Project name: - Blue Cross MN


Medicare Gaps In Care Strategy: Closing Gaps in Care for SecureBlueSM (MSHO) Members

Blue Plus is committed to ensuring our members receive the care they need. In an effort to engage members in closing gaps in care, Care Coordinators are receiving Gaps in Care Reports quarterly, and in August 2016, members will be receiving the attached postcard letting them know what gaps in care they have, how they can complete a screening, and what type of rewards they can earn for completing preventive care screenings. The eligible screenings are listed below. Members who have a gap in care for Colorectal Cancer, Diabetes A1c and Diabetes Kidney Disease Monitoring will receive an in-home screening kit as an additional option to complete that screening.

|Breast Cancer Screening |Diabetes Kidney Disease Monitoring |

|Colorectal Cancer Screening |Diabetes A1c Screening |

|Diabetes Retinal Eye Exam |Annual Wellness Visit |

Just as we did in 2015, we’ll be offering members the opportunity to earn rewards for getting the care they need. If needed, you can download reward vouchers from the Care Coordination portal under the SecureBlue link. The Gaps in Care Report identifies if a member has a gap in a screening that is eligible for a member reward.

What are we asking you to do?

This is information only should you receive questions from members regarding preventive screenings and earning rewards for completing them.

If members return an in-home screening kit and the lab results are positive/above normal, we will share these names with the Partner Relations team weekly (or as positive/above normal results occur.) They will reach out to the Care Coordinator so a follow up can be scheduled with member’s doctor.

2016 SecureBlue Member Reward Program

What is the member rewards program? To help encourage members to get the care they need, Blue Plus is offering SecureBlue members reward cards for completing certain screenings before the end of the year.

What screenings are eligible for rewards? SecureBlue members can earn rewards for completing the following screenings before December 31, 2016:

✓ Mammogram ($50 reward card). Members eligible for a mammogram in 2016 who have not yet completed the screening can earn a $50 reward card upon completion of a mammogram.

✓ Colorectal Cancer Screening ($25 reward card for in home screening kit/$75 reward card for colonoscopy). Members eligible for colorectal cancer screening in 2016 who have not yet completed the screening can earn reward card upon completion of high-sensitivity FOBT stool test or colonoscopy.

✓ Diabetes Kidney Disease Screening ($25 reward card). Members eligible for a diabetes kidney disease screening in 2016 who have not yet completed the screening can earn a $25 reward card upon completion.

✓ Diabetes Retinal Eye Exam ($25 reward card). Members eligible for a diabetes eye exam in 2016 who have not yet completed the screening can earn a $25 reward card upon completion.

✓ Diabetes A1c Screening ($25 reward card). Members eligible for a diabetes A1c screening in 2016 who have not completed the screening can earn a $25 reward card upon completion of the screening.

✓ Annual Wellness Visit ($50 reward card). Members eligible for an annual wellness visit in 2016 who have not completed the AWV can earn a $50 reward card upon completion of the annual wellness visit.

Can a member receive multiple reward cards? Yes. Members are eligible to receive a reward for each screening identified as a gap for that member.

How does a member earn a reward card?

1. Schedule an appointment(s) for the recommended screening(s) or complete an in-home test kit.

2. Complete the recommended screening(s) before 12/31/16.

3. Return a completed post card/voucher signed by an appropriate health professional to Blue Plus on or before 12/31/16.

What members are eligible for the reward program? All SecureBlue members are eligible for a reward if they complete the recommended screening(s) between August 1 and December 31, 2016. Only those who have an open gap will receive a mailing with information about the reward program. The member mailing will go out early August.

What if members indicate they already completed the recommended screening(s) or the screening(s) is contraindicated? Members can still earn a reward. They must return a completed postcard/voucher to Blue Plus. The postcard/voucher must be signed by an appropriate health care professional and indicate either: (1) why the screening is not appropriate for the member; or (2) the date and location of the previously completed screening for which we do not have record (i.e. colonoscopy completed in past 10 years.)

What is the reward card? It is a prepaid Visa reward card from US Bank. It is not redeemable for cash but can be used anywhere Visa cards are accepted. Members can expect to receive their reward card 3-6 weeks after returning a completed postcard/voucher to Blue Plus.

Questions about the reward program? Email your questions to SecureBlue.Rewards@.

Thank you for all you do to help improve the health of our members!


Care Coordination Communiqué

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