Vocabulary Activity Answer Key - WORLD HISTORY

Vocabulary Activity Answer Key

The Cold War

1. Answers will vary. The Soviet Union and its satellite states, the Eastern European nations over which it had economic and political control, rejected the Marshall Plan because they saw it as an attempt by the United States to buy the support and cooperation of smaller European countries, undermining Soviet control. Because the Marshall Plan was meant to stop the spread of communism in economically weakened countries, this rejection probably made the United States realize that a policy of containment was the only way to control the spread of communism.

2. Answers will vary. The policy of deterrence actually fed the arms race, because deterrence relied on the idea that huge arsenals of nuclear weapons held on both sides would prevent war.

3. Answers will vary. The collective farms in China had been the size of villages, but the new communes were many times larger, consisting of more than 30,000 people living and working together. These vast communes were an economic and social failure because a combination of floods, droughts, and peasants' hatred of the new system actually resulted in lower food production and mass starvation.

4. Answers will vary. Mao Zedong believed that only a state of permanent revolution, in which revolutionary fervor was never allowed to die out, could lead the Chinese people to break with the past and achieve a classless society, the final stage of communism.

5. Answers will vary. Two proxy wars were the Vietnam War and the Korean War. In both conflicts, the real powers at war were the United States and the Soviet Union.

6. Answers will vary. The domino theory held that if one country fell to communism, its neighboring nations would also fall. The United States entered the Vietnam War because of belief in this theory, convinced that if the Communists succeeded in South Vietnam, communism would spread to all the other Asian countries that were still freeing themselves from European domination.

7. deterrence

8. domino theory

9. policy of containment

10. F - To liberate a nation is to free it from outside control.

11. F - The policy of deterrence depended on both sides having enormous stockpiles of nuclear weapons.

12. T

13. F - The most important source of knowledge was The Little Red Book

14. final

15. emerge

16. nuclear


Copyright ? McGraw-Hill Education

Vocabulary Activity Answer Key

The East Asian World

17. source 18. temporary 19. liberate 20. A, S, A, S, S, A 21. S, A, S, S, A, A 22. A, A, S, S, S. A


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