Performance Work Statement (PWS) - Veterans Affairs

Performance Work Statement (PWS)

IOT&A Pre-Planning Services - Long Beach - 402 and 405


Vision Statement 4

1 Introduction 4

1.1 Mission 4

1.2 Background 5

1.3 Scope 5

1.4 Period of Performance 6

2 General Requirements 6

2.1 Non-Personal Services 6

2.2 Business Relations and Communications 6

2.2.1 Contract Authority - COR 7

2.3 Contract Administration and Management 7

2.3.1 Subcontract Management 7

2.4 Personnel Administration 7

2.5 Contractor Personnel, Disciplines, and Specialties 8

2.5.1 Key Personnel 8

2.5.2 Employee Identification 9

2.6 Location and Hours of Work 9

2.7 Travel 9

2.7.1 Allowable Travel Costs 10

2.8 Invoicing 11

3 Performance Requirements 12

3.1 Project Management Support Services. 12

3.2 Design Services. 19

3.3 Mock-ups. 20

3.4 Transition Planning. 20

3.5 Strategic Communication (STRATCOM). 22

3.6 IT/IM Planning Support. 22

3.7 Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment Planning Support. 23

3.8 Request for Proposal (RFP) Support. 24

3.9 Knowledge Transfer. 25

4 Special Requirements 26

4.1 Security and Safety 26

4.1.1 Position/Task Risk Designation Level(s) 26

4.1.2 Contractor Personnel Security Requirement Responsibilities 27

4.2 Government Furnished Materials 28

4.3 Directives, Guidelines, References 29

4.4 Quality 29

4.4.1 Quality Control 30

4.4.2 Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) 30

5 Deliverables 30

Performance Work Statement (PWS)

IOT&A Pre-Planning Services - Long Beach - 402 and 405

Vision Statement

The VA Long Beach Healthcare System Projects 402 and 405 are activated in accordance with the activation schedule.

1 Introduction

The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) opened a new medical center in 2012 and is opening several new medical centers over the next several years.  These new medical centers include both new construction and lease projects.  A National Activations Office (NAO) was approved by the Under Secretary of Health in Fiscal Year 2012 to serve as a focal point for VHA medical facility activations. NAO is now known as the Office of Capital Asset Management Engineering and Support - Activations (OCAMES - Activations).

Activation is defined as the process of identifying, planning, managing, and executing the logistical and operational requirements to bring a new medical facility into full planned operations.  The facility assigns staff to an Activation Team which is responsible for managing the Activation Project and ensuring the medical center is in full planned operations on Day One (the first day clinical services are scheduled to be available to Veterans).

In certain cases, the medical center's Activation Team will determine it is in the Government's best interest to separate contractor activation support services into two phases.  Under the phased approach the first phase consists of the initial outfitting, transition, and activation pre-planning activities ("IOT&A pre-planning) and the second phase consists of the IOT&A implementation activities ("IOT&A implementation). This PWS is for IOT&A pre-planning services only.

The primary goal of the IOT&A pre-planning contract is to prepare for and support the IOT&A implementation contract by conducting the appropriate pre-planning services and gathering data to determine the level, scope, and timelines of activation services required to ensure the facility is in full operations in accordance with the schedule.  The IOT&A Pre-planning Contractor will not be eligible to compete for the award of the IOT&A implementation contract.  

1.1 Mission

VHA's mission is to "Honor America's Veterans by providing exceptional health care that improves their health and well-being."  This requirement supports VHA's mission by providing contractor support services to help bring the new medical facilities into full planned operations and provide health care services to Veterans.  

1.2 Background

The VA Long Beach Health Care System is conducting a phased seismic renovation and new construction relevant to Major Construction Projects 402 and 405.


Project 402 includes the phased renovation of Specialty Care in Building OP126. Building OP126 is three stories and is approximately 88,200 square feet. Specialty Care Clinics include ophthalmology, optometry, audiology, sleep lab, and general specialty care.  The project consists of three construction phases and three corresponding activation phases. The project is currently in the first construction phase.  Pre-planning and activation services of this first construction phase are being performed under a separate contract due to schedule requirements.  Pre-planning services will not be required for the first renovated space in Building 126OP.  Construction of the second renovation phase is scheduled to begin November 11/20/2017 with activation/relocation scheduled to begin in August 2018.  Construction of the final renovation phase is scheduled to begin October 22, 2018 with activation/relocations beginning April 2019.  Dates are subject to change.

Project 405 will require activation efforts relative to the construction three new buildings, a Co-Generation Power Plant, and a parking structure. Construction has not started.  The first of the new buildings is a Mental Health Inpatient (MHIP) two-story building consisting of 45 beds and is approximately 82,000 square feet. The second is a Mental Health Outpatient (MHOP) two-story building that is approximately 80,000 square feet. Construction on the MH Buildings is scheduled to be complete May 2020.  The third is a three-story Community Living Center (CLC) consisting of 120 beds and is approximately 160,000. CLC construction is scheduled to be complete December 2020.  The staff-only parking structure will be three levels and will consist of 534 spaces.  Construction dates for the parking structure have not been determined.  

VA Long Beach is conducting additional non-major renovation projects that may impact the activation of the Major Projects discussed above which may require coordination and planning by the pre-planning contractor.


See Project Information Sheets for projects 402 and 405 attached hereto as Exhibit A and Exhibit B for additional information.  

1.3 Scope

The scope of this contract encompasses all necessary planning activities required by the VA Long Beach Healthcare Services to ensure project 402 and project 405 are activated in accordance with the activation schedule and ready to serve Veterans on Day One.  The Contractor shall perform all necessary activities in accordance with the PWS.    

Out of the scope of this contract are 1) activation services relative to the first renovated space of Building 126OP which is being performed under a separate contract, and 2) conducting a physical inventory of existing furniture, fixtures, and equipment and reuse assessment.  Inventory information with corresponding reuse assessment for both projects will be furnished to the Pre-planning contractor.

1.4 Period of Performance

The Period of Performance (POP) shall be date of contract award through August 31, 2021.

2 General Requirements

General requirements for IOT&A pre-planning services are to successfully complete three objectives.

The first objective is to support the Activation/Planning Team in the review and response of critical information related to the office of Construction and Facilities Management (CFM) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) construction projects.

The second objective is to plan, execute, and manage planning services in support of the IOT&A implementation contract and contractor.  

The third objective is to provide the initiation stage which will support the IOT&A implementation activities.  The initiation stage includes the development of goals and milestones, identifying tasks required by the IOT&A implementation contractor, and developing a plan for the IOT&A implementation activities.


In performing the required services, the IOT&A pre-planning contractor may make recommendations to the Government in accordance with the tasks identified in Section 3 of this PWS.  However, all decisions are the direct responsibility of the Government.  

2.1 Non-Personal Services

This is a non-personal services contract.  A non-personal services contract is a contract under which the Contractor personnel providing the services are not subject to government supervision or control, either by the contract's terms or by the manner of its administration.  The Contractor is responsible for the supervision and direction of its employees.

2.2 Business Relations and Communications

The contractor shall successfully integrate and coordinate all activity needed to execute this requirement. The contractor shall manage the timeliness, completeness, and quality of problem identification. The contractor shall provide corrective action plans, proposal submittals, and timely identification of issues, as necessary. The contractor is responsible for the effective management of subcontractors. The contractor shall seek to ensure customer satisfaction and professional and ethical behavior of all contractor personnel.

The Contractor's on-site Project Manager shall be the Government's primary point of contact (POC) for communications regarding this contract.  The Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) shall be the Contractor's primary POC for communications regarding this contract.  

2.2.1 Contract Authority - COR

A Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) will be designated for this contract.  The Contractor shall only accept instruction from the Contracting Officer or the designated COR. The COR is authorized to act as an official representative of the Contracting Officer.  CORs are authorized to act within the limitations specified in the COR delegation letter, a copy of which will be provided to the Contractor.  The COR's authority for this contract/order shall extend to the following: inspection and acceptance or rejection of the work and approval and certification of invoices.  The COR will be the primary Government point of contact for the Contractor regarding general "tasking" requirements, deliverables, and other requirements under this PWS. Coordination of routine technical matters with project members shall be accomplished through the COR.

The Contractor shall only accept instruction from the Contracting Officer or the designated COR, and only perform work that is under contract.  CORs do not have the authority to direct changes in scope, price, terms and conditions of the contract or task order.  CORs do not have the authority to execute modifications to the contract or task order which require the signature of the Contracting Officer to bind the Government by contract in terms of a proposed change.

2.3 Contract Administration and Management

The contractor shall establish clear organizational lines of authority and responsibility to ensure effective management of the resources assigned to the requirement.  The Contractor is responsible for the management of its own contract and its subcontractors (if any).  The contractor shall establish processes and assign appropriate resources to effectively administer this requirement. The contractor shall respond to Government requests for contractual actions in a timely fashion.

2.3.1 Subcontract Management

The contractor shall be responsible for any subcontract management necessary to integrate work performed on this requirement and shall be responsible and accountable for subcontractor performance on this requirement. The prime contractor will manage work distribution to ensure there are no Organizational Conflict of Interest (OCI) considerations. The Contractor may add subcontractors to its team after notification to and approval by the Contracting Officer.  As part of its proposal, the Contractor shall provide to the Contracting Officer a list of all subcontractors. New subcontractors must be approved in advance by the Contracting Officer to verify the proposed subcontractor’s eligibility to perform work under federal contracts.  As subcontractors are added and/or deleted, the Contractor shall provide an updated list to the Contracting Officer within two business days of such change.

2.4 Personnel Administration

The contractor shall provide personnel management and support as required. The contractor shall maintain the currency of their employees by providing initial and refresher training as required to meet the PWS requirements. The contractor shall make necessary travel arrangements for employees. The contractor is responsible for ensuring its employees meet the safety, security, and training requirements of this PWS (see PWS Section 4).

2.5 Contractor Personnel, Disciplines, and Specialties

The Contractor shall provide the necessary personnel, resources, and infrastructure to manage, perform, and administer the contract.  The contractor shall accomplish the assigned work by employing and utilizing qualified personnel with appropriate combinations of education, training, and experience.  

2.5.1 Key Personnel

The personnel identified herein are considered essential to the work being performed.  In the event changes to key personnel are required during the performance of this contract, replacement key personnel must meet or exceed the experience and qualifications of the individual the contractor included in its proposal submittal.  Prior to substituting, removing, replacing, or diverting any key personnel, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer 10 working days in advance. The Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer the resume of the replacing individual that demonstrates skills and background at least equivalent to those of the individual the contractor included in its proposal.  The Contracting Officer will evaluate the replacing person's resume to determine the experience and qualifications of the replacement are equal to or exceed those of the person's resume submitted with the contractor's proposal for that position.

For the purposes of this contract, key personnel are listed below with minimum qualifications and preferred qualifications as identified in the solicitation:

a) Project Manager (on site)

i. Experience in activating healthcare facilities (five or more years of experience preferred).

ii. Federal healthcare facility activation experience preferred.

iii. VA healthcare facility activation experience preferred.

iv. Mental Health facility experience preferred.

b) Senior Equipment Planner

i. Experience in activating federal healthcare facilities (five or more years of experience preferred).

ii. VA healthcare facility activation experience preferred.

iii. Acute care facility experience preferred.

iv. Mental health facility experience preferred.

c) Senior Transition Planner

i. Experience in activating healthcare facilities (five or more years of experience preferred).

ii. Federal healthcare facility activation experience preferred.

iii. VA healthcare facility activation experience preferred.

iv. Mental health facility experience preferred.

d) Senior Designer

i. Experience in healthcare facility design (five or more years of experience preferred).

ii. Federal healthcare facility design experience preferred.

iii. VA healthcare facility design experience preferred.

iv. Mental health facility design experience preferred.

v. Experience providing design services for a DOD or VA activation project preferred.

e) Lead Acquisition Specialist

i. Experience developing acquisition plans for federal projects,

ii.  Experience with federal healthcare facility activation projects preferred.

iii.  VHA acquisition experience preferred.

2.5.2 Employee Identification

All Contractor Employees working at a Government facility shall wear company identification to distinguish themselves as Contractor Personnel.  When conversing with Government personnel during business meetings and over the telephone, Contractor Employees shall identify themselves as such.  Email signatures shall indicate the employee is a Contractor Employee (e.g. position/title and name of company).  Where practicable, Contractor Employees occupying space within a Government facility should identify their workspace area with their name and company affiliation.  When communicating with other Contractors or businesses relative to market research or acquisition planning services required under this contract, the Contractor Employee shall state that the purpose of the communication is to conduct market research on behalf of the Government for the activation of the applicable project.  

2.6 Location and Hours of Work

This PWS requires work to be performed at the VA Long Beach Healthcare System, located at 5901 E. 7th Street, Long Beach, CA 90822.  Normal workdays are Monday through Friday except on US Federal Holidays, which can be found at . Work shall not take place on the government facility after normal working hours on weekends, or on Federal holidays unless approved by the COR. Normal working hours are 8:00AM-4:30PM.

2.7 Travel

The Government anticipates travel under this effort to perform the tasks associated with the effort, as well as to attend program-related meetings throughout the period of performance. Travel required to perform the work identified in this PWS shall be priced on a cost-reimbursable with a not-to-exceed amount as indicated on the pricing schedule. Travel to other VHA locations is not anticipated.

Travel requires advanced concurrence by the COR (see PWS Exhibit C Travel Approval Form). All travel requirements (including plans, agenda, itinerary, or dates) shall be pre-approved by the COR, and is on a strictly cost reimbursable basis. Costs for travel shall be billed in accordance FAR Subpart 31.205-46. The applicable travel regulations to FAR Subpart 31.205- 46 is the Federal Travel Regulation (FAR31.205-46(a)(2)(i)) which is available at  .

In accordance with VA Financial Policies and Procedures Volume XIV - Chapter 7, Contractor travel within the local commuting area (within 50 miles of the employee's residence) will not be reimbursed.

2.7.1 Allowable Travel Costs

In accordance with FAR 31.205-46, costs incurred by Contractor personnel on official company business pursuant to performance on this contract are allowable, subject to the following limitations.

Allowable:  Costs shall be allowable only if the following information is documented (see PWS Exhibit C - Travel Approval Form).

(i) Date and place of the expenses,

(ii) Purpose of the trip, and

(iii) Name of person on the trip and that person's title or relationship to the contractor.

Reasonable charge: Costs incurred for lodging, meals, and incidental expenses (as defined in the FTR) shall be considered reasonable and allowable only to the extent that they do not exceed on a daily basis the maximum per diem rates in effect at the time of travel.  In special or unusual situations, actual costs more than the above-reference maximum per diem rates are allowable if such amounts do not exceed the higher amounts authorized for Federal civilian employees as permitted in the FTR (see FAR 31.205-46(a)(3)). Costs more than the per diem rate are only allowable if all the conditions specified at FAR 31.205-46(a)(3) are met. Documentation to support actual costs incurred shall be in accordance with the contractor's established practices subject to the limitations in FAR Subpart 31.205-46. A receipt is required for each expenditure of $75.00 or more.

Transportation:  Costs for transportation may be based on mileage rates, actual costs incurred, or on a combination thereof, provided the method used results in a reasonable charge.  The Contractor shall include documentation with the travel invoice to verify the amount invoiced.

Airfare:  In accordance with FAR 31.205-46(a)(7)(b), Airfare costs more than the lowest priced airfare available to the contractor during normal business hours are unallowable unless an exception specified at FAR 31.205-46(a)(7)(b) applies.  In addition to the airfare receipt, the Contractor shall submit documentation with the travel invoice to verify the selected airfare is the lowest price airfare available.  To be allowable, airfare costs that are more than the lowest price airfare available must document and justify the applicable conditions.

Lodging, meals, and incidental expenses:  Costs for lodging, meals, and incidental expenses will be based on per diem, actual expenses, or a combination thereof, provided the method used results in a reasonable charge. The use of per diem rates is preferred for meals and incidental expenses.  Per diem rates can be found at  .  An appropriate downward adjustment of per diem rates is expected on partial travel days (e.g. First and last day of travel).  The FTR first and last day of travel rates can be found at . The Contractor is not required to use the FTR first and last day of travel rates, however the adjusted per diem rates must result in a reasonable charge.  The contractor may use FedRooms () to book lodging.  FedRooms provides FTR compliant hotel rooms for government contractors on official government business with rates at or below per diem rates.

2.8 Invoicing

The first billing period shall run from the date of award to the last day of the month in which award was made. Thereafter, the billing period shall start at the beginning of each month and end with the last day of each month. The Contractor shall not submit an invoice until after the billing period has ended. The Contractor shall submit invoices for approval, including all back-up data (see below), to the COR, Contracting Officer, and assigned Contract Specialist via email for review prior to electronically submitting the invoice for payment.

Invoice back-up data at a minimum will include a schedule-of-values (SOV) and the monthly project status report which also includes the latest risk management plan, and contract project schedule. The project status report shall include a list of the deliverables submitted during that billing period. The SOV and project report submitted with the invoice shall cover the same billing period as the invoice. The SOV and project status report shall provide sufficient documentation that the work being billed for has been completed.  Upon receipt of an accurate and complete invoice with back-up data, the COR will return an approved copy to the Contractor within five business days.

If the invoice is incomplete or inaccurate, the COR will return the unapproved invoice to the Contractor for correction within five business days.

The Contractor shall submit approved invoices for payment following the mandatory electronic invoicing procedures below.

The VA Financial Services Center (FSC) is VAs payment office.  FSC uses a third-party contractor, Tungsten, to transition vendors from paper to electronic invoice submission.  Please go to this website:   to begin submitting electronic invoices, free of charge.

Vendor e-Invoice Set-up Information - Please contact Tungsten at the phone number or email address listed below to begin submitting your electronic invoices to FSC for payment processing, free of charge.  If you have questions about the e-invoicing program or Tungsten, please contact FSC at the phone number or email address listed below:

Tungsten e-Invoice set-up information:  877-489-6135

Tungsten e-Invoice email:  VA.Registration@Tungsten- FSC e-Invoice Contact Information:  877-353-9791

FSC e-Invoice email:  vafsccshd@

More information on the FSC electronic invoicing process can be found at  .

3 Performance Requirements

The following section specifies the Performance Objectives and Performance Elements for the contract.

3.1 Project Management Support Services.

The Medical Center's Activation Team is responsible to coordinate the Activation Project Schedule with the Construction Schedule.  This entails coordination with the VA Office of Construction and Facilities Management (CFM), the Construction Contractor, the Office of Information & Technology, contracting office(s) involved, the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and other programs/experts as required. The Activation Team is responsible to develop an Activation Project Management Plan which includes significant task details, critical path information, responsibilities, and costs. The Activation Team is also responsible to develop an Activation Integrated Master Plan/Schedule, which integrates activation activities with the information technology project/schedule, and the construction project/schedule.  

The Contractor shall support the Activation Team by providing project management for initial outfitting, transition, and activation (IOT&A) pre-planning services identified in the subtasks below.  The Contractor shall utilize best practices according to the Project Management Institute (PMI) to manage cost, schedule, quality, risk, and resources. The Contractor shall support the Activation Team in the management of risks and issues associated with the activation of projects 402 and 405.  The Contractor shall notify the COR of any risks or issues that may impact the activation or delivery of care to Veterans in the future.  Contractor recommended solutions shall be presented in a manner to support the VALBHS executive decision-making process.  

In managing the Activations Project Schedules (APS) and Activations Integrated Master Project Schedules (AIMS), the Contractor shall advise the Government of suspense dates that need to be met by the Government and/or Government Contractors to ensure on-time execution such as, but not limited to, delivery dates for items purchased by the Government, information that the Contractor needs from the Government to complete the requirements of this PWS, and certain AIMS milestone dates.  The Contractor is responsible for tracking these dates and keeping the parties informed.  However, the Contractor is not responsible for enforcing these dates or ensuring the work by other parties is completed on schedule.  

The Contractor shall immediately report any schedule deviations to the Contracting Officer and Contracting Officers Representative (COR). The Contractor shall provide in writing to the Contracting Officer the reason for the delay, associated points of contact, and a request for extension if applicable.  Extension requests must detail the amount of additional time required and are not automatically granted.  Upon the Government's acceptance of the schedule deviation, the Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval a revised Master Project Schedule.  

Refer to PWS Section 5 - Deliverables for the Deliverable Schedule which provides additional information regarding each deliverable listed below.  

Performance Standards

a) Standard: Uses PMI best practices for project management.

    AQL: PMI best practices are used 90% of the time.  

b) Standard: Timely:  Deliverables are submitted in accordance with the Deliverable Schedule.

    AQL: Deliverables are submitted on time 100% of the time.

c) Standard: Complete:  Deliverables contain required information as described in the Deliverable Schedule.  

    AQL: No more than 10% of required information is missing on initial (draft) submittal.  100% of required information is in final submittal.  


A001 Subcontractor Listing

A003 Quality Control Plan

A005 Travel Approval Form

A006 Responsibility Assignment Matrix

3.1.1 Project Communication Management.

The Contractor shall provide communication management for this project in accordance with guidance in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Guide.   Communication management encompasses the contractor's contract as well as communication management required of the Activation Team in support of the activation of Projects 402 and 405 such as with leadership, project partners, and other stakeholders.  Examples include, but are not limited to, communications between the Activation Team and the CFM Resident Engineer and the Army Corps of Engineers point of contact, communications between the Activation Team and hospital leadership, communication between the Activation Team and Service Chiefs or service subject matter experts.  

The Contractor shall work with the public affairs office to develop a plan for external communication of projects, prepare overarching marketing communication strategy, branding, templates for press releases, announcements, ongoing PowerPoint presentations for stakeholder groups (i.e. Veterans, congressional briefings), and develop content for the Marlin System for employees.  

Refer to PWS Section 5 - Deliverables for the Deliverable Schedule which provides additional information regarding each deliverable listed below.  

Performance Standards

a) Standard: The contractor uses PMBOK methodology for communication management.

    AQL: 90% of the time.

b) Standard: Timely:  Deliverables are submitted in accordance with the deliverable schedule in Section 5 of the PWS.  

    AQL: Deliverables are submitted on time 100%.  

c) Standard: Complete:  Deliverables contain required information as described in PWS Section 5.

    AQL: No more than 10% of required information is missing on initial (draft) submittal.  100% of required information is contained in final submittal.  


A008 Project Communication Plan

3.1.2 SharePoint-like site

The Contractor shall maintain and develop a SharePoint-like site for project documentation and information sharing. All project documentation shall be posted on a searchable SharePoint-like website for information sharing and project documentation. Documents shall be compatible with systems utilized by the medical facility and easily accessible with files downloadable by all parties. The database shall meet "for official use only" (FOUO) and sensitive but unclassified information handling requirements.

The SharePoint-like site shall be organized in a logical manner. Deliverables shall be clearly identified as either submittals for review or final versions that have been approved by the Government. When applicable, revisions shall be clearly marked with the revision number and date.

Performance Standards

a) Standard: Comprehensive:  SharePoint-like site contains project documentation required to date

    AQL: Required documentation is made available on the SharePoint-like site within one week of creation or distribution 90% of the time. All required documentation is made available within two weeks of creation or distribution.

b) Standard: Effective:  SharePoint-like site is searchable with accessibility provided to key stakeholders

    AQL: No more than 5 complaints per month regarding the functionality of the site or the availability of the documents. All complaints are resolved within one week.

3.1.3 Project Schedules, Reports, and Plans.

Project schedules, project reports, and plans shall be posted on the Contractor's SharePoint-like site.  Schedules project reports shall be updated monthly to reflect all schedule changes since the last published schedule.  Plans shall be updated as required.  Updating shall be completed monthly and the revised schedules and updated reports posted on the SharePoint-like site by the second Wednesday of each month, unless otherwise agreed upon by the COR.  Schedule updating may be required at more frequent intervals during times of heightened or time-sensitive contract activities.  Revisions to schedules since the last update shall be clearly identified.  In addition, electronic copies of the schedule detailing schedule updates shall be submitted both to the VA COR and designated email group via email or other electronic means.


The Contractor shall provide electronic copies of all final project schedules, reports, and plans at the conclusion of the project.   

Refer to PWS Section 5 - Deliverables for the Deliverable Schedule which provides additional information regarding each deliverable listed below.  

Performance Standards

a) Standard: Timely

    AQL: Schedules, reports, and plans are made available to the Government in accordance with the deliverable schedule.

b) Standard: Comprehensive

    AQL: Schedules, reports, and plans contain the required information as identified in the deliverable schedule.


A002 Work Breakdown Structure

A003 Quality Control Plan

A004 Contractor's Human Resource Plan

A007 Project Management Plan

A008 Project Communication Plan

A009 Transition Plan

A010 Reuse and Disposition Plan

A011 Delivery, Receiving, and Installation Plan

A012 Project Acquisition Plan

A013 Knowledge Transfer Plan

A014 Risk Management Plan

A015 Contract Project Schedule

A016 Schedule of Values

A017 Activation Integrated Master Schedule (AIMS)

A018 Gap Analysis Report

A019 Monthly Status Report

A020 Change Management Log

A025 Design Review Report

A035 Final Lessons Learned Report

3.1.4 Information Review Support

The IOT&A pre-planning contractor shall support the Activation/Planning Team in the review and response of critical information related to the office of Construction and Facilities Management (CFM) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) construction projects. This information includes, but is not limited to, the following:

i. Requests for information (RFI),

ii. Requests for proposals (RFP),

iii. Final programs for design (PFD),

iv. Concepts of operation (CONOPs) that corresponds to the PFDs; and

v. USACE developed block/concept design and stacking diagrams. update to the SEPS and/or VHA approved database (e.g. Attainia) generated equipment list that provides detailed room contents (quantities of equipment by room type); and ROM equipment costs, and any other appropriate documentation related to bringing these projects into full operational status.  

The IOT&A preplanning contractor may also need to assist the Activation/Planning Team in the preparation and tracking of RFIs to the CFM/USACE.  In addition, the IOT&A pre-planning contractor may need to assist the Activation/Planning team in tracking and monitoring the implementation/resolution of RFIs.

Refer to PWS Section 5 - Deliverables for the Deliverable Schedule which provides additional information regarding each deliverable listed below.  

Performance Standards

a) Standard: Timely:  Deliverables are submitted on the agreed upon due-date.

    AQL: Deliverables are submitted on time 100% of the time.

b) Standard: Comprehensive:  Deliverables contain the required information as provided in the information review request.    

    AQL: No more than 10% of required information is missing on initial submittal.  100% of required information is in the final submittal.


A021 Information Review Response

3.1.5 Meetings

The Contractor shall schedule meetings with key stakeholders and appropriate personnel (to be identified by the Government). Where meeting frequency is not specified herein, the Contractor shall establish the meeting frequency in manner that ensures the ability to meet the requirements of the PWS. Meetings include project status meetings, Concept of Operations (CONOPs) meetings, planning meetings, information management meetings, and any additional meetings as deemed necessary by the Contractor to meet the requirements of this PWS.


The Contractor shall prepare meeting agendas which shall be distributed to attendees 24 hours prior to the subject meeting. The Contractor shall prepare meeting minutes. Meeting minutes shall document the purpose of the meeting, discussions, and decisions reached. When applicable, meeting minutes shall include "due-outs" to include a description of the item, the responsible individual(s), and due date. Meeting minutes will be distributed to attendees for review and approval.

The Contractor shall organize and conduct user-group meetings with key stakeholders and working groups across the facility to the extent required to adequately manage this activation project. Key stakeholders include, but are not limited to,  Activation Team Members, General Engineer, Biomed Engineer, Facility Planner, Public Affairs Specialist, IT Manager, Activation Coordinator, Activation Project Scheduler, Nursing Activation Executive, Physician Activation Executive, Contract Manager and Program Support Staff from Facilities, Logistics, Medical Maintenance, the Construction Contractor, sub-Contractors, specialty consultants, designers, and other project-related Government and Medical Staff as necessary.

At a minimum, each department will constitute a working group. The Contractor may identify additional ad hoc groups as necessary. The Contractor shall guide groups to consensus by identifying requirements, facilitating group discussions, and documenting decisions as a part of the documentation of meeting minutes. The Contractor shall facilitate the groups to assess, analyze, recommend, and document solutions as developed jointly by the Contractor and the stakeholders and/or group members.

Mandatory project status agenda items: changes to schedule, risk, status of current action items and estimated completion; activation team meeting to be bi-weekly, with increased frequency closer to activation key milestone dates.

User group meetings shall include contractor staff to update Attainia database and update FF&E lay ins on the floor plan as revisions/changes are made.  The Contractor shall document the requested change(s), the name of the requestor, and the date of the request.  

Refer to PWS Section 5 - Deliverables for the Deliverable Schedule which provides additional information regarding each deliverable listed below.  

Performance Standards

a) Standard: Contractor facilitates required meetings necessary to accomplish the tasks in the PWS.  

    AQL: 100%


A022 Meeting Minutes

3.1.6 Annual Reporting Requirements

The contractor shall complete service contract reporting requirements annually no later than October 31 of each year during the performance of this contract.  Refer to clause FAR 52.204-15 - Service Contracting Reporting for Indefinite-Delivery Contracts.  

Performance Standards

a) Standard: Compliant

    AQL: 100% compliant with FAR Clause 52.204-15

b) Standard: Timely

    AQL: 100% - completed no later than October 31 each year.

3.1.7 Contract Security Requirements

The Contractor shall manage the security requirements of this contract as detailed in Section 4 of this PWS.  The Contractor is responsible for ensuring its employees complete the security requirements as applicable to perform work under this contract.  Additional information can be found at the VHA Service Centers website at and on PWS Exhibit D - Security Process Overview.  

Refer to PWS Section 5 - Deliverables for the Deliverable Schedule which provides additional information regarding each deliverable listed below.  

Performance Standards

a) Standard: Timely:  Security items such as forms, eQIP, trainings are completed and submitted within the allotted time.

    AQL: Each employee submits/completes security items within the allotted time 95% of the time.

b) Standard: Compliant:  Contractor ensures no employees are permitted to work until the appropriate security requirements/clearances have been obtained.  

    AQL: 100% compliance with security requirements.


A029 Staff Roster

A030 Employee Security Clearance Documents

A034 Employee Security Training Certificates

3.1.8 Technical Oversight

The Pre-planning Contractor shall provide overarching technical oversight of the IOT&A implementation and monitor the status of activation projects.  The purpose of this oversight is to identify lessons learned to 1) facilitate the activation of the 402 and 405 projects in accordance with the activation schedule, and 2) identify lessons learned to be used by the VA for planning future activation projects.  The Pre-planning contractor shall identify to the COR and Contracting Officer any risks or issues to the Government concerning the activation of the facility.  The Pre-planning Contractor shall notify the COR and Contracting Officer within 24 hours of any known high-risk issues.  The Pre-planning Contractor shall notify the COR and Contracting Officer within 3 business days of any low to moderate risk issues.  The Pre-planning contractor shall not direct the performance of or provide supervision of the IOT&A contractor employees.

The Pre-planning Contractor shall document lessons learned (both positive and negative) during this period and make recommendations for improvements.  At the conclusion of the activation project, the Contractor shall submit a final lessons learned for the activation project that encompasses both the pre-planning and activation implementation phases with recommendations for improvements on future activation projects.   

Refer to PWS Section 5 - Deliverables for the Deliverable Schedule which provides additional information regarding each deliverable listed below.   

Performance Standards

a) Standard: Timely:  COR and Contracting Officer are notified within the specified timeframe concerning risks to the activation project.  

    AQL: 100%

b) Standard: Timely:  Deliverables are submitted in accordance with the Deliverable Schedule.

    AQL: Deliverables are submitted on time 100% of the time.

c) Standard: Complete:  Deliverables contain required information as described in the Deliverable Schedule.

    AQL: No more than 10% of required information is missing on initial (draft) submittal.  100% of required information is in final submittal.  


A033 Implementation Oversight Report

A035 Final Lessons Learned Report

3.2 Design Services.

The Contractor shall provide design support services for furniture, fixtures, equipment (FF&E), artwork, and low-voltage systems. Design support services include developing a basis of design for the FF&E, laying in FF&E for each work area on floor plans, design reviews, and developing 3D designs of space with FF&E.  The Contractor shall document requested and approved changes to design in a change management log.  The drawings provided by the Government may be limited to walls and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) locations.  

The contract shall assess the as-designed room configurations in conjunction with the existing staffing plan, clinical and administrative workflows, and relevant VA standards and provide room layouts, update FF&E and associated plans as necessary, and identify any deficiencies including but not limited to utility, IT, and safety and recommend solutions.  VA design standards and guides can be found at . The contractor shall verify the as-designed MEP will support the new design and identify any potential issues related to required utilities for planned furniture, fixtures, and equipment.  The contractor shall verify the design meets with applicable state, local, and federal requirements (e.g. ADA, OSHPD). The Contractor shall notify the COR of any discrepancies.  The Contractor shall perform a gap analysis where discrepancies are identified between CONOPS, requirements, and infrastructure provided in accordance with the construction documents, with facilitation towards workable solutions.  

As part of the validation of FF&E, the Contractor shall lay-in planned furniture, fixtures, and equipment into the floor plans.  FF&E shall be color-coded based on General-Contractor provided item, Reuse, or Vendor provided item (i.e. red=reuse, blue=IOT&A contractor installed, black=construction contractor installed).  FF&E shall be identified by a valid Joint Service Number (JSN) and correspond to the information in the Attainia system.  Additional color-coding may be added as necessary.  FF&E shall be to-scale to validate fit as well as validate MEP requirements.  FF&E on the drawings shall correspond to the FF&E in the Attainia database.  

Refer to PWS Section 5 - Deliverables for the Deliverable Schedule which provides additional information regarding each deliverable listed below.  

Performance Standards

a) Standard: Comprehensive:  Design services are performed in accordance with the PWS.

    AQL: 100% departmental sign-off.

b) Standard: Timely:  Deliverables are submitted in accordance with the Deliverable Schedule.

     AQL: Deliverables are submitted on time 100% of the time.

c) Standard: Complete:  Deliverables contain required information as described in the Deliverable Schedule.  

    AQL: No more than 10% of required information is missing on initial (draft) submittal.  100% of required information is in final submittal.  


A018 Gap Analysis Report

A020 Change Management Log

A023 FF&E Layouts

A024 3-Dimensional Design Renditions

A025 Design Review Report

3.3 Mock-ups.

The Pre-planning contractor shall evaluate existing facilities and current clinical practice, research configuration and equipment requirements, facilitate decision making and develop mock-ups for new inpatient rooms during RFP development and design-build (D-B). The Pre-planning contractor shall conduct meetings and unit tours with Activation Team or designated Service Staff to determine clinical practice needs for the veterans served on inpatient units. Research of inpatient bed room configuration and equipment shall include but not be limited to the following: site visit to other hospital facilities, room photographs, review of evidenced based design, recommendations related to best configuration and equipment solutions, and setting up mock-up of the new inpatient rooms. The location of the mock-up is to be determined but likely off-site in a space used for equipment and furniture storage. Pre-design, mock ups shall follow CFM/TIL guidelines to the extent that they do not conflict with local requirements or needs. Post-design, mock-ups shall follow the developed and approved design.

Performance Standards

a) Standard: Comprehensive:  Mock-ups follow CFM/TIL guidelines to the extent that they do not conflict with local requirements or needs.  Any conflicts are identified.  Mock-ups are setup in accordance with the agreed-upon schedule.  Recommended solutions shall inform CFM/USACE on behalf of the facility of issues that may impact the activation and/or delivery of care to Veterans.

    AQL: Mockups are designed in accordance with CFM/TIL guidelines or identify variances and setup in accordance with the schedule 100%.  

3.4 Transition Planning.

Transition Planning includes developing Concepts of Operations (CONOPs), strategic communication (STRATCOM) plans, transition plans, Day-in-the-Life, room contents planning, Information Management planning, Medical and Administrative Facility logistics planning, staffing planning, training planning, and other planning as necessary to develop a plan for the successful activation of the project. Transition planning shall be documented in the Transition Plan. The purpose of the Transition Plan is to provide the roadmap for day one operations in accordance with the activation schedule.

CONOPs should begin at the start of the project, evolve with space planning/Program for Design (PFD) development and be continuously refined through planning, design, outfitting and transition. The Contractor shall develop and document Macro, Micro, Information Technology/Information Management (IT/IM), and Transition CONOPs for the departments involved in the activation project to the extent necessary to facilitate the transition. The contractor shall assume each department will require 2 in-depth meetings with follow-up coordination.  

The Contractor shall meet with key stakeholders involved in processes relative to the applicable CONOPs. The contractor will help the department/group assess current operations, define new operations, record and assist with gaining medical facility approval of business practices on new conditions in space, equipment, staffing, and operations. The Contractor shall identify recommended changes in the CONOPS document(s) and advise the Office of Planning and Systems Redesign of the recommended changes.   

At a minimum, the following Macro CONOPs shall be developed: departmental adjacencies; staff, patient, and visitor flow; patient transport; on-stage vs. off-stage (e.g. lobby, elevators corridors); logistical support (e.g. linen, supplies waste, deliveries); ancillary support; infection control; and security.

Micro CONOPs should define how specific operational units conduct business. Micro CONOPs should continue to be refined throughout construction. Micro CONOPs shall be developed for the departments being impacted by the activation project.  The contractor will help the department/group assess current operations, define new operations, record and assist with gaining medical facility approval of business practices on new conditions in space, equipment, staffing, and operations.  The contractor shall assume each department will require 3 to 4 in-depth meetings with follow-up coordination.

IT/IM CONOPS should define requirements and determine infrastructure required to support low voltage systems (medical and non-medical).  This does not include development of telephonic, computer, and network backbone infrastructure.  

Management CONOPS:  The Contractor, in conjunction with government stakeholders, will identify top management processes affecting IOT&A activities.  The Contractor will guide key stakeholders in determining and documenting best business practices.  The group will map the process through flow charts or other approved communication methods.  The Contractor will use the process maps to develop management CONOPs in the following categories:  1) Room Contents Planning, 2) Information Management, 3) Medical and Administrative Facility Logistics, and 4) Transition Planning.

Transition CONOPs will build upon STRATCOM and other CONOPs and detail how to transition from current state to the required future state at the new facility. Transition CONOPs shall support the schedule development and acquisition, installation, and occupancy timelines. The Contractor shall provide detailed transition CONOPs by functional area. The Contractor shall identify key requirements and constraints that will empower or impede decision making processes, approvals, or the ability to manage well the activation activities. The Contractor shall make recommendations for improvement where constraints, impediments, or other problems are identified.

Refer to PWS Section 5 - Deliverables for the Deliverable Schedule which provides additional information regarding each deliverable listed below.     

Performance Standards

a) Standard: Comprehensive:  Transition Plan provides a clear roadmap for Day One operations in accordance with the activation schedule.  

    AQL: No more than 5% of required information is missing on initial (draft) submittal.  100% of required information is in the final submittal.  


A009 Transition Plan

3.5 Strategic Communication (STRATCOM).

The Contractor shall facilitate stakeholders in identifying and documenting objectives, goals, strategies, and tactics for accomplishing strategic communication (STRATCOM) to staff, other stakeholders, and the public. The Contractor shall identify high-level STRATCOM objectives and processes. Examples of high-level STRATCOM processes include communications within the transition working groups, leadership decisions, staff communication, public communication, etc. STRATCOM shall also address communications relating to the activation project between the Pre-planning Contractor, the Activation Contractor, Construction Contractor, and CFM/USACE. STRATCOM processes shall be documented in the Transition Governance Plan. STRATCOM shall also address communications relating to the activation project between the Activation Contractor, Construction Contractor, and CFM. STRATCOM processes shall be documented in the Transition Governance Plan. STRATCOM shall detail any STRATCOM requirements of the Activation Implementation Contract.


Refer to PWS Section 5 - Deliverables for the Deliverable Schedule which provides additional information regarding each deliverable listed below.  

Performance Standards

a) Standard: Contractor performs STRATCOM subtasks to the standards and AQLs specified.

    AQL: 100%

3.6 IT/IM Planning Support.

The Contractor will meet with key stakeholders to define CONOPS, define requirements, and determine infrastructure required to support low voltage systems (medical and non-medical).  A gap analysis will be performed where discrepancies are identified between CONOPS, requirements, and infrastructure provided in accordance with the construction documents, with facilitation towards workable solutions.  Information management coordination will happen at three levels: (1) overarching information technology (IT) governance, (2) hospital information management (IM) systems, and (3) medical equipment requiring IT integration.  After determining CONOPS for IT Implementation, the Contractor shall facilitate conversations with key stakeholders and VA OIT&A to determine IT requirements and infrastructure requirements needed to implement proposed designs.  The Contractor shall coordinate with the medical facility IT Planner.  Meetings with hospital staff, government staff, and other subject matter experts may be required.  The IT Planner will provide oversight and approval of the processes. The COR will provide acceptance.

Refer to PWS Section 5 - Deliverables for the Deliverable Schedule which provides additional information regarding each deliverable listed below.  

Performance Standards

a) Standard: Contractor performs IT/IM Planning Support subtasks to the standards and AQLs specified.

    AQL: 100%


A018 Gap Analysis Report

A020 Change Management Log

3.7 Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment Planning Support.

Furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E) encompasses all furniture, artwork, shelving, cabinets, medical equipment, non-medical equipment needed in the new space to ensure the facility is fully functional and ready to serve Veterans.  VALBHS is utilizing Attainia software to manage the FF&E for these activation projects.  The Contractor shall be responsible for validating, updating, and maintaining the FF&E information for 402 and 405 activation projects in Attainia.  The Attainia software license will be provided by the Government.  All items in Attainia shall be tagged with an accurate Joint Service Number (JSN).    

The Contractor shall conduct User Group meetings to facilitate the Government in determining FF&E requirements for the activation projects.  At the user group meetings, the Contractor and Government stakeholders will go through each room and discuss the layout and equipment designed in each room. The contractor shall notify the Government of any potential issues/concerns with the planned FF&E if necessary.  Floor plans showing planned FF&E shall be available for review and edit during the user group meetings.  

The Contractor shall work with the applicable end user to identify salient characteristics for FF&E items to be procured.  Generally, FF&E items that will be procured during the activation implementation phase will be "brand name or equal" in accordance with federal acquisition regulations.  Specific makes and models require a Justification and Approval in accordance with federal acquisition regulations.  

The Contractor shall update Attainia with changes/edits and identified salient characteristics identified during the user group meetings to include the date and name of the Government employee requesting/directing the change.


As part of the planning process, the Contractor shall validate utilities and placement (according to required workflow), salient characteristics, specifications, layouts, and elevations of all FF&E for the activation projects.  A gap analysis shall be performed where discrepancies are identified between CONOPS, planned FF&E, and infrastructure provided in accordance with the design/construction documents, with facilitation towards workable solutions. The Contractor shall provide a rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimate for FF&E for the project to include the cost of reuse items and items to be purchased.  

Refer to PWS Section 5 - Deliverables for the Deliverable Schedule which provides additional information regarding each deliverable listed below.  

Performance Standards

a) Standard: Contractor performs Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment Planning Support subtasks to the standards and AQLs specified.

    AQL: 100%


A018 Gap Analysis Report

A020 Change Management Log

A026 Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM)

A027 FF&E List

3.8 Request for Proposal (RFP) Support.

The Government will develop a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the IOT&A Implementation phases for these activation projects.  The Contractor shall provide technical guidance to the Government in the preparation and review of the IOT&A Implementation RFP.  The Contractor shall offer guidance to ensure the completeness and clarity of documents.  The contractor shall provide technical guidance on work elements, tasks, and deliverables.  

The Contractor shall provide and produce supporting documentation to use in the IOT&A implementation RFP (e.g. FF&E list, ROM, floor plans with FF&E, schedules).  Providing this documentation hinges on early identification and prioritizing of time sensitive deliverables.  As part of the project management plan, the Contractor must prioritize what items must be accomplished and develop a supporting schedule to meet this objective.  The date of the RFP and date submissions must be submitted will be mutually agreed upon by the Contractor and Government.  The agreed upon dates must be included in the IMS to verify no negative impact to the IOT&A project schedule or construction project schedule.

The pre-planning contractor will not be permitted to propose on the IOT&A implementation RFP for the 402 and 405 activation projects.  

Refer to PWS Section 5 - Deliverables for the Deliverable Schedule which provides additional information regarding each deliverable listed below.  

Performance Standards

a) Standard: Timely:  Deliverables are submitted in accordance with the Deliverable Schedule.

    AQL: Deliverables are submitted on time 100% of the time.

b) Standard: Complete:  Deliverables contain required information as described in the Deliverable Schedule

    AQL: No more than 10% of required information is missing on initial (draft) submittal.  100% of required information is in final submittal.  


A026 Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM)

A028 Reviewed RFP/PWS

3.9 Knowledge Transfer.

The Phase I Pre-planning Contractor acts as a bridge to the IOT&A Implementation activities. The Pre-Planning Contractor shall develop work products and deliverables that will be utilized by the Government and the Phase II Contractor during the implementation of IOT&A activities. The Contractor shall develop the Knowledge Transfer Plan, within the project management plan, by which it will hand-off the foundational planning work products and deliverables to the IOT&A Implementation Contractor and Government.  The overarching purpose of the Knowledge Transfer Plan is to speed the transition to the next phase and facilitate implementation of the IOT&A activities, processes, and procedures developed during the pre-planning phase.  This transfer of knowledge will be in the form of a hand-off conference.  The knowledge transfer plan will be reviewed and accepted by the Government prior to implementation by the Pre-planning Contractor.    

During pre-planning activities, the Contractor shall develop documentation providing a history of how deliverables were created and/or how decisions were reached during the pre-planning phase.  This may include meeting notes, decision logs, etc.  The Pre-planning Documentation must be produced in a meaningful way that is easy to follow.  The purpose of this deliverable is to speed the transition to the next phase and facilitate implementation of the IOT&A activities, processes, and procedures identified during pre-planning.  

Refer to PWS Section 5 - Deliverables for the Deliverable Schedule which provides additional information regarding each deliverable listed below.  

Performance Standards

a) Standard: Timely:  Deliverables are submitted in accordance with the Deliverable Schedule.

    AQL: Deliverables are submitted on time 100% of the time.

b) Standard: Complete:  Deliverables contain required information as described in the Deliverable Schedule.  

    AQL: No more than 10% of required information is missing on initial (draft) submittal.  100% of required information is in final submittal.  


A013 Knowledge Transfer Plan

3.9.1 Hand-Off Conference

The Contractor shall coordinate and facilitate the Hand-Off Conference in accordance with the approved Knowledge Transfer Plan.  The Contractor will coordinate with all interested parties and coordinate a hand-off conference before the implementation contractor begins performing IOT&A implementation services.  The hand-off conference may be in conjunction with the IOT&A implementation contract kick-off meeting.   The hand-off conference shall be identified in the IMS and project schedule.  

The Contractor shall provide all materials required to transfer information to the IOT&A implementation contractor.  The Contractor shall develop and provide an agenda for the hand-off conference. At a minimum, the pre-planning contractor shall discuss the IOT&A master schedule and milestones, key issues, and identified risks.  The Pre-planning contractor shall provide meeting minutes for the hand-off conference and to include due-outs with the responsible person(s), and date due.


Refer to PWS Section 5 - Deliverables for the Deliverable Schedule which provides additional information regarding each deliverable listed below.  

Performance Standards

a) Standard: Compliant:  In accordance with approved Knowledge Transfer Plan

    AQL: No deviations from approved plan.

b) Standard: Timely:  Deliverables are submitted in accordance with the Deliverable Schedule.

    AQL: Deliverables are submitted on time 100% of the time.

c) Standard: Complete:  Deliverables contain required information as described in the Deliverable Schedule.  

    AQL: No more than 10% of required information is missing on initial (draft) submittal.  100% of required information is in final submittal.  


A009 Transition Plan

A010 Reuse and Disposition Plan

A011 Delivery, Receiving, and Installation Plan

A012 Project Acquisition Plan

A017 Activation Integrated Master Schedule (AIMS)

A037 Approved FF&E Layouts - Pre-planning Phase

4 Special Requirements

This section describes the special requirements for this effort. The following sub-sections provide details of various considerations on this effort.

4.1 Security and Safety

This section describes the security and safety for this effort. The following sub-sections provide details of various considerations on this effort.

4.1.1 Position/Task Risk Designation Level(s)

The following position sensitivity classifications and background investigation requirements are in accordance with the Department of Veterans Affairs 0710 Handbook "Personnel Security Suitability Program" Appendix A.

Position Sensitivity Low:  National Agency Check with Written Inquiries (NACI)

A NACI is conducted by OPM and covers a 5-year period.  It consists of a review of records contained in the OPM Security Investigations Index (SII) and the DOD Defense Central Investigations Index (DCII), FBI name check, FBI fingerprint check, and written inquiries to previous employers and references listed on the application for employment.  In VA it is used for Non-sensitive or Low-Risk positions.

Position Sensitivity Moderate:  Moderate Background Investigation (MBI)

An MBI is conducted by OPM and covers a 5-year period.  It consists of National Agency Check (NAC) records [OPM SII, DCII, FBI name check, and an FBI fingerprint check], a credit report covering a period of 5 years, written inquiries to previous employers and references listed on the application for employment, an interview with the subject, law enforcement check, and a verification of the educational degree.

Position Sensitivity High:  Background Investigation (BI)

A BI is conducted by OPM and covers a 10-year period.  It consists of a review of NAC records [OPM SII, DCII, FBI name check, and an FBI fingerprint check report], a credit report covering a period of 10 years, written inquiries to previous employers and references listed on the application for employment; an interview with the subject, spouse neighbors, supervisor, and co- workers; court records, law enforcement check, and a verification of the educational degree.

The Government is required to identify the appropriate background investigation level (NACI, MBI, or BI) by PWS task using the Position Designation Automated Tool (PDT) at the US Office of Personnel Management Website at:  .  The position sensitivity and the level of background investigation commensurate with the required level of access for the following tasks within the Performance Work Statement are listed in Exhibit F.

The tasks identified in Exhibit F and the resulting Position Sensitivity and Background Investigation requirements identify, in effect, the Background Investigation requirements for Contractor individual, based upon the tasks the Contractor individual will be working.

The submitted Contractor Staff Roster must indicate the required Background Investigation Level for each Contractor individual based upon the task the Contractor individual will be working, in accordance with their submitted proposal.

4.1.2 Contractor Personnel Security Requirement Responsibilities

1. The Contractor shall prescreen all personnel requiring access to the computer systems to ensure they maintain the appropriate Background Investigation, and are able to read, write, speak, and understand the English language.    

2. The Contractor shall bear the expense of obtaining background investigations.          

3. Within 3 business days after award, the Contractor shall provide a roster of Contractor and Subcontractor employees to the COR to begin their background investigations.  The staff roster shall contain each Contractor and Subcontractor employee's full name, full social security number, date of birth, place of birth, and individual background investigation level requirement.           

4. The Contractor should coordinate the location of the nearest VA fingerprinting office through the COR. Only electronic fingerprints are authorized.    

5. For a Low Risk designation, the following forms are required to be completed:  OF-306 and DVA Memorandum - Electronic Fingerprints.  For Moderate or High Risk designations, the following forms are required to be completed:  VA Form 0710 and DVA Memorandum - Electronic Fingerprints. These should be submitted to the COR within 5 business days after contract award.

6. The Contractor employee will receive an email notification from the Security and Investigation Center (SIC) through the Electronics Questionnaire for Investigations Processing (e-QIP) identifying the website link that includes detailed instructions regarding completion of the investigation documents (SF85, SF85P, or SF86).  The Contractor employee shall submit all required information related to their background investigations utilizing e-QIP.       

7. The Contractor employee is to certify and release the e-QIP document, print and sign the signature pages, and send them to the COR for electronic submission to the SIC.  These should be submitted to the COR within 3 business days of receipt of the e-QIP notification email.       

8. The Contractor shall be responsible for the actions of all personnel provided to work for VA under this contract. In the event that damages arise from work performed by Contractor personnel, under the auspices of this contract, the Contractor shall be responsible for all resources necessary to remedy the incident.     

9. A Contractor employee may be granted unescorted access to VA facilities and/or access to VA Information Technology resources (network and/or protected data) with a favorably adjudicated Special Agreement Check (SAC) or "Closed, No Issues" (SAC) finger print results, completion of training delineated in VA Handbook 6500.6 (Appendix C, Section 9), and the signed "Contractor Rules of Behavior."   However, the Contractor will be responsible for the actions of the Contractor personnel they provide to perform work for the VA.  The investigative history for Contractor personnel working under this contract must be maintained in the database of the Office of Personnel Management.     

10. The Contractor, when notified of an unfavorably adjudicated background investigation on a Contractor employee as determined by the Government, shall withdraw the employee from consideration in working under the contract.

11. Failure to comply with the Contractor personnel security investigative requirements may result in termination of the contract for default.

4.2 Government Furnished Materials

The Government may provide office space to a limited number of contractor personnel (one or two people).  

The Government will provide access to the VA network to contractor personnel requiring network access only after the individuals have received appropriate security clearances.  VA will provide access to VA specific systems/networks as required for execution of the task via remote access technology (e.g. Citrix Access Gateway (CAG), site-to-site VPM, or VA Remote Access Security Compliance Update Environment (RESCUE).  This remote access will provide access to VA specific software such as Veterans Health Information System and Technology Architecture (VistA), ClearQuest, proPath, Primavera, and Remedy, including appropriate seat management and user licenses. VA will provide an Attainia software license for this project.

All procedural guides, reference materials, and program documentation for the project and other Government applications will also be provided on an as-needed basis.  The Contractor shall request other Government documentation deemed pertinent to the work accomplishment directly from the Government officials with whom the Contractor has contact.  The Contractor shall consider the COR as the final source for needed Government documentation when the Contractor fails to secure the documents by other means.  The contractor is expected to use common knowledge and resourcefulness in securing all other reference materials, standard industry publications, and related materials that are pertinent to the work.  

4.3 Directives, Guidelines, References

US Federal Holidays can be found at .

The applicable travel regulations to FAR Subpart 31.205-46 is the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) (FAR31.205-46(a)(2)(i)) which is available at .  

Per diem rates can be found at .

The FTR first and last day of travel rates can be found at .  

The contractor may use FedRooms () to book lodging.  

Information on the FSC electronic invoicing process can be found at .  

Go to to begin submitting electronic invoices.

Additional information regarding VHA contractor security processing can be found at the VHA Service Centers website at .

VA design standards and guides can be found at .

The Contractor shall utilize VA-SEPS Joint Service Number (JSN) nomenclature in accordance with the VA BIM Guide (available at cfm.til/bim/BIMGuide/modreq.htm) for all unique ID numbering.  New JSN requests and JSN searches can be conducted at .

4.4 Quality

This section describes the Quality Control components for this effort. The following sub-sections provide details of various considerations on this effort.

4.4.1 Quality Control

The Contractor shall develop a Quality Control Plan (QCP).  The QCP shall be submitted with the Contractor's proposal for review.  The QCP shall document how the Contractor will maintain an effective quality control program to ensure services are performed in accordance with the contract and this PWS.  The Contractor shall develop and implement procedures to identify, prevent, and ensure non-recurrence of defective services.  The Contractors QCP is the means by which he assures himself that his work complies with the requirement of the contract.  

The finalized QCP will be accepted by the Government at the time of the award.  The Contracting Officer may notify the Contractor of required modifications to the plan during the period of performance.  The Contractor then shall coordinate suggested modifications and obtain acceptance of the plan by the Contracting Officer.  Any modifications to the program during the period of performance shall be provided to the Contracting Officer for review no later than 10 working days prior to effective date of the change. The QCP shall be subject to the Governments review and approval.  The Government may find the QCP "unacceptable" whenever the Contractors procedures do not accomplish quality control objective(s).  The Contractor shall revise the QCP within 10 working days from receipt of notice that QCP is found "unacceptable."

4.4.2 Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP)

The Government will monitor the Contractors performance under this PWS in accordance with the Governments QASP.  The Government reserves the right to alter or change the surveillance methods in the QASP at its own discretion.  A Performance Based Service Assessment Survey will be used in combination with the QASP to assist the Government in determining acceptance performance levels.  

5 Deliverables

The contractor shall provide deliverables as described in the PWS.  Deliverables shall be specified by the government. Format and delivery schedule for deliverables are identified in the PWS.  For deliverables with a schedule yet to be determined, a mutually agreed upon schedule and/or format will be determined during the performance period.  The agreed upon date must not delay the project schedule and must be tracked in the Integrated Master Schedule for verification.  Deliverables with a schedule and/or format to be determined are identified as "TBD" in the PWS.

The Contractor shall deliver documentation in electronic format unless otherwise directed in the solicitation/contract.  Acceptable electronic media include:  MS Word 2000/2003/2007/2010, MS Excel 2000/2003/2007/2010, MS PowerPoint 2000/2003/2007/2010, MS Project 2000/2003/2007/2010, MS Access 2000/2003/2007/2010, MS Visio 2000/2002/2003/2007/2010, AutoCAD 2002/2004/2007/2010, and Adobe Postscript Data Format (PDF) unless otherwise directed in the PWS, solicitation, or contract.  

|Number |Name |Frequency |Quantity |

|A001 |Subcontractor Listing |With Proposal |updated as required |

| |The Contractor shall provide a listing of its subcontractors to the | | |

| |Contracting Officer with its proposal. As subcontractors are added | | |

| |or deleted, the Contractor shall provide an updated listing to the | | |

| |Contracting Officer within two business days. Reference PWS Section | | |

| |2.3.1 - Subcontract Management. | | |

|A002 |Work Breakdown Structure |With Proposal |updated as required |

| |The WBS shall document how the Contractor will organize the project | | |

| |tasks into manageable sections to be executed by the project team. | | |

|A003 |Quality Control Plan |With Proposal |updated as required |

| |Describes the Contractor's strategy for ensuring tasks are | | |

| |technically sufficient and in accordance with the PWS. Describes the| | |

| |Contractor's tracking mechanisms for documenting all work products, | | |

| |deliverables, reports, correspondence, and other documentation | | |

| |required in accordance with the PWS. Submitted as part of the | | |

| |Contractor's proposal. Refer to PWS Sections, 4.6, 4.6.1, and 4.6.2.| | |

|A004 |Contractor's Human Resource Plan |With Proposal |updated as required |

| |Listing of personnel that will be working on the project. Includes | | |

| |onsite and offsite resources and description of the work they will | | |

| |be performing. Contains at a minimum the following: (1) names of | | |

| |contractor personnel (or position if personnel have not been | | |

| |selected) and tasks each will be performing under this PWS, (2) | | |

| |number of teams, (3) the labor categories and members of each team | | |

| |conducting and facilitating task coordination, (4) matrix showing | | |

| |the estimated number of hours per labor category for each task to be| | |

| |completed, (5) key personnel resumes per labor category, and (6) | | |

| |identify which individuals (or positions) will be on-site and | | |

| |frequency they are planned to be on site. | | |

|A005 |Travel Approval Form |Prior to Travel |As needed |

| |The Travel Approval Form shall be submitted to and approved by the | | |

| |COR in advance of travel. The COR approved and signed travel form | | |

| |provides documentation that travel costs associated with the travel | | |

| |are allowable in accordance with FAR 31.205-46(a)(7). Refer to PWS | | |

| |sections 2.7 and 2.7.1. | | |

|A006 |Responsibility Assignment Matrix |Award + 14 days |updated as required |

| |Summarizes the participation of the Contractor's employees and | | |

| |subcontractor employees (if applicable) by various roles in | | |

| |completing tasks and/or deliverables required under the PWS. The | | |

| |Responsibility Assignment Matrix should correspond with the | | |

| |information provided in the Contractor's most recent Human Resources| | |

| |and Staffing Plan. | | |

|A007 |Project Management Plan |Award + 30 days |updated as required |

| |The Contractor's Project Management Plan shall outline the | | |

| |Contractor's execution plan with milestone schedules for performance| | |

| |of all work required under this PWS. The Contractor is responsible | | |

| |for defining within the plan the roles, responsibilities, and | | |

| |accountabilities expected of key stakeholders required in the | | |

| |delivery of detailed tasks between milestones. These roles and | | |

| |responsibilities are not limited to the Contractor and include | | |

| |expectations of those outside the control of the Contractor to | | |

| |include medical facility staff, government agencies, and other | | |

| |contractors. The Project Management Plan will assess risks, | | |

| |constraints, and uncertainties defined early in the project | | |

| |requiring mitigation strategies for success. | | |

|A008 |Project Communication Plan |NTP + 45 days |updated as required |

| |The Project Communication Plan shall be prepared in accordance with | | |

| |the PMBOK Guide. The plan shall encompass the Contractor's plan for | | |

| |communicating with government employees and other key stakeholders | | |

| |to ensure the requirements of this PWS are met. The plan shall also | | |

| |address communications required by the Activation Team with internal| | |

| |and external stakeholders to ensure effective transmission of | | |

| |information and to help ensure the successful activation of the | | |

| |project. | | |

|A009 |Transition Plan |NTP + 60 days |updated monthly |

| |The Transition Plan provides a roadmap to successful activation of | | |

| |the facility on the scheduled Day One date. The Plan shall encompass| | |

| |all areas that impact the successful activation of the project. This| | |

| |includes, but is not limited to, communications, staffing, training,| | |

| |acquisition, and logistics. The Contractor shall make | | |

| |recommendations for improvement where constraints, impediments, or | | |

| |other problems are identified. | | |

| |The Plan shall include an assessment and analysis of current | | |

| |procedures required for all CONOPS identified in this PWS and a | | |

| |discussion of recommended changes in procedures to streamline CONOPs| | |

| |processes to include why the changes are recommended and, if | | |

| |applicable, various options. The Plan shall include copies of all | | |

| |CONOPs developed for use in the new facility in accordance with this| | |

| |PWS. | | |

| |The plan shall include a discussion of high-level STRATCOM | | |

| |objectives and processes as identified in accordance with this PWS | | |

| |and a discussion of the STRATCOM requirements for the Phase II | | |

| |Activation Contractor. | | |

| |The preliminary Transition Plan that encompasses the second | | |

| |renovated space for project 402 (referred to as phase 3) is due NTP | | |

| |+ 60 days. The Plan shall be updated monthly as CONOPS and other | | |

| |information for project 402 and project 405 is made available. | | |

| |The Transition Plan shall be discussed during the Hand-Off | | |

| |Conference. However, the Pre-planning Contractor will retain | | |

| |responsibility for maintaining and updating the transition plan | | |

| |through project completion. | | |

|A010 |Reuse and Disposition Plan |NTP + 120 days |updated as required |

| |The Reuse and Disposition Plan shall identify strategies for | | |

| |projects 402 and 405 for determining reuse of existing items and | | |

| |identifying how existing items not identified for reuse for the | | |

| |activation projects will be made available for other facilities, and| | |

| |strategies to dispose of items not fit for reuse. | | |

| |The Government, under a separate contract, has contracted for the | | |

| |inventory of existing spaces involved in the 402 and 405 activation | | |

| |projects. As part of the inventory, each item was assessed for the | | |

| |potential for reuse. In general, items with an expected useful life | | |

| |of two years or more after occupancy are recommended for reuse. | | |

| |Maintenance concerns and other factors may be included in the | | |

| |decision to not recommend an item for reuse. This inventory will be | | |

| |provided to the Pre-planning Contractor. | | |

| |The Reuse and Disposition Plan shall identify the items fit for | | |

| |reuse for the activation projects. The plan should identify the | | |

| |estimated costs to reuse those items (by item) in the activation | | |

| |projects (e.g. moving, storage, repairs, reupholster), the costs to | | |

| |replace the items with new, and any additional information the | | |

| |Government may need to make an informed decision. | | |

| |The plan shall also identify strategies to disposition items that | | |

| |will not be used in the new spaces. Strategies may include, but are | | |

| |not limited to, using items in other buildings on the campus, other | | |

| |VA or Government facilities, and/or disposing of the items. | | |

| |Strategies shall include an estimated cost for implementation of the| | |

| |strategy as well as an estimated cost of purchasing items new (if | | |

| |applicable) to enable the Government to make an informed decision. | | |

| |The Reuse and Disposition Plan may be provided to the IOT&A | | |

| |Implementation Contractor during the Hand-Off Conference. | | |

|A011 |Delivery, Receiving, and Installation Plan |Hand-off conf. - 30 | |

| | |days | |

| |The Installation Plan shall describe the process to be used to | | |

| |deliver, receive, and install all the new FF&E and Reuse Items (to | | |

| |include leased items such as copiers) for the project. The plan | | |

| |shall address any required coordination for leased items. The Plan | | |

| |shall recommend options for delivery of purchased FF&E items (e.g. | | |

| |direct delivery by manufacturers/vendors to the new space or to a | | |

| |contractor-provided warehouse space for installation by the IOT&A | | |

| |implementation contractor). The Plan shall address the receiving | | |

| |process as well as the Government Acceptance of the FF&E items that | | |

| |are not installed by the manufacturer/vendor. The Plan shall include| | |

| |recommended installation processes to accommodate for the high | | |

| |volume of items being installed during the activation. The | | |

| |installation plan shall identify any differences in the processes | | |

| |between vendor-installed or IOT&A contractor-installed items. The | | |

| |Installation Plan shall recommend a process for obtaining BMET | | |

| |safety checks/certifications for FF&E and Reuse items. The Plan | | |

| |shall identify the need to plan for staging areas prior to | | |

| |installation of FF&E. The Plan shall include a process to update the| | |

| |VA inventory system. The Plan shall make note of any risks/issues | | |

| |identified and provided recommended solutions. | | |

| |The final approved Delivery, Receiving, and Installation Plan will | | |

| |be provided to the IOT&A Implementation Contractor during the | | |

| |Hand-Off Conference. | | |

|A012 |Project Acquisition Plan |Hand-off conf. - 30 | |

| | |days | |

| |The Project Acquisition Plan details the plans for acquisition of | | |

| |FF&E items. The plan should suggestions for grouping of FF&E items | | |

| |in procurement packages. Priorities for grouping include sources | | |

| |available through existing national VA contracts | | |

| |() and maximizing competition among | | |

| |Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses and Veteran-Owned | | |

| |Small Businesses, followed by other socio-economically disadvantaged| | |

| |small businesses, small businesses, and other than small businesses.| | |

| |VA's priorities for contracting can be found in the VA Acquisition | | |

| |Regulations available at . | | |

| |Federal and VA procurement regulations shall be considered in the | | |

| |Contractor's plan. The plan shall discuss the estimated number of | | |

| |procurement packages that will be needed by project. The plan shall | | |

| |include a proposed schedule for submission of procurement packages | | |

| |taking procurement acquisition lead times and manufacturing lead | | |

| |times into consideration to ensure FF&E items are available, | | |

| |installed, and ready for use by Day One. | | |

| |The approved plan will be provided to the IOT&A Activation | | |

| |Implementation Contractor during the Hand-Off conference. | | |

|A013 |Knowledge Transfer Plan |Hand-off conf. - 90 | |

| | |days | |

| |The Phase I Pre-planning Contractor acts as a bridge to the Phase II| | |

| |Implementation activities. The Contractor shall develop work | | |

| |products and deliverables that will be utilized by the Government | | |

| |and the Phase II Contractor during the implementation of IOT&A | | |

| |activities. The Contractor shall develop the knowledge transfer | | |

| |plan, within the project management plan, by which it will hand-off | | |

| |the foundational planning work products and deliverables to the | | |

| |Phase II Implementation Contractor and Government. This transfer of | | |

| |knowledge will be in the form of a hand-off conference. The | | |

| |knowledge transfer plan will be reviewed and accepted by the | | |

| |Government before the Contractor implements it. | | |

|A014 |Risk Management Plan |with status report |updated monthly |

| |The Risk Management Plan shall include an itemized listing of | | |

| |project-specific risks, challenges, and perceived problems that are | | |

| |anticipated to threaten the project. Risks identified shall include | | |

| |probability of occurrence and level of impact. With each issue | | |

| |specified, the Contractor shall list their proposed solution to | | |

| |mitigate or resolve the risk. The plan shall cover all phases of the| | |

| |work. When identifying risks/solutions, the Contractor may want to | | |

| |give consideration to items in areas that may cause the project to | | |

| |1) not be completed on time, 2) not finish within budget, 3) | | |

| |generate modifications/change orders, 4) result in owner | | |

| |dissatisfaction, 5) result in poor quality of service, and/or 6) any| | |

| |other areas identified by the Pre-planning Contractor. Risk | | |

| |Management should be a regular project meeting agenda item to ensure| | |

| |risks are being managed per the Risk Management Plan. The Risk | | |

| |Management Plan shall be updated as additional risks are identified | | |

| |through meetings or day-to-day project execution. | | |

| |The most recent Risk Management Plan shall be submitted monthly with| | |

| |the Monthly Project Status Report. | | |

|A015 |Contract Project Schedule |with status report |updated monthly |

| |The Pre-planning Contractor shall develop and maintain a detailed | | |

| |Master Project Schedule. The Master Project Schedule shall track all| | |

| |major milestones to demonstrate effective management and execution | | |

| |of the project by the Pre-planning Contractor, illustrate timely | | |

| |performance, and identifies and delays or potential delays to the | | |

| |Pre-planning contract. The Master Project Schedule shall be written | | |

| |in Microsoft Project (or compatible software). The schedule shall | | |

| |identify key tasks, start and completion dates, durations of tasks | | |

| |to be completed by the Pre-planning Contractor to satisfy the | | |

| |requirements of the PWS. The Master Project Schedule shall be | | |

| |updated no less frequently than monthly. The Contractor shall | | |

| |annotate any schedule deviations. | | |

| |The Contract Project Schedule shall be submitted monthly with the | | |

| |Project Status Report. | | |

|A016 |Schedule of Values |with status report |updated monthly |

| |The Schedule of Values (SOV) is the Contractor's detailed statement | | |

| |allocating dollar amounts to each task required under the PWS, | | |

| |totaling the contract value. The SOV shall be used as the basis for | | |

| |submitting requests for payments. The Contractor shall bill based on| | |

| |the percentage of completed work for each task item monthly. The SOV| | |

| |shall be updated monthly to indicate the percentage of work | | |

| |completed during the month. The percentage of work completed on the | | |

| |SOV shall correspond to the information provided in the monthly | | |

| |status report. The SOV shall be submitted with the corresponding | | |

| |invoice and project status report for that month. The start/end date| | |

| |of the project status report shall align with the dates of the SOV | | |

| |and the invoice for that billing period. | | |

| |Deviations or inconsistencies between the SOV, project status | | |

| |report, or invoice may result in rejection of the contractor's | | |

| |invoice for payment. | | |

|A017 |Activation Integrated Master Schedule (AIMS) |Award + 45 days |updated as required |

| |The IMS shall be a color coded, time-lined graphic which marks the | | |

| |start and end dates of major element or sub-element milestones of | | |

| |construction which may impact the start, duration, or completion of | | |

| |scheduled pre-planning or activation tasks, shows major start and | | |

| |end dates of milestone events for purchased items, shows medical | | |

| |center scheduled activities in activating or approving building | | |

| |systems and support contracts, and shows activation events which may| | |

| |be impacted by schedule acceleration or slippage by others. A | | |

| |complete IMS will include and demonstrate all construction milestone| | |

| |dependencies with both Government and Contractor activation-related | | |

| |processes from contract award to the completion of the contract | | |

| |itself. | | |

| |After contract award, a first draft of the baseline IMS shall be | | |

| |presented at award + 45 calendar days for project 402 and award +120| | |

| |calendar days for project 405 for consideration by the Government. A| | |

| |final IMS shall be presented to the Government for approval 15 | | |

| |calendar days after the Contractor presents the last IMS Development| | |

| |draft to the Government. The final IMS, after approval by the | | |

| |Government, will serve as the Contractor's baseline schedule for the| | |

| |effort. The final IMS shall be updated at least every month | | |

| |thereafter unless otherwise directed by the Government. | | |

| |The pre-planning contractor will establish key IMS milestones. The | | |

| |selected phase II activation contractor will finalize the IMS as | | |

| |part of the activation contract. The IMS shall become the | | |

| |responsibility of the phase II activation contractor at the | | |

| |conclusion of the hand off conference. | | |

|A018 |Gap Analysis Report |NTP + 120 days |updated as required |

| |The Gap Analysis Report shall detail the Contractor's gap analysis | | |

| |of discrepancies identified between CONOPs, FF&E requirements, | | |

| |designed space, and planned MEP/data. The initial Gap Analysis for | | |

| |the second renovated space of Project 402 (referred to as phase 3) | | |

| |is due NTP + 120 days. The Gap Analysis Report shall be updated to | | |

| |include the last phase of 402 and project 405 as information is made| | |

| |available. | | |

| |The Gap Analysis Report shall be updated no less frequently than 180| | |

| |days prior to the scheduled construction completion dates of | | |

| |Building 126OP, MHIP/MHOP, and the CLC. | | |

|A019 |Monthly Status Report |With invoice |monthly |

| |The Monthly Status Report shall be prepared by month. It shall give | | |

| |an overview of the progression of the project and describe the work | | |

| |completed during the previous month/invoicing period. The report | | |

| |shall include status of milestone items in the master project | | |

| |schedule and a discussion of risks and issues. The report shall | | |

| |include descriptions of meetings attended and any decisions made the| | |

| |have a significant impact on the contract or the activation project.| | |

| | | | |

| |The Status Report shall include a deliverable schedule to track | | |

| |deliverables due, deliverables submitted for review, deliverables | | |

| |approved, and deliverables rejected with corresponding dates. | | |

| |A copy of the updated monthly report shall be submitted with the | | |

| |corresponding invoice and invoice for that month. The first status | | |

| |report may include more or fewer than 30 days to help the Contractor| | |

| |align the status report with invoicing. | | |

|A020 |Change Management Log |with status report |monthly |

| |The Change Management Log tracks requested changes to the layout of | | |

| |the space and FF&E. At a minimum, the Change Management log | | |

| |shall identify the requested change, the name of the requestor, and | | |

| |date. | | |

|A021 |Information Review Response |TBD |TBD |

| |The response to information review requests shall include the | | |

| |requested information and be submitted on the agreed-upon due date. | | |

| |If formatting is specified in the review request, the response shall| | |

| |be in the requested format. | | |

|A022 |Meeting Minutes |Within 3 business days |as required |

| |Meeting minutes shall be distributed to attendees and any other | | |

| |identified stakeholders within 3 business days after the meeting. | | |

| |Minutes shall include the agenda, attendees, discussions, action | | |

| |items/due outs and who is responsible, etc. | | |

| |Any requested revisions shall be made within 3 business days. For | | |

| |recurring meetings, the minutes from the previous meeting shall be | | |

| |reviewed at the following meeting. | | |

|A023 |FF&E Layouts |NTP + 30 days |update as required |

| |Space plans showing FF&E placement. FF&E layouts are to be used for | | |

| |user group meetings, to assist in the validation of FF&E, and to | | |

| |facilitate outfitting. FF&E shall be color-coded on the plan to | | |

| |distinguish items by reuse, IOT&A contractor installed, or | | |

| |construction contractor installed. Additional color-coding | | |

| |classifications may be included if necessary. FF&E items shall be | | |

| |tagged with the applicable JSN. The FF&E on the plans shall be | | |

| |validated against the FF&E in Attainia to ensure drawings and the | | |

| |information in Attainia match. | | |

| |Initial FF&E layouts for 402 phase 3 shall be submitted NTP + 30 | | |

| |days. Updates shall be submitted as layouts are completed for | | |

| |spaces. Final layouts with departmental sign-off shall be designated| | |

| |as such when uploaded to the SharePoint-like site. | | |

|A024 |3-Dimensional Design Renditions |TBD |update as required |

| |3D design renditions of FF&E items and 3D renditions of FF&E items | | |

| |within planned spaces using SketchUp, Revit, AutoCAD, or other | | |

| |similar programs. | | |

|A025 |Design Review Report |NTP + 60 days |update as required |

| |The Design Review Report documents the contractor's review of the | | |

| |as-designed mechanical, electrical, plumbing (MEP) to verify the | | |

| |building as designed will support the planned staff and FF&E. The | | |

| |report shall document the Contractor's gap analysis where | | |

| |discrepancies were identified between CONOPS, requirements and the | | |

| |facility as designed, to include recommendations for workable | | |

| |solutions. The report shall also document the Contractor's review of| | |

| |the space layout plan to verify planned placement of FF&E meets with| | |

| |applicable state, local, and federal requirements (e.g. ADA, fire | | |

| |codes). | | |

| |The initial submittal is due NTP + 60 days and shall encompass the | | |

| |second renovated space of Project 402 (referred to as phase 3). The | | |

| |report shall be updated as design reviews for the remaining | | |

| |buildings are completed. Specific dates are TBD. | | |

|A026 |Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) |Phase II RFP - 30 days |TBD |

| |The ROM shall include all items required for the facility and | | |

| |include an estimated cost to purchase, warehouse, install, certify, | | |

| |and test, as applicable, all items required for the activation. The | | |

| |ROM will be included as part of the Phase II Contract RFP. | | |

|A027 |FF&E List |NTP + 120 days | |

| |The FF&E List contains all the items (furniture, fixtures, and | | |

| |equipment) to be installed in the new space. The FF&E list shall | | |

| |list items by description, correct JSN, the location the item is to | | |

| |be installed (department and room), who is providing/installing the | | |

| |item, and the quantity to be installed. | | |

| |The initial FF&E list for phase 3 of project 402 is due NTP + 120 | | |

| |days. The due dates of the FF&E lists for the remaining 402 phase | | |

| |and the buildings in 405 are TBD. | | |

|A028 |Reviewed RFP/PWS |Ph. II RFP notice-30 | |

| | |days | |

| |Refer to PWS Item 3.9. | | |

|A029 |Staff Roster |contract award + 3 days|updated as required |

| |Within 3 business days after award, the Contractor shall provide a | | |

| |roster of Contractor and Subcontractor employees to the COR to begin| | |

| |their background investigations. The staff roster shall contain each| | |

| |Contractor and Subcontractor employee's full name, full social | | |

| |security number, date of birth, place of birth, and individual | | |

| |background investigation level requirement. The tasks identified in | | |

| |PWS Exhibit E and the resulting Position Sensitivity and Background | | |

| |Investigation requirements identify, in effect, the Background | | |

| |Investigation requirements for Contractor individual, based upon the| | |

| |tasks the Contractor individual will be working. The submitted | | |

| |Contractor Staff Roster must indicate the required Background | | |

| |Investigation Level for each Contractor individual based upon the | | |

| |task the Contractor individual will be working, in accordance with | | |

| |the Contractor’s submitted proposal. | | |

| |Refer to PWS Items 4.1.1 and 4.1.2. | | |

|A030 |Employee Security Clearance Documents |Contract award + 5 days|updated as required |

| |Refer to PWS Item 4.1.2. | | |

| |For Low Risk designations the following forms are required: (1) | | |

| |OF-306 and (2) DVA Memorandum - Electronic Fingerprints. | | |

| |For Moderate or High Risk designations the following forms are | | |

| |required: (1) VA Form 0710 and (2) DVA Memorandum - Electronic | | |

| |Fingerprints. | | |

|A031 |IOT&A Contract Scope Recommendation & Cost Estimate |TBD |1 |

| |The Contractor shall make recommendations for the IOT&A scope for | | |

| |installation services and the estimated cost to provide those | | |

| |services. This shall be based upon the final scope developed during | | |

| |the Pre-planning contract. | | |

|A032 |Pre-planning Documentation |Turnover Conf. - 45 | |

| | |days | |

| |During the course of pre-planning activities, the Contractor shall | | |

| |develop documentation providing a history of how deliverables were | | |

| |created and/or how decisions were reached during the pre-planning | | |

| |phase. This may include meeting notes, decision logs, etc. The | | |

| |Pre-planning Documentation must be produced in a meaningful way that| | |

| |is easy to follow. The purpose of this deliverable is to speed the | | |

| |transition to the next phase and facilitate implementation of the | | |

| |IOT&A activities, processes, and procedures identified during | | |

| |pre-planning. | | |

|A033 |Implementation Oversight Report |TBD |updated monthly |

| |The Implementation Oversight Report shall discuss any identified | | |

| |risks during the implementation of activation activities with | | |

| |recommendations for mitigation when applicable. The report shall | | |

| |identify lessons learned, both positive and negative, during the | | |

| |reporting period. The final report shall summarize lessons learned | | |

| |during the implementation of activation activities and include | | |

| |recommendations for improvement during both pre-planning and | | |

| |implementation phases to improve VHA's activation program. This | | |

| |report may be used by the Government to train and/or plan for future| | |

| |activation projects. | | |

|A034 |Employee Security Training Certificates |As directed by the COR |updated annually |

| |Contractor employees requiring security clearances are required to | | |

| |complete training in VA's Training Management System (TMS). The COR | | |

| |will identify the classes contractor employees are required to | | |

| |complete based on local requirements. Completed training | | |

| |certificates need to be submitted to the COR to receive a security | | |

| |clearance. Security trainings must be completed annually. | | |

|A035 |Final Lessons Learned Report |With final invoice | |

| |At the conclusion of the activation project, the Contractor shall | | |

| |submit a final lessons learned report. This report shall summarize | | |

| |the lessons learned (both positive and negative) during both the | | |

| |pre-planning and activation implementation phases with | | |

| |recommendations for improvements. This report may be used by the | | |

| |Government to train and plan future activation projects. | | |

|A036 |Hand-Off Conference Agenda |Hand-off conf. - 30 | |

| | |days | |

| |Refer to PWS Item | | |

|A037 |Approved FF&E Layouts - Pre-planning Phase |Hand-off conference |1 |

| |Completed and updated drawings showing FF&E and signed off by | | |

| |customer (each department) in Revit, AutoCAD, or other similar | | |

| |software. These drawings will be provided to the IOT&A | | |

| |Implementation Contractor. | | |

Performance Requirement Summary (PRS)

|Statements |Standards/AQLs |Incentive/Remedy |

|3.1 |Project Management Support |a) Uses PMI best practices for project management. | |

| |Services. |AQL: PMI best practices are used 90% of the time. | |

| | |b) Timely: Deliverables are submitted in accordance | |

| | |with the Deliverable Schedule. | |

| | |AQL: Deliverables are submitted on time 100% of the | |

| | |time. | |

| | |c) Complete: Deliverables contain required information | |

| | |as described in the Deliverable Schedule. | |

| | |AQL: No more than 10% of required information is | |

| | |missing on initial (draft) submittal. 100% of required | |

| | |information is in final submittal. | |

|3.1.1 |Project Communication Management.|a) The contractor uses PMBOK methodology for | |

| | |communication management. | |

| | |AQL: 90% of the time. | |

| | |b) Timely: Deliverables are submitted in accordance | |

| | |with the deliverable schedule in Section 5 of the PWS. | |

| | |AQL: Deliverables are submitted on time 100%. | |

| | |c) Complete: Deliverables contain required information | |

| | |as described in PWS Section 5. | |

| | |AQL: No more than 10% of required information is | |

| | |missing on initial (draft) submittal. 100% of required | |

| | |information is contained in final submittal. | |

|3.1.2 |SharePoint-like site |a) Comprehensive: SharePoint-like site contains project| |

| | |documentation required to date | |

| | |AQL: Required documentation is made available on the | |

| | |SharePoint-like site within one week of creation or | |

| | |distribution 90% of the time. All required | |

| | |documentation is made available within two weeks of | |

| | |creation or distribution. | |

| | |b) Effective: SharePoint-like site is searchable with | |

| | |accessibility provided to key stakeholders | |

| | |AQL: No more than 5 complaints per month regarding the | |

| | |functionality of the site or the availability of the | |

| | |documents. All complaints are resolved within one week.| |

|3.1.3 |Project Schedules, Reports, and |a) Timely | |

| |Plans. |AQL: Schedules, reports, and plans are made available | |

| | |to the Government in accordance with the deliverable | |

| | |schedule. | |

| | |b) Comprehensive | |

| | |AQL: Schedules, reports, and plans contain the required| |

| | |information as identified in the deliverable schedule. | |

|3.1.4 |Information Review Support |a) Timely: Deliverables are submitted on the agreed | |

| | |upon due-date. | |

| | |AQL: Deliverables are submitted on time 100% of the | |

| | |time. | |

| | |b) Comprehensive: Deliverables contain the required | |

| | |information as provided in the information review | |

| | |request. | |

| | |AQL: No more than 10% of required information is | |

| | |missing on initial submittal. 100% of required | |

| | |information is in the final submittal. | |

|3.1.5 |Meetings |a) Contractor facilitates required meetings necessary | |

| | |to accomplish the tasks in the PWS. | |

| | |AQL: 100% | |

|3.1.6 |Annual Reporting Requirements |a) Compliant | |

| | |AQL: 100% compliant with FAR Clause 52.204-15 | |

| | |b) Timely | |

| | |AQL: 100% - completed no later than October 31 each | |

| | |year. | |

|3.1.7 |Contract Security Requirements |a) Timely: Security items such as forms, eQIP, | |

| | |trainings are completed and submitted within the | |

| | |allotted time. | |

| | |AQL: Each employee submits/completes security items | |

| | |within the allotted time 95% of the time. | |

| | |b) Compliant: Contractor ensures no employees are | |

| | |permitted to work until the appropriate security | |

| | |requirements/clearances have been obtained. | |

| | |AQL: 100% compliance with security requirements. | |

|3.1.8 |Technical Oversight |a) Timely: COR and Contracting Officer are notified | |

| | |within the specified timeframe concerning risks to the | |

| | |activation project. | |

| | |AQL: 100% | |

| | |b) Timely: Deliverables are submitted in accordance | |

| | |with the Deliverable Schedule. | |

| | |AQL: Deliverables are submitted on time 100% of the | |

| | |time. | |

| | |c) Complete: Deliverables contain required information | |

| | |as described in the Deliverable Schedule. | |

| | |AQL: No more than 10% of required information is | |

| | |missing on initial (draft) submittal. 100% of required | |

| | |information is in final submittal. | |

|Statements |Standards/AQLs |Incentive/Remedy |

|3.2 |Design Services. |a) Comprehensive: Design services are performed in | |

| | |accordance with the PWS. | |

| | |AQL: 100% departmental sign-off. | |

| | |b) Timely: Deliverables are submitted in accordance | |

| | |with the Deliverable Schedule. | |

| | |AQL: Deliverables are submitted on time 100% of the | |

| | |time. | |

| | |c) Complete: Deliverables contain required information | |

| | |as described in the Deliverable Schedule. | |

| | |AQL: No more than 10% of required information is | |

| | |missing on initial (draft) submittal. 100% of required | |

| | |information is in final submittal. | |

|Statements |Standards/AQLs |Incentive/Remedy |

|3.3 |Mock-ups. |a) Comprehensive: Mock-ups follow CFM/TIL guidelines to| |

| | |the extent that they do not conflict with local | |

| | |requirements or needs. Any conflicts are identified. | |

| | |Mock-ups are setup in accordance with the agreed-upon | |

| | |schedule. Recommended solutions shall inform CFM/USACE | |

| | |on behalf of the facility of issues that may impact the| |

| | |activation and/or delivery of care to Veterans. | |

| | |AQL: Mockups are designed in accordance with CFM/TIL | |

| | |guidelines or identify variances and setup in | |

| | |accordance with the schedule 100%. | |

|Statements |Standards/AQLs |Incentive/Remedy |

|3.4 |Transition Planning. |a) Comprehensive: Transition Plan provides a clear | |

| | |roadmap for Day One operations in accordance with the | |

| | |activation schedule. | |

| | |AQL: No more than 5% of required information is missing| |

| | |on initial (draft) submittal. 100% of required | |

| | |information is in the final submittal. | |

|Statements |Standards/AQLs |Incentive/Remedy |

|3.5 |Strategic Communication |a) Contractor performs STRATCOM subtasks to the | |

| |(STRATCOM). |standards and AQLs specified. | |

| | |AQL: 100% | |

|Statements |Standards/AQLs |Incentive/Remedy |

|3.6 |IT/IM Planning Support. |a) Contractor performs IT/IM Planning Support subtasks |Remedy: Failure to meet standard/AQL |

| | |to the standards and AQLs specified. |will require re-performance of the task |

| | |AQL: 100% |at no additional charge to the |

| | | |Government. |

|Statements |Standards/AQLs |Incentive/Remedy |

|3.7 |Furniture, Fixtures, and |a) Contractor performs Furniture, Fixtures, and | |

| |Equipment Planning Support. |Equipment Planning Support subtasks to the standards | |

| | |and AQLs specified. | |

| | |AQL: 100% | |

|Statements |Standards/AQLs |Incentive/Remedy |

|3.8 |Request for Proposal (RFP) |a) Timely: Deliverables are submitted in accordance | |

| |Support. |with the Deliverable Schedule. | |

| | |AQL: Deliverables are submitted on time 100% of the | |

| | |time. | |

| | |b) Complete: Deliverables contain required information | |

| | |as described in the Deliverable Schedule | |

| | |AQL: No more than 10% of required information is | |

| | |missing on initial (draft) submittal. 100% of required | |

| | |information is in final submittal. | |

|Statements |Standards/AQLs |Incentive/Remedy |

|3.9 |Knowledge Transfer. |a) Timely: Deliverables are submitted in accordance | |

| | |with the Deliverable Schedule. | |

| | |AQL: Deliverables are submitted on time 100% of the | |

| | |time. | |

| | |b) Complete: Deliverables contain required information | |

| | |as described in the Deliverable Schedule. | |

| | |AQL: No more than 10% of required information is | |

| | |missing on initial (draft) submittal. 100% of required | |

| | |information is in final submittal. | |

|3.9.1 |Hand-Off Conference |a) Compliant: In accordance with approved Knowledge | |

| | |Transfer Plan | |

| | |AQL: No deviations from approved plan. | |

| | |b) Timely: Deliverables are submitted in accordance | |

| | |with the Deliverable Schedule. | |

| | |AQL: Deliverables are submitted on time 100% of the | |

| | |time. | |

| | |c) Complete: Deliverables contain required information | |

| | |as described in the Deliverable Schedule. | |

| | |AQL: No more than 10% of required information is | |

| | |missing on initial (draft) submittal. 100% of required | |

| | |information is in final submittal. | |


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