis of the solubility rules, which of the following is insoluble?

a. K2O

b. Na2CO3

c. PbS

d. (NH4)2SO4

e. Ba(C2H3O2)2

2. In a double replacement reaction, formation of which of the following does not necessarily lead to a chemical change?

a. HC2H3O2

b. AgCl

c. CO2

d. H2S

e. NaCl

3. Reaction of an acid with a carbonate (such as CaCO3) always results in the formation of

a. O2

b. Cdiamond

c. CH4

d. O3

e. CO2

4. Which of the following is incorrect?

a. all salts containing NH4+ are soluble.

b. all salts containing NO31- are soluble.

c. all fluorides are soluble.

d. all sulfates (except those of Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, and Pb2+) are soluble.

e. most hydroxides are insoluble, except those of Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, the alkali metals and NH4+.

5. One of the gases shown below is NOT usually formed in a double replacement reaction. Which one?

a. N2

b. CO2

c. SO2

d. NH3

e. H2S

6. Write the balanced molecular equation for the reaction of washing soda, Na2CO3 and vinegar, HC2H3O2.

7. The net ionic equation for the above reaction is:

8. How many moles of H+ are associated with the acid, H2SO3, during neutralization?

a. 0

b. 1

c. 2

d. 3

9. How many moles Al2O3 are needed to neutralize 1 mole of HCl?

a. 1/3

b. 2/3

c. 2

d. 6

e. 12

f. 1/6

10. Write the net reaction that will occur when solid ammonium carbonate is added to a solution of hydrosulfuric acid.

11. When H2SO4 and Ba(OH)2 are reacted in a double replacement reaction, one of the products of the reaction is…

a. H2

b. H2O

c. BaS

d. BaH2

e. SO2

12. In the double replacement reaction between the weak acid, HC2H3O2 and strong base, NaOH, which ion(s) are spectator ions?

a. Na+, C2H3O21-

b. Na1+, OH1-

c. OH1- only

d. H1+, C2H3O21-

e. Na1+ only

13. Which of the following is a base?

a. KOH

b. C2H5OH

c. Br1-

d. CH3OH

e. CO2

14. Which of the following is a strong acid?

a. H2CO3

b. HF

c. H3PO4

d. HClO3

e. HNO3

15. Which of the following is an acid in aqueous solutions?

a. H2CO3

b. Al2O3

c. CH4

d. H2O

e. BaO

16. SO2 turns into which acid in solution?

a. HNO3

b. H2SO3

c. H2SO4

d. H2S

e. HNO2

17. What is the oxidation number of C in CO32-?

a. +6

b. +4

c. +2

d. +1

e. -1

18. What is the oxidation number of Br in KBrO4?

a. +1

b. –1

c. +5

d. +7

e. +8

19. For each change below, label the change of the underlined element as Oxidation, Reduction, or Neither

___ Cu2+ → Cu(

___ CH4 → CO2

___ H2O2 → H2O

___ CO2 → H2CO3

20. How many milliliters of 0.123M NaOH solution contain 25. g of NaOH (molar mass = 40.00 g/mol)?

a. 5.08mL

b. 50.8mL

c. 508mL

d. 625mL

e. 5080mL

21. If you need 1.00 L of 0.125M H2SO4, how would you prepare this solution?

a. Add 950.mL of water to 50.0mL of 3.00M H2SO4.

b. Add 500.mL of water to 500.mL of 0.500M H2SO4.

c. Add 750mL of water to 250mL of 0.375M H2SO4.

d. Dilute 36.0mL of 1.25M H2SO4 to a volume of 1.00L.

e. Dilute 20.8mL of 6.00M H2SO4 to a volume of 1.00L.

22. What is the ion concentration in a 0.12M solution of BaCl2?

a. [Ba2+] = 0.12M and [Cl1-] = 0.12M.

b. [Ba2+] = 0.12M and [Cl1-] = 0.060M.

c. [Ba2+] = 0.12M and [Cl1-] = 0.24M.

d. [Ba2+] = 0.060M and [Cl1-] = 0.060M.

e. [Ba+] = 0.12M and [Cl21-] = 0.12M.

23. What is the molarity of the solution that results when 60.0g NaOH is added to enough water to make 500.mL solution?

a. 1.33 M

b. 12.0 M

c. 3.00 M

d. 8.0M

e. 1.50M

24. What is the molarity of the solution that results when 45.0g HCl is dissolved in enough water to make 250.mL solution?

a. 4.94M

b. 4.50M

c. 3.24M

d. 1.80M

e. 1.4M

25. What is the concentration of Cl1- ion in 0.60M AlCl3 solution?

a. 1.8M

b. 0.60M

c. 0.20M

d. 0.30M

e. 0.10M

26. How many grams of Na2CO3 (molar mass = 106.0 g/mol) are required for complete reaction with 25.0mL of 0.155M HNO3? Na2CO3 + 2HNO3 ( 2NaNO3 + CO3 + H2O

a. 0.122g

b. 0.205g

c. 0.410g

d. 20.5g

e. 205g


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