Minutes of

Minutes of Council Meeting - Friday 8th April 201609:00-17:15Arden Hotel and Leisure Club, Coventry Road, Bickenhill, Solihull, B92 0EHWelcome, Introductions and Domestic ArrangementsNiHo welcomed attendees, facilitated introductions and outlined domestic arrangements. Steve Buckley was formally welcomed to CMHP council.PresentMichael Marven(MiMa)Nikki Holmes(NiHo) (Chair)Jon Stock(JoSt) Ciara Ni Dhubhlaing(CiNi)Hannah Macfarlane(HaMa)Trudi Hilton(TrHi) (Minutes)Jonathan Cavan(JoCa)Katherine Delargy(KaDe)Steve Buckley(StBu)Eleanor Harwood(ElHa)Apologies for AbsenceVicki Crossman(ViCr)Azra Sumar(AzSu)Juliet Shepherd(JuSh)Stephen Bleakley(StBl)Zeibun Patel(ZePa)Not present/For clarity in the MinutesGraham Newton(GrNe)Ray Lyon(RaLy)Ann Jacklin(AnJa)Lynn Haygarth(LyHa)Roz Gittins(RoGi)Alan Pollard(AlPo)Matt Elswood(MaEl)Steve Bazire(StBa)Declarations of InterestSupplied in advance of the meeting. NiHo has updated the 2015-2016 document, and will chase relevant people for gaps as the document is not yet current. NiHo will take forward on an ongoing basis from her Chairing. Delegate have been asked to update the records to September 2015 and place them on the website. Non-attendees and non-voting members do not need to complete declarations of interest. A form is only required if there something to declare but nil returns still need be sent through; an email will suffice. Forms will be stored on the council section of the website for each relevant meeting along with the overarching summary document. The overarching summary document will be distributed with the AGM paperwork and will be duplicated on the relevant part of the website with other AGM papers. ACTION: NiHo to facilitate summary document being updated and placed on website. Delegate to update historical document and place on website. AGM organizer to incorporate availability of summary document with AGM papers.Relevant to the agenda. None declared. MiMa acknowledged the potential conflict of his work with Pharmacy Management later in the meeting.Post-meeting follow-up note: Declarations of interest are needed from council members not attending the meeting, but not from non-voting members/attendees.Minutes of Last Meeting (12th February 2016)Matters of AccuracyJoCa corrected the documented information regarding his declarations of interest; these were not relevant to any item discussed in the meeting however.Some action points needed to be in bold font, and some action points needed making explicit at the end of the section when in the text of the discussion.Under Financial Report in Section 5, 'feeds' needs to be changed to 'fees' and in bullet point 4 in the same section, 'break' needs addition of 'even'.Under Communications and Marketing Portfolio in section 7, the action point needs '. updated' removing.Under Accreditation Portfolio in Section 10, bullet point 3 regarding the accreditation request from Aston University, it was clarified that the wording in the previous minutes regarding who can be involved in accreditation was confirmed to be essentially correct. They need to not be formally directly employed by the applying body but can be involved if they receive remuneration from the applying body in other scenarios and submit an declaration of interest regarding this that council deems acceptable prior to becoming involved.Under Any Other Business and Key messages in section a., this discussion pertained the council feeling that it would be useful to signpost relevant general websites on the CMHP website such as NHS Choices and other non-England-specific websites such as NHS Inform; this will obviate the need for CMHP to independently vet such a list and keep it updated, whilst still signposting website users to relevant resources. ACTION: JuSh to follow up.Under Any Other Business and Key messages in section e., this was clarified as pertaining to the student membership application form; students will be asked for the date their course ends on the form however CMHP will rely on their honesty in starting to pay full membership fees when relevant rather than formally following this up.The minutes were unanimously agreed with amendments above. Proposed by NiHo, seconded by MiMa. ACTION: NiHo to update minutes and facilitate placement on website with all associated documents.Matters Arising Not on the AgendaThanks sent to Denny. Denny has not yet been formally thanked for her involvement with and hard work on behalf of CMHP. ACTION: MiMa to follow up, initially by exploring ideas as to what she would like as a thank-you gift.Documents available on the website. NiHo is progressing this as per previous action points. It was unanimously agreed that council meeting minutes and associated documentation must be in the council-only area of the website and not available to members as they are currently. All AGM documents can be placed in the public area. ACTION: ElHa to follow up.Twitter name change. The intention was to make it less UK-specific but it has not been done yet. Any change will need checking and updating in all our documents and on the website, so it will confer a lot of work to follow this up. There is no actual evidence that the current Twitter name is not felt to be inclusive by members. Since the initial discussion, at least one of the Twitter names we considered is now used by someone else. It was unanimously agreed not to change the Twitter name for CMHP at this time.Welcome pack for new CMHP members. Discussed in Credentialing Portfolio section.NICE RT guidance. NiHo spoke about the previously-discussed potential work stream on working with RCPsych and POMHUK in generating practical guidance on implementing the new NICE RT guidance and assimilating it into current trust documents, as the outcome of this had not been documented in previous meeting minutes despite being discussed. NiHo had spoken with RCPsych via Tom Barnes, and POMHUK via Tom Barnes and Carol Paton, at the NICE regional event they were all at in December 2015. Neither Tom nor Carol felt this work was needed so no further action is required at this time.JoCa suggested the Chair and Minute-taker be named in the minutes. This was unanimously agreed. ACTION: NiHo to follow up for this and future meetings.It was unanimously agreed that a review of the annual planner needs to be a standing agenda item, and it needs to be updated at the end of every meeting. ACTION: NiHo to update the agenda.Portfolio and Activity ReportsThe submitted administration activity report and updated annual planner were acknowledged. ACTION: All to review the planner and send requests for additions/amendments to Delegate for the document to be updated and available at the next meeting.Financial Portfolio (StBl joined the meeting via teleconference for this section only)Contact detailsStBl fed back that his email contact is now Stephen.bleakley@. It was noted that PayPal details need updating. . ACTION: ElHa to update PayPal contact email address to JoSt.Treasurer Handover to JoStStBl and JoSt have been discussing handover of relevant treasurer tasks and duties and it is envisaged that this will be completed by the end of April. ACTION: StBl and JoSt to follow up. JoSt highlighted that he has been given a USB stick with all details; however, he is unable to access this at present due to IT issues, but he should be able to resolve this imminently. ACTION: JoSt to let council know if he continues to have issues.Finance ReportThe previously-distributed finance report was acknowledged. StBl confirmed he is handing the treasurer role over in a strong financial position and was thanked for his work on achieving this. He pointed out an overall improvement in conference income, with increased conference delegate fees and more Corporate Partner income but higher venue costs (as expected due to the higher quality of the venue). Delegate is still chasing ?2779 for unpaid fees, which will make a total income of over ?85,000. Overall the conference loss in 2015 was approximately ?17k whereas in 2014 it was less than ?5k, however this activity sits within our charitable objectives and the loss is not overtly concerning at this point.There has also been a significant increase in membership fees and a move to electronic payments with only ?210 paid by cheque. Overall income from membership fees has increased by 25% year on year. ElHa explained that some membership refunds had been made as people had accidentally paid twice.NiHo queried the recredentialing fees documented as being received as she felt that it was likely that more fees had been received than documented. ACTION: CiNi and NiHo to generate a list of people that had recredentialed during the current financial period and send through to StBl for cross-checking.Expenditure has increased by 50% year on year in line with this increased income, leading to the same ?26k balance/surplus at the end of the financial year.Payments to M3 were raised again as this electronic management platform has not been adopted by council. ACTION: StBl to follow through on ceasing these payments.Psych 1 will make a profit but more candidates are needed for Psych 2 to avoid a loss.Two companies have paid for the Corporate Partnership Scheme and two are in the process of doing so.Delegate staff now have permission and access to view the HSBC accounts.The webmaster, Mark, has agreed to a reduced monthly fee for his activities, which have reduced considerably.With respect to public liability indemnity insurance, feedback regarding this (including what covers our conference and what covers other events) is pending – StBl is looking in to this and NiHo has yet to look into this with RPS. ACTION: StBl and NiHo to follow up.The 2016 fees document was sent out as a final version but has not formally been signed off in a council meeting. ACTION: NiHo to put this on the agenda for the June meeting; the document will be redistributed in the meantime for ease of reference.Bursaries2015 educational bursaries: 3 have been paid and three are awaiting completion of the necessary paperwork. StBl will continue to lead the bursary work, including updating the website; the call for the 2016 educational bursaries needs to go out ASAP. ACTION: StBl to follow up.It was noted that the Charity Commission details need amending. ACTION: StBl to update the charity commission with StBu’s details.Education PortfolioThe previously-distributed update report was acknowledged. HaMa has fed back to Andy Down the need for requests for resources to be made in a timely manner.Education StrategyEducation for Technicians. HaMa thanked council for sending through details of technicians who work in expert/extended/interesting roles as a starting point for PsychTechs. HaMa reported that Ciara Hallows from Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust has been approached to lead this in the same way Andy Down leads Psych 1 and 2. She is a practicing technician. JoCa suggested the role should be put out to tender in future and HaMa suggested we invite others to express an interest if they would like to be involved at a later date. ACTION: HaMa to follow up.Undergraduate Contacts. HaMa is developing a list of GPhC accredited contacts around the UK who could facilitate a CMHP presence at careers days within higher education institutions, and thanked council for sending through their contacts. The next step is to get the career event dates from the institutions and ask for more links via CMHPUK. ACTION: HaMa to follow up.Psych 1The February Psych 1 event was at the Gatwick Hilton for the first time, to make it more accessible for southern members. Qualitative feedback has been more positive thanks to better timing of distribution of the pre-reading. The content and facilitators are always appreciated by delegates but there were issues with the cost of parking and paying for breakfast at the Gatwick venue. Ringwood Hall in Chesterfield is a well-received northern venue and will be used in November 2016. Other venue options will be investigated. The November event has 11 bookings so far.Psych 2Psych 2 will run in May in Birmingham. 16 people are signed up currently and promotional fliers are going to CPC for promotion of Psych 1 and 2. HaMa has put out a reminder to CMHPUK.Minimum numbers for Psych 1 & 2StBl has stated that 15 delegates is break-even however it has been agreed that a minimum of 10 is viable as it meets our charitable objectives.Careers in MH Pharmacy BookletHaMa had called GrNe and he confirmed he is further behind than he would like to be due to his other workload. He will send a list of contributors to chase, which HaMa will circulate to council for follow up. The chasing workload will be split between HaMa, KaDe and GrNe. ACTION: HaMa to follow up. It was acknowledged that a timeline for a draft to be ready is urgently needed for the designer. ElHa suggested the designer could start on what is already available and create a template for the rest to 'drop in'. This was unanimously agreed. ACTION: ElHa to follow up.Psych Events for 2017These were proposed as follows:Psych 1: 10-11 March and 3-4 November, one in Chesterfield and one nearer Luton/Stanstead for the same price but accessible by public transport, as an alternative to Gatwick.Psych 2: 12-13 May, Birmingham; a quote for a venue is required.Psych Techs: TBCACTION: HaMa to follow up with facilitators to check their availability for these dates, and check for any relevant clashes. Delegate to source and cost venues.Peer Review of Psych 1This is ongoing and on schedule. Reviewers have been sent relevant materials and the initial stage of the review is due for completion and return to the author by 22nd April 2016. The original author is to make any required changes by Friday 27th May, and the process to be completed to feed back to Council 10th June. ACTION: HaMa to follow up.Survey Monkey for FeedbackNot required as the current process works effectively for Psych 1 and Psych 2.Working with CPPE - Next StepsAn email has been received from Anne Cole in reply to NiHo’s preliminary previous contact, which NiHo and HaMa will follow up. ACTION: NiHo and HaMa to follow up.STEMThis needs to be followed up. ACTION: HaMa to follow up with munications and Marketing PortfolioElHa explained that she will be out of contact from April 26th for 3 weeks whilst she moves to New Zealand.Website Content ReviewSe specific section later on agenda.CPC 2016 – Presentations and StandHaMa has sent fliers on Psych 1 and 2 for to KaDe for printing and availability at CPC and JuSh is following up availability of conference fliers. The careers in MH resource will not be ready for launching at the event (see discussion above). KaDe will print off some copies of Psych Bites for distribution. Pens have been requested from Delegate to be sent directly to ExCel on our behalf. ACTION: KaDe to follow up availability of relevant resources. NiHo has fed back the previous discussion regarding subject matter and timing of his presentation to Graham Newton; he is now presenting 'Medicines optimisation in mental health – is it different?'. StBl is presenting on anxiety. KaDe has been making arrangements for the stand. Closer Still (CPC organising company) has requested ?2000 for the stand and associated space we will be using but this is offset by our bill to them for attendance. Dave Branford, StBl, and Matt Elswood have volunteered for the stand. StBu and NiHo offered to join them. ACTION: KaDe to organize stand staffing.BPSA ConferenceNiHo chased this up with BPSA and eventually received a response. It transpires that invitations to support and attend this year’s conference were supposed to go out from BPSA at the beginning of the year but a technical glitch in BPSA meant this didn’t happen. After confirming details, NiHo tried to find someone to attend on behalf of CMHP but the timing was bad and notice too short. NiHo has fed back to BPSA that CMHP could not attend their conference this year (in Cardiff on 28th March) but remain interested to support and attend in subsequent years.Tips and Hints DocumentElHa had distributed a useful additional document to KaDe’s initial draft and relevant content from this will be included for future reference. ACTION: KaDe to incorporate content from ElHa’s document into her draft document and redistribute for sign-off at the next meeting. ElHa mentioned training provided by some conference venues such as NEC for exhibitors can be very helpful. KaDe had been invited to such training before but was unable to attend. It was felt that it might be worth scoping a masterclass on this for relevant council/CMHP members at some point, possibly supported by a Corporate Partner. ACTION: Agenda scoping training for November meeting when new council in place; KaDe to gather relevant information in the meantime.Psych BitesElHa reported that 40% of recipients had opened the most recent edition of Psych Bites, which went out a week ago. This is the same % as for the December edition. The most clicked link is the Annual Conference. As there are more subscribers than in December this is a significantly greater reach.Social Media ActivityWith respect to Twitter, CMHP has 330 followers and there are lots of retweets seen so this is going well. The CMHP LinkedIn group has almost 50 members.Credentialing PortfolioThe previously-distributed activity feedback, and related email from ElHa were acknowledged.Progress reportNew CMHP Members. CiNi asked if new member applications were received by Delegate or the Registrar. It was clarified that new members apply via the website managed by ElHa and Delegate. CiNi continues to progress generating a welcome pack for new CMHP members. CiNi had sent out some suggested information and MiMa had provided an old version for consideration. NiHo to check what comes out on the CMHPUK welcome email and send to CiNi. HaMa asked if a welcome message goes out when people join according to their email address on joining. ElHa explained that new joiners get sent an email when they pay via PayPal when joining on line. StBu suggested more information on what we do be included in the welcome pack, for example a link to Psych Bites and the AGM minutes on the website. JoCa suggested mentioning international links and technician information. ACTION: CiNi to continue to progress with ElHa. NiHo to send a copy of the CMHPUK welcome information to CiNi.April Credentialing VivasCiNi readvertised the April date however no applications have been received, so the panel will be deferred to October. One applicant, who joined the RPS Faculty has submitted his portfolio for application in October – there was confusion by him over Faculty membership equating to automatic CMHP membership.RecredentialingJoCa continues to progress recredentialing. ACTION: JoCa to follow through.Update of Viva CasesThis work is aimed to be completed by the October vivas, hopefully sooner. ACTION: CiNi/JoCa to follow up.List of and Email Distribution Group of Credentialed MembersAn email group of credentialed members is yet to be set up. Council felt this should be progressed, as it could be put to multiple uses. ACTION: CiNi, JoCa and ElHa to progress. The list of credentialed members needs to be kept current and members need to be informed what their information is being used for before it is, for example, sent to AzSu to use as a means of inviting relevant members to help with consultations. ACTION: CiNi and ElHa to follow up.Credentialing Video on CMHP WebsiteThere is a video on applying for credentialing but it refers to UKPPG. Council unanimously felt that this should be updated. ACTION: MiMa will look into dubbing it or, re-recording it, perhaps as a YouTube clip. Credentialing Information PackThe credentialing information on the CMHP website mentions a pack that can be sent out however this doesn’t seem to exist, a least in electronic form. It was noted that leaving candidate to organize their portfolio independently is a good proxy method of assessing their advanced practice organizing skills. Proformas are available for, for example, an intervention log and patient profile; these are the Aston University diploma templates. ACTION: NiHo will check the archive for any relevant documents.Curriculum PortfolioA teleconference is occurring next week; MiMa will be representing CMHP. NiHo confirmed the principles of affiliation have been signed-up to as specified by Council. The curriculum work has been progressed by RPS and as our old document was not ready in their timescale, it has not been included, however there remains scope to do so. ACTION: NiHo to put CiNi in touch with the credentialing/curriculum staff at RPS.Accreditation PortfolioThe previously-distributed documents were acknowledged.Young Minds/HeadMeds Collaboration, Including SLAViCr has had some discussions on the changes CMHP agreed at the previous meeting but there is a lack of understanding about the issues at Young Minds. ViCr has asked for some guidance on how best to progress this. Council clarified its understanding however was concerned that Young Minds may not understand why we have requested our logo is removed other than from content we have generated i.e. because of the lack of quality of other content. Council felt that the request from Young Minds for CMHP to amend content at any point to maintain “legal compliance” needed defining prior to further discussion and agreement/negotiation, which will need to reiterate the lack of capacity for this. ACTION: NiHo to feed this back to ViCr and assist ViCr in working with Young Minds to resolve this, possibly via a teleconference. ViCr has fed back to Young Minds contributors the arrangements regarding payment. It was noted that the various date deadlines need adding to the annual planner. ACTION: ViCr to follow up with Delegate.Process for Badging Published ArticlesOngoing. ACTION: NiHo to follow up.Accreditation Request from Aston UniversityThe applicant from Aston University had expressed concern that he had not been informed of the council's previous decision in a timely manner. ViCr has now been in contact, asking for the application form to be completed so that payment can be made and the accreditation review initiated. There was discussion about who could be contacted to review the application to ensure no conflicts of interest but also allowing the applicant to state on their application anyone they would prefer to be excluded. The PJ has wording for this exclusion which could be useful. All three reviewers must be credentialed CMHP members but they must also declare personal, professional or commercial conflicts of interest. MiMa suggested a colleague for consideration if another reviewer is needed. Applicants also need to be made aware that CMHP is not guaranteeing that their resource will be linked to on the CMHP website. ACTION: ViCr to continue to liaise with Aston University regarding completion of the application and then initiate the review. ViCr to update the relevant resources. ViCr to liaise with MiMa if it transpires another reviewer is needed.Review of Choice and MedicationCouncil noted that the content review for Choice and Medication needs to be on the radar. HaMa is happy to field queries from ViCr regarding this. ACTION: ViCr to facilitate dates for this work to be added to the annual planner and liaise with HaMa as necessary.Public Involvement PortfolioMedia Training - Update on who has trained/has planned to do soJoSt resent the information on applying for training during the meeting. No other council members have booked or attended yet. ACTION: All council to follow through, if they have not yet attended the training.Resource Pack DistributionNiHo has circulated the media raining resources she and Trudi received as part of their training.Media Contacts DocumentZePa was not at the meeting and no feedback on progress with this had been received. NiHo has sent ZePa the previous documentation regarding this. ACTION: ZePa to follow up.Consultation PortfolioAzSu was not at the meeting to report on this work stream. The Psych Bites content regarding getting involved in consultations is still pending. ACTION: AzSu and ElHa to follow up.Research PortfolioThe previously-distributed activity report was acknowledged.Research AwardsHaMa and StBu are working on amendments to this section on the website and associated documents and have put deadlines on the annual planner except for the submission date. StBu will update the award certificate templates. A call for applications will go out when the website is updated. Applications will be passed to Denise Taylor. NiHo will ensure that poster and oral presentations timeframes are such that award applications are not unfairly advantaged by having their abstracts marked in this process prior to submission for a research aware. Authors may apply for both process but if they win a research award must withdraw from the other process. ACTION: HaMa and StBu to follow up.Conference 2016The previously-distributed information from ZePa was acknowledged. The previously-distributed reciprocity agreement from ViCr was acknowledged. The registration forms have been updated and made available along with conference being advertised as discussed at the previous meeting.Poster and Oral Presentation - process to be organizedNiHo is progressing. ACTION: NiHo to follow up.Progress on SpeakersMiMa reported that Dan White is now confirmed. Paul Harrison cannot do Sunday but his work is better suited to Friday. MiMa has identified a potential Chair for Saturday. ACTION: MiMa to follow up with ZePa and relevant invitees; ZePa to update council on gaps that need filling.Workshops and TabletopsThis was not discussed as no complete update was available. HaMa noted that the intent was for the systems leadership session to be a workshop, not a tabletop session as noted in ZePa’s documents. ACTION: NiHo to ask ZePa to progress assembling and distributing to council ASAP a list of possibilities for workshops and table top sessions suggested so far for discussion, decision and follow up.Update on Delegate NumbersThirteen delegates have registered as of 4th April 2016.Reciprocity AgreementThe reciprocity agreement was unanimously approved by council and now needs setting up and signing off with relevant parties. ACTION: ViCr to progress.Follow up with CharityNothing has been heard back. ACTION: TrHi to refresh email contact and copy ZePa in.Conference AdvertisingCouncil members are to be sent conference flyers they can distribute within their networks. ACTION: NiHo to ask JuSh to distribute to council. ElHa suggested generating a list of what's confirmed with respect to speakers and subjects, or ideally a draft programme, that can be advertised before 25th April on the website as a news item. ACTION: NiHo to ask ZePa to follow up.Ongoing Work StreamsABPI PMHI CollaborativeJoSt is still awaiting availability of the slide set. A teleconference is being organised for next week. ACTION: JoSt to monitor and progress.ASH report and outcomesThe now-final report that NiHo and JuSh have had input into is embargoed ahead of the official launch at the House of Commons on 12th April 2016. NiHo and KaDe are attending. The report will be made available to members once is it launched. ACTION: NiHo, KaDe and ElHa to follow up.Careers in Mental Health PharmacyDiscussed in Education Portfolio section.CQC WorkThe previously-distributed documents were acknowledged. NiHo confirmed she had fed back to RaLy the outcomes of the discussion regarding CMHP being amenable to RaLy being the CMHP representative in this work stream. Since then, RaLy has facilitated a meeting being organised to occur on May 6th to further progress this and has secured two places specifically for CMHP representatives. MiMa and JoSt will be representing CMHP. RaLy had asked if other members of CMHP would like to take part to avoid any area-centric input however council felt MiMa and JoSt would be good representatives. ACTION: MiMa and JoSt to follow up. NiHo to feed back confirmation of representatives to RaLy.Home Treatment Accreditation Scheme (RCPsych)There was no specific progress to report. This work stream is to remain on the agenda. ACTION: KaDe to remain involved and attend conference if possible.Hospital Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation ProjectAnJa, former Chief Pharmacist for Hammersmith Hospitals, is now working with Keith Ridge and leading the hospital transformation programme in response to the hospital pharmacy productivity reflected in the Carter Report but ensuring that medicines optimisation is also considered in a system-wide collaboration. At a national Chief Pharmacist conference, a second phase was announced for mental health and community as the first phase only looked at Acute Trusts. MiMa offered CMHP engagement and input into this work stream, which was welcomed by AnJa. Council discussed how this work could be linked to the CQC work, to ensure risk and outcomes are included as much as cost-effectiveness or saving money. Also could be linked to the Hospital Expert Advisory Group (HEAG) work CMHP has contributed to and which LyHa (current CMHP representative on the HEAG) has flagged a specific interest in being involved with. ACTION: MiMa to follow up with AnJa and LyHa in the first instance.Learning Disabilities – Call to ActionThe previously-distributed documents were acknowledged. Council felt that it was important that the empowerment of community pharmacists to facilitate medicines review of medication being taken by people with a learning disability should underline they need to act with sensitivity to all possible outcomes, and be appropriate to need. The future of this work is unclear. NiHo explained that the final consultation on the CPPE document for community pharmacists working with learning disability is coincidental but has had input into it and has underlined that it is vital that it advises pharmacists not to discontinue medicines precipitously. RPS has issued a document on medicines optimisation with the PJ; CMHP was asked to have input but this was never followed through as the discussion segued into a conversation about payment that was never resolved. Council noted that StBu is leading on the LD for CCG in Greater Manchester medicines management group.Outcomes in Mental HealthJuSh attended the most recent national meeting. The outcomes document is being finalised and will have an impact on funding of services. NiHo stated it needs to be circulated to membership to make them aware of importance of collecting documentation now to support their services. This group, previously led by Geraldine Strathdee, is now becoming an NHS England Clinical Reference Group. JuSh has flagged that CMHP may not always be able to send a representative but is keen to remain involved and this has been acknowledged. ACTION: NiHo will distribute the final outcomes document to CMHPUK when it is available.Psych BitesPrevious discussion in the Consultations section was noted. The previously-suggested content that NiHo had agreed to feed back to ElHa was included with respect to recent council activities, and NiHo has sent out information on the Carter report to CMHPUK. ElHa reported that the next edition is due out at the end of June. ACTION: ElHa to follow up.RPS Hospital Expert Advisory GroupThe update documents NiHo had distributed prior to the meeting were acknowledged. There was no specific progress to report. This work stream is to remain on the agenda. ACTION: NiHo to continue to feed back as and when relevant.RCPsych WorkMiMa fed back that the original idea behind this work stream was to set up a CMHP-RCPsych collaboration to create a 'kite mark' of medicines management services similar to ECTAS, AIMS, Home Treatment Scheme, that services could undertake to be certified by and that would be recognized by the CQC, but now may be superseded by the CQC work discussed above. However CQC is focusing on medicines with Pharmacists only so it could still be of value to link back into RCPsych. ACTION: MiMa to follow up.VLOG on Mental HealthNothing to report. ACTION: NiHo to follow up with MaEl.Links With Other Mental Health Pharmacy GroupsCiNi is linking with other countries, including N Ireland; Joan Peppard from Irish Hospital Pharmacy Association is also current president of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists so that is a strong link. JoCa is a member of Scottish Pharmacy in Mental Health (SPMH) and providing mutual event information sharing. RPS Scotland has new pharmacist career sessions which JoCa is attending to raise the mental health profile. NiHo has southern hemisphere links. JuSh has yet to follow up making links with Welsh mental health pharmacists with Wendy Davies. ACTION: All to continue to follow up and feedback relevant activity/information.Contact Details SpreadsheetNiHo has redrafted and distributed an updated document. ACTION: All to final check the document and feed back any changes needed (or that there are no changes needed) to NiHo ASAP.Name BadgesThe initial plan to obtain these from Vistaprint is not going to be pursued as Delegate have offered to facilitate this. ACTION: JuSh to follow up with Delegate.Review of Roles and Responsibilities DocumentThis is still with NiHo; to carry forward. ACTION: NiHo to follow up when able.Conglomeration of Complaints and Business Conduct PoliciesThis is still with NiHo; to carry forward. ACTION: NiHo to follow up when able.Archiving of Marina/Denise/Michele’s HandoverThis is still with NiHo; to carry forward. ACTION: NiHo to follow up when able. Council discussed credentialing portfolios with respect to retention and destruction. The decision was to keep ONE copy of the portfolio for people credentialing for the first time, which is disposed of when they are recredentialed. One copy of the recredentialing portfolio will be kept until people recredential subsequently. NiHo is looking in to a shared virtual drive to house it. ACTION: NiHo to follow up. For now, JoCa will be saving a copy on his password-protected computer along with a cloud backup. MiMa trying to find the physical film clips from the ITN recording made several years ago. ACTION: NiHo to check the archive materials she has and feed back to MiMa if she finds them.Historical Action Plan DocumentThis is still with NiHo and JuSh; to carry forward. ACTION: NiHo and JuSh to follow up when able.CMHPUK CullThis will be picked up after membership renewals have been completed. ACTION: NiHo to follow pleting and Formalising Resources for New Council MembersNiHo is keeping the relevant information at this point; this needs formalising when resource allows. ACTION: To be picked up when resource allows.Reviewing Getting the Medicines RightThis will be picked up when resource allows, but needs to remain on the agenda for now. ACTION: To remain on agenda and be picked up when relevant.Terms of Reference, Feedback for Meetings, and Attendance ExpectationsMiMa is progressing this. ACTION MiMa to follow up.Presidential SealNiHo will pick this back up in June. ACTION: NiHo to follow up.Training Matters Article InputNiHo replied to the article author with some suggestions and resources for how community pharmacy staff can better engage men about mental health issues in community pharmacy however she felt unable to comment meaningfully on how community pharmacy staff can engage better with spornosexuals and fed this back to the article author.Oxford University Press Undergraduate Pharmacology Textbook Chapters ReviewNiHo fed back that Oxford University Press had asked for CMHP input in reviewing a chapter on psychosis in an undergraduate pharmacy pharmacology textbook they were overseeing the writing of. The deadline was extremely short and remuneration was only ?75 of OUP book vouchers. AlPo agreed to take this on for CMHP and did an excellent job. NiHo then asked (NiHo) Oxford University Press if there were other mental health-related chapters that required reviewing; it transpired that depression, substance use and anxiety all required review. RoGi reviewed the substance misuse chapters and the depression and anxiety chapters were fielded by Alan Pollard and NiHo. Those involved felt the whole process was very unprofessionally run by OUP – the editorial staff NiHo spoke to said they’d been Googling credentialed members of CMHP and did not see that this might not be the most appropriate approach even when this was explicitly laid out. Chapter content was generally very poor and needed a fair amount of rejigging. NiHo has requested the reviewers see the updated chapters prior to finalization to ensure appropriate changes have been made but OUP are reluctant to comply. Reviewers will not be acknowledged in the textbook. NiHo has asked that she be informed when the textbook is published so members can be made aware of it. Reviewers will be acknowledged at that point in Psych Bites. OUP mandated that only two book tokens could be awarded to any one person however AlPo was involved in three pieces of work; NiHo proposed and it was unanimously agreed that she send AlPo an Amazon voucher so he was not left unpaid for his third piece of work. ACTION: NiHo to follow up.RPS FacultyThere was nothing specific to report. NiHo attended the previous meeting and MiMa will engage with the upcoming teleconference. ACTION: NiHo and MiMa to follow up.Election 2016JuSh has updated and distributed the spreadsheet of who is on council and their tenure start and expiry dates. ACTION: All to check and feed back to JuSh any changes needed. As things stand, three people are up for (re)election – KaDe (who has confirmed she will be standing down), ViCr and StBu (who was coopted for just one year given this took the number of co-optees on council about the maximum in the bye-laws). All are welcome to stand again. The plan is to use Survey Monkey for the election rather than posting out and receiving paper forms, including for nominations. ACTION: TrHi to explore with JuSh. TrHi will check election work stream deadlines and dates with JuSh and add to the annual planner. Nomination forms need to be amended and sent to ElHa who will send out to membership and post on the website. ACTION: TrHi to follow up. MiMa suggested writing to mental health chief pharmacists encouraging them to support their teams getting involved; this was unanimously agreed and it was felt that a contact list could be accessed via Ray Lyons. ACTION: MiMa to follow ernancePatronJuSh is progressing this. ACTION: JuSh to follow up.Are Director’s Changes in Process?NiHo confirmed that she had signed off JoCa’s director form and passed it on the Delegate for submission. It was noted that StBu needs to complete a director form and also have a biography and photograph put on the website. ACTION: StBu to complete Director forms and provide ElHa with bio and photo for the website to be updated.Tendering for ServicesNiHo reported that the tender document for Conference organisers is about to go out to several potential providers. The next tender phase will be for administration services – a list of duties is to be agreed, cross-referencing with the contract for the accountants in terms of the jobs being done by them. ACTION: NiHo to send out previous summary list of admin duties to CMHP1 for comment and feedback by council to inform the content of the tender document. JuSh to follow upContract for EleanorElHa left the room. MiMa has worked with ElHa to generate a contract, which has been seen and approved by some but not all of council. Content includes formalising ElHa’s role in quarterly Psych Bites for editing and managing; updates to members in between; website management in terms of content; a social media perspective - updating at least two news items per month; liaison with Delegate over membership etc.. The standard payment will be ?800 a month. This was unanimously agreed as being a complete and relevant document and it was signed off by ElHa and MiMa in the meeting after ElHa was invited back into the room. The hard copy of the contract was given to NiHo for archiving.For website development, this will be considered as a separate role involving leading identifying and managing a suitable supplier, developing the website, and organising content. A fee of ?2400 in 3 instalments has been discussed and agreed with StBl. ElHa will be responsible for her own tax and there will be no VAT paid. ElHa will negotiate separate arrangements for other projects as indicated. Any ad hoc requests can be accommodated by negotiation and will be paid at an hourly rate; ?20 per hour.Website and IT update Contract for Technical Support and Website RedesignPreviously CMHP used the services of a webmaster (Mark) who organized website hosting and provided technical back-up/expertise as well as uploading documents/managing content and providing trouble-shooting. The goal is to have a provider and service which avoids the need for this function. Seven companies have been invited to tender. Mark has declined the opportunity and signaled his willingness to ensure handover is smooth. Some quotes have been outside our budget, generally for companies for whom our job is too small. Two potentially-workable bids have been received. ACTION: ElHa to distribute bids to council members only, confidentially as this is commercially-sensitive information. Jellyhaus's bid quoted for development and ongoing hosting; a maintenance hourly rate was also quoted. The Berkshire Healthcare NHS Trust Web team also submitted a bid. ElHa has worked with Jellyhaus on other projects, plus they use Wordpress, which may help with migration as this is our current content management system. The proposal from ElHa to is to go with Jellyhaus and to hold a project workshop to discuss our requirements. StBl has already agreed to this financially. ElHa’s proposal as unanimously agreed. The package on offer includes training for council members to be able to upload documents. However there is no corporate email support. ElHa will check if there is a document storage facility. HaMa asked if the Psych 1 materials and presentations could be accessible for purchase via the site. ElHa thought there might be a shopping cart option which could include paying for membership and conference fees online. ACTION: ElHa to follow up and also facilitate payment arrangements with StBl and JoSt.Mistura UpdateCirculation of Contract/AgreementMiMa has circulated the document and the original paper copy is with NiHo in the archives. It is relatively current but needs formally reviewing. ACTION: MiMa to follow up.Annual Report and Presentation to CouncilStBl has followed up with StBa, who has confirmed he will submit a report for perusal and discussion in the June council meeting, and is willing to be teleconferenced in a meeting when his submitted report is discussed if felt to be appropriate. ACTION: NiHo to put report on June meeting agenda and ensure submitted report is distributed prior.President’s ItemsWorking With Pharmacy ManagementMiMa raised an invitation from Pharmacy Management, who are an RPS accredited educational partner, to work more closely and formally with CMHP on medicines optimisation in mental health. There was a discussion about what gaps CMHP has that could benefit from such a collaboration e.g. Psych 3 academy on pharmacy management. MiMa is speaking at their conference on Diabetes later in 2016 where they are collaborating with the UKCPA, and this was acknowledged as a potential conflict of interest. It was unanimously agreed that it would be appropriate for MiMa to explore this further prior to making any formal decisions. ACTION: MiMa to follow up.RPS Elections – Support of Dave BranfordDave Branford is standing for English Board in RPS and has asked for support from some members of Council. There are issues about perceived conflicts of interest and some employers may also object so individuals must take appropriate action as they see fit. It was felt that being a proposer was acceptable but that independence needs to be maintained and council members should be careful to avoid any perceptions that CMHP is favouring any particular candidate. ACTION: All to follow up if relevant.Questions to RPS Election CandidatesThe RPS hustings provide an opportunity for CMHP to find out more about the election candidates’ intentions for mental health pharmacy. TrHi has sent a question to the RPS site and received a reply from one candidate which she has forwarded to CMHPUK. All subsequent responses will be dealt with in the same way as they are received. ACTION: TrHi to follow up.Any Other Business and Key MessagesAny Other BusinessDevoManc. StBu is involved with the DevoManc project, mentioned by Pat Oakley. He will forward information to Committee as relevant. ACTION: StBu to follow up.Key Messages1. Hustings responses from the RPS election candidates could be in a special edition of Psych Bites. ACTION: TrHi to follow up with ElHa.2. Membership update – we have 100 new members since this time last year, with 400 members being on the renewal list. Payments and data are being improved, with underpayment being chased and old, lower payments suspended. Some have people paid twice but they have been liaised with individually. ACTION: Send out a payment reminder – deadline is the end of April. ElHa mentioned that there is a need to notify people of the need to change payments better. The same problems reoccur – not helped by the PayPal password expiring too quickly for new members to action. There are 500 'paid up' members (including students who are free) but 735 records on the database, possibly with more than one email address. A tidy -up of this will start in June, comparing the two lists, and will sit alongside the CMHPUK membership cull by NiHo. ACTION: ElHa to lead, and liaise with NiHo.Next Meeting09:00 – 16:00 on Friday 10th June 2016, at the same location. ................

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