Volunteer Debriefing Sheet - FDS



Please post to FDS at PO Box 7363, Leura 2780 NSW - - or - - Fax to (02) 4782 9555


Please answer each question in relation to the shift you have just completed:

|For EVERY call you took during this shift: |Yes |No |

|1 |Have you filled out a call record sheet? (include ALL hang-ups, nuisance, w/no’s, support & info calls) | | |

|2 |Have you filled out a call record sheet as completely as possible including POSTCODES? | | |

|3 |Did you give yourself a rating? | | |

|4 |Did you gauge the caller’s satisfaction? | | |

|5 |Did you identify opportunities for referral (e.g. Newsletter, support meetings, website etc)? | | |

|6 |Did you refer to ADIS for information on drugs and/or services? | | |

|7 |Did you refer to Parent line for counselling or parenting help (calls from NSW ONLY)? | | |

|8 |Did you obtain names and address to send further information? | | |

|9 |- If not, what was the impediment? |

|10 |Did you ask if callers had Internet access and refer them to our website if appropriate? | | |

|11 |Did you ask if callers would benefit from attending a Support Group (if there is a group in their area)? | | |

|12 |Do you know details of the FDS Stepping Stones courses and dates? | | |

|13 |Did you inform appropriate callers of our Information and Education nights? | | |

|On or during THIS shift: | | |

|14 |Have you organised to get call record sheets to the office promptly? | | |

|15 |Did you find any calls distressing? | | |

|16 |- If yes do you need a call back to debrief? | | |

|17 |Did you find any calls difficult to handle? | | |

|18 |- If yes do you need a call back to debrief? | | |

|19 |Did any of the calls you took activate any personal triggers for you? | | |

|20 |Did you discuss any matters that you felt insufficiently informed about? | | |

|21 |- If yes, do you need a call back to debrief? | | |

|22 |Do you have any other comments regarding this shift? Please make notes in the space below. | | |

|Wrapping up: | | |

|23 |Do you have a debriefing buddy? | | |

|24 |- If no, would you like us to find you a debriefing buddy? | | |

|25 |- If you have a buddy, have you debriefed with them this month? | | |

|26 |- If not, when do you plan to debrief with them? |

|27 |Are you able to do more frequent shifts? If yes, please indicate your preferences below. | | |

|28 |Are you able to do a shift in the Sydney office? Please name your preferred day/s of the week below. | | |

|NOTES: (if space is insufficient, please write on reverse and if faxing, please fax BOTH sides of sheet) |

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