South Pasadena · AP Chemistry

AP ChemistryName ____________________________________Period ___ Date ___/___/___1 – REVIEW - Matter and Measurement1.Identify the following changes as physical or chemical changes:a.Baking soda reacts with vinegar to produce carbon dioxide. CHEMICALb.The copper sheath on the Statue of Liberty turns green. CHEMICALc.Addition of salt melts ice on the highway. PHYSICALd.Steam condenses on the windowpane. PHYSICALe.Epoxy resin cures and hardens. CHEMICALf.Sugar dissolves in a cup of coffee. PHYSICALg.Natural gas burns in a furnace. CHEMICAL2.a.Calculate the density of lead if a 10 kg block has a volume of 885 cm3. D = M/V = 10 kg / 885 cm3 = 0.011 kg/cm3b.What is the volume of a 100 g bar of aluminum if its density is 2.70 g·cm-3?V = M/D = 100 g / 2.70 = 37 cm3c.Calculate the mass of 100 cm3 of uranium (density 19.07 g·cm-3).M=DV = (19.07 cm3) = 1907 g4.Convert:c.25C to K K = oC + 273.15 = 298.15 K6.Which of the following physical properties are extensive?a.heat of fusion d.viscosityb.melting pointe.conductivityc.colorf.density7.Write the names of the following elements:a. N nitrogen b. Ca calcium c. K potassium d. P phosphorous e. V vanadium8.Write the symbols for the following elements:a. silicon Si b. chlorine Cl c. iron Fe d. sodium Na e. silver Ag f. sulfur S9.Convert: a.1342 mL into L 1342 mL x 1 L1000 mL = 1.342 Lb.3.26 x 10-6 km into mm 3.26E-6 km x 1,000,000 mm1 km = 3.26 mmc.8,768 mg into g 8768 mg x 1 g1000 mg= 8.768 gd.400 cm3 into m3400 cm3 x 1 m31000000cm3 = 0.000400 m3 e.3600 sq. in. into sq. ft.3600 in2 x 1 ft2144 in2 = 25 ft210.Write the following numbers in scientific notation with the correct number of significant figures:a.1,327 b. 0.00562 c. 2.76 d. 0.166 e. 0.09911a. 1.327E3 b. 5.62E-3 c. 2.76E0 d. 1.66E-1 e. 9.911E-211.Measurements of the boiling point of a liquid were taken by two laboratory technicians (A and B). The actual boiling point was 92.3. Which technician achieved the most accurate result and which technician was the most precise?A: More precise, all numbers were within ±0.3B:91.992.592.692.0 More accurate, closest to actual true value12.Match the prefix with the correct multiplier:millimegakilomicrocentipico10-310610310-610-210-1210-610310-210610-1210-313.Evaluate the following expressions. Express the answers in scientific notation with the correct number of significant figures and the correct units.a.0.0045 in + 1.0098 in + 0.987 in + 23.08 in = 25.08 in = 2.508E1 inb.(3.45 cm3 x 2.70 g·cm-3) + (7.433 cm3 x 1.677 g·cm-3) = 21.78 g = 2.178E1 gc.2.703 g/(1.376 cm x 2.45 cm x 3.78 cm) = 0.212 g/cm3 = 2.12E-1 g/cm314.A 12.3 g block of an unknown metal is immersed in water in a graduated cylinder. The level of water in the cylinder rose. The level of water in the cylinder rose exactly the same distance when 17.4 grams of aluminum (density 2.70 g·cm-3) was added to the same cylinder. What is the unknown metal’s density?Use density of Al and mass of Al to calculate volume of unknown metal. V = MD = 17.4 g2.70 = 6.44 cm3Use the volume and mass of unknown metal to calculate its density. D =MV = 12.3 g6.44 cm3 = 1.90 g/cm315.The level of water in a graduated cylinder is at the 100 mL mark. When a platinum crucible floats on the surface of the water, the level reads 157.9 mL. When the crucible is totally immersed in the same cylinder, the level reads 102.70 mL. What is the density of platinum? The density of water is 0.997 g/mL at 25C.To get the mass of the Pt you multiply 0.997 g/mL by 57.9 mL = 57.72 g, to get the volume of Pt you subtract 102.70 mL – 100 mL = 2.70 mL. D = MV = 57.72 g2.70 mL = 21.3 g/mL16.If one pound is 453.59 grams, how many grams are there in one ounce? How many ounces are there in one kilogram?Conversion Problem 1 ounce x 453.59 grams16 ounces = 28 grams in one ounce 17.A sample of gold alloy contains 5.6% silver by mass. How many grams of silver are there in 1 kilogram of the alloy?1 kg x 1000 g1 kg = 1000 g x 0.056 = 56 g Ag in the alloy ................

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