


US History Hour: Chapter 24


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| |What is stagflation? |Increase in unemployment & inflation |

| |This reactor malfunctioned in the US |Three Mile Island |

| |This is a vacation resort for the President of the US |Camp David |

| |What does bungled mean? |To mess up |

| |What President was involved in Watergate cover-up? |President Nixon |

| |How many US Presidents have resigned? |One: Nixon |

| |What does Realpolitik mean? |Use of power, not morals and values |

| |Relaxation of tension between super powers |Détente |

| |The two countries that made a peace treaty with the help of |Egypt: Anwar El-Sadat |

| |President Jimmy Carter known as the Camp David Accords |Israel: Menachem Begin |

| |President Nixon appointed him his new VP after VP Spiro Agnew| |

| |resigned |Gerald Ford |

| |What was the Supreme Court and President Nixon fighting over | |

| |the release of? |White House tapes |

| |How long were American hostages held in Iran? | |

| | |444 days |

| |Why were the American hostages held in Iran? |Activists wanted the Shah returned to Iran. |

| |President Jimmy Carter was a democrat and former Governor of | |

| |this state |Governor of Georgia |

| |President Carter angered China and the Soviet Union because |Human Rights Issues |

| |he criticized them for: | |

| |What part was President Nixon found guilty of in the | |

| |Watergate scandal? |The Cover up: no proof he ordered the break|

| | |in |

| |What was President Nixon’s biggest fear? |Losing an election |

| |What was President Nixon’s personal problem from childhood? | |

| | |Low self-esteem |

| |President Nixon was the brilliant at domestic or foreign | |

| |policy making? |Foreign policy making |

| |Who was Henry Kissinger? |Nixon and Ford’s foreign policy maker for |

| | |the US |

| |What election did President Nixon hope to win by a landslide?| |

| |Did he? |1972 / Yes |

| |Why did OPEC cut off oil sales to the US? |Helping supply military aide to Israel after|

| | |it was attacked |

| |President Nixon was the first US President to visit this | |

| |country |Soviet Union |

| |When Gerald Ford became President, how did most US citizens | |

| |view him? |Honest and likable |

| |What branch became too powerful and was known as imperial | |

| |during the Nixon Administration? |Executive Branch |

| |The men who broke into the Democratic headquarters were part |CRP: committee to re-elect the President |

| |of this group: | |

| |What president had been a peanut farmer? |President Carter |

| |What prompted a new oil crisis in the US during the summer of|Renewed violence in the Middle East |

| |1979? | |

| |Under President Carter, our industrialized country’s standard| |

| |of living dropped from first place to: |Fifth Place |

| |What was President Ford’s biggest accomplishment during his |Helsinki Accords, Finland |

| |administration? | |

| |What were the Helsinki Accords? |35 nations agreed to get along better |

| | |between the East and West |

| |What two things reduced the number of manufacturing jobs in |Increase in automation |

| |the 1950s? |Foreign competition |

| |What did President Carter take special pride in during his | |

| |administration? |Civil Rights: minority hiring |

| |What was the Supreme Court decision in the California v. |Unconstitutional. Cannot use affirmative |

| |Bakke case |action in medical school acceptance |

| |What year was the Panama Canal to be turned over to the |Dec. 31, 1999 |

| |Panamanians? President who agreed to this? |President Carter |

| |Was the Salt II Treaty ever approved between the US and |No. President Carter was angry over Soviets|

| |Soviet Union? |attack of Afghanistan |

| |Who would be the next president after Jimmy Carter? |Ronald Reagan |

| |Political party? |Republican |

| |What two things did higher paying jobs require in the 1970s: |More education |

| | |Specialized skills |

| |Who famously told the Senate: “I am not a crook?” |President Nixon |

| |What government group did Nixon try to have the FBI stop the | |

| |Watergate Investigation? |CIA: Central Intelligence Agency |

| |What man was responsible for implicating President Nixon in | |

| |the involvement of Watergate? |John Dean |

| |How much “hush” money did the thieves receive from the |$450,000 |

| |Watergate break-in? | |

| |Was President Nixon impeached? |No. He resigned right before the decision. |

| |Who pardoned President Nixon? |President Gerald Ford |

| |President Nixon tried to keep the White House tapes secret |Executive Privilege |

| |under what privilege? | |

| |The Southern Strategy, used by Nixon, to gain Southern votes |Elect Supreme Court Justice from the South |

| |consisted of: |Slowing the integration of schools |

| | |Stop busing that integrated schools |

| |How do you define an environmentalist? |A person who takes an active role in |

| | |protecting the environment |

| |Who wrote the book, Silent Spring, that led to the |Rachel Carson |

| |environmental movement? | |

| |What month and day is Earth Day every year? The first one was|April 22 |

| |held in 1970: | |

| |This group was given the responsibility to enforce pollution |EPA: Environmental Protection Agency |

| |standards, control pollution, conduct research: | |

| |How many citizens in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania had to be | |

| |evacuated due nuclear reactor leak? |100,000 people |

| |Why had people first favored nuclear power? |Less dependent on foreign oil for energy |

| |What two things were damaging the environment in the 1960’s |a. Pollution b. Overconsumption |

| |What was New Federalism? Under what US President? |Distribute a portion of federal power to the|

| | |state and local government / Nixon |

| |What was revenue sharing? Under what US President? |State and local gov. spend federal dollars |

| | |the way they wanted. / Nixon |


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