PWCS TECHNOLOGY COMPETENCIESVIRGINIA TECHNOLOGY STANDARDS ?FOR INSTRUCTIONAL PERSONNEL?Each teacher and administrator must show evidence of mastery of the Virginia Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel by completing a technology portfolio. ??Documents will be submitted electronically. ?All work will be collected in a single file folder titled “Name TSIPs”. You will submit the files in the folder electronically.?In your folder, you will save your documents according to the assignments (1a, 1b, etc.). Upon completion of the items, your TSIP folder must be shared with your assigned Instructional Technology Coach (ITC). The due date will be agreed upon between you and your assigned ITC. A “TSIP Competency Assessment Summary" will be sent to Debra J. Esguerra. You will receive an email from Debra J. Esguerra when she has submitted your information to PWCS Human Resources.?FY 2016-17 School YearTSIPs for new hires must be completed by the dates below.??If hired April-August – due date is November 30If hired September – December – Due date is March 31If hired January – March – Due date is June 301- Operations & Concepts: (Virginia Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel Standards A, B, D & H)1a (Use MS Word—Tables) Create a Technology Professional Development Plan.Title the document 1aIn Word, create a table (Insert Table) that includes three or more technology professional goals.Save the document as a word document AND as a PDF file.Copy/move the PDF version of 1a into your electronic file folder titled “Name TSIPs”.1b (Use MS Word) Each year technology changes and the terminology may change. ?This assignment is designed to have you demonstrate a basic understanding of vocabulary encompassing technology in education. Choose 5 of the vocabulary words belowWrite a paragraph for each. Each paragraph should include a description of how you would integrate the tool/concept in your current position with PWCS. If you are a classroom teacher, describe how you could use the tool/concept with your students.Write your paragraphs in a MS Word document (titled 1b), remember to save your document a second time as a PDF.Copy/move the PDF version of 1b into your electronic file folder titled “Name TSIPs”.Vocabulary Words21st Century SkillsActive LearningAugmented RealityBlended learningBlogDigital CitizenshipFlip ClassroomInteractive WhiteboardInternet SafetyOne Note One DriveOnline LearningOnline ResourcesPeripheral DevicesProject Based LearningResponse SystemsRSS FeedSearch Strategies and Search EnginesStudent Learning CenterTechnology IntegrationVideo ConferencingWeb 2.02- Planning: (Virginia Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel Standards A, C, D, F, G & H)2a (MS Word) Create an instructional lesson plan that includes an instructional technology competency and a content objective. If your position does not involve developing lessons for students, then create a plan that documents the process of a session involving working with students and/or parents, identify the goals of the session and the outcomes expected of the participants using a format similar to the lesson plan provided in this section. Demonstrate the integration of technology in classroom instruction/session. The PWCS Standards-Based Planning Process document must be used to create the lesson/session.?The lesson plan template is on the next page of this document. You can copy the table to a new word document. Make sure you change the orientation to LANDSCAPE before pasting.Type your lesson plan, save the file as 2a. Remember to save a PDF version and copy or move that file to your electronic file folder titled “Name TSIPs”.2b (MS Word) Create a classroom management plan that reflects an appropriate learning environment for the lesson plan you created (2a) and allows for equitable access to technology for all students. Use technology resources available in your school or classroom. ?This is to be completed before lesson 2a implementation. ?For personnel that do not create lesson plans, your "classroom management plan" should be a document identifying the preparations you should take prior to the session you documented in 2a.This document should include a description of the steps you would take to prepare your room/lab and technology prior to teaching the lesson/holding the session. If you need help, please contact the building ITC for assistance.Save the file as 2b. Remember to save a PDF version and copy/move that file to your electronic file folder titled “Name TSIPs”.Unit:Lesson:Time Frame: PWCS Standards Based Planning Process-419100290195Standards: What will students know and be able to do as a result of this unit? 00Standards: What will students know and be able to do as a result of this unit? 415290011430Assessment:How will the student and I know when they are successful? 00Assessment:How will the student and I know when they are successful? -4191004160520Reflection: Based on data, how do I refine the learning experiences and/or the assessment?00Reflection: Based on data, how do I refine the learning experiences and/or the assessment?-4191001493520Task Analysis: What knowledge, skills and level of understanding do students need to be successful? 00Task Analysis: What knowledge, skills and level of understanding do students need to be successful? -4191002865120Instruction: What learning experiences will facilitate student success?00Instruction: What learning experiences will facilitate student success?3- Implementation: (Virginia Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel Standards A, C, D, E, F, G & H)3a (MS Excel) Create a Hardware and a Software Evaluation spreadsheet using EXCEL.Use MS ExcelInclude the following fields of information in your surveys:Instructional Software/Hardware NameType (Software/Hardware)Brief description of how to use this toolWill this tool be used to align to a curriculum connection for student learning or assessment? Yes or NoEase of Use (On a scale of 1-5 with 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being extremely easy, rate this tool for its ease of use for lesson integration.)How effective was the use of this tool for delivering instruction/assessment? Come up with choicesStudents’ hands-on engagement. (What level of hands-on engagement was experienced by the students?)Choose at least one instructional software (examples include but are not limited to: Tech4Learning suite, Discovery Ed, eMediaVA, World Book, interactive whiteboard software, etc.) and one instructional hardware (examples include but are not limited to: interactive whiteboard, document camera, digital camera/video camera, Personal Response System etc.) available in your building to evaluate.Save the file as 3a. Copy/move the spreadsheet file to your electronic file folder titled “Name TSIPs”.3b Create or update your Class/Resource Page in SchoolMessenger. The page should include the following items: announcements, calendar, and curriculum/resource web links.If you do not have a class/resource page and provide a service to students in your assigned building, see your ITC for assistance.Open MS Word and copy the SchoolMessenger link to a document saved as 3b. Remember to save a PDF version and copy/move that file to your electronic file folder titled “Name TSIPs”.If you work in an environment that does not use Prince William Public County Schools web site resources (example Prince William County Juvenile Detention Center) to provide forms of communication with your immediate stakeholders, replace the web link on page 3b with a description of the forms of communication your position/department uses with your stakeholders.3c (MS Excel) Create a data sheet of online tools used for instruction or productivity. Include a minimum of 5 tools. Search for available tools on the internet.The required fields of the Excel spreadsheet are: Name of ToolTypeContent/AreaBrief Review of ResourceSave the file as 3c. Copy/move the spreadsheet file to your electronic file folder titled “Name TSIPs”.4- Assessment: (Virginia Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel Standards A, C, D, E, F, G, & H)4a Create a teacher-made assessment using any assessment tool available (examples include but are not limited to: Interactive Achievement, ExamView, Discovery Ed, SMART Notebook/Promethean ActivInspire, Study Island, Classworks, Quai, etc.).The assessment must contain a minimum of 5 multiple choice questions reflecting content objectives. ?Take screen shots using the Snipping Tool or print as a pdf your assessment questions and paste to a MS Word document.If you do not use assessments with students, create an EXCEL spreadsheet to document any form of data you may collect while on the "job". Be creative.Save the file as 4a. Remember to save a PDF version and copy/move that file to your electronic file folder titled “Name TSIPs”.4b (MS Excel) Create a spreadsheet of five assessment tools (or data collection tools available on the web) you reviewed. Use the following link as a resource: . The spreadsheet should include: Names of the tools you reviewedNames of categories (ease of use, availability, training support, and instructional value)Use a rating scale 1 - 5 (with 5 being highly effective)Rate each tool with the scale Add a column with a formula to average your ratingsAdd a merged and centered title at the topCreate headings for each of the columns in your spreadsheet.Your building ITC should be able to assist you with Excel formulas and merged cells.Save the file as 4b. Copy/move the spreadsheet file to your electronic file folder titled “Name TSIPs”.5- Productivity: (Virginia Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel Standards A, C, D, E, F, G & H)5a Explore Keystone on Demand (PWCS employee training platform). While exploring the resources, answer the questions below on page 5a. ?Create a wordle using the answers to the questions (). Insert the Wordle a MS Word document titled 5a.Keystone on Demand is a learning portal that is available to all Prince William County Employees. To login, you must have?Keystone on Demand has multiple courses that may be taken at your own pace. Name one or more of the available courses that you think will be valuable to take or that you have taken in Keystone.Courses in Keystone may be taken in whole or in part? True or FalseCourses in Keystone may be viewed on a computer at school only? True or FalseTo receive credit for a course, you must answer 75% of the quizzes correctly. True or FalseNow that you know what courses are available in Keystone on Demand, is there a course that you would like to see added to the portal? What products do you use as a (Teacher or Administrator) that a Keystone course would help you learn to use better? (Helps us to know what courses to create in the future)When an employee completes a Keystone On Demand course and earns a certificate, points are also awarded and placed on the Transcript in the Professional Learning Catalog. These points may then be submitted as (whatever it is that teachers need towards recertification). True or FalseSave the file as 5a. Remember to save a PDF version and copy/move that file to your electronic file folder titled “Name TSIPs”.5b In Office365-Creating a Contact GroupUnder the Office 365 tab People, Create a Contact Group which includes your building assigned ITC and at least one other person. ?Send an email to the group and include the Wordle from 5a as an attachment. Include the subject of the email--TSIPs 5b. Take a screen shot of the group as you create it and paste it on MS Word document 5b. Save the file as 5b. Remember to save a PDF version and copy/move that file to your electronic file folder titled “Name TSIPs”.5c (MS Word) Write a professional practice reflection. The reflection must be at least two paragraphs and include a description of technology integration in your instruction and areas for growth.Save the file as 5b. Remember to save a PDF version and copy/move that file to your electronic file folder titled “Name TSIPs”.5d (MS Word-tables) Provide evidence of collaboration. Create a table in a MS Word document identifying 3 or more peer collaboration activities (email, team meeting notes, Professional Learning Community (PLC) meeting notes, etc.). Include a brief description of each collaboration.Fields to include:Type of collaborationBrief DescriptionScreen shot of evidenceTake screen shots of the actual evidence. Example: a screen shot of the email containing communication, team notes (not the whole thing-maybe just the top portion that identifies the date and attendance), etc.Paste the screen shots in the Evidence column of the table as graphics.Save the document as 5d. Remember to save a PDF version and copy/move that file to your electronic file folder titled “Name TSIPs”.6- Ethics: (Virginia Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel Standard A, C, D, E, F, G & H )6a (MS PowerPoint) Locate the Prince William County Schools Acceptable Use Regulations on the PWCS Website. Review the document to identify the important information regarding web-searching guidelines for students and BYOD.Create an instructional presentation using PowerPoint.Your topic: Include 5 slides, two graphics, effects and transitions in the presentation.Save the PowerPoint as 6a. Remember to save a PDF version and copy/move that file to your electronic file folder titled “Name TSIPs”.6b (MS Publisher) Visit the PWCS Instructional Technology webpages to locate the PWCS Instructional Technology Standards and review some of the Internet Safety lessons.Create an Internet Safety poster using any Microsoft Publisher. Include at least five safety rules for students to follow while using the Internet. ?Include at least 2 graphics on the poster. The poster must be no smaller than 8 1/2 x 11 or larger.Save the Publisher file as 6b. Copy/move the publisher file to your electronic file folder titled “Name TSIPs”.If you need assistance location the PWCS Instructional Technology Standards, see your ITC.Prince William County Public Schools Assessment ofVirginia Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel-10160020955000Portfolio Summary – Competency AssessmentName ______________________________ School ________________________________Rubric Met – circle oneArea 1 – Operations & Concepts1a Technology Professional Development Plan1b Technology TerminologyYES NOYES NOArea 2 – Planning2a Lesson Plan (Using template)2b Classroom Management PlanYES NOYES NOArea 3 – Implementation3a Hardware/Software Review3b Class Page in School Messenger3c Database of Online Resources YES NOYES NOYES NOArea 4 – Assessment4a Teacher made assessment (Using IA, DE, etc.)4b Spreadsheets of assessment toolsYES NOYES NOArea 5 – Productivity5a Keystone on Demand/Wordle5b Contact Group, Email and attachment5c Professional Practice Reflection5d Evidence of collaboration with peersYES NOYES NOYES NOYES NOArea 6 – Ethics6a PWCS Acceptable Use Regulations6b Internet SafetyYES NOYES NORequirements were met ___YES or NO Resubmit by Evaluator _________________________Date: ................

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