Mitchell J

Mitchell J. Friedman

11956 SW 34th Ave, Portland, OR 97219

– mailto:mjf@

Objective: Lead Programmer, Software Architect, Data Architect, Senior Software Engineer

Languages: Current: Java, SQL, BASH, XML, HTML

Previous: C++, C, C#, Delphi, PHP, Jython, C++, C, PERL, ColdFusion, TAL, SCOBOL, BASIC, COBOL, Pascal, ADA.

DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, Sybase, Enscribe

Platforms: Linux, Windows, J2EE(JBoss), WebServices, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, Tandem Guardian

Tools: Bazaar/Subversion/CVS, JUnit/TestNG, Gradle/Ant/Make, TWiki/MediaWiki, Scrum/RUP

Work experience:

iovation – Portland, Oregon

July 2011- . Senior Software Engineer

Java, SQL, Rest, Git, Maven, JUnit

Tripwire – Portland, Oregon

January 2008 – June 2011. Senior Software Engineer

Java, SQL, XML, VMware, JDBC, SQL Server/MySQL/Oracle/DB2, Bazaar/Subversion, RabbitMQ/Rest/SOAP/RMI, Gradle/Ant, JUnit/TestNG/Hamcrest/Mockito, ProtoBuf, Guava/Apache Jakarta, Scrum, TWiki, Windows/Ubuntu, GWT, Intellij. 40+ people including core and UI developers, QA, Performance, Product and Project Managers.

Core developer on Tripwire Enterprise (TE), the flagship product on multiple projects through 4 major released versions in three years. Lead developer adding DB2 monitoring support. Core developer charged with solving an auditing usability and performance problem. Integrated TE with Tripwire's centralized logging product (TLC).

Lead developer on two exploratory projects released as free VMware tools. Config Checker – a VMware ESX security configuration validator and Ops Checker, a VMware VMotion readiness utility. These were each a stand-alone utility built on Swing. Config Checker was downloaded and used by thousands. Ops Checker was more specialized and was downloaded by just under 1000. Both helped drive development and generate sales leads.

Core developer building the first new component, the Asset Manager component. RabbitMQ with ProtoBuf became the communications layer and we depended heavily on Google's Guava and Injection libraries (and GWT) as well as Apache Jakarta project libraries.

Core developer on Tripwire's first Data Warehouse project team. Researched how to build a Data Warehouse, created the star schemas and developed the initial reports. Hand-built an Extract/Transform/Load process achieving an etl rate of 2000 tps. Worked very closely with both QA and performance groups to ensure both accuracy and efficiency of the ETL process.

Created and maintained at least 100 new wiki pages on trouble-shooting and extending TE, development at Tripwire in general and on specific technologies. Created and maintained documentation of the TE schema - with information on each table and column, the object relationships between the tables, a mapping between the classes and the tables, sample queries, foreign keys (no simple matter without constraints) as well as surprising gotchas.

uXcomm – Beaverton, Oregon

June 2006 – December 2007. Principal Software Engineer

1st Project: Workflow Engine with a proprietary XML-based scripting language and heavy systems management focus. Lead developer adding IPMI support. Java, SNMP, Subversion, Eclipse, Wiki, HSQLDB, CIMM, JUnit, Bash, Batch, XML, SOA, SQL. 20+ person project.

2nd project: Packaged Software for Optimizing Vmware ESX performance and reporting. Lead software archaeology effort, resuscitating a dead project and extending support to later versions of VMware. VMware ESX, C#, C++, Delphi Pascal, SQL Server, Subversion, TWiki, SOAP 10 person project

CNN Internet Technologies - Atlanta, Georgia

October 2005 – May 2006. Contract Expert Java Developer

Prototyped a system to read and analyze internet RSS feeds in real-time to discover breaking stories. Designed and implemented RSS discovery robot which identified over a million sources. Designed a system which read from sources on a schedule, processed text through a set of filters, identified patterns, build static web pages. Implemented two sets of data browsers – both web (JSP) and client (Swing) to show range of data and various visualizations. Wrote a research blog as well as wiki based documentation. Front End (JSP, Swing), back-end (Java, RSS, Oracle). Idea, JDBC, SQL, CVS, JUnit, Ant, Linux, BASH, JGraph, CURN, Media Wiki, Oracle. Four developer project. Final system handled over 300,000 documents a day from 25,000+ sources.

1 Matrix Resources - Atlanta, Georgia

April 2005 – October 2005 - Contract Software Developer for Intercontinental Hotels

Continue development and extension of a Visual Flow Engine, front-end (Java, JGroups, Swing, TreeCache, JGraph), back-end (Java, JBoss, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, Linux, Jython, SAS, BASH, ExtenXLS, POI, Jaccess, JMX, JMX). Idea, JDBC, SQL, CVS, JUnit, Ant, Apache, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Media Wiki, Oracle, JMX. Four developer project. 500 million row database.

nuBridges, LLC. - Atlanta, Georgia

May 2001-March 2005 – Lead Architect, Lead Programmer, Chief Software Architect, Founder.

Conceived, designed (using RUP, Visio and Enterprise Architect) and implemented next generation electronic commerce system on a distributed platform, delivered as hardware. Part of the original founding group that brainstormed new ideas (Electronic Commerce Appliance, Remote Integration, Profiling, Business Activity Monitoring), wrote business plans, formed a team and then a company, selected markets and hardware and software and infrastructure and then as Chief Software Architect and Lead Programmer, brought several products to market. Java (JDBC, JMS, MDB, JBoss, J2EE, EJB, Web Services, SOAP), SQL (PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, DB2), Linux, BASH, PHP.

20 Development project at peak. Completed 15 version/releases in 3 years and delivered 13. Java (IDEA, JDBC, JMS, MDB, JBoss, EJB), SQL (PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, DB2), Web Services (SOAP), Linux, BASH, PHP, IDEA, TWiki, BugZilla, CVS, RUP, Enterprise Architect. Designed or participated in design of 400+ database tables across 10+ subject areas across 20+ Services.

Built Profiling/Notification system in java using nmap, arping, smbclient, ftp, slocate, sax and jdbc. Designed schema in PostgreSQL, to hold profiling, notification subscriptions. Supported databases using java JDBC included Microsoft SQl Server both with standard driver and open source freetds driver(changes submitted), PostgreSQL (submitted changes to open source Postgres JDBC driver), MySQL and DB2. Notifications were delivered as email or jabber from java. The Profiling system made use of Event, scheduling and notification systems written in java, jms, jdbc and SOAP. These systems were eventually converted to a more formal SOA using EJB.

Harbinger Feb 1988 – May 2001 Atlanta, Georgia – Software Architect, Technical Lead, Project Lead, Senior Software Engineer, Internal Entrepreneur

Lead teams, explored new technologies and businesses, created languages. Shipped multiple versions of client based EDI software including an interpretive response rule language for transforming EDI documents. Created high-availability, mission critical applications for EDI Value Added Network (VAN) in C on Solaris. Ported Sun’s Open Network Computing RPC (ONC RPC) to the Tandem. Designed a server structure framework to support rapid creation of daemons. Founder/Team member, internal startup Harbinger Net Services - included Business Plans, Product Plans, initial investigation, interviewing and hiring, and transition to C++. Analyzed, planned, designed and guided the complete replacement of the Tandem based VAN with a cross-platform open-standards Unix/NT implementation. Coached programming staff through C to C++ transition. Technical lead for an external transaction portal and internal website. Lead team in designing next generation cross-platform EDI platform using Java. (Java, Rose, RUP, BEA, J2EE, Oracle, Perforce)


B. S. Computer Science, minor Mathematics – Georgia State University

B. S. Psychology, minor Computer Information Systems – Georgia State University

Software Architecture Workshop

Requirements Management with Use Cases

Rational Unified Process Fundamentals

Thinking in C++ - Bruce Eckel


Harbinger - Nominated and Appointed – Senior, Member Technical, Staff

Harbinger - Nominated and Appointed – Member Technical, Staff

National Merit Scholarship Finalist

Phillip Morris Scholarship Recipient

Professional memberships:

ACM - Association for Computing Machinery

IASA – International Association of Software Architects

Internet Society

Harbinger Alumni Group – Founder/Co-Owner


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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