
Olympic View Elementary School?School Site Council Meeting?MinutesOct. 14, 2020@ 4:00 Virtual Meeting??Roll/Quorum:??Carmen Petrosian Classified StaffPresentAstryd Gonzalez ParentPresentEnia Rocha Parent Alternate ParentLisa Lines PrincipalPresentMaria Auditor ParentPresentMarilee Boldt ParentPresentPatricia Moriarty ParentPresentJess Parris StaffPresentPam Ambrose StaffPresentStephanie Dahlstrom Staff AlternateVicki Wiseman StaffPresentCall to Order:?We have Quorum!Chairperson?The regular meeting of the Olympic View School Site Council was called to order at: 4:02 pm?Approval of Agenda:?Mrs. Lines, Acting Chairperson?Motion to approve? Pam Ambrose Motion seconded? Carmen Petrosian ?The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.?No previous meeting…no notes to approve.25 min? Role of School Site Council information item: Click Here For Powerpoint--Need roles filled for SSC: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, DAC/DELAC/BAC Reps.--Parent input is super important to making our school work effectively!--SPSA due December (School Plan for Student Achievement)--Plan budgetary items--Identifying and implementing curriculum and instructional practices (for example Leader in Me)--Mrs. Lines brings data to SSC to use for making plans for monitoring curriculum and budgetary expenses based on the SPSA--English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) also gives information for planning for student achievement--Review District policies, training available at district as well as during SSC meetings, set meeting calendar (November 18)--Review bylaws annually (we will be going in depth this year) and we may include virtual meetings--Information necessary:*Member roster*SPSA*School budget*State testing data (not available due to last year we didn’t take it)*Student Achievement Data (local assessments and attendance)Composition: half parents, half staff (staff include principal, 1 classified, and 3 teachers), plus an alternate parent and alternate teachers--Agenda posted 72 hours in advance, public may come if choose but voting only for official members--Principal is required and is active, collaborates with SSC--Meeting notes are also posted--Alternates do not vote or count toward quorumLisa Lines??5 min?Budget: Information Item: Click Here--Site Control: $60K+$15K (Carryover)=$75K--Title 1: $104K+$11K (Carryover) =$115K--LCAP: $100K+$44K (Carryover)=$144K--Typically no carryover Title 1, but due to lack of in-school 4th quarter, state allowed a carryover (but that won’t happen again)--Cheat sheet is available as a second attachment to these notes.--Learning A-Z and SeeSaw purchased for staff due to Covid emergency instructional necessity.--$26.5K on Leader in Me--Working budget/General Fund…$166KLisa Lines?10 min?Committees Report: Information Item--OPTC: Astryd, President. Virtual/Drive through events ideas (Halloween Costume and Craft nights), and virtual fundraisers, international and out of state members if possible? Support our school!-- members --October 26-30: Red Ribbon Week, Say NO to drugs and alcohol--Facebook page and OV blog, asking teachers to share also through classdojo. Sunday calls will start up again. Almost 800 followers on the blog. Ideas for sharing information? Committee Chairs?5 min?Leader in Me: Information Item --Last year was more staff training--This year, focus on students and parents and community --LightHouse team making decisions for school in implementing Leader in Me--$10K grant that students will have input in planning expenditures for school--Pam: students making connections both in and out of the classroom, becoming the best version of themselves they can be--Kids sending video clips for morning messageTeachers?5 min?Oral Communications: Information Item9/23, 10/14, 11/18, Please post the time commitments and meeting times as part of the survey for leadership positions.?5 min?Items For Next Agenda: InformationalPlease call or email Lisa Lines for additional information--lisa.lines@Budget Advisory Committee on 10/28?All3 min?Adjournment:?????5:06??? ??????Mrs. Lines??Next meeting is Wednesday, November 18 at 4 pm. Link will be sent ................

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