
Medications |Dose, route |Indications for use |Possible side effects |Nursing responsibilities | |

|Prenatal Vitamins |1 mg PO BID |Treatment and prevention of|Rare; allergic reactions |Assess the patients |

| | |vitamin deficiencies, |to preservatives, |nutritional status |

| | |especially before |additives, or colorants |before and throughout |

| | |conception, during | |the therapy |

| | |pregnancy, and postpartum | | |

|Clomid (Clomiphene) |- |Induces ovulation |Hot flashes, ovarian cyst|Perform pelvic exam to |

| | | |formation, ovarian |evaluate ovaries, |

| | | |enlargement |assess for pain and |

| | | | |ovulation, monitor |

| | | | |blood lab values |

|Folic Acid (Folate) |1 Tab PO |Prevention of neural tube |Rash, irritability, |Assess patient for |

| | |defects |malaise, difficulty |megaloblastis anemia |

| | | |sleeping |and monitor blood lab |

| | | | |values |

|Terbutaline |0.25 mg Sub Q |Management of preterm labor|Nervousness, |Monitor lung sounds, |

| | | |restlessness, tremor, |respirations, pulse, |

| | | |nausea, vomiting |blood pressure, |

| | | | |contractions, and fetal|

| | | | |heart rate. |

|Indomethacin |50 mg PO |Suppression of pain and |Dizziness, drowsiness, |Monitor vital signs and|

| | |inflammation |headache, psychic |lab values |

| | | |disturbances, | |

| | | |constipation, nausea, | |

| | | |dyspepsia | |

|Magnesium Sulfate | 6g IM |Treatment of preeclcampsia |Lethargy, nausea, |Monitor blood pressure,|

| |2 g/hr IVPB |and preterm labor |weakness, sweating, |respirations, reflexes,|

| | | |vomiting, constipation, |urinary output, fetal |

| | | |headache |heart tones, and lab |

| | | | |values |

|Celestone (Bethamethasone) | 12.5 mg IM |Prevents respiratory |Depression, euphoria, |Monitor intake and |

| | |distress syndrome in |hypertension, anorexia, |output, daily weights, |

| | |newborns |nausea, acne, |peripheral edema, lab |

| | | |thromboembolism |values, glucose levels,|

| | | | |and adrenal |

| | | | |insufficiency |

Preterm Labor Medications


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