|Tema 4, Capítulo 4B |[pic] Completed |

|Day 1 | |

| Learn about the Paralympics Games |National Standards |

|Learn new vocabulary about non-school activities |1.2, 3.1, 4.1 |

|Listen to and demonstrate comprehension of sports vocabulary and how people are feeling | |

| | |

|Vocabulary: Preview vocabulary, non-school activities vocabulary, review vocabulary | |

|Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player | |

|Pacing: 90 minutes | |

|1. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (10 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Examen del capítulo, 4A |

| |Return the Examen del capítulo 4A | |[pic] Answer Key: Examen del capítulo, 4A |

| |Go over any recurring errors that students may have made, reteaching as necessary. | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Examen del capítulo, 4A |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Answer Key: Examen del capítulo, 4A |

|2. |PRESENT/PRACTICE (35 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar |

| |Objectives (p. 197) | |Transparencies: Transparencies 12-20 |

| |Go over the chapter objectives with students to prepare them for the new material. | |[pic] Atlas, Cap. 4B |

|3. |PRESENT/PRACTICE | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Vocabulary, Cap. 4B |

| |Fondo cultural: Paralympics Games (p. 196) | |[pic] Act. 1, Act. 2 Audio, Cap. 4B |

| |Go over the information and have students respond to the question. | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar |

| |Core Instruction: Vocabulario y gramática en contexto (pp. 198-199) | |Transparencies: Transparency 89 |

| |Play Tracks 1 and 2. Present the new vocabulary about non-school activities. | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar |

| |Actividad 1 ¡Deportemanía! (p. 199) | |Transparencies: Transparency 90 |

| |Play Track 3. Students listen to Marcela talk about days on which she plays sports | |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Input Script |

| |and indicate listening comprehension. | |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Vocabulary Clip Art |

| |Actividad 2 ¿Cómo estás? (p. 199) | |[pic] TPR Stories: Tema 4 |

| |Play Track 4. Students indicate listening comprehension about how people are feeling.| |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Audio Script |

| |STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B,|

| |Ask students to write out or say aloud each adjective in Actividad 2 if they are | |Act. 1 Answers |

| |unable to act them out. | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B,|


| |Ask students to describe sports events they may have attended in their countries of | | |

| |origin. Have them compare leisure-time activities in the two countries. | | |


| |Have students write new words to their vocabulary notebook section and accompany | | |

| |these words with pictures and English translations if needed. | | |

|4. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-1 |

| |Practice Workbook 4B-1, 4B-2 | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-2 |

| |Assign 4B-1 and 4B-2 for homework or in-class work. | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-1 Answers |

| |Go Online (p. 197) | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-2 Answers |

| |Have students Go Online at home or in class to view the Online Atlas. | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| |Go Online (p. 199) | |Cap. 4B, A primera vista |

| |Have students Go Online at home or in class for more practice with the new | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes |

| |vocabulary. | |Answer Key: Cap. 4B, A primera vista |

| |HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: |

| |Realidades para hispanohablantes: A primera vista, 4B. Assign for homework or | |Vocabulary Practice, Vocabulary Check |

| |in-class work. | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer |

| |STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS | |Key: Vocabulary Practice, Vocabulary Check|

| |Guided Practice Activities for Vocabulary and Grammar: Vocabulary Practice, | | |

| |Vocabulary Check. Have students fill in vocabulary flash cards as in-class work or | | |

| |homework. | | |

|5. |BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Have students create advertisements for a sports club or outdoor recreation facility.| | |

| |They should include a variety of activities, hours of operation, and contact | | |

| |information. Suggest that they illustrate the advertisements, then post them in the | | |

| |room to be used to guide further conversations about sports and leisure-time | | |

| |activities. | | |

|Tema 4, Capítulo 4B |[pic] Completed |

|Day 2 | |

| Learn additional vocabulary and grammar in visual and story context |National Standards |

|Watch and listen to the video and understand new vocabulary and grammar in authentic context |1.2, 1.3 |

|Read and demonstrate comprehension of statements about the video | |

| | |

|Vocabulary: Non-school activities vocabulary | |

|Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player, VCR/DVD player | |

|Pacing: 90 minutes | |

|1. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-1 |

| |Homework check | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-2 |

| |Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-1 Answers |

| |students may have made, reteaching as necessary. | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-2 Answers |

|2. |PRESENT/PRACTICE (40 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Vocabulary, Cap. 4B |

| |Core Instruction: Videohistoria ¡A jugar! (pp. 200-201) | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar |

| |Play Track 5. Present additional vocabulary and grammar by showing transparencies and| |Transparencies: Transparency 91 |

| |having students read dialogue between characters of the Videohistoria. Preview the | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar |

| |video. | |Transparencies: Transparency 92 |

| |Video Activity 1 | |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Audio Script |

| |Assign Video Activity 1 for in-class work. | |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Video Script |

| |View: Videohistoria (p. 200) | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Show the video for Capítulo 4B. Through multiple viewings, students learn new | |Workbook: Cap. 4B, Video Activity 1 |

| |vocabulary and grammar in context. | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| | | |Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Video |

| | | |Activity 1 |

|3. |PRESENT/PRACTICE | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Video Activities 2, 3, 4 | |Workbook: Cap. 4B, Video Activity 2 |

| |Assign Video Activities 2, 3, and 4 for in-class work. | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Actividad 3 ¿Comprendes? (p. 201) | |Workbook: Cap. 4B, Video Activity 3 |

| |Students indicate reading comprehension by answering questions about the | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Videohistoria. | |Workbook: Cap. 4B, Video Activity 4 |

| |HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Have students write three sentences about their favorite sport, including teams and | |Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Video |

| |athletes that they follow. Correct any spelling and grammar mistakes on their first | |Activity 2 |

| |draft. | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |ADVANCED LEARNERS / PRE-AP* | |Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Video |

| |Ask students to write dialogue for a different ending to the Videohistoria. In the | |Activity 3 |

| |new ending, Javier should not accept the invitation to the party and instead give two| |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |or three reasons why he will not go. | |Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Video |

| | | |Activity 4 |

| | | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B,|

| | | |Act. 3 Answers |

| | | |[pic] Act. 3 Answers, Cap. 4B |

| | | |[pic] Pre-AP* Resource Book: Vocabulary |

| | | |Strategies |

|4. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-3 |

| |Practice Workbook 4B-3, 4B-4 | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-4 |

| |Assign 4B-3 and 4B-4 for homework or in-class work. | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-3 Answers |

| |Go Online (p. 201) | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-4 Answers |

| |Have students Go Online at home or in class for more practice with the new | |[pic] Prueba 4B-1, Vocabulary recognition |

| |vocabulary. | |[pic] Answer Key: Prueba 4B-1, Vocabulary |

| |Prueba 4B-1: Vocabulary recognition | |recognition |

| |Remind students to prepare for Prueba 4B-1, which will be administered during the | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| |next class period, and ask if they have any questions about the material to be | |Prueba 4B-1, Vocabulary recognition |

| |covered. | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Answer Key: Prueba 4B-1, Vocabulary |

| | | |recognition |

| | | |[pic] QuickTake Quiz 4B-1 |

|5. |BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Have students create advertisements for a sports club or outdoor recreation facility.| | |

| |They should include a variety of activities, hours of operation, and contact | | |

| |information. Suggest that they illustrate the advertisements, then post them in the | | |

| |room to be used to guide further conversations about sports and leisure-time | | |

| |activities. | | |

|Tema 4, Capítulo 4B |[pic] Completed |

|Day 3 | |

| Read and understand contextualized vocabulary about how people are feeling |National Standards |

|Express what you would and wouldn’t like to do |1.1, 1.2, 1.3 |

|Communicate about sports | |

|Use new vocabulary in personal contexts and conversations | |

|Use personalized vocabulary to extend and decline invitations | |

|Listen to and understand invitations to events and the responses given | |

| | |

|Vocabulary: Non-school activities vocabulary | |

|Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player | |

|Pacing: 90 minutes | |

|1. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (20 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B, |

| |Actividad 7 ¿Cómo estás? (p. 203) | |Act. 7 Answers |

| |Students read a passage and indicate comprehension of the vocabulary by completing | |[pic] Act. 7 Answers, Cap. 4B |

| |the sentences. | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-3 |

| |Homework check | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-4 |

| |Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-3 Answers |

| |students may have made, reteaching as necessary. | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-4 Answers |

| |Prueba 4B-1: Vocabulary recognition | |[pic] Prueba 4B-1, Vocabulary recognition |

| |Administer Prueba 4B-1 in class. | |[pic] Answer Key: Prueba 4B-1, Vocabulary |

| | | |recognition |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Prueba 4B-1, Vocabulary recognition |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Answer Key: Prueba 4B-1, Vocabulary |

| | | |recognition |

|2. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (ADDITIONAL RESOURCES) | |Targeted Resources |

| | | |[pic] QuickTake Quiz 4B-1 |

|3. |PRESENT/PRACTICE (25 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B,|

| |Actividad 4 Me gustaría ir... (p. 202) | |Act. 4 Answers |

| |Students orally express what they would and wouldn’t like to do over the weekend. | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B,|

| |Actividad 5 No sé jugar... (p. 202) | |Act. 5 Answers |

| |Students communicate about sports. | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B,|

| |Actividad 6 ¿Qué deportes practicas? (p. 202) | |Act. 8 Answers |

| |Students have a conversation using new vocabulary about sports in a personalized | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B,|

| |context. | |Act. 9 Answers |

| |Actividad 8 Lo siento (p. 203) | |[pic] Act. 4, Act. 5, Act. 8 Answers, |

| |Working with a partner, students use personalized vocabulary to extend and decline | |Cap. 4B |

| |invitations. | |[pic] Act. 9 Audio, Cap. 4B |

| |Actividad 9 Escucha y escribe (p. 203) | |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Audio Script |

| |Play Track 6. Students listen to someone talking about invitations and the responses | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |given and indicate comprehension. | |Workbook: Cap. 4B, Audio Activity 5 |

| |Audio Activities 5, 6 | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Play Tracks 7 and 8 and have students complete Audio Activities 5 and 6 in class. | |Workbook: Cap. 4B, Audio Activity 6 |

| |ADVANCED LEARNERS / PRE-AP* | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Have students use the Internet to research a well-known athlete of Spanish-speaking | |Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Audio |

| |origin. Have them present a short profile of the athlete using vocabulary and grammar| |Activity 5 |

| |from the chapter. | | |


| |Divide Actividad 9 into two separate tasks: first listening for the event, then | | |

| |listening for the response. | | |


| | | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| | | |Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Audio |

| | | |Activity 6 |

|5. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Writing Activity 10 | |Workbook: Cap. 4B, Writing Activity 10 |

| |Assign Writing Activity 10 for homework or in-class work. | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS | |Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Writing |

| |Realidades para hispanohablantes: Manos a la obra, 4B. Assign for homework or | |Activity 10 |

| |in-class work. | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Cap. 4B, Manos a la obra |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes |

| | | |Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Manos a la obra |

|6. |BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Have students create advertisements for a sports club or outdoor recreation facility.| | |

| |They should include a variety of activities, hours of operation, and contact | | |

| |information. Suggest that they illustrate the advertisements, then post them in the | | |

| |room to be used to guide further conversations about sports and leisure-time | | |

| |activities. | | |

|Tema 4, Capítulo 4B |[pic] Completed |

|Day 4 | |

| Use vocabulary in a personalized context |National Standards |

|Express the time of an event |1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 4.1, |

|Use contextualized vocabulary in a conversation |4.2 |

|Practice the verb ir and vocabulary for place names | |

|Learn about Spanish words that are borrowed from English | |

|Learn about the Radish Festival of Oaxaca, Mexico | |

|Learn about ir + a + infinitive | |

|Listen to and understand message left on an answering machine | |

|Write and say what people are going to do | |

| | |

|Vocabulary: Non-school activities vocabulary | |

|Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, VCR/DVD player, CD player | |

|Pacing: 90 minutes | |

|1. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (10 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Actividad 12 Y tú, ¿qué dices? (p. 205) | |Workbook: Cap. 4B, Writing Activity 10 |

| |Students use vocabulary in a personalized context to answer the questions. | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Homework check | |Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Writing |

| |Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that | |Activity 10 |

| |students may have made, reteaching as necessary. | | |

|2. |PRESENT/PRACTICE (35 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B,|

| |Actividad 10 ¿A qué hora? (p. 204) | |Act. 10 Answers |

| |Students take turns asking and telling what time an event takes place. | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B,|

| |Actividad 11 Una invitación para el sábado (p. 204) | |Act. 11 Answers |

| |Working with a partner, students use contextualized vocabulary in a conversation. | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B,|

| |Exploración del lenguaje: Spanish words borrowed from English (p. 205) | |Act. 13 Answers |

| |Students learn about and identify Spanish words that are borrowed from English. | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B,|

| |Fondo cultural: La noche de los rábanos (p. 205) | |Act. 14 Answers |

| |Go over the information and have students respond to the question. | |[pic] Act. 10, Act. 11 Answers, Cap. 4B |

| |Core Instruction: Ir + a + infinitive (p. 206) | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar |

| |Present the grammar box about ir + a + infinitive. | |Transparencies: Transparency 12 |

| |View: GramActiva Video (p. 206) | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar |

| |Show the GramActiva video about ir + a + infinitive. | |Transparencies: Transparency 95 |

| |Actividad 13 Escucha y escribe (p. 206) | |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Video Script |

| |Play Track 9. Students listen to messages on an answering machine and indicate | |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Audio Script |

| |comprehension. | |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, GramActiva BLMs |

| |Actividad 14 Este fin de semana vamos a... (p. 206) | | |

| |Students write and say what people are going to do at different times of the day. | | |

| |Actividad 15 ¿Qué vas a hacer? (p. 207) | | |

| |Students use new vocabulary and make a chart of five things they’re going to do, when| | |

| |they will do them, and with whom. | | |


| |Have students draw a three-paneled cartoon. In the first panel, they should write a | | |

| |dialogue in which one character invites another to do something. In the second, there| | |

| |should be a response. In the third panel, a comment or conclusion. Post the cartoons | | |

| |or have students present them to the class. | | |

| |Have students create a mini-journal in which they tell what they are going to do each| | |

| |day of the week after school, using vocabulary and grammar from the chapter. | | |


| |Referring to the Exploración del lenguaje, ask students to identify additional | | |

| |Spanish words and expressions that are borrowed from English. | | |


| |Provide a chart similar to the one in Actividad 15 to help students organize | | |

| |information for Actividad 13. Across the top, use the headings Rosario and Pablo. | | |

| |Down the side use the headings ¿Adónde?, ¿Qué?, and ¿A qué hora? | | |


| | | |[pic] Grammar, Cap. 4B |

| | | |[pic] Act. 13 Audio, Cap. 4B |

| | | |[pic] Act. 14 Answers, Cap. 4B |

| | | |[pic] Pre-AP* Resource Book: Listening |

| | | |Strategies |

| | | |[pic] Pre-AP* Resource Book: Speaking |

| | | |Strategies |

|4. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-5 |

| |Practice Workbook 4B-5, 4B-6 | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-6 |

| |Assign 4B-5 and 4B-6 for homework or in-class work. | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-5 Answers |

| |Go Online (p. 207) | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-6 Answers |

| |Have students Go Online at home or in class for more practice with ir + a + | |[pic] Prueba 4B-2, Vocabulary production |

| |infinitive. | |[pic] Answer Key: Prueba 4B-2, Vocabulary |

| |Prueba 4A-2: Vocabulary production | |production |

| |Remind students to prepare for Prueba 4A-2, which will be administered during the | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| |next class period, and ask if they have any questions about the material to be | |Prueba 4B-2, Vocabulary production |

| |covered. | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| |STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS | |Answer Key: Prueba 4B-2, Vocabulary |

| |Guided Practice Activities for Vocabulary and Grammar: ir + a + infinitive. Have | |production |

| |students complete guided practice activities for homework or in-class work to | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: 4B-1, ir|

| |reinforce grammar concepts for extra practice. | |+ a + infinitive |

| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: 4B-2, ir|

| | | |+ a + infinitive |


| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer |

| | | |Key: 4B-1, ir + a + infinitive |

| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer |

| | | |Key: 4B-2, ir + a + infinitive |

|6. |BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Have students create advertisements for a sports club or outdoor recreation facility.| | |

| |They should include a variety of activities, hours of operation, and contact | | |

| |information. Suggest that they illustrate the advertisements, then post them in the | | |

| |room to be used to guide further conversations about sports and leisure-time | | |

| |activities. | | |

|Tema 4, Capítulo 4B |[pic] Completed |

|Day 5 | |

| Have a telephone conversation |National Standards |

|Learn about the verb jugar |1.1, 1.3, 1.2, 3.2, 4.1 |

|Say what sports people play | |

|Read an article about Iván Zamorano for comprehension | |

| | |

|Vocabulary: Non-school activities vocabulary | |

|Technology: CD player, VCR/DVD player | |

|Pacing: 90 minutes | |

|1. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (20 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Communicative |

| |Communicative Activity | |Activities |

| |Assign the Communicative Activity for in-class work. | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-5 |

| |Homework check | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-6 |

| |Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-5 Answers |

| |students may have made, reteaching as necessary. | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-6 Answers |

| |Prueba 4B-2: Vocabulary production | |[pic] Prueba 4B-2, Vocabulary production |

| |Administer Prueba 4B-2 in class. | |[pic] Answer Key: Prueba 4B-2, Vocabulary |

| | | |production |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Prueba 4B-2, Vocabulary production |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Answer Key: Prueba 4B-2, Vocabulary |

| | | |production |

|2. |PRESENT/PRACTICE (25 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Actividad 17 ¿Quieres ir conmigo? (p. 207) | |Workbook: Cap. 4B, Audio Activity 7 |

| |Working with a partner, students pretend to have a telephone conversation. | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Audio Activity 7 | |Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Audio |

| |Play Track 10 and have students complete Audio Activity 7 in class. | |Activity 7 |

| |Core Instruction: The verb jugar (p. 208) | |[pic] Grammar, Cap. 4B |

| |Present the grammar box about the verb jugar. | |[pic] Act. 18 Answers, Cap. 4B |

| |View: GramActiva Video (p. 208) | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar |

| |Show the GramActiva video about the verb jugar. | |Transparencies: Transparency 93 |

| |Actividad 18 ¿A qué juegan? (p. 208) | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar |

| |Students write about what sports people play. | |Transparencies: Transparency 94 |

| |Actividad 20 La ciudad deportiva (p. 209) | |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Video Script |

| |Students read a passage about Iván Zamorano and indicate comprehension. | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B,|


| |Have students prepare an oral presentation on their favorite sport or athlete. | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B,|


| |Review the ad in Actividad 20 with students who may be intimidated by the unknown | | |

| |vocabulary. Identify the words they already know. Then read the ad with them, | | |

| |emphasizing key words and phrases that will help students understand the meaning. | | |

|3. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Writing Activities 11, 12, 13 | |Workbook: Cap. 4B, Writing Activity 11 |

| |Assign Writing Activities 11, 12, and 13 for homework or in-class work. | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Go Online (p. 209) | |Workbook: Cap. 4B, Writing Activity 12 |

| |Have students Go Online at home or in class for more practice with the verb jugar. | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Prueba 4B-3: ir + a + infinitive | |Workbook: Cap. 4B, Writing Activity 13 |

| |Remind students to prepare for Prueba 4B-3, which will be administered during the | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |next class period, and ask if they have any questions about the material to be | |Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Writing |

| |covered. | |Activity 11 |

| |STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Guided Practice Activities for Vocabulary and Grammar: The verb jugar. Have students| |Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Writing |

| |complete guided practice activities for homework or in-class work to reinforce | |Activity 12 |

| |grammar concepts for extra practice. | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| | | |Workbook: Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Writing |

| | | |Activity 13 |

| | | |[pic] Prueba 4B-3, Ir + a + infinitive |

| | | |[pic] Answer Key: Prueba 4B-3, Ir + a + |

| | | |infinitive |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Prueba 4B-3, Ir + a + infinitive |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Answer Key: Prueba 4B-3, Ir + a + |

| | | |infinitive |


| | | |[pic] QuickTake Quiz 4B-3 |

| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: 4B-3, |

| | | |The verb jugar |

| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: 4B-4, |

| | | |The verb jugar |

| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer |

| | | |Key: 4B-3, The verb jugar |

| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer |

| | | |Key: 4B-4, The verb jugar |

|5. |BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Have students create advertisements for a sports club or outdoor recreation facility.| | |

| |They should include a variety of activities, hours of operation, and contact | | |

| |information. Suggest that they illustrate the advertisements, then post them in the | | |

| |room to be used to guide further conversations about sports and leisure-time | | |

| |activities. | | |

|Tema 4, Capítulo 4B |[pic] Completed |

|Day 6 | |

| Read for comprehension and write with accuracy |National Standards |

|Write and speak in a personalized context |1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 4.1, 5.1 |

|Practice using the verb jugar | |

|Learn how to pronounce the consonant d in Spanish | |

|Learn about opportunities to use Spanish in the health care field | |

| | |

|Vocabulary: Non-school activities vocabulary | |

|Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player | |

|Materials: index cards | |

|Pacing: 90 minutes | |

|1. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (20 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies:|

| |Actividad 16 El teléfono celular (p. 207) | |Transparency 95 |

| |Students read, understand, and write about an ad for a cell phone. | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B, |

| |Homework check | |Act. 16 Answers |

| |Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |students may have made, reteaching as necessary. | |Workbook: Cap. 4B, Writing Activity 11 |

| |Prueba 4B-3: ir + a + infinitive | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Administer Prueba 4B-3 in class. | |Workbook: Cap. 4B, Writing Activity 12 |

| | | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| | | |Workbook: Cap. 4B, Writing Activity 13 |

| | | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| | | |Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Writing |

| | | |Activity 11 |

| | | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| | | |Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Writing |

| | | |Activity 12 |

| | | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| | | |Workbook: Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Writing |

| | | |Activity 13 |

| | | |[pic] Prueba 4B-3, Ir + a + infinitive |

| | | |[pic] Answer Key: Prueba 4B-3, Ir + a + |

| | | |infinitive |

|2. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (ADDITIONAL RESOURCES) | |Targeted Resources |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Prueba 4B-3, Ir + a + infinitive |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Answer Key: Prueba 4B-3, Ir + a + |

| | | |infinitive |

| | | |[pic] QuickTake Quiz 4B-3 |

|3. |PRESENT/PRACTICE (25 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Actividad 19 Juego (p. 209) | |Workbook: Cap. 4B, Audio Activity 8 |

| |Working in groups, students write in speak in personalized contexts and practice | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |using the verb jugar. | |Workbook: Cap. 4B, Audio Activity 9 |

| |Audio Activities 8, 9 | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Play Tracks 11 and 12 and have students complete Audio Activities 8 and 9 in class. | |Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Audio |

| |Communicative Activity | |Activity 8 |

| |Assign the Communicative Activity for in-class work. | |[pic] Writing, Audio & Video Activity |

| |Pronunciación: The letter d (p. 210) | |Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Audio |

| |Play Track 13 and go through the Pronunciación with students. Present the sounds of | |Activity 9 |

| |the letter d in Spanish. | |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Audio Script |

| |El español en el mundo del trabajo (p. 210) | |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Communicative |

| |Students learn about and discuss opportunities to use Spanish in the health care | |Activities |

| |field. | |[pic] Audio Cap. 4B |


| |Have students create a poster for a community organization that is looking for | | |

| |volunteers who speak Spanish. | | |


| |If students have difficulty hearing the difference between the two sounds of the | | |

| |letter d, have them close their eyes as they listen. If they have difficulty with the| | |

| |th sound, write a small th over the letter d in the relevant words on the board. | | |

|4. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-7 |

| |Practice Workbook 4B-7 | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-7 Answers |

| |Assign 4B-7 for homework or in-class work. | |[pic] Prueba 4B-4, The verb jugar |

| |Go Online (p. 209) | |[pic] Answer Key: Prueba 4B-4, The verb |

| |Have students Go Online at home or in class for more practice with the verb jugar. | |jugar |

| |Prueba 4B-4: The verb jugar | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| |Remind students to prepare for Prueba 4B-4, which will be administered during the | |Prueba 4B-4, The verb jugar |

| |next class period, and ask if they have any questions about the material to be | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| |covered. | |Answer Key: Prueba 4B-4, The verb jugar |

|5. |BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Have students create advertisements for a sports club or outdoor recreation facility.| | |

| |They should include a variety of activities, hours of operation, and contact | | |

| |information. Suggest that they illustrate the advertisements, then post them in the | | |

| |room to be used to guide further conversations about sports and leisure-time | | |

| |activities. | | |

|Tema 4, Capítulo 4B |[pic] Completed |

|Day 7 | |

| Read and demonstrate comprehension of an article about tourism industry of Spain |National Standards |

|Answer questions about sports |1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, |

|Develop reading skills and interpretive skills |5.2 |

|Read about and compare the lives of two famous golfers | |

|Learn about a professional women’s basketball player | |

| | |

|Vocabulary: Non-school activities vocabulary | |

|Technology: Overhead/LCD projector | |

|Pacing: 90 minutes | |

|1. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (20 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: |

| |Actividad 21 ¡Vamos de cámping! (p. 211) | |Transparency 18 |

| |Students read and understand a brochure about a campground and answer the | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B, |

| |questions. | |Act. 21 Answers |

| |Homework check | |[pic] Act. 21 Answers, Cap. 4B |

| |Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-7 |

| |students may have made, reteaching as necessary. | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-7 Answers |

| |Prueba 4B-4: The verb jugar | |[pic] Prueba 4B-4, The verb jugar |

| |Administer Prueba 4B-4 in class. | |[pic] Answer Key: Prueba 4B-4, The verb |

| | | |jugar |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Prueba 4B-4, The verb jugar |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Answer Key: Prueba 4B-4, The verb jugar |

| | | |[pic] QuickTake Quiz 4B-4 |

|2. |PRESENT/PRACTICE (25 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Pre-AP* Resource Book: Reading |

| |Actividad 22 Y tú, ¿qué dices? (p. 211) | |Strategies |

| |Students answer questions about sports. | | |

| |Lectura: Sergio y Lorena: El futuro del golf (pp. 212-213) | | |

| |Students read, understand, and interpret an article comparing the lives of two famous | | |

| |golfers. | | |

| |Fondo cultural: Una jugadora profesional (p. 213) | | |

| |Go over the information and have students respond to the question. | | |


| |Have students interview an athlete in the school to find out information similar to | | |

| |what they have read in the Lectura. They may conduct the interviews in English, but | | |

| |have them write a summary in Spanish to share with the class. | | |


| |Ask students to discuss athletes they are familiar with from a variety of sports. | | |

| |Guide the discussion by asking specific questions about the athletes. | | |

|3. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies:|

| |¿Comprendes? (p. 213) | |Transparency 2 |

| |Students demonstrate comprehension of the Lectura by writing and comparing | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B, |

| |information from the article. | |¿Comprendes? Answers |

| |Go Online: Lectura (p. 213) | |[pic] Answers, Cap. 4B |

| |Have students Go Online at home or in class to do an Internet link activity. | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| |HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS | |Cap. 4B, ¡Adelante! |

| |Realidades para hispanohablantes: ¡Adelante!, 4B. Assign for homework or in-class | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes |

| |work. | |Answer Key: Cap. 4B, ¡Adelante! |

| |STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: 4B-5, |

| |Guided Practice Activities for Vocabulary and Grammar: Lectura: Sergio y Lorena: El | |Lectura: Sergio y Lorena: El futuro de |

| |futuro de golf. Have students complete guided practice activity for homework or | |golf |

| |in-class work. | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer |

| |STANDARDIZED TEST PRACTICE | |Key: 4B-5, Lectura: Sergio y Lorena: El |

| |Reading and Writing for Success: Assign a practice standardized test for homework or| |futuro de golf |

| |in-class work. Review with students how the test will be scored, including how the | |[pic] Reading and Writing for Success: |

| |rubric is used. | |Test 8 |

| | | |[pic] Reading and Writing for Success |

| | | |Answer Key: Test 8 |

|4. |BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Have students create advertisements for a sports club or outdoor recreation facility.| | |

| |They should include a variety of activities, hours of operation, and contact | | |

| |information. Suggest that they illustrate the advertisements, then post them in the | | |

| |room to be used to guide further conversations about sports and leisure-time | | |

| |activities. | | |

|Tema 4, Capítulo 4B |[pic] Completed |

|Day 8 | |

| Read about leisure activities of students in Spanish-speaking countries |National Standards |

|Read about the current influence of Spanish speakers in the United States |1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 4.2, 5.1, |

|Pre-write and draft an invitation to a special event |5.2 |

| | |

|Vocabulary: Non-school activities vocabulary | |

|Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player | |

|Pacing: 90 minutes | |

|1. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies:|

| |Homework check | |Transparency 2 |

| |Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B, |

| |students may have made, reteaching as necessary. | |¿Comprendes? Answers |

|2. |PRESENT/PRACTICE (40 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Presentación oral and escrita |

| |Perspectivas del mundo hispano: ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? (p. 214) | |Rubrics |

| |Present the material from Perspectivas del mundo hispano and have students complete | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| |the activities in class. | |Presentación oral and escrita Rubrics |

| |El mundo hispano: Estados Unidos Contemporáneo (pp. 216-217) | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies:|

| |Present the material from El mundo hispano and have students complete the activities | |Transparency 20 |

| |in class. | |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Audio Script |

| |Presentación escrita: Steps 1, 5 (p. 215) | |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Vocabulary Clip Art |

| |Have students begin work on Step 1 in class. Explain to students how the presentation| |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Situation Cards |

| |will be graded. | |[pic] Pre-AP* Resource Book: Writing |

| |Vocabulario y gramática (p. 218) | |Strategies |

| |Review chapter vocabulary and grammar with students to prepare them for the Examen | | |

| |del capítulo. | | |


| |Have students research schools in the United States where students can go if they | | |

| |have artistic talents. Have them find out more about the schools in the Perspectivas | | |

| |del mundo hispano. Ask them to compare the schools and make a presentation to the | | |

| |class. | | |

| |Have students choose a major city or region in the United States with a large | | |

| |Spanish-speaking population, research celebrations and business that reflect the | | |

| |Spanish-speaking culture, and prepare a report on their findings. | | |

| |Have students elaborate on their responses to invitations by creating a skit on the | | |

| |topic. | | |


| |If students participate in special activities or groups, invite them to share their | | |

| |experiences with the class. | | |


| |Have students find out if there is a city or region in the United States that has a | | |

| |large concentration of people from their heritage country, and why people from their | | |

| |heritage country settled there. | | |


| |Break down the information in the Repaso into more manageable sections. Modify the | | |

| |test or create alternative tests that meet the needs of individual students. | | |

|3. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Presentación oral and escrita |

| |Presentación escrita: Step 2 (p. 215) | |Rubrics |

| |Have the students complete Step 2 in class. | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| |Preparación para el examen 3, 4, 5 (p. 219) | |Presentación oral and escrita Rubrics |

| |Have students complete tasks 3, 4, and 5 in class. | |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Audio Script |

| |Go Online: El mundo hispano (p. 216) | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B, |

| |Have students Go Online at home or in class to view the Online Atlas. | |Preparación para el examen Answers |

| |Go Online: Self-test (p. 219) | |[pic] Answers, Cap. 4B |

| |Have students Go Online at home or in class to prepare for the Examen del capítulo. | |[pic] Atlas, Cap. 4B |

| |STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: 4B-6, |

| |Guided Practice Activities for Vocabulary and Grammar: Presentación escrita. Have | |Presentación escrita |

| |students complete guided practice activity for homework or in-class work. | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer |

| |HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS | |Key: 4B-6, Presentación escrita |

| |Realidades para hispanohablantes: Repaso del capítulo, 4B. Assign for homework or | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| |in-class work. | |Cap. 4B, Repaso del capítulo |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes |

| | | |Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Repaso del capítulo |

|4. |BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Have students create advertisements for a sports club or outdoor recreation facility.| | |

| |They should include a variety of activities, hours of operation, and contact | | |

| |information. Suggest that they illustrate the advertisements, then post them in the | | |

| |room to be used to guide further conversations about sports and leisure-time | | |

| |activities. | | |

|Tema 4, Capítulo 4B |[pic] Completed |

|Day 9 | |

| Revise and publish an invitation to a special event |National Standards |

| |1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 4.2 |

|Vocabulary: Non-school activities vocabulary | |

|Technology: CD player, Overhead/LCD projector | |

|Pacing: 90 minutes | |

|1. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Presentación oral and escrita Rubrics|

| |Homework check | | |

| |Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| |students may have made, reteaching as necessary. | |Presentación oral and escrita Rubrics |

| | | |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Audio Script |

| | | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B, |

| | | |Preparación para el examen Answers |

|2. |PRESENT/PRACTICE (40 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Presentación oral and escrita |

| |Presentación escrita: Step 3 (p. 215) | |Rubrics |

| |Have students complete Step 3 in class. | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| |Preparación para el examen 1, 2 (p. 219) | |Presentación oral and escrita Rubrics |

| |Play Track 15. Have students complete tasks 1 and 2 in class. | |[pic] TRB: Cap. 4B, Audio Script |

| | | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4B, |

| | | |Preparación para el examen Answers |

| | | |[pic] Pre-AP* Resource Book: Writing |

| | | |Strategies |

| | | |[pic] Go Online |

|3. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-8 |

| |Presentación escrita: Step 4 (p. 215) | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-9 |

| |Have students complete their presentations in class. | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-8 Answers |

| |Practice Workbook 4B-8, 4B-9 | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-9 Answers |

| |Assign 4B-8 and 4B-9 for homework or in-class work. | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| |Go Online: Self-test (p. 219) | |Cap. 4B, Repaso del capítulo |

| |Have students Go Online at home or in class to prepare for the Examen del capítulo. | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes |

| |HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS | |Answer Key: Cap. 4B, Repaso del capítulo |

| |Realidades para hispanohablantes: Repaso del capítulo, 4B. Assign for homework or | | |

| |in-class work. | | |

|4. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Examen del capítulo, 4B |

| |Examen del capítulo, 4B | |[pic] Answer Key: Examen del capítulo, 4B |

| |Remind students to review for the Examen del capítulo. | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Examen del capítulo, 4B |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Answer Key: Examen del capítulo, 4B |

| | | |[pic] QuickTake Chapter Test |

| | | |[pic] Examen del capítulo Rubrics |

| | | |[pic] Listening Comprehension Scripts |

| | | |[pic] Speaking Proficiency Scripts |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Examen del capítulo Rubrics |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Listening Comprehension Scripts |


| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Speaking Proficiency Scripts |

| | | |[pic] ExamView, All Students: Test Bank A,|

| | | |Cap. 4B |

| | | |[pic] ExamView, All Students: Test Bank B,|

| | | |Cap. 4B |

| | | |[pic] ExamView, Heritage Learners: Cap. 4B|

| | | | |

| | | |[pic] ExamView, Pre-AP*: Cap. 4B |

|6. |BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Have students create advertisements for a sports club or outdoor recreation facility.| | |

| |They should include a variety of activities, hours of operation, and contact | | |

| |information. Suggest that they illustrate the advertisements, then post them in the | | |

| |room to be used to guide further conversations about sports and leisure-time | | |

| |activities. | | |

|Tema 4, Capítulo 4B |[pic] Completed |

|Day 10 | |

| |National Standards |

| |1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 4.2 |

|Vocabulary: Non-school activities vocabulary, review vocabulary | |

|Pacing: 90 minutes | |

|1. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (50 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-8 |

| |Homework check | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-9 |

| |Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-8 Answers |

| |students may have made, reteaching as necessary. | |[pic] Practice Workbook: 4B-9 Answers |

| | | |[pic] Chapter Checklist |

|2. |WARM-UP/ASSESS | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Examen del capítulo, 4B |

| |Examen del capítulo, 4B | |[pic] Answer Key: Examen del capítulo, 4B |

| |Administer Examen del capítulo, 4B in class. | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| |HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS | |Examen del capítulo, 4B |

| |Realidades para hispanohablantes Assessment Program: Examen del capítulo. Administer| |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| |Examen del capítulo, 4B in class. | |Answer Key: Examen del capítulo, 4B |

| |STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS | |[pic] QuickTake Chapter Test |

| |Alternate Assessment Program: Examen del capítulo. Administer Examen del capítulo, | |[pic] Examen del capítulo Rubrics |

| |4B in class. | |[pic] Listening Comprehension Scripts |

| | | |[pic] Speaking Proficiency Scripts |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Examen del capítulo Rubrics |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Listening Comprehension Scripts |

|3. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (ADDITIONAL RESOURCES) | |Targeted Resources |

| | | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: |

| | | |Speaking Proficiency Scripts |

| | | |[pic] Alternate Assessment: Examen del |

| | | |capítulo, 4B |

| | | |[pic] Answer Key: Alternate Assessment: |

| | | |Examen del capítulo, 4B |

| | | |[pic] ExamView, All Students: Test Bank A,|

| | | |Cap. 4B |

| | | |[pic] ExamView, All Students: Test Bank B,|

| | | |Cap. 4B |

| | | |[pic] ExamView, Heritage Learners: Cap. 4B|

| | | | |

| | | |[pic] ExamView, Pre-AP*: Cap. 4B |

|4. |BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Have students create advertisements for a sports club or outdoor recreation facility.| | |

| |They should include a variety of activities, hours of operation, and contact | | |

| |information. Suggest that they illustrate the advertisements, then post them in the | | |

| |room to be used to guide further conversations about sports and leisure-time | | |

| |activities. | | |


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