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Vocabulary Builder Activity

Greek Civilization

A. Content Vocabulary


netw rks

Directions: Select a vocabulary term from the box that best

answers each question below. More than one term may answer a question. Write a term(s) in the blank. Some terms may be used more than once.

cavalry circumference comedy drama Epicureanism fable Hellenistic Era

Hippocratic Oath myth oracle oral tradition plane geometry rhetoric

ritual Socratic method solid geometry Sophists Stoicism tragedy

1. A type of questioning that encourages students to think

for themselves is the


2. A philosophy that emphasized happiness and pleasure



3. The period of time in which Greek culture spread to all of

the lands conquered by Alexander the Great is known as



4. A traditional story that explains the practices or beliefs of

a people is a(n)

. A story about animals

that teaches a lesson is a(n)


5. A priest or priestess who told what would happen in the

future was a(n)


6. To honor the god or goddess who protected their city, the Greeks would hold a ceremony called a(n)


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Vocabulary Builder Cont.

Greek Civilization


netw rks

7. A story told through the actions and spoken words of

actors is a(n)

. A story told this way

that had a happy ending was a(n)

. A

story told this way that had an unhappy ending was a(n)


8. A group of philosophers who charged money for their

teaching and did not believe in absolute right or wrong

were the

. They taught the art of public

speaking and debate known as


9. The stories that are told out loud and passed on from one generation to the next are part of a people's .

10. The set of promises a new medical doctor makes about how he or she will treat patients is known as the .

11. The soldiers in Alexander the Great's army who rode

horses into battle were the


12. A philosophy that taught that using reason and sound thinking for decisions was better than using emotions was .

13. The measurement of the outside of a circle is its .

14. The branch of mathematics that deals with the

measurement, properties, and relationships of points,

lines, angles, surfaces, and solids in three-dimensional

space is

. The branch of mathematics

that deals with those same properties, except on a flat

or level plane, rather than in three-dimensional space,



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Vocabulary Builder Cont.

Greek Civilization


netw rks

B. Academic Vocabulary: Sentence Completion

Directions: Select a vocabulary term from the box to

complete the sentences below. Write the term in the blank.

accurate community conflict construct create

despite individual investigate method pursue

reject reveal seek style voluntary

1. A word that means the opposite of hide is .

2. A word that means fight or disagreement is .

3. A word that means the opposite of unwilling is .

4. If you wanted to study something very carefully and

examine it closely, you would


5. A word that means the opposite of incorrect is .

6. A word that means to search for is


7. A word that means the opposite of destroy is .

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Vocabulary Builder Cont.

Greek Civilization


netw rks

8. The marble columns in Greek temples are designed in a distinctive form that is known as the classical .

9. If you walk home in the dark even when you are afraid,

you walk home

your fears.

10. A procedure or a way of doing something is a(n) .

11. A neighborhood where people know each other is a kind



12. A word that means the opposite of run away from is .

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Vocabulary Builder Cont.

Greek Civilization


netw rks

C. Combined Vocabulary Reinforcement

Directions: Complete the chart below by placing content and

academic vocabulary words in the chart under the correct heading. You may use a dictionary to help you. Some words may appear under more than one heading. Not every word will be used.

Content and Academic Vocabulary Words

accurate cavalry circumference comedy conflict construct community create despite drama Epicureanism fable

Hellenistic Era Hippocratic Oath individual investigate method myth oracle oral tradition plane geometry pursue reject reveal

rhetoric ritual seek Socratic method solid geometry Sophists Stoicism style tragedy voluntary

Art and Literature

Ancient Greece

Philosophy, Science,


Government and War


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On a separate sheet of paper, write one or two sentences about each category of life in ancient Greece, using at least two of the vocabulary words you chose. You may change the forms of the words in your sentences. Underline the vocabulary words you use.


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