| |Tell EVERYONE about my Training Show & give guest list to sponsor |

| |Get AT LEAST $100 in Pre-Sales |

| |Schedule 9 shows within 45 days of my Training Show (CALL YOUR SPONSOR AFTER EACH DATE YOU GET!) |

| |Set up separate Personal Checking account (new place means you get to meet new people for shows!) |

| |Start recording mileage and saving receipts |

| |Mark ALL Trainings in calendar & NEVER schedule a show on a training night |

| |Get files from sponsor (dvd or jump drive) |

I’ve filled out paperwork, now what do I do:


(Click on Jeweler Resources, then on Business Links)

| | |

| |Hood House Software - It is highly recommended to order the computer software. You can enter in all your orders on the Premier website for free, however the data |

| |is NOT saved. The Jeweler software is $99.00 and then $49.00 each year for updates and support. There are invaluable reports on here and all your customer data |

| |is saved. You can also input all your business expenses so you have them for year-end taxes. EARN PERFECT START (see p.5) and YOUR UPLINE PAYS FOR IT! WE |

| |REIMBURSE YOU FOR THE PROGRAM!!! Once you purchase and download the software, you will receive 3 emails. Please print these emails and go through the step by |

| |step instructions. You will need to register your software. After you register, go through SETUP before you enter in any shows or orders. There is a toll free # |

| |for support. |

| | |

| |ProPay (Credit Cards) – Use the LINK from the Premier Home Page when ordering to get your discount! It is suggested that you set up your business to accept credit|

| |cards. Even though you lose 2.95% of the sale, statistics show that people buy more if they can charge their order. There is a very low annual fee to use Propay.|

| |You should sign up before your training show if you plan to accept credit cards. |

| | |

| |PremierIncentives (PDI) - You can use this site to purchase items for giveaway’s and promotions. Shipping is FREE if you purchase $50.00 or more. You can also go|

| |to your local DOLLAR STORE or TARGET’s $1.00 section or other websites for cute giveaways. Browse around and see what’s available. Be careful, even though you |

| |can purchase items for very little cost, in the beginning you want to concentrate on paying off your initial investment first. |

| | |

| |PDI GIVEAWAY EXAMPLES: Charm Bracelet $2.45, Ribbon Necklace $0.70, Polishing Cloth $1.50 |

My Kit’s in…Now What? A few simple things…

| |Call sponsor & go through it together (in person | |Watch the training DVD…AWESOME training! |

| |is best) | | |

| |Take earrings OFF cardboard cards and put onto | |Tag the Jewelry and lay in TRAYS, do not put back in boxes.|

| |PLASTIC cards (included). Then stick price label| | |

| |on back of earring card | |Uses for the boxes: |

| | | |* Make up 15 boxes for Deal or No Deal |

| | | |* Use larger boxes for ensembles in Trays |

| | | |* 19 BOXES to demonstrate Hostess Plan |

| |Put price labels on tags and tags on jewelry | |Label/stamp catalogs & order forms with your info |

| |(with safety pins) | | |

| |Put together Hostess Packets (See example from | |Read JEWELER HANDBOOK: Especially the Home Show Section. |

| |Sponsor) | |Pay attention to the Booking & Sponsoring Objections part. |

| | | |GREAT INFO! |

| |Listen to CD from Jeweler Handbook | | |

|WHAT TO BUY OR COLLECT (if you already have, no need to buy ( ) |

| |Solid color table cloth, Washable / 3 ½ yds, 60” wide |

| |Stand Up Mirror (1-2) from Dollar Store |

| |Calculator |

| |Pens & Money bag (put $15-20 change inside) |

| |Labels for NAME TAGS (30 per page) & Bold Marker |

| |Personal Calendar |

| |Booking Calendar |

| |Raffle Tickets (if using) |

| |Table lights (bendy neck or collapsible)( w/ ext. cord) |

| |Hostess Packets (See sample) |

| |Guest Folders (20 – include small jewelry book stamped, Stamped Order Forms, guest survey, Hostess Plan / Business Info Sheet, Last 10 Home Shows) |

| |Boxes (from your kit) to Show Free Jewelry |

| |Business Cards () can do for free or order off Premier incentives |

| |Show Prizes / Hostess Gift (Premier Designs Incentives – place $50 order to get free shipping; Target & Michaels $1 section) |

| |Your jewelry of course ( |

| | |


| |Sheet Protectors (use one for each hostess) |

| |Bubble Mailers (small & medium – for replacements/exchanges) |

| |Safety Pins for tagging the jewelry |

| |Stamps |


| |Watch the Horner’s WELCOME video |

What do I need for my TRAINING SHOW? (We will be using your items)


| |Enter show via Hood House (Order number must be TSxxxxxxx, where xxxxx is your jeweler number) |

| |Hostess Benefits worksheet (CALC ½ price on HH) – add the ½ price items to INCREASE YOUR CV |

| |PD will email a TRAINING VERIFICATION form – answer the questions and return via website ( |

| |Look on MY ACCOUNT from the PD website to see when jewelry will arrive and send Thank you email or notes. |

| |Do Mock Show with sponsor |

| |Complete OP with sponsor |


| |Fill out HOSTESS INFORMATION FORM for each hostess and follow that Checklist |

| |Set dates to HOSTESS COACH UPCOMING HOSTESSES & Hostess Coach them |

| |Make sure to keep track on calendar WHEN INVITES NEED TO GO OUT (whether you do them or your hostess) |

| |Hostess Benefits worksheet – show her the benefits of adding the ½ price items to get the best value for her dollar and to INCREASE YOUR CV (a lot of Premier |

| |Contests depend on high CV) |

| |After your shows, enter them via Hood House (Order number should be YYMD format. Example: 20100824) |

| |Call SPONSOR after EACH SHOW (see PERFECT START contest) |

| |Look on MY ACCOUNT from the PD website to see when her jewelry will arrive. |

| |Call & email hostess & guests to let her/them know when jewelry is on the way *See example AFTER SHOW EMAIL THAT JEWELRY IS ON THE WAY |


| |Follow up with hostesses & customers regarding their purchases and THANK THEM! |

| | |



New Hostess: Fill out a Hostess Info sheet/Hostess Checklist form for every new Hostess. Put it along with her Guest Survey in a SHEET PROTECTOR. This is what you take to the show and keep all order forms, surveys, copy of invite in.

Invitations: Find out WHAT IS EASIEST FOR HER so that invitations get sent out ON TIME.

(3 Options: 1. You send – get full guest list, 2. Hostess Sends them – print them up for her, 3. Email)

• Should go out between two weeks to 10 days before the event. Most Hostesses want to e-mail their invitations. Thus, create a generic invitation, input the Hostess’ personal information in each one as needed, and send via e-mail to the Hostess. If the Hostess wants a printed copy that is mailed, then do the same, print and mail them.

• You will need to receive her guest list at least three weeks before the show. I ALWAYS tell the hostess I need the guest list within a week of her booking to hold her date and award her the $25 in free jewelry and whatever “FEATURED ITEM” she chose. I set the HOSTESS COACH date IMMEDIATELY (See Below) and will pick up the guest list then if she hand writes it (keep labels with you and if she chooses to handwrite her list, give the label sheet to her so you don’t have to re-write them, just stick them on the envelopes. Make a copy or scan in so you can keep it for her next show.)

Thank you and Hostess Receipt:

• As soon as you close the show, send the Hostess a “Thank you” note. Include her final Hostess receipt plus a copy of any receipts that were from orders taken after the show (they would not have received a receipt.) These are printed from the Hood and House program. Or, from H&H, save receipts as a pdf and email.

Follow up:

• Hostess -- Always call the Hostess to see that the jewelry came in and that she is happy with it. Tell her to contact you immediately with any problems.

• When you talk to the Hostess on the phone, if she didn’t re-book at her show, say something like, “Susie, you can see how easy it was for you to do this show, to have fun with your friends, and to get all this jewelry. You know, we get new jewelry added to the line about every six months. What do you think about doing another show when the new jewelry comes in. You already have a great guest list, and by that time, your attendees will want to come again to see new things. What does _____ look like for you? Could we just pencil in a date, and I’ll send you a reminder to what we talked about?

Guest Surveys -- Divide up your guest surveys into two folders marked – Yes, Maybe

• Call each person who ordered an item and make sure everything is fine. You can say something like this: “Sally, I want to make sure that you received the _______ and that everything is fine. I know you’re going to get compliments on it, so be ready.

• Now, I wanted you to know that Jenny thanks you for coming to her show, and she received almost ______ for just having me and a few of her friends over. At the time of her show you indicated that you could host a show “Maybe later.” Can you tell me what that means for you?….(and then just listen to her and help direct her to a show in the future.)

• Or, if she marked “no,” then you could say….At the time of her show, you indicated that you were not interested in hosting a show, but I just wanted to call to see if anything has changed.” And then wait. Let her answer. Don’t fill in. Whatever she says will be fine. She may want to book a show. If not, ask her if she would be a referral for you and spread the word about how generous Premier is with giving out jewelry. Let her know that you are available anytime for her to change her mind about a show. Keep the lines open. Ask if you can call her in six months with new jewelry information. Write that down on her Hostess form.

Hostess Coach – MAKE SURE you set the date immediately to meet with your hostess and go over the hostess plan, refreshments, jewelry table set up (which should be where the guests will be – not off in a room where no one ever goes). Even with your friends who are “just helping you out,” make sure to tell them the way to REALLY help you is to work this show like a superstar hostess and do the 3 main things that will get them the BEST RESULTS: OVER-INVITE, PRESALES, REMINDER CALLS


Hostess |

Retail |

# of Guests |

$100 Advance Orders (Y/N) |

# of Bkgs |

Comments / Concerns |

Called Sponsor | |Show 1 | | | |Y/N | |

| | |Show 2 | | | |Y/N | |

| | |Show 3 | | | |Y/N | |

| | |Show 4 | | | |Y/N | |

| | |Show 5 | | | |Y/N | |

| | |Show 6 | | | |Y/N | |

| | |Show 7 | | | |Y/N | |

| | |Show 8 | | | |Y/N | |

| | |Show 9 | | | |Y/N | |

| | |Show 10 | | | |Y/N | |

| | |Show 11 | | | |Y/N | |

| | |Show 12 | | | |Y/N | |

| | |

Your Premier Upline Information

Plug these numbers in your phone.

Call you Premier upline for help. We are here to help you succeed in your business!

Share your accomplishments and excitement with your upline. We really do CARE.

Premier MOM Premier Grandma Premier Great Grandma

Sherri Powell Kelly Wilkenson Dona Marrone

1831 Ridgewood Road

Orwigsburg, PA 17961

sherripac@ kellbell001@ dona.marrone@

570 449-0799 Cell 330-697-2273 Cell 330-327-6038

570 366-2957



Jeweler #: Password:

Training Show:_____________ 45 Days from Training Show:_____________

WHY I signed up with Premier:

It is my goal to do shows/month to bring in $ / month

PLACE AN ORDER AT THE SERVE-US-STORE: (Ordering/Products, Online Order, Serve-Us-Store Order

Free Shipping at S-U-S with a $30 purchase.


You may need to place an order for more catalogs, etc soon. View pictures of items on the website, but use the HOOD HOUSE software to send in an order so you have it stored for Tax purposes. Some items you may need:

Item 995 Hostess Planner Packet – pkg of 10 $4

Item 1351 Mini Catalog – pkg of 25 $4

Item 107 Customer Receipts – pkg of 50 $3.50

Item 9822 Catalogs (1 dz per pkg) $16 each, 5-10pkgs $14.25 each, 11+pkgs $13 each


Share this business opportunity with everyone you can. Even though you are new, that’s OK. You can learn together and you have your upline to help you. Sponsoring is the way to build your business and make a lot more $$. You can only retail so much by yourself. Work SMART not HARD. Smart means build a business under you and train your girls to do what you are doing. At a minimum, get the “NOW is the TIME” Opportunity Brochures. These are GREAT and are only 20 cents each! I pass these out at my shows for anyone slightly interested in what I do.

Item 130 OP Brochure Now Is The Time – pkg of 10 $2

Item 423 Marketing Plan Presentation Brochure – pkg of 12 $5

Item 154 Premier Designs Contract Packet – pkg of 3 $2

NOTE: It is your responsibility to keep track of these prizes and turn in your tickets to receive your awards.

For working toward & Earning the PERFECT START CONTEST, you are

on your way to completing the STEPS TO SUCCESS CONTEST!! KEEP GOING!

Deal or No Deal


I completed PERFECT START! I receive HOOD HOUSE REIMBURSEMENT from my sponsor!

I Held 1 show within my first 7 days!

I win $25 in FREE JEWELRY!

I held 2 shows so I win an ADDITIONAL $25 in FREE JEWELRY for a total of $50 in FREE JEWELRY

to add to my table!

I attended my fist 3



3. Hold a Minimum of 12 Shows in 4 months and call your sponsor after each show

(keep track below)

4. Attend Three Opportunity Presentation (OP):




Get your business off to a PERFECT START Contest!

COMPLETE w/in 4 months: to win


1. Attend 1st 3 Trainings:




2. Attend New Jeweler Orientation:


Show the Hostess Plan:

8 (½ price items) 6 (30%) 4 (Bonuses)

1 (extra Free from hostess ½ price purchases)

Note: Store flat earring cards & baggies inside

to have handy when selling items off of table.

I will call you with your jeweler number & then you can log onto . Click on Jeweler Login, then New Jeweler

Account and set up your jeweler account. When logging on, you will always need to put a J in front of your jeweler number. Once on the site, play around and become familiar with it. It’s very user-friendly.

My Sponsor’s Info:

Name: Sherri Powell

H Phone: 570-366-2957

C Phone: 570 449 0799 *** best way to reach

Email: sherripac@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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