
COURSE |6411

Computer Applications I |Unit B |Software Applications for Business | |

|COMPETENCY |4.00 |B2 |25% |Understand spreadsheets, charts, and graphs used in business. |

|OBJECTIVE |4.01 |B2 |20% |Understand spreadsheets used in business. |

|ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS |What formatting options are used in spreadsheets and why? |

| |What operations, formulas, and functions are commonly used in spreadsheets? Why? |

| |What results are produced by the operations, formulas, and functions? |

Business Spreadsheets

• Microsoft Office 2003 was used to create the graphic examples used in this objective. Terms for specific functions and operations (such as sum, spreadsheet, and workbook) may differ if using software other than Microsoft, but will not affect the “understand” activities. The focus of the objective is to teach the concepts independent of the terminology used by specific software.

• All of the spreadsheet files are located in the 4.01 Spreadsheet activities folder and may be sent to students electronically if needed as a time saver or for students with disabilities. Spreadsheets that have been prepared specifically for students are labeled as such in the 4.01 activities folder.

• It is extremely important that the activities in this guide be reviewed and practiced by the teacher well in advance of class presentations.

• An activity tracking sheet is located in the 4.01 Objective folder for student use in keeping track of filenames, activities, and grades.

I. Spreadsheets and Components of Spreadsheets

A. A workbook is a file which contains one or more spreadsheets

B. A spreadsheet (or worksheet) is an arrangement of cells in columns and rows used to organize, analyze, calculate, and report information, usually in numerical form

• For the remainder of this objective, the term spreadsheet will be used

C. Cells are individual locations on a spreadsheet

1. Cell A4 refers to one specific location

2. Range A4:A16 refers to a group of adjacent cells

3. Column A refers to all of the contents in a vertical range of cells in the first column of the spreadsheet

4. Row 3 refers to all of the contents in a horizontal range of cells on Row 3

5. 'All Years'!A6:E16 refers to a range of cells in a specific spreadsheet

D. Cell data is classified according to its intended purpose

1. The label classification is used for cells that contain text or for numbers that will not be used in calculations.

a. A social security number is an example of data that, although it consists of numbers, is treated as a label because its purpose is to identify, not calculate.

b. (Optional) Use an apostrophe before cell data that begins with numbers to indicate that the data should be treated as a label, for example: ‘456897890

2. A value classification indicates that the data has the potential to be used in calculations.

a. Dates

b. Times

c. Percents

3. A formula instructs the software to perform a calculation

a. Formulas begin with an equals sign (=). When the equals sign (or in some cases a plus sign (+)) is keyed in a cell, the software “knows” that the data will be used in a calculation.

b. Formulas use the following operators:

i. Addition – indicated by the + symbol and used in formulas to add cell values

ii. Division – indicated by the / symbol and used in formulas to divide cell values

iii. Multiplication – indicated by the * symbol and used in formulas to multiply cell values

iv. Subtraction – indicated by the – symbol and used in formulas to subtract cell values

c. Calculations are performed according to the Order of Operations

i. In the equation = 5+2*3, the result is 11 because the multiplication operation is performed first and then added to the number 5

ii. To change the order of operations, simply place parentheses around the part of the formula to be calculated first. Thus, in the equation = (5 + 2) * 3, the result is 21

d. Formulas can be viewed and printed. In some software, the use of the CTRL +~ will change the spreadsheet mode to formula view

II. Formatting is applied to spreadsheet components for the purpose of organizing and clarifying information. Data that is presented in a uniform and consistent format is much easier to understand than data presented with random formats. Formatting can be applied to pages, columns, rows, cell ranges, and cells.

A. A header/footer is a feature used to add identifying information to a spreadsheet. Information may include the title of the company, the date, the page number, time of creation or update, and contact information

B. Font Size and Style options are used to clarify information by adding emphasis to titles, column headings, and grand totals, etc.

C. Justification of cell data including titles (labels) and values (formulas, functions, dates, times, and numbers) is used to format cell data for the purpose of clarifying and organizing information.

• Left, right, or center justification can be applied globally to columns or rows

• The format painter can also be used to apply global formats

1. Left – by default, cells formatted as labels are left justified

2. Indent is a format applied to cell data to emphasize subcategories, such as the itemized list of expenses in a budget

3. Right – by default, cells formatted as values are right justified

a. Values should be formatted uniformly, such as using two decimal places for all like data or currency for total amounts

b. Values can be formatted for a set number of decimal places with or without a comma separator

c. Values can be formatted in a variety of date formats

d. Other formats include time, percentage, fraction, and scientific

4. Center – formatting usually applied to titles and column headings

D. Adjusting Height, Width, and Size of Cells, Columns, and Rows

1. Wrap is applied to cells that require more space when the row or column size is adjusted

2. Merge is used to combine adjacent cell ranges or cells

• When merged, the default alignment is center

3. Column width is adjusted to fit the longest entry

• The ### symbols, when they appear in a cell, indicate that the width is too small to display the contents

E. Borders and Shading are used to emphasize and organize information and can be applied to columns, rows, cell ranges, or individual cells

F. Editing

1. Columns and rows can be inserted, copied, pasted, or deleted

2. Cell data can be cleared, copied or pasted

3. Columns, rows, and cells can be merged when space requirements are an issue

G. Renaming a spreadsheet makes it more user-friendly by adding a descriptive identifier to the spreadsheet tab

H. Changing the order of spreadsheets is helpful in organizing and clarifying information

III. Spreadsheet Operations and Functions increase the efficiency of data entry, the performing of calculations, and the presentation of information

A. Spreadsheet operations

1. Sort is used to arrange data in alphabetical or chronological order

a. A primary sort indicates the primary sort range of data, such as sort by last name

b. A secondary sort indicates the next range, such as first name

2. Freeze panes allows the user to work in multiple areas of a large spreadsheet and focus the view on specific cell ranges

3. Fill Series is used to fill a column or row with consecutive data, such as the days of the week, months, and checkbook numbers

4. Print is used to provide a hard copy

a. Print preview – used to validate how data is represented on paper before printing and to make adjustments to margins, gridlines, and page orientation, etc.

b. Print a selection – used when printing only a portion of a spreadsheet

5. Linking and embedding is used to integrate spreadsheet data with other software applications

a. A word processing document (target) may contain a link to a spreadsheet (source) that will update anytime the spreadsheet data is edited

b. An embedded spreadsheet is converted into a graphic image when placed in a target document and does not change to reflect edits made at the source

B. Spreadsheet functions are predefined formulas that perform calculations by using specific values, called arguments, in a specific order. They can be used to perform simple or complex calculations.

1. Components of a Function

a. Cell reference – indicates a cell’s location and provides instructions for how cell data is copied or used in calculations

i. Relative (cell value changes as the formula is copied)

ii. Absolute (cell value remains static when copied to other locations)

iii. Mixed reference indicates the combination of an absolute cell and a relative cell, such as $A4

b. Parentheses – control the Order of Operations

c. Conditions or criteria tell the function how to calculate the results and what data to use

2. Basic functions include the following:

a. Sum, for example, =Sum(C4:C18) adds the range of cells from C4 through C18

b. Average, for example, =Average(C4:C18) determines the average of the range of cells from C4 through C18

c. Maximum, for example, =Max(C4:C18) finds the highest number in the range of cells from C4 through C18

d. Minimum, for example, =Min(C4:C18) finds the lowest number in the range of cells from C4 through C18

3. Advanced Functions are used in higher-level operations, such as in conditional and comparison equations to compute interest rates, due dates and payment terms, and financial projections.

a. IF statements are conditional operators used in spreadsheet formulas

i. Results are returned IF the data specified in an equation meets conditions set by the formula

ii. IF statements can be written to carry out an action, such as: IF a value in a cell is greater than or equal to another value, insert the word “Pass” in a cell

b. Date functions are used to calculate a period of time such as the number of days that have elapsed since a value was entered into a specific cell or to calculate a 30 day due date for a record of spreadsheet of invoices.

i. The NOW date function returns the current date

ii. Days360 calculates the difference in days between two dates

c. The LookUp function is used to compare a cell value to an array of cells and return a value that matches the location of the value in the array. Lookup is used for two column vectors or multi-column arrays.

i. Vector example: In the formula =Lookup(F9, G7:G12, H7:H12), the software is instructed to “look up” the value of Cell F9 in the cell range G7:G12 and return the value that is horizontally adjacent to it and located in the cell range H7:H12

So, if F9=5, G7=3, G8=7, and G9=9, the first “hit” will be to the value of 3

Array example: In the formula =Lookup(F9, G7:I12), the software will return the value that is in the last column (Column I) that matches the lookup value

ii. VLookUp is used when there are more than two columns in the array (lookup table). Vlookup searches for matches according to column number

For more information on the LookUp function, consult your software help files or reference books

d. List is a feature used to create a more user-friendly spreadsheet atmosphere

i. A validated list limits data entry to specific choices programmed into the function

ii. A non-validated list allows additional entries other than those provided in the drop-down menu

e. Count is used to return the number of cells in a range

i. The Count function alone will return the number of cells in a range that contain numbers

ii. The CountA function will return the number cells in a range that contain any value

iii. The CountIf function will count cells that meet a condition set forth in the formula

|COURSE |6411 |Unit B |Software Applications for Business |

| |Computer Applications I | | |

|COMPETENCY |4.00 |B2 |25% |Understand spreadsheets, charts, and graphs used in business. |

|OBJECTIVE |4.02 |B2 |5% |Understand charts and graphs used in business. |

|ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS |What is the difference between a graph and a chart? |

| |What is the purpose of a chart? |

| |Which charts are used commonly in business and why? |

| |How is the type of chart determined? |

Business Charts and Graphs

I. Charts and Graphs used in Business

A. Purpose of charts and graphs

1. Charts and graphs are used in business to communicate and clarify spreadsheet information

2. A graph is a graphical representation of data. It includes the plot area, gridlines, and values. A graph is used in a chart. A chart includes labels, legend information, titles, and color and adds meaning to the graph.

3. Whereas spreadsheet data is often filled with numbers, labels, and values that require time consuming analysis, a chart emphasizes and categorizes the spreadsheet information into a format that can be quickly and easily analyzed.

4. A chart is to a spreadsheet as a picture is to a thousand words

B. Examples of charts used in business

1. Represent sales trends within different departments of a store

2. Represent the contribution of individual employee sales to the total sales for a company

3. Represent the percent of each expense to total expenses

4. Analyze stock prices and explain the fluctuations to stakeholders

II. Components of Graphs and Charts

A. Graph

1. The y-axis is the left vertical side of the graph. It contains the numerical data.

2. The x-axis is the bottom horizontal side of the graph. It contains the category information.

3. Data markers are used in a graph to indicate data values.

4. A data series is a collection of related values, such as one row or column from a spreadsheet.

5. A gridline is a horizontal or vertical line that extends across the plot area of the graph for the purpose of adding clarification to the data.

6. The plot area is the background portion of a graph. It is the area bound by the values (y) and categories (x) axes.

7. A tick mark is used in a graph to clarify data categories or values.

B. Chart

1. A legend is an object that explains the symbols, colors, or patterns used to differentiate the data.

2. A data label is a single value or text explanation used to explain the data in a series.

3. A chart title is the main heading, which describes the purpose and content.

4. The x-axis title describes the horizontal data.

5. The y-axis title describes the vertical data.

C. Embedded and linked

1. An embedded chart is one that appears on the same sheet as the spreadsheet it represents; otherwise, it is referred to as a separate chart.

2. A linked chart is one that will change to reflect changes made to the spreadsheet it represents.

III. Common Charts Used in Business

A. A column chart is used to make comparisons and generalizations about groups of data, such as to compare the number of students from each class (Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors) to their attendance at assemblies.

B. A stacked bar chart is used to represent the sum of more than one value and compare the contribution of individuals to the whole, such as the total sales for three components to the whole sales for a store.

C. A line chart is used to show trends or changes in data over time, such as growth in sales over several quarters.

D. An XY scatter chart is used to show the correlation of two or more data sets, such as the correlation between stress rates and wait time in a doctor’s office.

E. A pie chart is used to represent the contribution of each component of one series of data to the whole, such as the percentage of expenditures to the total budget.

F. An exploded pie chart is a pie chart in which the individual components are enhanced.

|COURSE |6411 |Unit B |Software Applications for Business |

| |Computer Applications I | | |

|COMPETENCY |5.00 |B2 |25% |Understand databases used in business. |

|OBJECTIVE |5.01 |B2 |20% |Understand database tables used in business. |

|ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS |How is database information used, organized, and managed in business? |

| |For what purposes? |

Business Database Tables

Teacher Note: Microsoft Access 2003 was used to create the databases in this objective. All graphics in the guide are based on this version. Make adjustments to notes and directions as necessary in accordance with the software version used in your classroom.

Database Uses in Business

I. Database Use and Purpose – A database is a tool used to organize, store, retrieve, and communicate groups of related information.

A. Examples of databases and database uses in business and society:

1. a phone book

2. online library card catalog

3. payroll data including employee names, social security numbers, pay rates, exemptions, etc.

4. eBay and other online businesses use databases to maintain inventory and keep track of customers, products, vendors, pay pal accounts

B. Tables are the building blocks of all databases. They are used to group and organize the information within a database.

1. A table is an arrangement of columns and rows. It is the fundamental building block of all databases.

a. Example 1: a database for an airline may contain several tables

i. Table 1 – Airplane Inventory

a) Airplane identification numbers

b) Dates of service and repair calls

c) Seating capacity

ii. Table 2 – Flight Staff

a) Pilot names

b) Contact information

c) License number

b. Example 2: an online store’s database might contain several tables

i. Table 1 contains products

ii. Table 2 contains prices

iii. Table 3 contains manufacturer information

iv. Table 4 contains purchase orders

2. An entry is a single piece of data in a database table. Examples of cell entries in a music store database may include the price of a CD, artist’s name, or the number the category of music in which the CD is classified.

3. A field, is a grouping or category of similar information contained in a table

a. Fields are unique identifiers for categories of information

b. In the Airplane inventory example, Plane ID, Service date, and Seats Available are examples of possible field names

4. A record is a complete description of all of the fields related to one item in a table.

a. A record is another level of organization in database tables

b. In the Airplane inventory example, one record would consist of the Plane ID, Service date, and Seats Available for one plane

II. Data Types, Field Properties, Data Entry, and Printing

A. Before a database can be built, the user must first define its purpose and determine how the data will be organized into fields.

1. Fields should be formatted in accordance with the data they contain so that the database can be searched, used in calculations, and sorted as needed for communicating.

2. A field name should be short and descriptive

B. Text-based data types and field properties – used for data that will be sorted in alphabetical order or listed randomly, but will not be used in mathematical calculations. For example, in a music store database, the user may wish to sort the database in alphabetical order by artist, CD title, song title, or genre.

1. Yes/No – a data type in toggle format that allows a user to select a yes or no value in a database cell

a. For example, the music store manager may include a field in the database that requires a yes or no response for in stock items

b. The default setting is No

2. Caption – a field property used for column naming that allows a more user-friendly and properly formatted field name than that stored in the database design

3. Lookup Wizard – a data type used to define preset values for database entries.

a. For example, the music store database might include a lookup wizard which provides a drop down list for the genres of music.

b. This feature increases productivity and accuracy by reducing the amount of data entry required.

4. Memo – a data type used for lengthy entries that allows combinations of text and numbers

5. Input Mask – a template-like field property that regulates how data is entered in a cell. For example, if the phone number input mask is used, the user will be prompted to input data in a specific format, such as (919) 555-5555.

C. Number-based data types and field properties – used for data that may be calculated, sorted, or filtered. For example, a music store database may be queried for any quantity on hand that is less than ten so that the store manager can reorder the CDs that the store is running out of.

1. Decimal places – field property used to format numbers for one or more decimal points.

a. For example, in a music store database, the store manager may wish to filter the database for all CDs that cost 17.99.

b. Without the decimal format, the prices of the CDs would be rounded off.

2. Currency – data type used to format numbers as decimal values with a dollar sign.

a. For example, in a music store database, the store manager may wish for the database to print a receipt to each customer which includes the total price of the CD plus tax formatted in currency

b. The default format for currency is two decimal places

3. Date – data type used to arrange and sort data chronologically

a. For example, the music store manager may wish to view the sales for March only in the database

b. Often used with the input mask field property

4. Time – data type used to arrange and sort data chronologically

a. For example, the music store manager may want to compare the sales figures for after 5:00 pm against the figures before 12:00 pm.

b. Often used with input mask field property

5. Auto Number – used to automatically assign a number to each record and to assist in preventing duplication of data.

a. For example, the music store manager used the auto number feature when setting up the database and is notified when a duplicate record is added

b. Often used with/as a primary key

6. Primary Key – used to format each record in a database as a unique entity

a. For example, the music store manager formatted the auto number field as the primary key

b. Primary keys allow database tables to communicate

D. Editing and Printing – Procedures to add and delete records and fields, edit field names, rearrange fields in a database and print.

III. Database Management – The effectiveness of a database can be measured by the user’s ability to retrieve useful information.

• An effective database is one that contains timely information and thus requires continuous maintenance.

• Consider the telephone directory and the amount of information that must be gathered, edited, and processed to provide customers with accurate information.

• Many tools are available to assist in the retrieval, processing, and manipulation of database information.

A. Filters allow for the retrieval of information that meets specific criteria.

B. Sorts allow for information to be arranged in a specific order such as alphabetical, chronological, ascending, or descending.

C. Database Relationships – a link between two or more tables in a database

• The relationship is developed when common fields in the tables are linked, such as the Customer ID field in a Customer Address table and the Customer ID field in a Purchases table.

• The relationship enhances the power of the database by allowing retrieval of data from both sources and eliminating the need for data duplication among tables.

1. Three types of relationships:

a. One-to-One – when only one record is linked to a record in another table.

b. One-to-Many – when a record in one table is linked to more than one record in another table.

c. Many-to-Many – when multiple records from both (or more) tables are linked. A Many-to-many relationship is actually two one-to-many tables that are connected by a junction table.

2. Primary key – a field in a database table that is of the same data type and size as a related field in a linked table

3. Foreign key – when tables are linked by the primary key, the related field in the second table is known as the foreign key

4. Join line – a graphical representation of the link between two or more tables

5. Referential integrity protects related data that is stored in multiple tables.

Referential integrity would prevent a customer in a customers table from being deleted if the customer’s ID also appears in the order table

6. Junction table – a table used to join primary key fields from multiple tables

IV. Raw Data Import - A useful and practical method for obtaining information from other sources and creating database tables. Eliminates the need for repetitive data entry and assists in the protection of the data’s integrity.

A. Must be formatted as text

B. Must be separated at field and record breaks with a separator, such as a comma (delimitated)

|COURSE: |6411 |Unit B |Software Applications for Business |

| |Computer Applications I | | |

|COMPETENCY: |5.00 |B2 |25% |Understand database functions. |

|OBJECTIVE: |5.02 |B2 |5% |Understand database queries, forms, and reports used in |

| | | | |business. |

|ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS |What is a database query, how is it used, and how does it differ from a filter? |

| |What is a form, how is it used and formatted, and how does it differ from a table? |

| |What is a database report? How is it used? What report elements are used to control and enhance the appearance |

| |of the report and why? |

Business Database Queries, Forms, and Reports

I. Query. A query is a database object created by placing filters and selecting multiple criteria (comparison operators) to extract information from one or more tables. The resulting data becomes an object that can be saved, recalled, and used to perform other operations.

A. Advantages of a Query

1. A query can be saved and used to perform other operations

2. One table can be associated with multiple queries

3. A query can perform specialized operations, such as performing calculations on field values, and place the results in a new column or datasheet

B. Difference Between a Query and a Filter

1. A filter is a one-time deal. It allows application of a set of selection criteria and/or sorting instructions to the records in a table. It is a quick temporary tool that is created for one-time use in the context of a particular table.

2. A query is reusable. It allows selection criteria and/or sorting instructions to be saved and reused.

C. Comparison Operators used in Queries

1. Less than or equal to (=)

3. Not equal to ()

4. Less than ()

6. Equal to (=)

D. Conditional Operators

1. And – reduces the number of records because both conditions must be met.

2. Or – increases the number of records because one or the other condition must be met.

II. Form. A form is a database object that is used to create a user-friendly format for data entry and retrieval. Forms may include drop-down menus, instructions, navigational controls, and graphics.

A. Advantages of Forms

1. Expedite the search and data entry processes

2. Easy to read and understand

3. Allow information to be censored

B. Common Elements of Forms

1. Graphic elements, such as lines, images, and shapes are stored in the form’s design.

2. Data displayed on forms is derived from the fields in the underlying table or query or may be added by the user.

3. Calculations are performed by properties that are set by a user within the form’s design.

a. Formulas similar to those written for spreadsheets can be embedded into the field of a form

b. Calculations to total the price for a purchase order by multiplying the quantity ordered by the price of a product, for example, can be performed in a form.

4. Controls allow the data to be manipulated.

a. Fields can be formatted so that they are hidden from view or so that users are prevented from editing.

b. Forms can be formatted to allow or prevent scrolling or prevent a user from using a scroll bar.

5. Descriptive text can be added to a form for the purpose of identifying fields and forms or adding captions or prompts.

6. Subforms are forms within and related to a main form through a common field.

a. For example, a grocery store form contains the customer name and contact information on the main form and is linked by the customer’s ID number to a subform.

b. The subform contains the purchase orders placed by the customer.

III. Report. A report object is used to organize, summarize, and print some or all of the data from one or more database tables or queries. It is used to present data in an attractive format with user selected fonts, colors, shading, borders, graphics, and other enhancements. It can be used to communicate yearly sales reports, catalog inventory, prepare labels, or produce envelopes and receipts.

A. Advantages of Reports

1. Reports can group data from multiple tables, used the data in calculations, and add headings and other format enhancements to clarify database information.

2. Reports can be saved and updated.

3. Reports can be printed in landscape or portrait orientation.

B. Common Elements of Reports

1. Lines and borders used for decoration

2. Controls – text boxes for displaying numbers, names, or labels.

3. Labels – used to display descriptive text that identifies a text box.

4. Text boxes – used to display data and may contain expressions for data calculation.

5. Calculated field/column – created when a formula is used.

6. Report header – appears once at the beginning of a report and usually contains items such as the company name, address, and logo.

7. Page header – appears at the top of every page and usually contains field names.

8. Detail section – contains the report details or content information

9. Report footer – appears once at the end of a report.

10. Page footer – appears on every page and usually contains page numbers.

|COURSE |6411 |Unit B |Software Applications for Business |

| |Computer Applications I | | |

|COMPETENCY |6.00 |B2 |8% |Apply procedures to use presentation software in business. |

|OBJECTIVE |6.01 |B2 |3% |Understand uses of presentation software and methods of distribution.|

|ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS |When should presentation software be used to communicate information? |

| |What content is appropriate for delivery through presentation software? |

| |What method of information disbursement is most effective? |

Business Presentations

I. Uses of Presentation Software

A. Characteristics of Inappropriate Content for Presentation Software

1. Content is trivial or does not have a clear purpose

2. Content is so dissected from its original form when translated into a presentation that its meaning is lost

3. Content is presented in its original form as an emotional speech, an historical declaration, or a memoir and should be preserved

4. Examples:

a. The Gettysburg Address

b. Martin Luther King’s I have a dream speech

c. The Declaration of Independence

d. The Diary of Ann Frank

B. Characteristics of Appropriate Content for Presentation Software

1. To Educate

a. To educate about earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest

b. To educate how to use software applications

c. To emphasize key points during a presentation or speech

d. To explain emergency procedures

2. To Persuade

a. To advertize and describe the features of a product

b. To sell cars with interactive features that allow users to select color combinations, trim, and other options

3. To Narrate, Broadcast Messages, or Entertain

a. To display the names of the students who placed in FBLA competitions

b. To display the words of a song or speech for audience participation

c. To broadcast a list of location changes at a conference

d. To portray the devastation wreaked by Hurricane Katrina

II. Methods of Presentation Delivery and Distribution – Used separately or in combination, depending upon the message and the audience

A. Group Delivery with Speaker - As a supplement and complement to a speaker-delivered presentation

1. Slides support information presented by the speaker

2. Slides display graphic items that enhance communication

3. Slides present key points for added emphasis of content

4. The key word in this method is supplement. When delivered with an oral presentation, slide show content should not contain so much information that it can substitute for the speaker!

B. Group Delivery without Speaker

1. Presentation is played one time to an audience

2. Does not require explanation or interpretation by a speaker

3. May be displayed to entertain an audience prior to a speech or event

4. May be used to inform an audience about procedures

C. Continuous Loop

1. Presentation is played repeatedly until manually stopped

2. Presentation may or may not have a logical beginning and end

3. Often used at trade shows where people rotate through at different times throughout the day

4. May be used to broadcast general information, such as school announcements or changes to room locations

D. Rolling Script

1. Presentation is played at a moderate pace to allow for user participation

2. Presentation is usually stand-alone content, such as a prop for posting the lyrics of a song or the lines of a poem

E. Self-Serve

1. May be delivered via a website, such as the Microsoft training presentations that are user-selected and interactive

2. Self-paced and often interactive

3. May be accompanied by a narration embedded within the presentation

F. As hardcopy – to complement presentations and enable retention of information

1. To enable comprehension

a. This method is especially effective when the content is foreign to the audience or user, has to be remembered, is procedural, or is presented to a large group

b. A handout with 3 slides per page allows room for the audience to record notes beside each slide

c. The amount of slides per sheet should vary according to the amount of text on each slide and the space needed for taking notes

d. There’s little point in distributing handouts that are too small to read.

e. Handouts can be distributed in color, grayscale, or black and white. If printing on a black and white printer, be sure to select black and white or grayscale format to ensure clear prints.

f. A footer should be formatted on handouts that are distributed

2. To assist the speaker

a. A notes page contains one slide per page and any notes that accompany the slide.

b. An outline view presents the information in compact form without graphics

c. Speaker has the notes or outline in front of her/him while presentation is displayed in the background

|COURSE |6411 |Unit B |Software Applications for Business |

| |Computer Applications I | | |

|COMPETENCY |6.00 |B2 |8% |Apply procedures to use presentation software in business. |

|OBJECTIVE |6.02 |B2 |5% |Apply procedures to develop multimedia presentations in business. |

|ESSENTIAL QUESTION |What procedures are required to develop a multimedia presentation? |

Business Multimedia Presentation Procedures

I. Determine the Purpose: The Purpose of the Presentation was described in Objective 6.01.

II. Identify the Target Audience: The Target Audience was described in Objective 3.02.

III. Storyboard the Content

A. Determine the number of slides and plan the content on paper using a collection of frames, referred to as a storyboard

B. Organize the content in the proper sequence and ensure a consistent flow of information

C. Align the frames used on the storyboard to the number of slides required for the presentation

IV. Plan the Design

A. Select or design a template that is appropriate for the purpose and target audience.

• Pay attention to the colors chosen to ensure that they can easily be viewed by the target audience

B. Select complimentary colors that are appropriate for the purpose and target audience

V. Edit the Master Slide

A. Format the footer with information pertinent to the presentation

1. A footer may or may not include the date and time information

2. Slide numbering is an important consideration, especially when handouts are distributed to the audience and referenced during the presentation

3. The title of the presentation in the footer is helpful when distinguishing between multiple presentations

B. Make global applications of font sizes and styles, bullets, alignment, or any other formatting that is desired for the entire presentation

C. Add any logos, or contact information to the master slide

VI. Enter the Content

A. Remember the rule of sevens when entering text: No more than 7 lines of text per slide and not more than 7 words per line.

B. Use language and grammar that is appropriate for the target audience

C. Correct any spelling or grammar errors

D. Adjust the line spacing to insert a consistent and adequate amount of white space between each line of text. This will help the reader focus on each point.

E. Select an appropriate font size. Generally 24 pt is the minimum

F. Use contrast to an advantage by using a light colored font against a dark background or visa versa

VII. Add and Format Graphics

A. Make sure they are aligned to the slide content

B. Remember that graphic images are used to enhance communication and should be relevant to the content of the slide

C. Consistency in the type of image is also an important consideration

D. Be careful not to add a file that is too large and slows down the presentation

E. Adjust the size of the image so that it fits attractively on the slide and is consistent with the theme

VIII. Add and Format Video and Audio

A. If appropriate and relevant, add video or audio files to the presentation

1. Determine how the video or audio will play

a. Continuously throughout the entire presentation (loop)

b. On mouse click

c. At a preset interval

B. Determine the source of the video or audio

a. File

b. CD

c. Embedded or linked

i. Package the files with the presentation if they are not embedded

ii. A packaged file means that the audio or video file is linked to the presentation and that the presentation file only saves the link.

iii. The linked file must be accessible consistently. If the presentation is saved to a portable device, make sure that the link’s address will be able to find the file.

C. Determine the sound’s volume. Remember to adjust the volume so that it will not distract the audience and play too loudly during the speaker’s dialog.

D. Determine if the viewer should have access to the video/audio link by formatting the properties of the icon to view or hide.

IX. Add Animation

A. Animation is used to control how the presentation is viewed and to add visual interest. It can be applied to text and graphics.

B. Examples of animations:

1. Sound is played at desired points within the presentation

2. Each bulleted item fades before the next item is emphasized

3. Animated text is emphasized by making it grow in size or change colors

4. Text and graphic items appear and disappear on the screen, such as fly in from left or right, etc.

5. Text and graphic items appear and disappear, such as after the previous item, with the previous item, on mouse click, after 2 seconds, etc.

C. Do not use animations that distract from the point of the presentation.

1. For example, animation that adds a line of text letter by letter can be very distracting and frustrating to the reader/viewer.

2. Always keep the main goal in mind: to communicate the intended message.

D. Animation can be custom designed by the user or applied through preset schemes that are part of the software package.

• A scheme is a polished sequence of effects that can be applied to several slides or the whole show.


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