APPENDIX C - May 1998

Appendix C

Microsoft® Select 4.0 Product List


Microsoft Select 4.0 General Product Condition Notes C-1

Microsoft Application Product Pool C-3

Windows-Based Applications C-3

Applications for the Apple Macintosh C-15

Microsoft MS-DOS based Applications C-19

Microsoft Systems Product Pool C-20

Microsoft Operating Systems C-20

Microsoft Server Product Pool C-23

Networking Series C-23

Mail Gateway Products C-33

Microsoft® Select 4.0 General Product Condition Notes

Additional product use rights can be found in the Select 4.0 Master Agreement Addendum A (“Product Use Rights”).

1. EI Controls Restrictions Export of certain Select Software Products from the United States is regulated under “EI Controls” of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR, 15 CFR 730-744) of the U.S. Commerce Department, Bureau of Export Administration (BXA). Each such product is available in two distinct versions, one that is intended for distribution only in the United States and Canada, and one that may be distributed more generally. The version of each that is intended for distribution only in the United States and Canada is referred to in this paragraph as an “EI Controlled Product.” The current EI Controlled Products are: Microsoft Exchange Client Access License - US English and French-Canadian versions; Microsoft Internet Information Server - US English version; Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 (not the workstation) - US English version; and Microsoft Outlook 98 - US English and French-Canadian versions. The list of EI Controlled Products may be increased or decreased from time to time depending upon changes in the regulations themselves, changes in the encryption technology that is built into one or more Select Software Products and the addition or deletion of products from the Select program. A Commerce Department export license is required to export an EI Controlled Product outside the United States or Canada. Neither the Lead Customer nor any Lead Customer Affiliate will, directly or indirectly, export or re-export any EI Controlled Product (or portions thereof) to any country, other than the United States or Canada, or to any person, entity or end user subject to U.S. export restrictions without first obtaining a Commerce Department export license. The Lead Customer warrants and represents that neither the BXA nor any other U.S. federal agency has suspended, revoked or denied its export privileges or those of any Lead Customer Affiliate.

2. Enrolling Suite Products Enrolling Customers wishing to enroll licenses of Microsoft’s “suite” products (i.e., Microsoft® Office, Microsoft Visual Studio™ and Microsoft BackOffice®) in Upgrade Advantage cannot enroll the individual components in their respective Upgrade Advantage separately.



Microsoft® Select 4.0 General Product Condition Notes (continued)

3. Downgrade Rights In place of the Software identified on a License Confirmation, an Enrolling Customer may “downgrade” or use a copy of any prior version of such Software. If the Software that an Enrolling Customer or Lead Customer Affiliate wishes to downgrade is a product made up of components which can be licensed separately, the Enrolling Customer or Lead Customer Affiliate may not downgrade some of the components without downgrading all components. For example, Office 7.0 is a single product comprised of Microsoft Word 7.0, Microsoft Excel 7.0, Microsoft PowerPoint® 95 and Microsoft Schedule+. When Office is licensed, the component parts may not be downgraded separately.

Software licenses acquired outside of the Select program (i.e., FPP or OEM) are granted the right to downgrade once they are enrolled in Upgrade Advantage. Microsoft Windows NT® Workstation licenses do not include the right to downgrade to Microsoft Windows® 95, Microsoft Windows For Workgroups, or Windows 3.1, unless they are enrolled in Upgrade Advantage.

4. Cross Language Rights An Enrolling Customer or Lead Customer Affiliate (but no assignee or transferee which is not an Enrolling Customer or a Lead Customer Affiliate) may substitute for a Select Software Product in one natural or spoken language, the same Select Software Product in a different natural or spoken language (e.g., may substitute Microsoft Word 6.0 in English for Microsoft Word 6.0 in French), provided that the estimated retail price of the Select Software Product in the different language is not greater than its estimated retail price in the language identified on the License Confirmation. To determine the estimated retail price of a Select Software Product in a particular natural or spoken language, contact a Large Account Reseller or a Microsoft account representative.

Should the estimated retail price of the Select Software Product in a different natural or spoken language be greater than its estimated retail price in the language identified on the License Confirmation, the Enrolling Customer or Lead Customer Affiliate may substitute the same Select Software Product in a different natural or spoken language after first acquiring a Version Upgrade of the same Select Software Product in the language they wish to use.

5. Availability of Competitive Upgrades Competitive Upgrades may not be available in all countries. Within Europe, usage locations that acquire competitive upgrades must order a European Competitive Upgrade when a European Competitive Upgrade is available.

6. Enrolling OEM products under Upgrade Advantage OEM versions of Windows and any OEM Microsoft desktop applications products may be enrolled under Upgrade Advantage. OEM versions of Microsoft SQL Server™ and Microsoft LAN Manager MAY NOT be enrolled in Upgrade Advantage. OEM versions of Windows NT Workstation or Microsoft Windows NT Server may be enrolled in Upgrade Advantage, provided that, prior to upgrading to a subsequent version of Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server, the customer must first contact the specific OEM for upgrade advice on any enhancements or additions to the device drivers code or Hardware Abstraction Layer code found in the FPP version of Windows NT/Windows NT Server and/or Windows NT Workstation made by that OEM and acquire any appropriate code required for such enhancements or additions from that OEM.

Note Microsoft software installed on leased PCs cannot be upgraded or enrolled in Select Upgrade Advantage, except as permitted under an Outsourcer Enrollment.

7. Farsi product version limitations The Farsi version of these products are not provided by any Select CD-ROM: Microsoft Works for MS-DOS®, Windows, Word for Windows, Microsoft Excel for Windows, Microsoft Excel for Macintosh®. The Enrolling Customer will need to acquire full-packaged product version outside of Select.

8. Chinese-Simplified product version limitations The Chinese-Simplified version of Microsoft products require Chinese-Simplified DOS and Windows.

9. Polish product version limitations If available, the Polish version of a Microsoft product can only be acquired in Poland. The Enrolling Customer must first acquire one full-packaged product outside of Select that may be used as the “master” for software replication following all other terms and conditions of the Select Agreement.



Microsoft® Application Product Pool

Windows®-Based Applications

General Product Condition Notes

1. Platform independent licenses Microsoft Excel, Office Standard Edition, Office Professional Edition, PowerPoint, Microsoft Project, Word and Works are “platform independent” licenses. A platform independent license allows for a specific product to be used on any computer platform (e.g., Intel®-based, Macintosh) that the software runs on, provided that the version is the same or lower as the original version that was licensed. For instance, an Enrolling Customer who acquired Microsoft Excel 5.0 for Macintosh may choose to use that license to run Microsoft Excel 5.0 for Windows or Microsoft Excel 5.0 for Windows NT, but could not use the license to run Microsoft Excel 7.0 for Windows 95.

2. Office 97 Technology Guarantee North American Enrolling Customers who acquire Select 4.0 Volume Licenses for Office Professional for Windows 95, Office Standard for Windows 95, Word for Windows 95, Microsoft Excel for Windows 95, Microsoft Access for Windows 95, PowerPoint for Windows 95, and Microsoft FrontPage® for Windows 95 on or after October 1, 1996 and prior to March 31, 1997, may upgrade to the Office 97 version of the product at no additional charge. The upgrade from the most current version of Office Standard to Office Professional does not qualify for this offer. North American Select customers with application licenses covered under the Office 97 Technology Guarantee will have to be upgraded to the corresponding Office 97 license by June 30, 1997. Arabic, Farsi and Hebrew language versions of these products do not qualify for this offer. Due to Office 97 localization schedules, product language eligibility will vary. International English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian, Dutch, Japanese and Portuguese language eligibility is comparable to the North American criteria noted above.

Swedish, Danish, Czech, Finnish, Korean, Norwegian, Traditional Chinese, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Thai and Turkish product language eligibility is valid for any Office 95 application licenses acquired from January 1, 1997 through June 30, 1997. Such licenses acquired under the Technology Guarantee must be upgraded to corresponding Office 97 licenses by September 30, 1997. For any other language eligibility, please contact your local Microsoft subsidiary office for further details.

3. Education Select product limitations The following Select Windows-based Software Products are available only to eligible Education Select Customers executing Microsoft Education Select Agreements: Windows versions of Microsoft Bookshelf®, Creative Writer, Microsoft Encarta®, Microsoft EncartaEncyclopedia Deluxe for Windows, Microsoft Encarta® Virtual Globe for Windows, Microsoft Encarta® Reference Suite for Windows, as well as Microsoft Greetings Workshop for Windows and Microsoft Plus! For Kids. These products are not provided by any Select CD-ROM. Any Education Enrolling Customer must first acquire one full-package product version outside of Select, which may be used as the “master disc” for software replication, subject to all terms and conditions of its executed Education Select Master and Enrollment Agreement.

|Microsoft® Access |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 2.0 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 7.0 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 7.0 Access Developer’s Toolkit for Windows 95 |1 |X | |

|Version 97 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Running Access 97, Electronic Edition |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 97 |0 |X | |

|Microsoft® Bookshelf® for Windows® |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1998 |1 |X | |



|Creative Writer for Windows® |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 2.0 |1 |X | |

|Microsoft® Encarta® for Windows® |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1998 |1 |X | |

|Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia Deluxe for Windows® | | | |

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1998 |1 |X | |

|Microsoft® Encarta® Virtual Globe for Windows® |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1998 |1 |X | |

|Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Suite for Windows® |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1998 |1 |X | |

Microsoft® Excel for Windows®

Product Condition Notes

1. Microsoft Excel for Windows “platform independence” The Microsoft Excel user is licensed to run Microsoft Excel on MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT Workstation or Macintosh. To the extent that a user is eligible for secondary installation, such user may run Microsoft Excel on any of these platforms, regardless of which platform is installed at work. However, for purposes of determining Microsoft Excel concurrent usage rights, the user must treat Microsoft Excel for MS-DOS, Microsoft Excel for Windows, Microsoft Excel for Windows NT and Microsoft Excel for Macintosh as if they were a single license. The “platform independent” Microsoft Excel license is not available in all languages.

2. OS/2® versions of Microsoft Excel OS/2 versions of Microsoft Excel are eligible for enrollment in Microsoft Excel for Windows Upgrade Advantage and/or Upgrade Advantage.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 5.0 for Windows |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 5.0 for Windows NT |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 7.0 for Windows 95 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 97 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Running Excel 97, Electronic Edition |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 97 |0 |X | |



Microsoft® FrontPage®

Product Condition Note

Free Upgrade for Microsoft FrontPage 98 Enrolling Customers acquiring a Select 4.0 License for FrontPage 97 between October 31, 1997 and January 31, 1998 are entitled to a free version upgrade to FrontPage 98.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 98 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Internet Explorer 4.0 Starts Here™ |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.0 |0 |X | |

Mail Remote Client for Windows®

Product Condition Note

Microsoft Mail Remote Client 3.5 for Windows All Mail Remote Client for Windows licenses require previous acquisition of Mail Server. The US English versions of Mail Remote Client for Windows may not be acquired for use outside of the United States. For use within the United States, acquisition of the Mail Remote Client for Windows is restricted to the US English version.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.0 |1 |X | |

|Version 3.2 |1 |X | |

|Version 3.5 |1 |X | |

Mail Single User Add Pack for Windows®

Product Condition Note

Mail Single User Add Pack 3.5 for Windows Mail Single User Add Packs for Windows require previous acquisition of Mail Server.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.2 |1 |X |X (Exch.) |

|Version 3.5 |1 |X |X (Exch.) |

Microsoft® Office Developer Edition 97 32-Bit Windows®

Product Condition Notes

1. Office Developer Edition 97 32-Bit Windows Competitive Upgrade Qualifications A license for Office Developer Edition 97 32-Bit Windows Competitive Upgrade is only available for a workstation upon which one of the following competitive products is installed at the time the upgrade license is acquired: WordPerfect for MS-DOS 4.0 to 5.1, WordPerfect for Windows 5.1 to 6.0, Lotus 1-2-3 for MS-DOS 2.01 to 3.4, Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows 1.0 to 4.01.

2. Office Developer Edition 97 32-Bit Windows Version Upgrade Qualifications A license for Office Developer Edition 97 32-Bit Windows Version Upgrade is only available for a workstation upon which a qualified Office Standard or Office Professional or at least one Office Standard or Office Professional component license (i.e., Access, Excel, PowerPoint, or Word) is installed at the time the upgrade license is acquired.



|Microsoft® Office Developer Edition 97 32-Bit Windows® (continued) |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 97 |2 |X |X |

|Competitive Upgrade |2 |X | |

|Product Upgrade from Office Pro 97 |2 |X | |

|Version Upgrade |2 |X | |

Microsoft® Office for Windows® Products

Product Condition Notes

1. Inability to separate Office/Office Professional component parts Office and Office Professional are licensed as single products. The individual component parts for these products may not be separated for use on more than one computer.

2. Office Upgrade Advantage prerequisite Select customers may enroll Office under Upgrade Advantage only if they have a valid license for Office or valid licenses for Word, Microsoft Excel, and PowerPoint on the same workstation.

3. Office Professional Upgrade Advantage prerequisite Select customers may enroll Microsoft Office Professional under Upgrade Advantage only if they have a valid license for Microsoft Office Professional or valid licenses for Word, Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and Microsoft Visual FoxPro® or Microsoft Access on the same workstation, or a valid license for Office and Microsoft Access or Visual FoxPro on the same workstation.

4. Office for Windows/Office Professional for Windows “platform independence” The Office user is licensed to run Office on Windows, Windows NT Workstation or Macintosh. To the extent that a user is eligible for secondary installation, such user may run Office on any of these platforms, regardless of which platform is installed at work. The “platform independent” Office license is not available in all languages.

5. Office and Office Professional for Windows Version Upgrade A license for Office and Office Professional for Windows Version Upgrade is only available for a workstation on which at least one qualified word processor, spreadsheet, presentation graphics package or database license, or on which Microsoft Visual FoxPro, Microsoft Office Small Business Edition, or Microsoft Project is installed at the time the upgrade license is acquired.

6. Office and Office Professional for Windows Competitive Upgrade The following competitive products are eligible for the Office and Office Professional for Windows Competitive Upgrade: WordPerfect for MS-DOS 4.0 to 5.1, WordPerfect for Windows 5.1 to 6.1, Lotus 1-2-3 for MS-DOS 2.01 to 3.4, and Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows 1.0 to 4.01. For Education Select Enrolling Customers only, Microsoft Works, ClarisWorks (Windows or Mac version), and ClarisWorks for Kids (Windows or Mac version) also qualify for the Competitive Upgrade.

7. Office Professional Product Upgrade /Std Enrolling Customers who have the most current version of Office Standard and wish to migrate to Office Professional can acquire this upgrade. The customer is essentially receiving a license for a database (e.g., Microsoft Access or Visual FoxPro), since they are already licensed for current versions of the other Office Standard component applications. For example, a customer licensed for Office (Standard) Version 97 can acquire this upgrade to go to Office Professional 97 with Access.

8. Unified setup Unified setup may not be available for all language versions of Office.

9. Chinese-Traditional version of Office The Chinese-Traditional version of Office includes Chinese-Traditional versions of Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint.

10. Czech, Arabic, and Hebrew version availability of Office for Windows and Office Professional for Windows The Czech, Arabic, and Hebrew versions of Office for Windows and Office Professional for Windows are not provided by any Select CD-ROM. The Enrolling Customer must first acquire one full-packaged product version outside of Select to serve as the “master” for software replication subject to all terms and conditions of its executed Select Master and Enrollment Agreement. These products include the US English version of PowerPoint. The individual software components that make up these products are available on the Select CD-ROM.

11. Spanish and Brazilian versions of Office Professional for Windows availability The Spanish and Brazilian versions of Office Professional for Windows are not available on the Select CD-ROM kit. The Select customer must first acquire one full-packaged product version outside of Select to serve as the “master” for software replication subject to all terms and conditions of its executed Select Master and Enrollment Agreement.



Microsoft® Office for Windows® Products (continued)

12. Office 97 Technology Guarantee North American Enrolling Customers who acquire Select 4.0 Volume Licenses for Office Professional for Windows 95, Office Standard for Windows 95, Word for Windows 95, Microsoft Excel for Windows 95, Microsoft Access for Windows 95, PowerPoint for Windows 95, and Microsoft FrontPage for Windows 95 on or after October 1, 1996 and prior to March 31, 1997, may upgrade to the Office 97 version of the product at no additional charge. The upgrade from the most current version of Office Standard to Office Professional does not qualify for this offer. North American Select customers with application licenses covered under the Office 97 Technology Guarantee will have to be upgraded to the corresponding Office 97 license by June 30, 1997. Arabic, Farsi and Hebrew language versions of these products do not qualify for this offer. Due to Office 97 localization schedules, product language eligibility will vary. International English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian, Dutch, Japanese and Portuguese language eligibility is comparable to the North American criteria noted above.

Swedish, Danish, Czech, Finnish, Korean, Norwegian, Traditional Chinese, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Thai and Turkish product language eligibility is valid for any Office 95 application licenses acquired from January 1, 1997 through June 30, 1997. Such licenses acquired under the Technology Guarantee must be upgraded to corresponding Office 97 licenses by September 30, 1997. For any other language eligibility, please contact your local Microsoft subsidiary office for further details.

13. Japanese version of Office 97 Professional The Japanese version of Office 97 Professional does not include Bookshelf or Bookshelf Basics component applications.

|Microsoft® Office |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.2 for Windows |2 |X |X |

|Upgrade (from Previous Version or one Microsoft Application) |2 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |2 |X | |

|Version 4.2 for Windows NT |2 |X |X |

|Upgrade (from Previous Version or one Microsoft Application) |2 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |2 |X | |

|Version 7.0 for Windows and Windows NT |2 |X |X |

|Upgrade (from Previous Version or one Microsoft Application) |2 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |2 |X | |

|Version 97 |2 |X |X |

|Upgrade (from Previous Version or one Microsoft Application) |2 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |2 |X | |

|Microsoft® Office Professional |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.3 for Windows with Microsoft Access |2 |X |X |

|Upgrade (from Previous Version or one Microsoft Application) |2 |X | |

|Upgrade (from Competitive Application) |2 |X | |

|Product Upgrade / Std |0 |X | |

|Version 7.0 for Windows 95 and Windows NT with Microsoft Access |2 |X |X |

|Upgrade (from Previous Version or one Microsoft Application) |2 |X | |

|Upgrade (from Competitive Application) |2 |X | |

|Product Upgrade / Std |0 |X | |

|Version 97 with Microsoft Access |2 |X |X |

|Upgrade (from Previous Version or one Microsoft Application) |2 |X | |

|Upgrade (from Competitive Application) |2 |X | |

|Product Upgrade / Std |0 |X | |

|Version 4.3 for Windows with Microsoft Bookshelf and Microsoft Access |2 |X |X |

|Upgrade (from Previous Version or one Microsoft Application) |2 |X | |

|Upgrade (from Competitive Application) |2 |X | |

|Product Upgrade / Std |0 |X | |

|Version 7.0 for Windows 95/Windows NT with Bookshelf and Microsoft Access |2 |X |X |

|Upgrade (from Previous Version or one Microsoft Application) |2 |X | |

|Upgrade (from Competitive Application) |2 |X | |

|Product Upgrade / Std |0 |X | |



|Microsoft® Office Professional (continued) |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 97 with Bookshelf Basics and Microsoft Access |2 |X |X |

|Upgrade (from Previous Version or one Microsoft Application) |2 |X | |

|Upgrade (from Competitive Application) |2 |X | |

|Product Upgrade / Std |0 |X | |

|Version 4.3 for Windows with Microsoft Bookshelf and Visual FoxPro |2 |X |X |

|Upgrade (from Previous Version or one Microsoft Application) |2 |X | |

|Upgrade (from Competitive Application) |2 |X | |

|Product Upgrade / Std |0 |X | |

|Version 7.0 for Windows 95/Windows NT with Bookshelf and Visual FoxPro |2 |X |X |

|Upgrade (from Previous Version or one Microsoft Application) |2 |X | |

|Upgrade (from Competitive Application) |2 |X | |

|Product Upgrade / Std |0 |X | |

|Version 97 with Bookshelf Basics and Visual FoxPro |2 |X |X |

|Upgrade (from Previous Version or one Microsoft Application) |2 |X | |

|Upgrade (from Competitive Application) |2 |X | |

|Product Upgrade / Std |0 |X | |

|Version 4.3 for Windows with Visual FoxPro |2 |X |X |

|Upgrade (from Previous Version or one Microsoft Application) |2 |X | |

|Upgrade (from Competitive Application) |2 |X | |

|Product Upgrade / Std |0 |X | |

|Version 7.0 for Windows with Visual FoxPro |2 |X |X |

|Upgrade (from Previous Version or one Microsoft Application) |2 |X | |

|Upgrade (from Competitive Application) |2 |X | |

|Product Upgrade / Std |0 |X | |

|Version 97 with Visual FoxPro |2 |X |X |

|Upgrade (from Previous Version or one Microsoft Application) |2 |X | |

|Upgrade (from Competitive Application) |2 |X | |

|Product Upgrade / Std |0 |X | |

|Running Office 97, Electronic Edition |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 97 |0 |X | |

|Office 97 Starts Here™ |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 97 |0 |X | |

Microsoft® Outlook™

Product Condition Notes

1. Free Upgrade for Outlook 98 - For the life of Outlook 98, Enrolling Customers may upgrade to Outlook 98 licenses for as many Outlook 97 licenses that they have acquired (either via Office 97 or standalone Outlook licenses from the Applications pool or Exchange Server CALs or BackOffice Server CALs from the Server pool) for no additional charge.

2. Outlook 98 Promotion - Through June 30, 1998, Enrolling Customers may deploy Outlook 98 for no charge on any desktop. Use of Outlook 98 with Exchange Server still requires an Exchange Client Access License.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 97 |1 |X |X |

|Version 98 |1 |X |X |



|Running Outlook 97, Electronic Edition |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 97 |0 |X | |

Microsoft® PowerPoint®

Product Condition Note

PowerPoint for Windows “platform independence” The PowerPoint user is licensed to run PowerPoint on Windows or Macintosh. To the extent that a user is eligible for secondary installation, such user may run PowerPoint on any of these platforms, regardless of which platform is installed at work. However, for purposes of determining PowerPoint concurrent usage rights, the user must treat PowerPoint for and PowerPoint for Macintosh as if they were a single license. The “platform independent” PowerPoint license is not available in all languages.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.0 for Windows |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 7.0 for Windows 95 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 97 for Windows 95 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Running PowerPoint 97, Electronic Edition |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 97 |0 |X | |

Microsoft® Project

Product Condition Notes

1. Microsoft Project for Windows “platform independence” The Microsoft Project user is licensed to run Microsoft Project on Windows or Macintosh. To the extent that a user is eligible for secondary installation, such user may run Microsoft Project on any of these platforms, regardless of which platform is installed at work. However, for purposes of determining Microsoft Project concurrent usage rights, the user must treat Microsoft Project for Windows or Microsoft Project for Macintosh as if they were a single license. The “platform independent” Microsoft Project license is not available in all languages.

2. Free Upgrade Period Enrolling customers who acquire a Select 4.0 License for Project 4.0 or 4.1 from September 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997 are entitled to a free version upgrade to Project 98.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.0 for Windows |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 4.1 for Windows 95 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade from Microsoft Project 3.0 or Prior |1 |X | |

|Version Upgrade from Microsoft Project 4.0 |1 |X | |

|Version 98 for Windows |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Proofing Tools 97 for 32-Bit Windows® |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 97 |0 |X | |

|Version Upgrade |0 |X | |



|Microsoft® Publisher |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 98 for Windows 95 and Windows NT |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

Microsoft® Schedule+ Single User Add Pack

Product Condition Note

It is recommended that Schedule+ Single User Add Packs are used in conjunction with Mail Server for full functionality.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1.0 |1 |X | |

Microsoft® Schedule+ Starter Kit (requires Mail)

Product Condition Note

All Schedule+ Starter Kits include two user licenses and require previous acquisition of Mail Server.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1.0 |1 |X | |

|Microsoft® Schedule+ for Windows® 95 |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 7.0 |1 |X | |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

Microsoft® SGML Author for Word

Product Condition Note

Free Upgrade to SGML Author 1.2 Enrolling Customers who acquire a Select license for SGML Author 1.0 or 1.1 are entitled to upgrade to SGML Author 1.2 for no additional charge.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1.2 |1 |X | |

|Microsoft® Team Manager 97 |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 97 |1 |X | |

Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Windows®

Product Condition Notes

1. Visual Basic® 5.0 Standard Learning Edition Version Upgrade Qualifications A license for Visual Basic 5.0 Standard Learning Edition Version Upgrade is only available for a workstation upon which a Visual Basic Standard Edition Version 3.0 or 4.0 license is installed at the time the upgrade license is acquired.



Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Windows® (continued)

2. Visual Basic 5.0 Professional Edition Competitive Upgrade Qualifications A license for Visual Basic 5.0 Professional Edition Competitive Upgrade is only available for a workstation upon which any of the following is installed at the time the upgrade license is acquired: Microsoft Visual Basic, Standard Edition 3.0 or 4.0, Microsoft Visual C++® 1.5 or later, Microsoft Visual FoxPro 3.0 or later, Microsoft Fortran PowerStation 4.0 or later, Microsoft Office Professional, 4.0 or later, Microsoft Office 97, Developers Edition, Borland Delphi, Borland C++, Borland dBASE for Windows, Sybase® PowerBuilder 3, 4 or 5, Oracle® PowerObjects, Oracle Developer/2000.

3. Visual Basic 5.0 Enterprise Edition Version Upgrade Qualifications A license for Visual Basic 5.0 Enterprise Edition Version Upgrade is only available for a workstation upon which a Visual Basic Professional Edition Version 3.0, 4.0 or 5.0 or Visual Basic Enterprise Edition Version 4.0 license is installed at the time the upgrade license is acquired.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 5.0 Standard Learning Edition |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 5.0 Enterprise Edition |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 5.0 Professional Edition |1 |X |X |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

Microsoft® Visual C++® for Windows®

Product Condition Notes

1. Visual C++ Professional Edition for Windows Select customers who order the current version of Visual C++ may choose to install either the current version of Visual C++ or Visual C++ for MIPS® or Visual C++ for Alpha.

2. Visual C++ 5.0 Professional Edition Competitive Upgrade Qualifications A license for Visual C++ 5.0 Professional Edition Competitive Upgrade is only available for a workstation upon which any of the following is installed at the time the upgrade license is acquired: Microsoft Visual Basic, Standard Edition 4.0, Microsoft Visual Basic, Standard Learning Edition 5.0, Microsoft Visual FoxPro 3.0 or later, Microsoft Fortran PowerStation 4.0 or later, Microsoft Access 2.0 or later, Borland Delphi, Borland C++, Borland C++ Builder, Metrowerks CodeWarrior Gold, Sybase PowerBuilder 3, 4 or 5, Oracle PowerObjects, Oracle Developer/2000, PowerSoft Optima++, PowerSoft PowerBuilder 3, 4 or 5, Symantec C++ Professional, Watcom C/C++.

3. Visual C++ 5.0 Enterprise Edition Version Upgrade Qualifications A license for the Visual C++ 5.0 Enterprise Edition Version Upgrade is only available for a workstation upon which a VC++ 4.2 Enterprise Edition, VC++ 4.0 Professional Edition, or VC++ 5.0 Professional Edition license is installed at the time the upgrade license is acquired. Enrolling Customers with a VC++ Subscription also qualify for the Visual C++ 5.0 Enterprise Edition Version Upgrade.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 5.0 Learning Edition |1 |X |X |

|Version 5.0 Enterprise Edition |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 5.0 Professional Edition |1 |X |X |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |



Microsoft® Visual FoxPro® for Windows®

Product Condition Note

Visual FoxPro 5.0 Professional Edition Version Upgrade Qualifications A license for the Visual FoxPro 5.0 Professional Edition Version Upgrade is only available for a workstation upon which a Visual FoxPro 3.0 Standard or Visual FoxPro 3.0 Professional Edition license is installed at the time the upgrade license is acquired.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.0 Standard Edition |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 5.0 Professional Edition |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

Microsoft® Visual InterDev™

Product Condition Notes

1. Visual InterDev™ Competitive Upgrade Qualifications A license for Visual InterDev Competitive Upgrade is only available for a workstation upon which any of the following is installed at the time the upgrade license is acquired: Livewire Pro, Borland Intrabuilder, Spider NetDynamics, NeXT WebObjects, Haht HahtSite, Blue Stone Saphire Web, NetDynamics Studio.

2. Visual InterDev Version Upgrade Qualifications A license for Visual InterDev Version Upgrade is only available for a workstation upon which any of the following is installed at the time the upgrade license is acquired: Microsoft FrontPage, Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft Visual J++™ and Microsoft Visual SourceSafe™.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1997 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

Microsoft® Visual J++™

Product Condition Note

Visual J++ 1.1 Competitive Upgrade Qualifications A license for Visual J++ 1.1 Competitive Upgrade is only available for a workstation upon which one of the following is installed at the time the upgrade license is acquired: Sun Java Development Kit, Sun Java Workshop, Symantec Café, Symantec Visual Café, Borland Jbuilder.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1.1 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |



Microsoft® Visual SourceSafe™ for Windows®

Product Condition Note

Visual SourceSafe for Windows (Macintosh client) The Macintosh client for US English version of the Visual SourceSafe for Windows is available only to US-based Select customers via fulfillment from Worldwide Fulfillment. This Macintosh client is to be used only with the US English version of Visual SourceSafe for Windows and not with any localized versions of Visual SourceSafe for Windows.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 5.0 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

Microsoft® Visual Studio™ 97

Product Condition Notes

1. Visual Studio 97 Competitive Upgrade Qualifications A license for Visual Studio 97 Enterprise or Professional Edition Competitive Upgrade is only available for a workstation upon which any of the following is installed at the time the upgrade license is acquired: Borland Delphi, Borland C++, Netscape Livewire Pro, PowerSoft PowerBuilder 3, 4, or 5, PowerSoft Optima++ or Symantec Visual Café.

2. Visual Studio 97 Enterprise Edition Version Upgrade Qualifications A license for Visual Studio 97 Enterprise Edition Version Upgrade is only available for a workstation upon which any of the following is installed at the time the upgrade license is acquired: Microsoft FrontPage, Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft Visual J++, or Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.

3. Visual Studio 97 Professional Edition Version Upgrade Qualifications A license for Visual Studio 97 Professional Edition Version Upgrade is only available for a workstation upon which any of the following is installed at the time the upgrade license is acquired: Microsoft FrontPage, Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C++, or Microsoft Visual J++.

4. Visual Studio 97 Upgrade Advantage Clarification Enrolling Customers licensed for all of the individual component applications of Visual Studio are eligible to enroll these combined licenses under Visual Studio Professional or Enterprise Upgrade Advantage. (Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual J++, Visual FoxPro, and Visual InterDev for Visual Studio Professional Edition Upgrade Advantage; all Visual Studio Professional Edition component applications, plus Microsoft SQL Server, Developer Edition version 6.5; Microsoft Transaction Server, Developer Edition and Microsoft Visual SourceSafe version 5.0 for Visual Studio Enterprise Edition Upgrade Advantage.)

Enrolling Customers enrolling Visual Studio licenses under Upgrade Advantage are permitted to install the latest version (in the same language) of an individual component application within the Visual Studio suite during the Upgrade Advantage term. Should a new version of an individual application within the Visual Studio suite be released during the Upgrade Advantage term in which a Visual Studio license is enrolled, the Enrolling Customer is permitted to upgrade that individual application, rather than being required to wait for a new release of the Visual Studio suite to be released.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 97 Enterprise Edition |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 97 Professional Edition |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |



|Microsoft® Windows® CE ToolKit for Visual Basic |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 5.0 |1 |X |X |

Microsoft® Windows® CE ToolKit for Visual C++

Product Condition Note

Windows CE ToolKit for Visual C++ 5.0 Free Upgrade period Enrolling Customers who acquire a license for the Windows CE ToolKit for Visual C++ 1.0 between October 1, 1997 and January 31, 1998 are entitled to upgrade to the Windows CE ToolKit for Visual C++ 5.0 at no charge.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 5.0 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Microsoft® Windows® CE ToolKit for Visual J++ |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1.1 |1 |X |X |

Microsoft® Word for Windows®

Product Condition Notes

1. Word for Windows “platform independence” The Word user is licensed to run Word on MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT Workstation or Macintosh. To the extent that a user is eligible for secondary installation, such user may run Word on any of these platforms, regardless of which platform is installed at work. However, for purposes of determining Word concurrent usage rights, the user must treat Word for MS-DOS, Word for Windows, Word for Windows NT and Word for Macintosh as if they were a single license. The “platform independent” Word license is not available in all languages.

2. Word 6.0 Proofing Tools for Windows Word 6.0 for Windows requires Proofing Tools for Word 6.0 for Windows. Previous versions of Proofing Tools are not compatible with Word 6.0 for Windows.

3. OS/2 versions of Word OS/2 versions of Word are eligible for enrollment in Word for Windows Upgrade Advantage.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 6.0 for Windows |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 6.0 for Windows NT |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 6.0 ODA Converter Kit for Windows |0 |X | |

|Version 6.0 ODA Converter Kit for Windows NT |0 |X | |

|Version 6.0 Proofing Tools for Windows |0 |X | |

|Version 7.0 for Windows 95 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 7.0 Proofing Tools for Windows 95 |0 |X | |

|Version 97 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |



|Running Word 97, Electronic Edition |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 97 |0 |X | |

|Word 97/Excel 97 In-Depth Training Starts Here™ |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 97 |0 |X | |

|Microsoft® Word Assistant |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1.0 for Windows |0 |X | |

|Microsoft® Word/Excel for Windows NT® |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 97 |2 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |2 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |2 |X | |

Microsoft® Works

Product Condition Notes

1. Works for Windows “platform independence” The Works user is licensed to run Works on MS-DOS, Windows or Macintosh. To the extent that a user is eligible for secondary installation, such user may run Works on any of these platforms, regardless of which platform is installed at work. The “platform independent” Works license is not available in all languages.

2. Works for Windows Free Upgrade period Enrolling Customers acquiring Works 4.0 between October 1, 1997 and January 31, 19/98 are eligible for the Works 4.5 Free Upgrade/Technology Guarantee

3. Works 4.5 for 32-bit Windows Upgrades Qualifying products for the Works 4.5 for 32-bit Windows version upgrades are any prior version of Works; eligible products for the Works 4.5 for 32-bit Windows CUP products are ClarisWorks, Apple Works, Perfect Works and GreatWorks.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.0 for Windows |1 |X |X |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 4.5 for 32-bit Windows |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

Applications for the Apple® Macintosh®

General Product Condition Notes

1. Platform independent licenses Microsoft Excel, Office Standard Edition, Office Professional Edition, PowerPoint, Microsoft Project, Word and Works are “platform independent” licenses. A platform independent license allows for a specific product to be used on any computer platform (e.g., Intel-based, Macintosh) that the software runs on, provided that the version is the same or lower as the original version that was licensed. For instance, an Enrolling Customer who acquired Microsoft Excel 5.0 for Macintosh may choose to use that license to run Microsoft Excel 5.0 for Windows or Microsoft Excel 5.0 for Windows NT, but could not use the license to run Microsoft Excel 7.0 for Windows 95.

2. Education Select product limitations The following Select Software Products for the Apple® Macintosh are available only to eligible Education Enrolling Customers executing Microsoft Education Select Agreements: Macintosh versions of Microsoft Bookshelf, Creative Writer, and Encarta Encyclopedia Deluxe. These products are not provided by any Select CD-ROM. Any eligible Education Enrolling Customer must first acquire one full-packaged product version outside of Select, which may be used as the “master disc” for software replication subject to all terms and conditions of its executed Education Select Master and Enrollment Agreement.



|Microsoft® Bookshelf® for the Macintosh® |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1998 |1 |X | |

|Creative Writer for the Macintosh® |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 2.0 |1 |X | |

|Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia Deluxe for the Macintosh® | | | |

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1998 |1 |X | |

Microsoft® Excel for the Macintosh®

Product Condition Notes

1. Farsi product version limitations The Farsi version of these products are not provided by any Select CD-ROM. They are Microsoft Works for MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Word for Windows, Microsoft Excel for Windows, Microsoft Excel for Macintosh. The Select Customer will need to acquire full-packaged product version outside of Select.

2. Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh “platform independence” The Microsoft Excel user is licensed to run Microsoft Excel on MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT Workstation or Macintosh. To the extent that a user is eligible for secondary installation, such user may run Microsoft Excel on any of these platforms, regardless of which platform is installed at work. However, for purposes of determining Microsoft Excel concurrent usage rights, the user must treat Microsoft Excel for MS-DOS, Microsoft Excel for Windows, Microsoft Excel for Windows NT and Microsoft Excel for Macintosh as if they were a single license. The “platform independent” Microsoft Excel license is not available in all languages.

3. Excel 98 for the Macintosh Free Upgrade Period Enrolling Customers who acquire a license for Excel 5.0 for the Macintosh between 1/1/98–4/30/98 are entitled to upgrade to Excel 98 for the Macintosh at no charge.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 5.0 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 98 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Microsoft® FrontPage® for the Macintosh® |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1.0 |1 |X |X |

Microsoft® Office for the Macintosh® Products

Product Condition Notes

1. Office for the Macintosh/Office Professional for Macintosh “platform independence” The Office user is licensed to run Office on Windows, Windows NT Workstation or Macintosh. To the extent that a user is eligible for secondary installation, such user may run Office on any of these platforms, regardless of which platform is installed at work. However, for purposes of determining Office concurrent usage rights, the user must treat Office or Office Professional for Windows, Office or Office Professional for Windows NT and Office or Office Professional for Macintosh as if they were a single license. The “platform independent” Office license is not available in all languages.

2. Office for the Macintosh Version Upgrade A license for Office for the Macintosh Version Upgrade and Office Professional for the Macintosh Version Upgrade is only available for a Macintosh on which Microsoft Office (all Macintosh versions), Microsoft Word (all Macintosh versions), Microsoft Excel (all Macintosh versions), or Microsoft PowerPoint (all versions for Macintosh) is installed at the time the upgrade license is acquired. For Education Select Enrolling Customers only, Microsoft Works, ClarisWorks (Windows or Mac version), and ClarisWorks for Kids (Windows or Mac version) also qualify for the Version Upgrade.



Microsoft® Office for the Macintosh® Products (continued)

3. Limited availability of certain Office for the Macintosh languages Norwegian, Finnish, Danish, and Spanish versions of Office for the Macintosh include the US English version of PowerPoint. The Spanish version of Office Professional for the Macintosh includes the English version of Visual FoxPro.

4. Clarification of Bookshelf as a component application of Office/Office Professional for the Macintosh Both Office for the Macintosh 4.21 and Office Professional for the Macintosh 4.0 contain Bookshelf as a component application. Enrolling Customers with a license for either product are entitled to install Bookshelf as a component application. Bookshelf is not included in either Office or Office Professional 98 for the Macintosh.

5. Office 98 for the Macintosh Free Upgrade Period Enrolling Customers who acquire a license for Office 4.21 for the Macintosh or Office Professional 4.0 for the Macintosh between 1/1/98–4/30/98 are entitled to upgrade to the Office 98 equivalent at no charge.

6. Contents of Office 98 for the Macintosh Office 98 for the Macintosh includes Word 98 for the Macintosh, Excel 98 for the Macintosh, PowerPoint 98 for the Macintosh, and Outlook Express. Office Professional 98 for the Macintosh customers will be permitted to also install Visual FoxPro 3.0 for the Macintosh.

7. Office Professional Product Upgrade / Std Enrolling Customers who have a license for Office Standard 98 for the Macintosh and wish to migrate to Office Professional 98 for the Macintosh can acquire this upgrade. The Enrolling Customer is essentially receiving a license for Visual FoxPro 3.0 for the Macintosh since they are already licensed for current versions of the other Office Standard component applications.

|Microsoft® Office for the Macintosh® |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.21 |2 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |2 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade from Claris Works |2 |X | |

|Version 98 |2 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |2 |X | |

|Microsoft® Office Professional for the Macintosh® |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.0 |2 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |2 |X | |

|Product Upgrade / Std |0 |X | |

|Version 98 |2 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |2 |X | |

|Product Upgrade / Std |0 |X | |

Microsoft® PowerPoint® for the Macintosh®

Product Condition Notes

1. PowerPoint for the Macintosh “platform independence” The PowerPoint user is licensed to run PowerPoint on Windows or Macintosh. To the extent that a user is eligible for secondary installation, such user may run PowerPoint on any of these platforms, regardless of which platform is installed at work. However, for purposes of determining PowerPoint concurrent usage rights, the user must treat PowerPoint for Windows and PowerPoint for Macintosh as if they were a single license. The “platform independent” PowerPoint license is not available in all languages.

2. PowerPoint 98 for the Macintosh Free Upgrade Period Enrolling Customers who acquire a license for PowerPoint 4.0 for the Macintosh between 1/1/98–4/30/98 are entitled to upgrade to PowerPoint 98 for the Macintosh at no charge.



|Microsoft® PowerPoint® for the Macintosh® (continued) |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.0 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 98 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

Microsoft® Project for the Macintosh®

Product Condition Note

Microsoft Project for the Macintosh “platform independence” The Microsoft Project user is licensed to run Microsoft Project on Windows or Macintosh. To the extent that a user is eligible for secondary installation, such user may run Microsoft Project on any of these platforms, regardless of which platform is installed at work. However, for purposes of determining Microsoft Project concurrent usage rights, the user must treat Microsoft Project for Windows or Microsoft Project for Macintosh as if they were a single license. The “platform independent” Microsoft Project license is not available in all languages.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.0 |1 |X | |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

Microsoft® Visual FoxPro® Standard Edition for the Macintosh®

Product Condition Note

Visual FoxPro Standard Edition for the Macintosh product code is not contained in the Select CD-ROM Kit. The Select Customer will need to acquire full-packaged product version outside of Select.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.0 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

Microsoft® Word for the Macintosh®

Product Condition Notes

1. Word for the Macintosh “platform independence” The Word user is licensed to run Word on MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT Workstation or Macintosh. To the extent that a user is eligible for secondary installation, such user may run Word on any of these platforms, regardless of which platform is installed at work. However, for purposes of determining Word concurrent usage rights, the user must treat Word for MS-DOS, Word for Windows, Word for Windows NT and Word for Macintosh as if they were a single license. The “platform independent” Word license is not available in all languages.

2. Word for the Macintosh Version Upgrade Select customers who have ordered Word 6.0 for the Macintosh may upgrade to Word 6.01 for the Macintosh at no charge.

3. Word 6.0 Proofing Tools for the Macintosh Word 6.0 Proofing Tools for the Macintosh are not available for distribution or consumption from the Select CD in the United States. They are only available for consumption outside of United States. If an Enrolling Customer is interested in this product for use in the United States, they need to contact Alki Software in Seattle, Washington.

4. Word 98 for the Macintosh Free Upgrade Period Enrolling Customers who acquire a license for Word 6.01 for the Macintosh between 1/1/98–4/30/98 are entitled to upgrade to Word 98 for the Macintosh at no charge.



|Microsoft® Word for the Macintosh® (continued) |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 6.0 |1 |X |X |

|Version 6.0 ODA Converter Kit for Macintosh |0 |X | |

|Version 6.0 Proofing Tools for the Macintosh |0 |X | |

|Version 6.01 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 98 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

Microsoft® Works for the Macintosh®

Product Condition Note

Works for the Macintosh “platform independence” The Works user is licensed to run Works on MS-DOS, Windows or Macintosh. To the extent that a user is eligible for secondary installation, such user may run Works on any of these platforms, regardless of which platform is installed at work. The “platform independent” Works license is not available in all languages.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.0 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

Microsoft® MS-DOS® based Applications

General Product Condition Note

Platform independent licenses Amongst MS-DOS-based Applications, Word and Works are “platform independent” licenses. A platform independent license allows for a specific product to be used on any computer platform (e.g., Intel-based, Macintosh) that the software runs on, provided that the version is the same or lower as the original version that was licensed. For instance, an Enrolling Customer who acquired Word 6.0 for MS-DOS may choose to use that license to run Word 6.0 for Windows, Word 6.0 for Windows NT or Word 6.0 for Macintosh, but could not use the license to run Word 7.0 for Windows 95. To the extent that a user is eligible for secondary installation, such user may run Word or Works on any of these platforms, regardless of which platform is installed at work. The “platform independent” license is not available in all languages.

Microsoft® Mail Remote Client for MS-DOS®

Product Condition Note

Mail Remote Client for MS-DOS This product requires previous acquisition of Mail Server. The US English versions of Mail Remote MS-DOS Client may not be acquired for use outside of the United States. For use within the United States, acquisition of the Mail Remote MS-DOS Client is restricted to the US English version.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.0 |1 |X | |

|Microsoft® Visual Basic® for MS-DOS®, Professional Edition | | | |

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|(Non-Version Specific Upgrade Advantage only) |1 | |X |



|Microsoft® Visual FoxPro® for MS-DOS®, Single-User |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 2.6 |1 |X |X |

Microsoft® Word for MS-DOS®

Product Condition Notes

1. Word for MS-DOS “platform independence” The Word 6.0 user is licensed to run Word on MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT Workstation or Macintosh. To the extent that a user is eligible for secondary installation, such user may run Word on any of these platforms, regardless of which platform is installed at work. However, for purposes of determining Word concurrent usage rights, the user must treat Word for MS-DOS, Word for Windows, Word for Windows NT and Word for Macintosh as if they were a single license. The “platform independent” Word license is not available in all languages.

2. Word 6.0 Proofing Tools for MS-DOS Word 6.0 for MS-DOS requires Proofing Tools for Word 6.0 for MS-DOS. Previous versions of Proofing Tools are not compatible with Word 6.0 for MS-DOS.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 6.0 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 6.0 Proofing Tools for Microsoft MS-DOS |0 |X | |

Microsoft® Works for MS-DOS®

Product Condition Notes

1. Farsi product version limitations The Farsi version of these products are not provided by any Select CD-ROM. They are Microsoft Works for MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Word for Windows, Microsoft Excel for Windows, Microsoft Excel for Macintosh. The Select Customer will need to acquire full-packaged product version outside of Select.

2. Works for MS-DOS “platform independence” The Works user is licensed to run Works on MS-DOS, Windows or Macintosh. To the extent that a user is eligible for secondary installation, such user may run Works on any of these platforms, regardless of which platform is installed at work. The “platform independent” Works license is not available in all languages.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.0 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

Microsoft® Systems Product Pool

Microsoft® Operating Systems

General Product Condition Note

OS/2 in Windows and Windows 95 Upgrade Advantage or Windows for Workgroups Upgrade Advantage Select customers may enroll OS/2 in Windows and Windows 95 Upgrade Advantage or Windows for Workgroups Upgrade Advantage. OS/2 is not eligible to be enrolled directly in Windows NT Workstation Upgrade Advantage or Windows 32-bit Family Upgrade Advantage.



Microsoft® MS-DOS® Upgrade

Product Condition Notes

1. MS-DOS Upgrade Arabic MS-DOS consists of English MS-DOS, plus an Arabic layer.

2. MS-DOS 6.22 Upgrade MS-DOS 6.0 and 6.2 Upgrades include Anti-Virus (AV) software. Further updates may be acquired directly from Central Point.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 5.0 |1 |X | |

|Version 6.22 |1 |X | |

|Microsoft® Plus! For Kids |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1.0 |1 |X | |

|Microsoft® Plus! For Windows® 95 |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1.0 |1 |X | |

Microsoft® Windows®

Product Condition Note

Windows 3.1 for the NEC® PC 9800 Series The Japanese version of these products are available only in Japan. The Enrolling Customer must first acquire one full-packaged product outside of Select that may be used as the “master” for software replication following all other terms and conditions of the Select Agreement.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.1 |1 |X |X |

|Version 3.1 for NEC 9800 Systems (Japanese) |1 |X |X |

|Version 3.1 for Intel-based Systems (Japanese) |1 |X |X |

|Version 3.11 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 3.2 - Chinese Simplified |1 |X |X |

|Windows and Windows 95 Upgrade Advantage |2 | |X |

Microsoft® Windows® 95

Product Condition Note

Windows 95 Version Upgrade from Windows 3.x and Windows for Workgroups 3.x The Windows 95 version upgrade is available to licensed owners of Windows version 3.0 or higher, Windows for Workgroups version 3.1 or higher, all versions of Windows NT Workstation, or OS/2 version 2.0 or higher.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version Upgrade from Windows 3.x & Windows for Workgroups 3.x |2 |X |X |

|Windows and Windows 95 Upgrade Advantage |2 | |X |

|Running Windows 95, Electronic Edition |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 95 |0 |X | |



|Windows® 95 Starts Here™, Updated Edition |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 95, Updated Edition |0 |X | |

Microsoft® Windows® for Workgroups

Product Condition Note

Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Workgroup Add-on for one User of Windows 3.1 In France, acquisition of Windows for Workgroups version 3.11 is restricted to the French (France) version. It is illegal to distribute other language versions of Windows for Workgroups 3.11 to consumers within France. The restriction applies to Windows for Workgroups and the Windows for Workgroups Add-On.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.11 |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 3.11 Add-on for Windows 3.1 Users |1 |X | |

|Version 3.11 Add-on for MS-DOS |0 |X | |

Microsoft® Windows NT® Workstation

Product Condition Notes

1. Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Competitive/Product Upgrade from Win3x/WfW3x/95/OS2 prerequisite Enrolling Customers interested in acquiring Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Competitive/Product Upgrade must have a prior operating system (Windows 3.x, Windows for Workgroups 3.x, Windows 95, OS/2, Macintosh, UNIX, or Windows-Based Terminal) installed on their personal computer or workstation. Enrolling Customers with a prior version of Windows NT Workstation installed on their personal computer or workstation may acquire the Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Upgrade from Windows NT 3.x.

2. Windows 32-Bit Family Upgrade Advantage and Windows NT Workstation Upgrade Advantage Windows 32-Bit Family Upgrade Advantage and Windows NT Workstation Upgrade Advantage are essentially the same and offer the Enrolling Customer the ability to install any upgrades to the Windows NT Workstation license enrolled under either product for the term of their Upgrade Advantage coverage.

3. “Downgrade” right for Windows NT Workstation licenses Licensees of Windows NT Workstation licenses are entitled to use any prior version of Windows NT Workstation in place of the version level they have acquired without any prerequisite.

For Windows NT Workstation licenses enrolled in Upgrade Advantage, the following additional right is applicable: The licensee may use the current or any prior version of Windows in place of Windows NT Workstation. If the licensee exercises this right to use any version of Windows for which there is Microsoft Plus! software available, the licensee may also use the appropriate Microsoft Plus! software. For example, a licensee who enrolls NT Workstation under Upgrade Advantage may choose to use Windows 95 and Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95 instead of Windows NT Workstation. Should the Enrolling Customer exercise their right to use the current or any prior version of Windows in place of Windows NT Workstation, the Enrolling Customer must determine whether they will keep that specific license as a prior version of Windows or Windows NT Workstation at the conclusion of the Windows NT Workstation Upgrade Advantage term and may no longer switch between the two operating systems.

4. Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Version Upgrade - Select 1-Time This Select product is available to Enrolling Customers wishing to upgrade to Windows NT Workstation 4.0 under the following conditions:

Upgrading valid Windows and Windows 95 licenses currently enrolled in Windows and Windows 95 Upgrade Advantage, Windows for Workgroups licenses currently enrolled in Windows for Workgroups Upgrade Advantage, or IBM® OS/2 licenses currently enrolled in Windows and Windows 95 or Windows for Workgroups Upgrade Advantage to a Windows NT Workstation 4.0 license. For each unit of this 1-Time Upgrade SKU that the Enrolling Customer acquires, the Customer must also immediately enroll the newly acquired Windows NT Workstation 4.0 license in Windows NT Workstation Upgrade Advantage or Windows 32-bit Family Upgrade Advantage. Enrolling Customers must pay any difference in price between the former Windows and Windows 95 Upgrade Advantage or Windows for Workgroups Upgrade Advantage and the newly acquired Windows NT Workstation Upgrade Advantage or Windows 32-bit Family Upgrade Advantage.



Microsoft® Windows NT® Workstation (continued)

Upgrading valid Windows, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95 or IBM OS/2 license without Upgrade Advantage to a Windows NT Workstation 4.0 license. For each unit of this 1-Time Upgrade SKU that the Enrolling Customer acquires, the Customer must also immediately enroll the newly acquired NT Workstation 4.0 license in Windows NT Workstation Upgrade Advantage or Windows 32-bit Family Upgrade Advantage. Any Software that the licensee is permitted to use as a result of this 1-Time Upgrade may be used only on the single computer upon which the prior operating system was first installed.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.0 Competitive/Product Upgrade from Win3x/WfW3x/95/OS2 |2 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |2 |X | |

|Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Version Upgrade - Select 1-Time (Requires Upgrade Advantage) |0 |X | |

|Windows 32-Bit Family Upgrade Advantage OR Windows NT Workstation Upgrade Advantage |2 | |X |

|Running Windows NT Workstation 4.0, Electronic Edition | | | |

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.0 |0 |X | |

|Windows NT® 4.0 Workstation Starts Here™ |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.0 |0 |X | |

|Microsoft® Windows NT® Subsystem for Presentation Manager | | | |

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.51 |0 |X | |

Microsoft® Server Product Pool

Networking Series

Microsoft® BackOffice®

(EI Controls Restricted)

Product Condition Notes

1. Individual application within the BackOffice suite enrolled in Upgrade Advantage Enrolling Customers enrolling BackOffice licenses under Upgrade Advantage are permitted to install the latest version (in the same language) of an individual application within the BackOffice suite (i.e., Windows NT Server, SQL Server, Microsoft Exchange Server, etc.) during the Upgrade Advantage term. Should a new version of an individual application within the BackOffice suite be released during the Upgrade Advantage term in which a BackOffice license is enrolled, the Enrolling Customer is permitted to upgrade that individual application, rather than being required to wait for a new release of the BackOffice suite to be released. Further, Enrolling Customers are permitted to install a different language edition of an individual application within the BackOffice suite, provided the cost of the language version acquired is greater than the cost of the language version desired.

2. BackOffice 4.0 Client Access License components Windows NT Server 4.0, SQL Server 6.5, Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5, Systems Management Server 1.2, and SNA Server 4.0. Customers may enroll the BackOffice Client Access License under Upgrade Advantage, only if they have a valid BackOffice Client Access License or valid Client Access Licenses for Windows NT Server, SQL Server, SNA Server, Systems Management Server and Microsoft Exchange on the same workstation.



Microsoft® BackOffice® (continued)

3. BackOffice 4.0 Client Access License Version Upgrade qualification Upgrades any BackOffice 1.5 or 2.x Client Access License to a BackOffice version 4.0 Client Access License.

4. BackOffice 4.0 Client Access License Competitive Upgrade qualifications Owners of client licenses for the following products are eligible for the BackOffice 4.0 Client Access License Competitive Upgrade: Novell NetWare, Novell IntranetWare, Novell IntranetWare for Small Business, Banyan VINES, IBM LAN Server, DEC PATHWORKS, Microsoft LAN Manager, Artisoft LANtastic, the following UNIX network operating systems (SCO Xenix, UNIX, OpenServer or UnixWare; Sun Solaris, Solaris X86 or SunOS; Hewlett-Packard HP-UX; IBM AIX; Digital Ultrix, OSF/1 or UNIX; SGI Irix; Netscape SuiteSpot and its components), Banyan BeyondMail, CD Software QuickMail, DEC All-in-1, DEC Mailbus, DEC MailWorks, DEC TeamLinks, DEC Verimation Memo, HP Desk, HP OpenMail, IBM OfficeVision, IBM Profs, Lotus cc:Mail, Lotus Notes and Lotus Notes Mail, Netscape Collabra Share, Netscape Mail, Novell GroupWise, ON Technology DaVinci, Oracle InterOffice, Quarterdeck Mail (formerly Microsoft mail for AppleTalk Networks), Netscape Proxy Server, Novell Border Manager, Wingate Proxy Server, Oracle Proxy Server, Computer Associates Open Ingres, IBM DB2, Oracle 6.x or greater, Informix 6.x or greater, Progress, Sybase SQL Anywhere, Sybase SQL Server 4.x or greater, Sybase System 10, Sybase System 11, IBM Communications Server for OS2, IBM Communications Server for NT, Novell NetWare for SAA (all versions), CNT Brixton PU2.1 SNA Server, PU5 SNA Server, Attachmate ZIP!® SNA & Console, OpenConnect OC://WebConnect. When upgrading from LAN Manager Unlimited (from OEMs or Microsoft), a customer is deemed to have a maximum of 250 users that are eligible to be upgraded. For owners of other LAN Manager 2.1 or prior Clients, upgrade customers are eligible to acquire a quantity of Upgrade Client Access Licenses equal to or less than the number of existing clients licensed for the product being upgraded.

5. BackOffice 4.0 Client Access License Product Upgrade (“Non-SQL”) client qualifications A license for the BackOffice 4.0 Client Access License Product Upgrade is only available to licensed owners of network clients for the following products: Microsoft Exchange, Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT Server, Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1, Microsoft Mail Server, SNA Server, or Systems Management Server. When upgrading from Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1, a customer is deemed to have a maximum of 250 users that are eligible to be upgraded. For owners of SNA Server or Systems Management Server, upgrade customers are eligible to acquire a quantity of Upgrade Client Access Licenses equal to or less than the number of existing clients licensed for the product being upgraded. All upgrade Client Access Licenses must be acquired at the same time as the server. Additional Client Access Licenses must be acquired at the standard price.

6. BackOffice 4.0 Client Access License Upgrade from SQL Server Client Access License qualifications A license for the BackOffice 4.0 Client Access License Upgrade from SQL Server Client Access License is only available to licensed owners of SQL Server for OS/2 and SQL Server for Windows NT. Licensed owners of SQL Server 4.21A for Windows NT are eligible to acquire a quantity of Upgrade Client Access Licenses equal to or less than the number of their existing Client Access Licenses. With valid licenses of SQL Server 1.x or 4.x for Windows NT or OS/2, a Workgroup System entitles a customer to acquire a maximum of 10 BackOffice Client Access License Upgrades, a Departmental System & Unlimited System for OS/2 entitles a customer to acquire a maximum of 64 BackOffice Client Access License Upgrades and an Enterprise System entitles a customer to acquire a maximum of 250 BackOffice Client Access License Upgrades.

7. BackOffice Server 4.0 License components The BackOffice Server 4.0 License consists of the following components: Windows NT Server 4.0, Windows NT Server Option Pack, SQL Server 6.5, Microsoft Exchange Standard Server 5.5, Systems Management Server 1.2, SNA Server 4.0, Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0, and Site Server 3.0. The BackOffice components may not be separated for use on more than one server. Customers may enroll the BackOffice Server under Upgrade Advantage only if they have a valid license for BackOffice Server, or valid licenses for a Microsoft Exchange Server, Windows NT Server, SQL Server, SNA Server, Systems Management Server, Microsoft Proxy Server, and Microsoft Site Server on the same server. BackOffice users need to install each individual component individually from the Select CD-ROM Kit, as an integrated installation is not available.

8. BackOffice Server 4.0 Version Upgrade Upgrades BackOffice Server 1.5 and 2.x customers to BackOffice Server 4.0.

9. BackOffice Server 4.0 Competitive Upgrade qualifications A license for the BackOffice Server 4.0 Competitive Upgrade is only available to licensed owners of the following products: Novell NetWare, Novell IntranetWare, Novell IntranetWare for Small Business, Banyan VINES, IBM LAN Server, DEC PATHWORKS, Microsoft LAN Manager, Artisoft LANtastic, the following UNIX network operating systems (SCO Xenix, UNIX, OpenServer or UnixWare; Sun Solaris, Solaris X86 or SunOS; Hewlett-Packard HP-UX; IBM AIX; Digital Ultrix, OSF/1 or UNIX; SGI Irix; Netscape SuiteSpot and its components), Banyan BeyondMail, CD Software QuickMail, DEC All-in-1, DEC Mailbus, DEC MailWorks, DEC TeamLinks, DEC Verimation Memo, HP Desk, HP OpenMail, IBM OfficeVision, IBM Profs, Lotus cc:Mail, Lotus Notes and Lotus Notes Mail, Microsoft Mail, Microsoft Mail Clients for Office, WfW, Win95, Netscape Collabra Share, Netscape Mail, Novell GroupWise, ON Technology DaVinci, Oracle InterOffice, Quarterdeck Mail (formerly Microsoft mail for AppleTalk Networks), Netscape Proxy Server, Novell Border Manager, Wingate Proxy Server, Oracle Proxy Server, Computer Associates Open Ingres, IBM DB2, Oracle 6.x or greater, Informix 6.x or greater, Progress, Sybase SQL Anywhere, Sybase SQL Server 4.x or greater, Sybase System 10, Sybase System 11, IBM Communications Server for OS2, IBM Communications Server for NT, Novell NetWare for SAA (all versions), CNT Brixton PU2.1 SNA Server, PU5 SNA Server, Attachmate ZIP!® SNA & Console, OpenConnect OC://WebConnect.



Microsoft® BackOffice® (continued)

10. BackOffice Server 4.0 License, Product Upgrade qualifications A license for this Microsoft Server Upgrade is only available to licensed owners of the following products: Windows NT Server, Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1, SNA Server, Systems Management Server, SQL Server, Microsoft Exchange Server, Mail Server, Microsoft Proxy Server, or Microsoft Site Server 2.0.

11. Free Upgrade Period for BackOffice 4.0 Enrolling Customers acquiring a Select license for BackOffice Server 2.5 or BackOffice 2.5 Client Access License between November 1, 1997 and December 31, 1997 are entitled to upgrade to an equivalent BackOffice 4.0 license at no charge.

12. BackOffice 4.0 Upgrade Policy Enrolling Customers using the server license for BackOffice 2.5 or earlier who are not enrolled in Upgrade Advantage will need to acquire the BackOffice Server 4.0 version upgrade. BackOffice 1.5 Client Access License customers not enrolled in Upgrade Advantage will need to acquire a BackOffice 4.0 Client Access License version upgrade. Enrolling Customers with BackOffice 2.0 and 2.5 Client Access Licenses are automatically upgraded to an equal number of BackOffice 4.0 Client Access Licenses at no charge.

13. BackOffice Server and Free Upgrade Periods for Component Products Enrolling Customers who order BackOffice Server during the “free upgrade” window of one of the BackOffice Server component products are NOT entitled to a free upgrade to that component product. The “free upgrade” window applies only to the specific product that is launching a new version. For example, if a customer acquires BackOffice Server outside of the BackOffice Server 2.5 to 4.0 “free upgrade” window, and a new version of Microsoft Proxy Server was released at the same time, that customer would NOT be entitled to a free upgrade to Proxy Server. Should the customer in this scenario wish to upgrade the Proxy Server component application of that BackOffice Server license, they must acquire a version upgrade for that new version of Proxy Server or a version upgrade to that BackOffice Server 4.0 (which will upgrade all component applications). Customers whose BackOffice Server licenses are enrolled in Select Upgrade Advantage are entitled to install any upgrades or enhancements to any of the component applications of that BackOffice Server license for the term of their agreement.

14. Site Server 3.0 Free Upgrade Period Enrolling Customers who acquire a BackOffice Server 4.0 license between December 1, 1997 and June 30, 1998 are eligible to install Site Server 3.0 at no charge.

15. Japanese Version of BackOffice 2.5 Free Upgrade Period Enrolling Customers who acquire BackOffice Server 2.5 between November 1, 1997 through March 31, 1998 will be entitled to install Exchange 5.5 Server for free.

16. BackOffice Server 4.0 Upgrade from BackOffice Family Enterprise Edition Enrolling Customers are eligible to upgrade an individual BackOffice Family Enterprise Edition license to the full Microsoft BackOffice Server 4.0 license by acquiring the Microsoft BackOffice Server 4.0 Competitive/Product Upgrade (CPUP). Currently, the list of Enterprise Edition licenses that qualify includes: Microsoft Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition; Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition; Microsoft Exchange Server Enterprise Edition; Site Server 2.0 Enterprise Edition and Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.0 Client Access License |2 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |2 |X | |

|Product Upgrade from Microsoft Exchange, Windows NT Server, SNA, or SMS CAL |2 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade from NetWare, VINES, Netscape Proxy Server or LAN Server |2 |X | |

|Product Upgrade from SQL Server Client Access License |2 |X | |

|Version 4.0 Server License |30 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |30 |X | |

|Product Upgrade from Microsoft Exchange, Windows NT Server, SNA, SMS, SQL, Mail Server or |30 |X | |

|Microsoft Proxy Server | | | |

|Competitive Upgrade from NetWare, VINES, Netscape Proxy Server or LAN Server |30 |X | |



Microsoft® Exchange

(EI Controls Restricted)

Product Condition Notes

1. Upgrading a Microsoft Exchange Server within an Enrolling Customer’s “Exchange organization” Once a single Microsoft Exchange Server within an Enrolling Customer’s “Exchange organization” is upgraded to add one or more Microsoft Exchange Connectors (resulting in a Microsoft Exchange Enterprise environment), every other Microsoft Exchange Server within the Enrolling Customer’s “Exchange organization” must be upgraded. (An “Exchange organization” is defined as “the group of all Microsoft Exchange Servers with the same organization name specified during the Microsoft Exchange Server installation process for the express purpose of connecting the servers.”)

2. Free Microsoft Exchange Client Access Licenses via Mail Single User Add Packs under Microsoft Exchange Client Access License Upgrade Advantage Enrolling Customers who enroll Mail Single User Add Packs under Microsoft Exchange Client Access License Upgrade Advantage will have the option to migrate to the latest version of Microsoft Exchange Client Access Licenses released during their Upgrade Advantage coverage at no additional charge.

3. Exchange 5.5 Client Access License Upgrade from MS Mail or Competitive Product clarification Any competitive client version of a messaging or mail product is eligible for this upgrade.

4. Exchange 5.5 Server and Enterprise Edition Upgrade from MS Mail or Competitive Product clarification Any competitive server version of a messaging or mail product is eligible for this upgrade.

5. Exchange 5.5 “anonymous access” and “Per Server” licensing clarification An Exchange Client Access License is not required for anonymous access to Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 services. “Anonymous access” occurs when a computer or workstation accesses information held in an Exchange Server 5.5 without having a mailbox or custom recipient object which identifies it.

Exchange Server 5.5 must be implemented in “Per Seat” mode and cannot be implemented in “Per Server” mode. In Per Seat mode, each Client Access License must be dedicated to one unique computer, workstation or other digital electronic device, permitting that computer, workstation or other digital electronic device to access or otherwise utilize the services of any Server. In Per Server mode, the maximum number of computers or workstations that may access or otherwise utilize the services of the Server at a given point in time is equal to the number of Client Access Licenses that Licensee has acquired and designated for use exclusively with that Server.

6. Free Upgrade from Exchange Server 5.0 and Exchange Server 5.0 Enterprise Edition to Exchange Server 5.5 Enrolling Customers who acquire Exchange Server 5.0 and Exchange Server 5.0 Enterprise Edition between October 1, 1997 and January 31, 1998 will be entitiled to upgrade to a comparable number of equivalent Exchange 5.5 Server licenses.

7. Free Exchange Server 5.5 CALs Enrolling Customers with Exchange 4.0 and 5.0 CALs will be entitled to upgrade to an equivalent number of Exchange Server 5.5 CALs at no charge when they acquire a license for Exchange Server 5.5.

8. Free Product Upgrade from Exchange Server Standard Edition to Exchange Server Enterprise Edition Enrolling Customers who enroll Exchange Server Standard Edition in Upgrade Advantage will be entitled to upgrade to Exchange Server 5.5 Enterprise Edition at no charge provided they acquire the Exchange Server Enterprise Edition Upgrade Advantage Upgrade by March 31, 1998.

9. Clarification of Exchange Server 5.5 Enterprise Edition Product Upgrade from Exchange Server The Exchange Server 5.5 Enterprise Edition Product Upgrade is only available to Enrolling Customers who have a license for Exchange Server 5.5. If an Enrolling Customer has a license for a previous version of Exchange Server, they must first acquire the Exchange Server 5.5 Version Upgrade before they are eligible to acquire the Exchange Server 5.5 Enterprise Edition Product Upgrade.

10. Clarification of Exchange Server 5.5 Enterprise Edition requirments It is not required for the Enrolling Customer to run Windows NT Server 4.0 Standard Edition to be able to run the unlimited store feature in the Exchange Server Enterprise Edition.

11. Japanese Version of BackOffice 2.5 Free Upgrade Period Enrolling Customers who acquire BackOffice 2.5 Server between November 1, 1997 through March 31, 1998 will be entitled to install Exchange 5.5 Server for free.



Microsoft® Exchange (continued)

12. Per Mailbox Mode for Education Customers Effective June 1st, 1998, Select Eligible Education Customers acquiring Exchange Server 5.5 Academic Edition may now choose to use these Servers in either the existing Per Seat Mode or in a new Per Mailbox Mode; Effective June 1st, 1998, Exchange Server 5.5 Academic Edition CALs may also be used in conjunction with such Exchange 5.5 Servers used in the Per Mailbox Mode. This Per Mailbox Mode licensing is only available to Eligible Education Customers acquiring Exchange Server 5.5 Academic Edition through the Select program and it requires them to acquire one Exchange 5.5 CAL for each unique mailbox accessing or utilizing the services of Exchange Server. These academic customers must choose either Per Seat Mode licensing or Per Mailbox Mode licensing. They may not use both modes at the same time. Except that one CAL is necessary for each unique mailbox instead of each unique Device accessing Exchange Server, all other terms and conditions applicable Per Seat Mode licensing are applicable to Per Mailbox Mode licensing. For example, the choice of Per Mailbox Mode licensing is permanent, and an Eligible Education Customer may not transfer CALs used in the Per Mailbox Mode among mailboxes on a temporary basis. Additionally, if a Select Eligible Education Customer acquires, or has previously acquired validly licensed copies of Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 which it initially elected to use in the Per Seat Mode, Microsoft grants such customer permission to change use of such Server one time to the Per Mailbox Mode, and then this choice is permanent. All other standard Exchange use terms are available in the Select 4.0 Product Use Rights.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 5.5 Client Access License |1 |X |X |

|Upgrade from MS Mail or Competitive Product |1 |X | |

|Version 5.5 Server |15 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |15 |X | |

|Upgrade from MS Mail or Competitive Product |15 |X | |

|Version 5.5 Enterprise Edition |30 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |30 |X | |

|Product Upgrade from Exchange Server 5.5 Standard Edition |15 |X | |

|Enterprise Edition Upgrade Advantage Upgrade — Annual Pay |15 | |X |

|Enterprise Edition Upgrade Advantage Upgrade — Prepay |15 | |X |

|Version 5.5 X.400 Connector |5 |X | |

Microsoft® Mail Multitasking MTA for OS/2®

Product Condition Note

Mail Multitasking MTA requires previous acquisition of Mail Server.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.2 |20 |X | |

|Version 3.5 |20 |X | |

PC Mail Server

Product Condition Notes

1. New (non-upgrade) licenses of Mail Server include ten Mail Client licenses.

2. Optional Microsoft Exchange 4.0 Server upgrade via Mail Server licenses under Microsoft Exchange Server Upgrade Advantage Enrolling Customers who enroll Mail Server licenses in Microsoft Exchange Server Upgrade Advantage will have the option to migrate to the Microsoft Exchange Server. Academic Enrolling Customers with Mail Server 3.5 licenses may only enroll their Mail Server licenses under Exchange Server Enterprise Edition Upgrade Advantage (subject to the terms of their Agreement); Exchange Server (Standard) Edition Upgrade Advantage is not available to Academic Enrolling Customers.

3. PC Mail Server, Version Upgrade restrictions The Chinese version of this product is available only in Taiwan. The Enrolling Customer must first acquire one full-packaged product outside of Select, which may then be used as the “master” for software replication, following all other terms and conditions of the Select Agreement. The Korean version of this product is available only in Korea. The Enrolling Customer must first acquire one full-packaged product outside of Select, which may then be used as the “master” for software replication, following all other terms and conditions of the Select Agreement.



|PC Mail Server (continued) |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.0 |20 |X |X (Exch.) |

|Competitive Upgrade |20 |X | |

|Version Upgrade |20 |X | |

|Version 3.2 |20 |X |X (Exch.) |

|Competitive Upgrade |20 |X | |

|Version Upgrade |20 |X | |

|Version 3.5 |20 |X |X (Exch.) |

|Competitive Upgrade |20 |X | |

|Version Upgrade |20 |X | |

Microsoft® Proxy Server

Product Condition Notes

1. Microsoft Proxy Server usage requires Microsoft NT Server 4.0 and Internet Information Server.

2. Microsoft Proxy Server Client Access Licenses are neither available nor required for use with this product.

3. Proxy Server 2.0 Competitive Upgrade Qualifying products include Microsoft Proxy Server 1.0, Netscape Proxy Server (any version), Novell BorderManager (any version) and Deerfeild Communications Wingate (any version).

4. Free Upgrade period Enrolling Customers acquiring a Select license for Proxy Server 1.0 90 days prior to release will be entitled to upgrade to Proxy Server 2.0 at no charge.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 2.0 |15 |X |X |

|Upgrade from Proxy Server or Competitive Product |15 |X | |

Services for NetWare®

Product Condition Note

Services for NetWare restrictions Enrolling Customers using the Directory Service Manager for NetWare do not need to acquire Windows NT Client Access Licenses for their clients. However, Enrolling Customers using File and Print Services for NetWare must acquire a Windows NT Client Access License for each client accessing a Windows NT Server-based machine running File and Print Services for NetWare. There is no separate Services for NetWare Client Access License.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.0 |5 |X |X |

Microsoft® Site Server for Windows NT®

Product Condition Notes

1. Version Upgrade Clarification Microsoft Site Server 2.0 qualifies for the version upgrade to Microsoft Site Server 3.0. Microsoft Site Server 2.0 Enterprise Edition qualifies for the version upgrade to Microsoft Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition.

2. Commerce Edition Product Upgrade Clarification Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition Product Upgrade is available to customers who have a license for Microsoft Merchant Server or Microsoft Site Server 3.0.

3. Free Upgrade Period An Enrolling Customer who acquires Microsoft Site Server 2.0 between 3/1/98–5/31/98 is eligible to upgrade to Microsoft Site Server 3.0 at no additional charge. An Enrolling Customer who acquires Microsoft Site Server 2.0 Enterprise Edition between 3/1/98–5/31/98 is eligible to upgrade to Microsoft Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition at no additional charge.



Microsoft® Site Server for Windows NT® (continued)

4. Free Product Upgrade from Site Server Standard Edition to Site Server Commerce Edition Enrolling Customers who enroll Site Server Standard Edition in Upgrade Advantage will be entitled to upgrade to Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition at no charge provided they acquire the Site Server Commerce Edition Upgrade Advantage Upgrade between 5/1/98–6/3098.

5. Clarification of Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition Product Upgrade from Site Server The Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition Product Upgrade is only available to Enrolling Customers who have a license for Site Server 3.0. If an Enrolling Customer has a license for a previous version of Site Server, they must first acquire the Site Server 3.0 Version Upgrade before they are eligible to acquire the Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition Product Upgrade.

6. Site Server Internet Connector usage restrictions Site Server Internet Connector licenses provide unlimited access for Internet users, except named Internet users that are authenticated using the Membership feature of Site Server. An Internet Connector is required for each server running Site Server in this manner.

7. Requirements for Site Server 3.0 and Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition In order to access Site Server 3.0 or Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition, an Enrolling Customer must have either a BackOffice 4.0 Client Access License or a Site Server 3.0 Client Access License.

8. Requirements for customers acquiring Site Server 3.0 as part of BackOffice Server 4.0 suite Enrolling Customers who acquire Site Server 3.0 as part of their BackOffice Server 4.0 suite are not required to purchase any CALs for use of that copy of Site Server 3.0 as part of BackOffice Server 4.0 suite. The foregoing CAL exclusion only applies to BackOffice Server 4.0, and customers should not expect that this exclusion will be continued with respect to subsequent versions of BackOffice Server.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 2.0 |15 |X |X |

|Version 2.0 Enterprise Edition |30 |X |X |

|Version 3.0 |15 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |15 |X | |

|Version 3.0 Commerce Edition |30 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |30 |X | |

|Product Upgrade from Site Server 3.0 Standard Edition |30 |X | |

|Version 3.0 Client Access License |1 |X |X |

|Version 3.0 Internet Connector |25 |X | |

|Commerce Edition Upgrade Advantage Upgrade — Annual Pay |15 | |X |

|Commerce Edition Upgrade Advantage Upgrade — Prepay |15 | |X |

|Microsoft® Site Server for Windows NT® Domain Access License | | | |

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 2.0 |5 |X |X |

Microsoft® SNA Server for Windows NT®

Product Condition Notes

1. Free Upgrade Period Enrolling Customers who acquire SNA 3.0 licenses between November 1, 1997 and January 30, 1998 are eligible for a free upgrade to the SNA 4.0 equivalent.

2. Version Upgrade Clarification SNA Server Version 2.x and 3.x are eligible for the SNA Server 4.0 Version Upgrade.

3. Competitive Upgrade Clarification A license for the SNA Server 4.0 Competitive Upgrade is only available to licensed owners of the following products: IBM Communications Server for OS/2, IBM Communication s Server for NT, Novell NetWare for SAA (all versions), CNT Brixton PU2.1 SNA Server and PU5 SNA Server, Attachmate ZIP SNA & Console, OpenConnect OC://WebConnect.



|Microsoft® SNA Server for Windows NT® (continued) |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.0 Client Access License |1 |X |X |

|Competitive/Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 4.0 |15 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |15 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |15 |X | |

|Microsoft® SNA Server Host Data Replicator® |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1.0 |30 |X |X |

|Microsoft® SNA Workstation® |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.0 |1 |X |X |

Microsoft® SQL Server™

Product Condition Notes

1. SQL Server for OS/2 and Upgrade Advantage Customers who enroll in SQL Server for OS/2 under Upgrade Advantage will have the option to migrate to the equivalent SQL Server for Windows NT product at no additional charge.

2. SQL Server Client Access License Upgrade qualifications Licensed owners of SQL Server 4.21A for Windows NT are eligible to acquire a quantity of Upgrade Client Access Licenses equal to or less than the number of their existing Client Access Licenses. With valid licenses of SQL Server 1.x or 4.x for Windows NT or OS/2, a Workgroup System entitles a customer to acquire a maximum of 10 SQL Server Client Access License Upgrades, a Departmental System & Unlimited System for OS/2 entitles a customer to acquire a maximum of 64 SQL Server Client Access License Upgrades and an Enterprise System entitles a customer to acquire a maximum of 250 SQL Server Client Access License Upgrades.

3. SQL Server Internet Connector usage restrictions SQL Server Internet Connector licenses provide unlimited usage for the Internet only. SQL Server Client Access Licenses must be acquired when the SQL Server Internet Connector is utilized for Intranet access (whether using a browser or not).

4. SQL Server 6.5 Enterprise Edition Unlimited restrictions and Upgrade Advantage coverage SQL Server 6.5 Enterprise Edition Unlimited is a SQL Server License that allows for an unlimited amount of concurrent connections to a single SQL Server Enterprise Edition database, set up in the Per Server mode. If a SQL Server Enterprise Edition Unlimited customer wishes to switch from Per Server to Per Seat mode, the customer may switch to Per Seat mode only one time and will be deemed to have 1 SQL Server Enterprise Edition License and 250 SQL Server Client Access Licenses.

Customers wishing to enroll a SQL Server 6.5 Enterprise Edition Unlimited license under Upgrade Advantage must enroll a single SQL Server Enterprise Edition Database Management Server in SQL Server Enterprise Edition Database Management Server Upgrade Advantage and 250 SQL Server CALs in SQL Server Client Access License Upgrade Advantage.

5. SQL Server 6.5 Enterprise Edition Migration Paths Enrolling customers wishing to migrate from SQL Server 6.5 Unlimited to SQL Server 6.5 Enterprise Edition Unlimited must acquire the SQL Server Enterprise Edition Product Upgrade.

6. Free Product Upgrade from SQL Server Standard Edition to SQL Server Enterprise Edition Enrolling Customers who enroll SQL Server Standard Edition in Upgrade Advantage will be entitled to upgrade to SQL Server 6.5 Enterprise Edition at no charge provided they acquire the SQL Server Enterprise Edition Upgrade Advantage Upgrade by March 31, 1998.

7. Clarification of SQL Server 6.5 Enterprise Edition Product Upgrade from SQL Server The SQL Server 6.5 Enterprise Edition Product Upgrade is only available to Enrolling Customers who have a license for SQL Server 6.5. If an Enrolling Customer has a license for a previous version of SQL Server, they must first acquire the SQL Server 6.5 Version Upgrade before they are eligible to acquire the SQL Server 6.5 Enterprise Edition Product Upgrade.

8. Competitive Upgrade Clarification A license for the SQL Server 6.5 Competitive Upgrade is only available to licensed owners of the following products: Computer Associates OpenIngres, IBM DB2, Oracle 6.x or greater, Informix 6.x or greater, Progress, Sybase SQL Anywhere, Sybase SQL Server 4.x or greater, Sybase System 10, Sybase System 11.



|Microsoft® SQL Server™ (continued) |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 6.0 Client Access License |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 6.5 Client Access License |1 |X |X |

|Competitive/Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 6.0 Database Management Server |15 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |15 |X | |

|Version 6.5 Database Management Server |15 |X |X |

|Competitive/Version Upgrade |15 |X | |

|Version 6.0 Workstation System |2 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |2 |X | |

|Version 6.5 Workstation System |2 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |2 |X | |

|Version 6.5 Internet Connector |25 |X | |

|Version 6.5 Enterprise Edition Database Management Server |30 |X |X |

|Product Upgrade from SQL Server 6.5 Standard Edition |30 |X | |

|Version 6.5 Unlimited Enterprise Edition Database Management Server |265 |X | |

|Enterprise Edition Upgrade Advantage Upgrade — Annual Pay |15 | |X |

|Enterprise Edition Upgrade Advantage Upgrade — Prepay |15 | |X |

|Microsoft® Systems Management Server |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 1.1 Client Access License |1 |X |X |

|Version 1.2 Client Access License |1 |X |X |

|Version 1.1 Server |15 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |15 |X | |

|Version 1.2 Server |15 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |15 |X | |

Microsoft® Windows NT® Client Access License

(EI Controls Restricted)

Product Condition Notes

1. Windows NT Server Client Access License Version Upgrade qualifications A license for the Windows NT Server Client Access License Version Upgrade is only available to licensed owners of network clients for the following products: Windows NT Server 3.x, Windows NT 3.1 and Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1. When upgrading from Windows NT 3.1, a customer is deemed to have a maximum of 20 users that are eligible to be upgraded. When upgrading from Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1, a customer is deemed to have a maximum of 250 users that are eligible to be upgraded. All Version Upgrade Client Access Licenses must be acquired at the same time as the server. Additional Client Access Licenses must be acquired at the standard price.

LAN Manager and Windows NT Advanced Server Clients are not considered prior versions of Windows NT Server 3.51 Client Access Licenses. An Enrolling Customer must first acquire a Client Access License, either through an upgrade offer or as a new license, before the Client Access License can be enrolled in Upgrade Advantage.

2. Windows NT 4.0 Client Access License Competitive Upgrade qualifications Owners of client licenses for the following products are eligible for the Windows NT CAL Competitive Upgrade: Microsoft LAN Manager, Novell NetWare, Novell IntranetWare, Novell IntranetWare for Small Business, Banyan VINES, IBM LAN Server and OS/2 Server, 3Com 3+Open, DEC PATHWORKS, Artisoft LANtastic, HP LAN Manager, AT&T StarLAN, and the following UNIX network operating systems: SCO LAN Manager Advanced Server for UNIX, Xenix, UNIX, OpenServer or UnixWare; Sun Solaris, Solaris X86 or SunOS; Hewlett-Packard HP-UX; IBM AIX; Digital Ultrix, OSF/1 or UNIX; SGI Irix; Data General LAN Manager/Advanced Server for UNIX; ICL LAN Manager/Advanced Server for UNIX; Olivetti LAN Manager/Advanced Server for UNIX; Bull LAN Manager/Advanced Server for UNIX. When upgrading from LAN Manager Unlimited (from OEMs or Microsoft), a customer is deemed to have a maximum of 250 users that are eligible to be upgraded. For owners of other LAN Manager 2.1 or prior clients, upgrade customers are eligible to acquire a quantity of Competitive Upgrade Client Access Licenses equal to or less than the number of existing clients licensed for the product being upgraded. These upgrade Client Access Licenses must be acquired at the same time as the server is upgraded.



|Microsoft® Windows NT® Client Access License (continued) |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.5 Client Access License |1 |X |X |

|Version 3.51 Client Access License |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Version 4.0 Client Access License |1 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |1 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |1 |X | |

Microsoft® Windows NT® Option Pack

Product Condition Notes

1. Windows NT Option Pack Select Customers with current Windows NT Server 4.0 (standard and Enterprise Edition) and Windows NT Workstation 4.0 licenses are entitled to order the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack based on the Select price list and to then install the product from the Select CDs. Alternatively, the Select Customer may download the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack from the Microsoft Web Site at no charge. Customers need only acquire one Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack for multiple installations. Enrolling Customers who acquire a Select License for Windows NT Server 4.0 on or after January 1, 1998 are entitled to install the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack for no additional charge.

2. Windows NT Option Pack Contents The Windows NT Option Pack includes the following: Internet Information Server 4.0, Microsoft Management Console, Index Server 2.0, Site Server Express, ADO, New JavaVM, Personal Web Server 4.0 (NTW and Win95), Transaction Server 2.0, Message Queue Server 1.0, Certificate Server, Internet Explorer 4.0 for Windows NT, Windows VPN update to NT RAS.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.0 |0 |X | |

Microsoft® Windows NT® Server

(EI Controls Restricted)

Product Condition Notes

1. Windows NT Server Competitive Upgrade qualifications A license for the Windows NT Server Competitive Upgrade is only available to licensed owners of the following products: Microsoft LAN Manager, Novell NetWare, Novell IntranetWare, Novell IntranetWare for Small Business, Banyan VINES, IBM LAN Server and OS/2 Server, 3Com 3+Open, DEC PATHWORKS, Artisoft LANtastic, HP LAN Manager, AT&T StarLAN, and the following UNIX network operating systems: SCO LAN Manager Advanced Server for UNIX, Xenix, UNIX, OpenServer or UnixWare; Sun Solaris, Solaris X86 or SunOS; Hewlett-Packard HP-UX; IBM AIX; Digital Ultrix, OSF/1 or UNIX; SGI Irix; Data General LAN Manager/Advanced Server for UNIX; ICL LAN Manager/Advanced Server for UNIX; Olivetti LAN Manager/Advanced Server for UNIX; Bull LAN Manager/Advanced Server for UNIX.

2. Windows NT Server Version Upgrade qualifications A license for the Windows NT Server Version Upgrade is only available to licensed owners of the following products: Windows NT Server 3.5x or Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1.

3. Windows NT Server Downgrade Rights Windows NT Server customers are entitled to downgrade their license to LAN Manager.

4. Free Upgrade from Transaction Server to Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition Enrolling Customers acquiring a Select license for Transaction Server 1.0 between July 1, 1997 and December 31, 1997 (March 31, 1998 for the Japanese version) will be entitled to upgrade to Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition at no charge. Transaction Server 1.0 is now a component of Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition.

5. Free Product Upgrade from Windows NT Server Standard Edition to Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition Enrolling Customers who enroll Windows NT Server Standard Edition in Upgrade Advantage will be entitled to upgrade to Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition at no charge provided they acquire the Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition Upgrade Advantage Upgrade by March 31, 1998.



Microsoft® Windows NT® Server (continued)

6. Clarification of Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition Product Upgrade from Windows NT Server The Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition Product Upgrade is only available to Enrolling Customers who have a license for Windows NT Server 4.0. If an Enrolling Customer has a license for a previous version of Windows NT Server, they must first acquire the Windows NT Server 4.0 Version Upgrade before they are eligible to acquire the Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition Product Upgrade.

7. Windows NT Server and FrontPage 98 Enrolling Customers who acquire a new Windows NT 4.0 Server license on or after January 1, 1998, are entitled to install a copy of FrontPage 98 at no charge.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.51 |15 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade from NTAS |15 |X | |

|Step-up |0 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |15 |X | |

|Version 4.0 |15 |X |X |

|Version Upgrade |15 |X | |

|Competitive Upgrade |15 |X | |

|Enterprise Edition Version 4.0 |30 |X |X |

|Product Upgrade from Windows NT Server 4.0 Standard Edition |30 |X | |

|Enterprise Edition Upgrade Advantage Upgrade - Annual Pay |15 | |X |

|Enterprise Edition Upgrade Advantage Upgrade - Prepay |15 | |X |

Microsoft® Windows NT® Server, Terminal Server Edition

Product Condition Notes

1. Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Edition Competitive Upgrade qualifications A license for the Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Edition Competitive Upgrade is only available to licensed owners of Citrix WinFrame 1.6/1.7.

2. Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Edition requirements A license for Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Edition is required for each server providing Terminal Server services. A Windows NT 4.0 Workstation license and Windows NT Server 4.0 Client Access License is required for each client accessing the services of Terminal Server.

3. Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Edition Upgrade Advantage Enrolling Customers with a license for Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Edition are eligible to enroll in standard Windows NT Server Upgrade Advantage and would then be eligible to install the latest version of Terminal Server that became available during the term of their Select Agreement.

| |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 4.0 |15 |X |X |

|Competitive Upgrade from Citrix WinFrame 1.6/1.7 |15 |X | |

Mail Gateway Products

|Distribution Manager Gateway |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.4 |40 |X | |

|Version Upgrade |40 |X | |

|FAX Access |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.0 |1 |X | |

|FAX Gateway |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.0 |20 |X | |



|MHS Access |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.0 |1 |X | |

|MHS Gateway |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.0 |1 |X | |

|SMTP Access |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.0 |1 |X | |

|Version 3.0A |1 |X | |

|SMTP Gateway |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.0 |40 |X | |

|Version Upgrade |40 |X | |

|Version 3.0A |40 |X | |

|Version Upgrade |40 |X | |

|SMTP Gateway Access |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.0 |1 |X | |

|SNADS Messaging Service |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 2.1 |1 |X | |

|X.400 Access |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.2 |1 |X | |

|X.400 Gateway |Unit |Select 4.0 |Upgrade |

| |Value |License |Advantage |

|Version 3.2A |20 |X | |

|Version Upgrade |20 |X | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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