04 July 2004 (Hebrews 13) - Woodstock Evangelical Covenant ...

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Hebrews 13

• What do ‘each other’ (v. 1), strangers (v. 2), and prisoners (v. 3) have to do with one another?

• Which one of these commands in vv. 1-3 will likely take us out of our comfort zones?

• How are we going to start doing this?

• What does the commandment about not coveting have to do with vv. 4-6?

• In what ways is the institution of marriage being dishonored in our culture?

• Going to Jesus (vv. 11-16), sticking to the Bible (v. 9a), and working with the local church leaders (vv. 7-8, 17) are critical to being a team player. How is our loyalty & respect different for each of these elements?

• Why does God ask us to follow flawed leaders? (Galatians 2:11-16; 2 Peter 3:15-16; 2 Corinthians 12:7)

• What is the closest, best team of any kind you have ever been on? How can we help help make God’s local assembly of believers like that?



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