CHS 10th World Literature with McCully

1138687-406880051349696282900CAMPBELL HIGH SCHOOLEnglish DepartmentFall 2020 (Virtual)COURSE TITLE:World LiteratureTEACHER/ROOM:Carolyn McCully ROOM: 938E-MAIL:Carolyn.mccully@ CELL:McCully – (404) 585-8338 BLOG:Chs10worldlit. REMIND:1st Block: @mccullyWL1 2nd Block: @mccullyWL2 3rd Block: @mccullyWL3COURSE DESCRIPTION:World Literature is a multi-cultural, multi-genre, multi-disciplined approach to close-reading and writing. We will read books using the district Springboard Textbook along with supplements of readings from around the world. We will challenge our reading comprehension skills and will be the subject of daily in-class writing assignments and/or discussion. There are three full units in this course, a final exam, two Socratic Seminars, a novel study of A Small Place by Jamaica Kincaid, two independent reading projects (Book Talks), and one Semester Long Environmental Impact Project worth at least 400points in the grade book. COURSE GOALS:Students will be able to identify evidence in a variety of texts representative of different genres and to use that evidence as a basis for interpretation.Students will demonstrate competence in a variety of writing genres, emphasizing persuasive writing.Students will demonstrate critical thinking through written and oral communication in various types of media.Students will deliver focused, coherent, and polished presentations that convey clear and distinct perspectives, demonstrate critical thinking, and combine strategies of narration, exposition, persuasion, and description.GRADING POLICY:Student performance will be assessed, and grades will be based on the Georgia Standards of Excellence. Assignments will fall into at least one of the following categories:CategoryTotalReading 35%Writing/Language35%Listening/Speaking15%Final Exam15%The standards can be accessed via a direct link on the class blog or at the following address: I update grades every Sunday. Cobb County will issue progress reports every 6 weeks; your final grade, which is cumulative, will be on the report card issued at the end of the semester. Submission of coursework will be completed on CTLS, and through . An account creation for will occur during class the first week. texts/readings:The text provided for this course is SpringBoard Digital which contains many of the poems, short stories and plays that we will be studying. Major works may include Antigone, A Small Place, and a variety of separate texts. PDF copies of books, poems, short stories and plays will be linked for your students; films will stream through our online meetings. Also, students will utilize CTLS to complete course work along with the Springboard Digital Textbook. videos:2283460509198Digital Learning LinksStudents ctlslearn. Parents ctlsparent. 00Digital Learning LinksStudents ctlslearn. Parents ctlsparent. We will view curriculum-related films or film clips. Your signature on this syllabus indicates permission for your student to view films that do not exceed a G or PG13 rating. Please complete the SYLLABUS LINK to confirm you understand and give your student permission (link on page three of this document.) materials needed:-A device with internet connectivity-Composition Notebook/Journal-Pen/Pencillate work:Any work not submitted or attempted by the specified dates, unless the absence is excused, will receive a mark of 0 until the assessment is turned in within a SPECIFIED TIME FRAME. Grades will be finalized at the end of each six-week grading period; no missing work will be accepted after the six-week mark in which the assessment was originally due. No late work will be accepted the last two weeks of the semester. If your absence is unexcused, you will not be able to make up any assignments. Assignments may be submitted to CTLS, Google Classroom, or . Please do not email assignments, as rubrics are used on the aforementioned platforms to grade student work. make up work:Getting and submitting missed work following an excused absence is your responsibility. You are expected to record missed assignments and to register for any missed quizzes or tests immediately upon returning to virtual school. Missed work is treated the same as late work in that a 0 will be placed in the grade book until the assessment is submitted. Make Up Work is offered via Google Classroom and Common Lit Assignments (make up work is posted every 4th week of the six-week grading period).extra help:Office hours are on Wednesdays and every day between 1:30 and 3:30 in the afternoon. Students may make an manuscript requirements:All work should be completed with care and reflect grade level insightStudent name, each teacher’s name, course, and date should appear in the upper left-hand corner of all assignments per MLA style.All final draft essays should follow the standard MLA manuscript format (2009) for written composition.Major assignments should be typed.Double-spacedTwelve-point, Times New Roman fontacademic integrity:Cheating is considered a serious matter. The parents of a student who has been involved in cheating will be notified and the student will receive a grade of zero for the test and U in conduct. For this course, cheating is defined as, but is not limited to, the following acts: Copying anyone’s answers to questions, exercises, study guides, class work, or homework assignments Plagiarism: Taking any information verbatim from any source, including the Internet, without giving proper credit to the author, or rearranging the order of words and/or changing some words as written by the author and claiming the work as the student’s own.Having available any study notes or other test aids during a test or quiz without the teacher's permission.Collaborating on assignments when independent work is expected.class EXPECTATIONS:Be Ready. Be Punctual (on time). Be Patient. Be Respectful. Be Prepared. Log in at the prescribed time or 1-2 minutes earlyTurn your camera ON & Mute your microphone during classBe seated in a chair, not in bed & Minimize outside distractions (phones, pets, video games)No liquids within spill distance of deviceVideo: dress appropriately, plain backgrounds.Class will end when I close the session; however, in most cases the “chat” will remain open so that I can address additional questions or concerns not covered during our session. Failure to meet classroom rules and expectations will result in a conduct consequence per CHS and Campbell HS policy this includes: (1) verbal warning, (2) call home, (3) call home/teacher detention, (4) call home and administrative referral. FINAL EXPECTATIONS AND COURSE INFORMATION: All grading and student work including deadlines, late work, plagiarism and other policies outlined in the Student Handbook and Cobb County School District policies will be reviewed and followed. In completing the below syllabus link you are stating that you and your parent understand the guidelines for this course. If you have any questions about this, you may contact the teacher. COMPLETE SYLLABUS DIGITAL SIGNOFF: ................

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