
Women’s Webliography of

Government Document Sources

March 9, 2009

4 Girls Health HE20.41/2:2004002154 Web access:

10 Women Who Helped Shape America: Short Plays for the Classroom ED1.310/2:400581/MF – ERIC

16 Extraordinary American Women (1) Helen Keller; (2) Eleanor Roosevelt; (3) Georgia O'Keeffe; (4) Julia Morgan; (5) Wilma P. Mankiller; (6) Rachel Carson; (7) Dorothea Lange; (8) Rosalyn Sussman Yalow; (9) Ella Fitzgerald; (10) Ruth Bader Ginsberg; (11) Ka'iulani of Hawaii; (12) Barbara Jordan; (13) Donna Karan; (14) Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman (Nellie Bly); (15) Nikki Giovanni; and (16) Bonnie Blair) ED1.310/2:406255/MF -ERIC

20 Facts on Women Workers L36.102:W89/5

20 Facts on Women Workers L36.114/3:93-2, 96-2, 98-2, 2000-01 Web access:

20 Leading Occupations of Employed Women: Full-Time Wages and Salary Workers : Annual Averages L36.118: Web access:

25 Frequently Asked Questions from Women Veterans

The 25th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade: Has It Stood the Test of Time?: Hearing Y4.J89/2:S.HRG.105-463/MF

100 Years of Protecting and Promoting Women's Health Web access:

101 Wonderful Ways to Celebrate Women's History. Revised ED1.310/2:393768/MF – ERIC Web access:

1987 Economic Censuses. Women-owned businesses C3.250:WB 87-1

1975 Handbook on Women Workers L36.103:297

1978, Foreign Service of the United States: mid-level hiring of Women and Minority group members S 1.2:W84/2

1992 Economic Census: Women-Owned Businesses C3.250:WB92-1/CORR.

1993 Handbook on Women Workers: Trends & Issues L36.108:W84/3

1993 Technical Paper Contest for Women: Gear up 2000, Women in Motion NAS1.55:10134/MF

1997 Economic Census. Survey of Minority-Owned Business enterprises. Survey of Women-Owned Business Enterprises, company summary C3.277/3:97-PM4 Web access:

1997 Economic Census. Survey of Minority-Owned Business Enterprises. Women C3.277/3:97-2 Web access:

2004 Minority Women's Health Summit "Women of Color, Taking Action for a Healthier Life: Progress, Partnerships and Possibilities” Web access:

2005 Daybook, Generations: Women's Health Across the Lifespan HE20.41:2/D33

2007 Women's Health Daybook: It's Your Time! 12 Months to a Healthier You

HE20.41:2/D33/ 2007 Web access:

2008 Women's Health Calendar HE 20.41: 2/W 84 Web access:

2009 Women's Health Calendar HE 20.41:2/W 84/2009

AAHPER Research Consortium Symposium Papers: Teaching Behavior and Women in Sport. Vol. II, Book I ED1.310/2:171715/MF – ERIC We access:

Aba Women's Rebellion [And] Hoda Sha'arawi: Nationalist and Feminist (African Culture; African History; Black Studies; Females; Feminism) ED1.310/2:132088/MF – ERIC

ABC Women Artists, Volume 1 [and] Volume 2 ED1.310/2:405248/MF - ERIC)

The ABC’s of Safe and Healthy Child Care: A Handbook for Child Care Providers HE20.7008:C43/2

Abigail Smith Adams: "Remember the Ladies ..." (Women of Influence)

Abortion in the United States: A Compilation of State Legislation Gov.Doc./Ref./ KF9315. Z95A26/1991/v.1-2 & Supp.

About Equal Pay: A Report of the United States Department of Labor L1.2:P29

About the Office on Women's Health HE20.41:2/2004002157 Web access:

About Women on Campus. 1994. Volume 3. Numbers 1-4 ED1.310/2:377804/MF – ERIC Web access:

Abusive Relationships: A Comparison of Battered and Exbattered Women ED1.310/2:250638/MF – ERIC

Academic Pathfinders: Knowledge Creation and Feminist Scholarship. Greenwood Studies in Higher Education ED1.310/2:476886/MF – ERIC

Academic Professionalism: Do Men and Women Differ? ED1.310/2:179118/MF – ERIC

Academic Women in the 1970's, with Implications for the 1980's ED1.310/2:209996/MF – ERIC

Access or Censorhip? Libraries and Pornography. An Annotated Selective Bibliography on the Theme of the LACUNY 1987 Institute (#10 Women and Pornography) ED1.310/2:284582/MF - ERIC

Access to Health Care Among Hispanic or Latino Women: United States, 2000-2002 (Advance Data From Vital and Health Statistics No. 368, PHS 2006-1250) Web access:

Access to federal contracts: How to level the playing field: Field hearing (Women-owned

and minority-owned business enterprises – U. S. - Finance) Y 4.SM 1/2:

S.HRG.110-373?MF Web access:

Access to the Legal Profession in Colorado by Minorities and Women: A Report CR1.2:L52 and ED1.310/2:129515/MF - ERIC

Access to the Medical Profession in Colorado by Minorities and Women: A Report

CR1.2:M46 and ED1.310/2:130806/MF - ERIC

Accessing the Health Needs of Gay and Lesbian Patients Web access:

"Accident," She said --but she lied -picture (Family violence / Abused women – US – Posters D 2.9:Ac 2

Achieving Equity on the Great Plains: Women's Rights and the Homestead Act of 1862 ED1.310/2:448096/MF - ERIC

Achieving Gender Equity in Science Classrooms: A Guide for Faculty ED1.310/2:402150/MF – ERIC Web access:

Acoso Sexual: Conozca sus Derechos L36.102:SE9/997/SPAN.

An Act of Courage, The Arrest Records of Rosa Parks (Teaching With Documents) Web access:

An Act to Amend the Act Establishing Women's Rights National Historical Park to Permit the Secretary of the Interior to Acquire Title in Fee Simple to the Hunt

House Located in Waterloo, New York, 2000 AE 2.110:106-258 - Public Law 106-258 Web access:

An Act to Amend the Act of May 12, 1920 (41 Stat. 596), to Allow the City of Pocatello, Idaho, to Use Certain Lands for a Correctional Facility for Women, and for

Other Purposes AE 2.110:102-87 - Public Law 102-87

An Act to Amend the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to Provide that the Secretary of Agriculture May Not Consider, in Allocating Amounts to a State Agency under

the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children for the Fiscal Year 1991 AE2.110:101-330 - Public Law 101-330

An Act to Amend the National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to Better Assist Children in Homeless Shelters, to Enhance Competition among

Infant Formula Manufacturers and to Reduce the Per Unit Costs of Infant Formula for the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and for Other Purposes AE 2.110:102-512 - Public Law 102-512

An Act to Amend the Public Health Service Act to Revise and Extend Certain Programs with Respect to Women's Health Research and Prevention Activities at the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Uuniform title: Women's Health Research and Prevention Amendments of 1998) Public Law 105-340 -- AE 2.110:105-340

An Act to Amend the Small Business Act to Assist the Development of Small Business Concerns Owned and Controlled by Women, and for Other Purposes AE2.110:102-191 - Public Law 102-191

An Act to Amend the Small Business Act to Change the Conditions of Participation and Provide an Authorization of Appropriations for the Women's Business Center Program (UNIFORM TITLE: Women's Business Center Amendments Act of 1999) Public Law 106-17 = AE 2.110:106-17

An Act to Amend Title XIX of the Social Security Act to Clarify That Indian Women With Breast or Cervical Cancer Who Are Eligible for Health Services Provided Under a Medical Care Program of the Indian Health Service or of a Tribal Organization Are Included in the Optional Medicaid Eligibility Category of Breast or Cervical Cancer Patients Added by the Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Act of 2000 AE2.110: 107-121 Web access:

An Act to Amend Title XIX of the Social Security Act to Provide Medical Assistance for Certain Women Screened and Found to Have Breast or Cervical Cancer under a

Federally Funded Screening Program AE2.110:106-354 - Public Law 106-354

Web access:

An Act to Amend Title 38, United States Code, to Extend Certain Expiring Veterans' Health Care Programs, and for Other Purposes (Women veterans - Medical care – US)

AE 2.110:103-452 - Public Law 103-452

An Act to Amend Title 38, United States Code, to Improve Health Care Services for Women Veterans, to Expand Authority for Health Care Sharing Agreements between the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense to Revise Certain Pay Authorities that Apply to Department of Veterans Affairs Nurses AE2.110:102-585 - Public Law 102-585

An Act to Assist Business in Providing Women with Opportunities in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations AE2.110:102-530 - Public Law 102-530

An Act to Assure Safe and Healthful Working Conditions for Working Men and Women


An Act to Authorize Appropriations for Fiscal Years 2004 and 2005 for the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 AE 2.110: 108-193

Act to Authorize the President to Award a Gold Medal on Behalf of the Congress to Mother Teresa of Calcutta AE2.110:105-16 – Public Law 105-16

An Act to Authorize the Provision of Educational and Health Care Assistance to the Women and Children of Afghanistan AE2.110:107-81 - Public Law 107-81

Web access:

An Act to Authorize the State Justice Institute to Analyze and Disseminate Information Regarding the Admissibility and Quality of Testimony of Witnesses with Expertise Relating to Battered Women, and to Develop and Disseminate Training Materials to Increase the Use of Such Experts to Provide Testimony in Criminal Trials of Battered Women, Particularly in Cases Involving Indigent Women AE2.110:102-527 Public Law 102-527

An Act to Establish the Commission on the Advancement of Women and Minorities in Science, Engineering, and Technology Development AE 2.110:105-255 - Public Law 105-255

An Act to Increase the Amount Authorized to be Appropriated For Acquisition at the Women's Rights National Historical Park AE 2.110:100-475 - Public Law 100-475

An Act to Promote Excellence in American Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Education; Enhance the Scientific and Technical Literacy of the American

Public; Stimulate the Professional Development of Scientists and Engineers; Increase the Participation of Women and Minorities in Careers in Mathematics,

Science, and Engineering; and for Other Purposes AE2.110:101-589 - Public

Law 101-589

An Act to Require the Secretary of the Treasury to Mint Coins in Commemoration of the 250th Anniversary of the Birth of Thomas Jefferson, Americans Who Have Been

Prisoners of War, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the Occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Memorial, and the Women in Military Service for America Memorial, and for Other Purposes AE 2.110:103-186 - Public Law 103-186

Action for Health: Older Women's Project HE1.1002:H34/2/MF

Actions Needed To Insure That Female Veterans Have Equal Access to VA Benefits GA1.13:HRD-82-98 Web access:

Active Labour Market Policy and Gender Mainstreaming in Germany: Gender-Specific Aspects of Participation and Destination in Selected Instruments of the Federal Employment Service. IAB Labour Market Research Topics ED1.310/2:476033/MF – ERIC Web access:

Activist Rhetorics and American Higher Education, 1885-1937 (Black Students; Females) ED1.310/2:448619/MF - ERIC

Adapting the Thinking Processes To Enhance Science Skills in Females and Minorities ED1.310/2:350288/MF – ERIC Web access:

Addendum to Women in Development: Looking to the Future Y4.F76/2:S.HRG.98-919/Pt.2/MF

Addicted Women; Family Dynamics, Self Perceptions, and Support Systems. Services Research Monograph Series HE20.8216/2-2:W84/3 and ED1.310/2:206984/MF – ERIC Web access:

Additional Clarification of intercollegiate athletics policy: Three-part test, part three (Title IX) ED1.2:AT4 Web access:

Addressing Histories of Trauma and Victimization through Treatment (women) Web access:

Addressing Specific Needs of Women with Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System (Brochure) Web access:

Addressing the Needs of Women in Mental Illness/Substance Use Disorder Jail Diversion Programs (Justice Involved Women with Co-Occuring Disorders and Their Children Series) Web access:

Addressing the Screening Gap: The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection

Program: Hearing Y 4.G 74/7: 110-52?MF Web access:

Addressing Unmet Needs in Women's Health: Hearing Y4.L11/4:S.HRG.107-429/MF Web access:

Addressing Violence Against Women: Results from a National Survey of Title X Family Planning Providers Web access:

Addressing Youth Victimization (Girls – Crimes Against) J 32.10/5:AD2 and J32.2:V81/UPDATE Web access:

Adelante, Mujer Hispana: A Conference Model for Hispanic Women L36.112:20

Adeline Hornbek and the Homestead Act: A Colorado Success Story. Teaching with Historic Places ED1.310/2:437302/MF - ERIC Web access:

Administrative law judges: Appointment of Women and Social Security Administration staff attorneys: Rreport GA1.13:GGD-89-5/MF

ADMS block grant: Women's set-aside does not assure drug treatment for pregnant women GA1.13:HRD-91-80/MF

Adolescent Pregnancy and Childbearing: Findings from Research HE20.3002:Ad7/2

Adolescent Pregnancy: Hearings Y4.Ed8/1:Ad

Adolescent Stress, Coping, and Academic Persistence in Rural Appalachia: The

Unacknowledged Import of Early Adolescent Pregnancy (West Virginia females

aged 10-14) ED1.310/2:413155/MF – ERIC Web access:

Adult Education and Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered communities

ED1.310/2:449375/MF – ERIC Web access:

Adult Education for Social Development (Women Programme in the Western State of Nigeria) ED1.310/2:068831/MF - ERIC

Adult Women in Community colleges ED1.310/2:451860/MF - ERIC Web access:

Advance planning document handbook (Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children - U.S. - Handbooks, manuals, etc) A98.8/2:901/997

Advances in alcoholism treatment: Services for women HE20.8302:Al 1/19

Advertising, Marketing and Promotional Strategies for the Female TV Market from 1946-1980 ED1.310/2:294544/MF – ERIC

Advertising the American Woman ED1.310/2:138994/MF - ERIC

Advisory Committee on Women Veterans (Minutes) Web access:

Advisory Committee on Women Veterans Report 1998 Web access:

Advisory Committee on Women Veterans Report 2000 Web access:

Advisory Committee on Women Veterans Report 2002 Web access:

Advisory Committee on Women Veterans Report 2004 Web access:

Advisory Committee on Women Veterans Repor 2006 Web access:

Affirmative Action and the University: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in Higher Education Employment (American Indians; Asian Americans; Black Teachers; Hispanis Americans; Women Faculty) ED1.310/2:440566/MF – ERIC

Affirmative Action and Women in Higher Education ED1.310/2:303416/MF – ERIC Web access:

Affirmative Employment: Assessing Progress of EEO Groups in key federal jobs can be improved: Report GA1.13:GGD-93-65/MF

Affirmative Employment: Assessing Progress of EEO Groups in key federal jobs can be improved: Report: An Overview (GAO/T-HRD-93-30) Web access:

Affirmative Employment Program for Minorities and Women TD8.2:AF2/yr./paper and D 7.47:yr. Web access:

The Afghan Women and Children Relief Act of 2001 (S. 1573) AE2.110: 107-81


Afghanistan: Democratization and Human Rights on the Eve of Constitutional Loya Jirga: joint Hearing (Women's Rights) Y4.IN 8/16:H88/39/MF Web access:

The African American Woman. Runta (Truth) ED1.310/2:328638/MF – ERIC

African American Women and Smoking HE20.41:2/SM7/2004002328 Web access:

African American Women and Smoking: Starting Later Web access:

African American Women Artists Web access:

African-American Women in the Sciences and Related Disciplines LC33.10:93-4 Web


African-American Women: The Psychotherapeutic Process as a Coping Style

ED1.310/2:367917/MF – ERIC Web access:

African Americans Who Made a Difference. 15 Plays for the Classroom (Alvin Ailey, Jr.; Romare Bearden; George Washington Carver; Shirley Chisholm; Frederick Douglass; Langston Hughes; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Thurgood Marshall; Rosa Parks; Jackie Robinson; Sojourner Truth; Harriet Tubman; Ida B. Wells-Barnett; Phillis Wheatley; and Malcolm X) ED1.310/2:402390/MF - ERIC

After Houston: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84/11/9

Age and Sex Discrimination in Employment and review of Federal response to employment needs of the elderly: Hearing Y4.Ag 4/2: Em7/MF

Age Discrimination in the Workplace: A Continuing problem for older workers: Hearing (Older Women) Y4.Ag4/2:Ag4/24/MF

Age Discrimination: Know Your Rights (Sex discrimination in employment) L36.102: AG3

The Age of Women (Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress) LC1.17:32/4

Agenda for Research on Women's Health for the 21st Century HE20.3002:W 84/6/vol.1-6

Web access:

The Aging Female Veteran: Follow-Up analyses from the survey of aging veterans VA1.2:V64/10

A.I.D. and Third World Women, The Unmet Potential: Hearing Y4.H89:100-26/MF

AIDS-Related Behavior Among Women 15-44 Years of Age: United States, 1988 and 1990 (Advance Data From Vital and Health Statistics PHS 94-1250) HE20.6209/3:239 Web access:

AIDS-Related Knowledge and Behavior Among Women 15-44 Years of Age: United States, 1988 (Advance Data From Vital and Health Statistics PHS 91-1250) HE20.6209/3:200 Web access:

Air Force Academy: Gender and Racial Disparities: Report GA1.13:NSIAD-93-244/MF Web access:

Alcohol: A Women's Health Issue (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism)

HE20.8302:W84/9/ 2005 Web access

Alcohol Abuse Among Women, Special Problems and unmet needs, 1976: Hearing Y4.L11/2:AL1/12/976/paper

Alcohol and Women (Alcohol Alert No. 10, Oct.1990) HE20.8322:10

Alcohol Abuse and Women: A Guide to Getting Help HE20.8308:W84

Alcohol Abuse and Women Today HE20.2:Al 1

Alcohol Consumption Among Women Who Are Pregnant or Who Might Become Pregnant --- United States, 2002 (MMWR, December 24, 2004 / 53(50);1178-1181) HE20.7009:53/50 Web access:

Alcohol Labeling and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, 1978: Hearing Y4.H88:Al 1/5/978/paper

Alcohol Programs and Women: Issues, strategies and resources HE20.8302:W84/2/review

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Resource Guide: Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals HE20.8008:AL1/11

Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse Among Women: Research issues: Proceedings HE20.8315:1

Alcoholic Women: They Do Recover HE20.8302:W84/5

Alcoholism and alcohol Abuse among Women: Research issues : proceedings HE20.8315:1

Alice Pike Barney: pastel portraits from studio house SI 6.2:B 26/3

Alien Smuggling / Human trafficking: Sending A meaningful message of deterrence: Hearing (Women – Crimes Against) Y4.J89/2:S.HRG.108-315 Web access:

Allegations of Sexual Assault at the U.S. Air Force Academy: Hearings


Allegations of Sexual Harassment at the Federal Aviation Administration: Hearing Y4.T68/2:105-42/MF

Alleged Retaliation by Sumitomo Corp. of America against employee who testified before Congress about sexual harassment and discrimination: Hearing Y4.G74/7:SU6/MF

An Alleged Wife: One Immigrant in the Chinese Exclusion Era (Prologue, Spring 2004, Vol. 36, No. 1) AE2.111:36/1

Alleviating World Hunger: Literacy and School feeding programs Women - Education - Developing countries Y4 89:H89/3/MF

Allowing the City of Pocatello, Idaho, to use certain lands for a correctional facility for women: Report Y1.1/5:102-121/MF

Allowing the City of Pocatello, Idaho, to use certain lands for a correctional facility for women: Report Y1.1/8:102-127/MF

Alone You Are Nobody, Together We Float: The Manuela Ramos Movement. Quality/Calidad/Qualite Number 10 (Lima, Peru) ED1.310/2:447265/MF – ERIC Web access:

Amend the National School Lunch Act: Report (Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children) Y1.1/5:105-243/MF

Amending Title VII, Civil Rights acts of 1964: Report (Sex Discrimination Against Women) 95-1:S.rp.331

Amending Title 38, United States Code, to specify the frequency of screening mammograms provided to women veterans by the Department of Veterans Affairs: Report Y1.1/5:105-158/MF

American Army Women Serving on All Fronts (video) (World War, 1939-1945 - Women - United States) AE1.130/2:AR5 Web access

The American Association of Women in Community and Junior Colleges (AAWCJC): Celebrating 20 Years of Growth & Service, 1973-1993 ED1.310/2:370610/MF – ERIC Web access:

American Indian/Alaska native/native Hawaiian resource kit (other title: Pregnancy is sacred) HE20.402: F43/2/ KIT WEB ACCESS:

American Indian and Alaska Native Women Business Owners L36.114/3:89-9

American Indian or Alaska Native Women and Smoking HE20.41:2/SM7/2004002342 Web access:

American Women PR35.8:W84/Am3

American Women: A Gateway to Library of Congress resources for the Study of Women's

History and culture in the United States Web access: LC2.2:2004003166

American Woman, A Library of Congress Guide for the Study of Women’s History And Culture in the United States, 2001 LC2.8:W84

American Woman, A Library of Congress Guide for the Study of Women’s History And Culture in the United States, 2001: Research Guide Table of Contents

American Women: A Guide to History and Culture (Library of Congress Information Bulletin) LC1.18:61/1

American Women, A Profile C3.205/8:95-19

American Women and the Military in the 20th Century ED1.310/2:367580/MF – ERIC Web


American Women Home Page (Library of Congress website) Web access:

American Women Nurses in the Spanish-American War (Cultural Resource Management- CRM vol.21, no.11) I 29.86/2:21/11 Web access:

American Women on the Move! Y3.W84/2:Am3/2

American Women: Report of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women, 1963 PR35.8:W84/Am3

American Women: Three Decades of Change: Hearing Y4.Ec7:W84/6/MF

American Women Today and Tomorrow Y3.W84/2:Am3

American Women Workers in a Full Employment Economy: A Compendium of Papers Y4.Ec7:W84/2

American Women Workers in a Full Employment Economy: Hearing Y4.Ec7:W 84/4

America's Commitment: Federal Programs benefiting Women and new initiatives as follow-up to the UN Fourth World Conference on Women PR42.8:W84

America's Commitment: Women 2000 PR42.8:W84/2/2000 Web access:

Amending Title 38, United States Code, to specify the frequency of screening mammograms provided to women veterans by the Department of Veterans Affairs: Report Y1.1/5:105-158/MF

And So I Began to Listen to Their Stories . . . Working With Women in the Criminal Justice System Web access:

Anna J. Cooper, A Voice from the South (African Americans - Biography) SI 1.2: C78

Anne Dudley Bradstreet : "The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America" (Women of Influence)

"Anne of Green Gables", A One-Act Musical Based on Lucy Maud Montgomery's Novel: Cue Sheet for Students ED1.310/2:442161/MF - ERIC Web access:

Anne Marbury Hutchinson: "Courageous Exponent of Civil Liberty and Religious Toleration" (Women of Influence) Web access:

Annual Report on the Employment of Minorities, Women & handicapped individuals in the Federal Government Y3.EQ2:12-5/

Annual Report on the Federal Work Force (Discrimination in employment and Women in the civil service – U.S. - Statistics) Y3.EQ2: 2/annual WEB ACCESS:

Anthropology CUNY panel: Rethinking the Disciplines (Women in the Curriculum)

ED1.310/2:432963/MF – ERIC Web access:

Anthropology Discipline Analysis (Women in the Curriculum) ED1.310/2:432967/MF – ERIC Web access:

Anthropometric and mass distribution characteristics of he adult female (Women

- United States - Physiology)  TD 4.210: 83-16 Web access:


Anthropometric and Mass distribution characteristics of the adult female (Women

- United States - Physiology)  (rev.ed) TD 4.210:83-16/2/MF

Anti-Trafficking News Bulletin (Forced labor, Prostitution,  Slave trade, and Women - Crimes against - Prevention) J 1.3/3:irregular Web access:

"Any Woman who is now or may hereafter be married . . .": Women and Naturalization, ca. 1802-1940 (Prologue Summer 1998) AE2.111:30/2 Web access:

Appalachia: Rural Women and the Economics of hunger: Hearing Y4.H 89:99-8/MF

Apprenticeship training administration, use, and Equal Opportunity: Report (Women)


Approving the Location of the Memorial To the Women Who Served In Vietnam Y.1.1/5:101-171/MF

Are “Lesbians” or Other Women who have sex with women at risk for HIV?

Are Women More Vulnerable to Alcohol's Effects? (Alcohol Alert No.46, Dec. 1999) HE20.8322:46 Web access:

Armed Forces 2002 sexual harassment survey (other title: Sexual harassment survey)

D1.2: 2004015954/SLIDES Web access:

Army Historical Series: The Women’s Army Corps 1945-1978) D 114.9:W84

Army Sexual Harassment Incidents at Aberdeen Proving Ground Y4.AR5/3:S.HRG.105-76/MF

Art Discipline Analysis (Women in the Curriculum) ED1.310/2:432968/MF – ERIC Web access:

Artwork Cancer in Women of Color Web access:

Asian American Women and Entrepreneurship Web access: (2006)


Asian American Women Business Owners L36.114/3:89-8

Asian or Pacific Islander Women and Smoking HE20.41:2/SM7/2004002343 Web access:

Assessing and Improving Measures of Hot Flashes Web access:

Assessing and Improving Measures of Hot Flashes --Meeting Summary Web access:

Assessing the Environment for Women of Color in Student Affairs (American Indians; Asian Americans; Blacks; Hispanic Americans) ED1.310/2:398516/MF – ERIC Web access:

“Assessing the Truths and Myths of Women in War and Peace" Web access:

Assessment of U.S. Activities to Combat Trafficking in Persons, June 2004 Web access:

Assessment of WIC Cost-containment Practices: Executive summary A93.60:31 Web access:

Assignment of Army & Marine Corps Women under the new definition of ground support: Hearings Y4.AR5/2/A:993-4/50/MF

Association of African-American Mothers' Perceptions of their Neighborhood with their Parenting and Adolescent Adjustment ED1.310/2:419075/MF – ERIC Web access:

The Association of Personal-Related Variables to Length of Sobriety: A Study of Prognostic Indicators of Successful Treatment for Chemically Dependent Women ED1.310/2:447374/MF – ERIC Web access:

Assaults by Wives on Husbands: Implications for Primary Prevention of Marital Violence ED1.310/2:312576/MF – ERIC Web access:

At the Forefront: The Role of Women's Community Education in Combating Poverty and Disadvantage in the Republic of Ireland ED1.310/2:468934/MF – ERIC Web access:

Athletic Department Profiles (Women college administrators) GA1.13:HRD-93-24R/MF Web access:

The Athletic Experience of Ethnically Diverse Girls (African American students)

ED1.310/2:416268/MF – ERIC Web access:

Attachment and Reunification: Building Parental Skills (Justice Involved Women with Co-Occuring Disorders and Their Children Series) Web access:

Attorney General's Task Force on Family Violence: Final Report J 1.2:F21/2

 Auntie Pollution:  A Coloring Book for Boys and Girls HE 20.3552:AU5

       Web access:     

Authorizing the Air Force Memorial Foundation to Etablish A Memorial: Report (Black Revolutionary War Patriots Foundation-U.S. ; Women in Military Service) Y 1.1/5: 103-210/MF

Authorizing A Study of Methods to Commemorate the Nationally Significant Contributions of Georgia O'Keefee: Report Y1.1/5:100-574/MF

Authorizing the Conveyance to the Columbia Hospital for Women of certain parcels of land in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes: Report Y1.1/8:102-912/PT.1- /MF

The Autobiography of a Fox Indian Woman, by Truman Michelson (Fortieth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology Pp. 291-349).

Awareness and Education About Heart Disease among Women: Report Y1.1/8:108-440/MF Web access:

Bariatric Surgery in Women of Reproductive Age: Special Concerns for Pregnancy  (Evidence Report/Technology Assessment Number 169)  Web access:

A Balanced Look at the Menstrual Cycle HE20.4010/a:M52/2/995

Balancing Act: The health advantages of naturally-occurring hormones in hormone

replacement therapy: Hearing Y 4.G 74/7: AD 9/13/MF Web access:

Band of Angels: Sister Nurses in the Spanish-American War (Prologue, Fall 2002) AE2.111:34/3 Web access:

Bariatric Surgery in Women of Reproductive Age: Special Concerns for Pregnancy 

(Evidence Report/Technology Assessment Number 169)  Web access:

Barrier Free Serving Young Women With Disabilities ED1.310/2:333644/MF - ERIC Web access:

Barriers Facing Minority and Women-Owned Businesses in Pennsylvania CR1.2:2003014020 Web access:

Barriers to Infectious Disease Care among Lesbians (CDC) Web access:

Basic Data on Women who Use Family Planning Clinics: United States, 1980



Basic Training: Services are Using a variety of approaches to Gender integration: Report GA 1.13:NSIAD-96-153/MF Web access:

Battered Immigrant Women Protection Act of 1999 Y4.J89/1:106/116/MF Web access:

Battered Women and Child Custody Litigation: Hearing Y4.J 89/1:102/120/MF

Battered Women and the New Hampshire Justice System CR1.2:W84/7

Battered Women in Hartford, Connecticut CR1.2:W84/5

Battered Women in New Jersey CR1.2:W84/8

Battered Women: Issues of Public Policy CR1.2:W84/3

Battered Women: Issues of Public Policy: A Consultation Sponsored by the United States Commission on Civil Rights CR1.2:W84/3/agenda

Battered Women's Testimony Act of 1992 AE2.110:102-527 – PL 102-527

Battered Women's Testimony Act of 1992: Report Y1.1/8:102-991/MF

Batterer Intervention Programs: Where do we go from here? (Battered woman syndrome and Abusive men – US - Prevention) J28.15/2:B32 Web access:

A Bayesian Approach to the Evaluation of FIPSE Programs: Women's Inner City Educational Resource Service. Final Report ED1.310/2:175338/MF – ERIC

Be on the safe side for your personal protection (self-defense for women) J1.2:Sa1

Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The Construction of Gender in Children's Literature ED1.310/2:452487/MF – ERIC

Becoming a Woman Engineer in the Community of Practice: Validity and Value in Engineering-Education Research ED1.310/2:465706/MF – ERIC Web access:

Behavioral Risk Factors for Disease and preventive health practices among lesbians

Web access:

Behavioral Studies of drug-exposed offspring: Methodological issues in human and animal research (Pregnant women, drug use –cocaine, and infants) HE20.3965:164


Behind Closed Doors: Family Violence in the home: Hearing Y4.L11/4:S.hrg.102-277/MF

Behind the Scenes: Equal Employment Opportunity in the Motion picture industry (Blacks, Women, Hispanics, American Indian, Oriental Americans) CR1.2:Em7/12

Being Female--A Secondary Disability?: Gender Differences in the Transition Experiences of Young People with Disabilities ED1.310/2:342204/MF - ERIC Web access:

Belva Lockwood: Blazing the Trail for Women in Law (Prologue - Spring 2005) AE2.111:37/1 Web access:

Benefits for Former spouses of military members: Hearing (Divorced women - United States) Y4.Ar5/2 a: 981-82/ 70/pt.1- 2/MF

Benefits to Employers: Who Hire Women Veterans L36.114/3:92-3

The Best for Our Children the Sherburne-Earlville story (African American Women School superintendents) ED1.310/2:401065/MF – ERIC Web access:

Best Practices in achieving workforce diversity: Benchmarking Study PRVP42.2:R27/2003012037 Web access:

Beyond 9-5, the Diversity of Employment among 1992-93 College Graduates in 1997… ED1.328/11:EM7/MF

Beyond the Classroom: Empowering Girls PE1.10:M0080 Web access:

Beyond the Stereotypes: A Guide to Resources for Black Girls and young Women.

ED1.310/2:275772/MF – ERIC Web access:

Beyond the Stereotypes: Women, Addiction, and Perinatal Substance Abuse: Hearing Y4.C43/2:St4/MF

Beyond Tolerance: Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals on Campus ED1.310/2:336682/MF – ERIC Web access:

Beyond Women's Health: Incorporating Sex and Gender Differences Into Graduate Public Health Curricula (DHHS/HRSA) Web access:

Bilingual Women of NASA (Spanish) Web access:

Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of Ninety-Five of 120 Principle Chiefs From the Indian Tribes of North America I 20.2:In2/27 (Female chiefs: Mohongo, Hayne Hudjihini, Chippeway Shaw, Rantchewaime, Tshusick, Chippeway Widow and Pocahontas)

A Biographical Study of the Female Students at Oberlin College: 1836-1860 ED1.310/2:231287/MF – ERIC

Bioidentical hormones: Sound science or bad medicine: Hearing (menopause) Y 4.AG 4:

S.HRG.110-129 Web access:

Biological Mechanisms and Perinatal exposure to drugs (Research Monograph 158:) HE20.3965:158

Biology: CUNY Panel: Rethinking the Disciplines (Women in the Curriculum) ED1.310/2:432964/MF - ERIC Web access:

Biology: Discipline Analysis (Women in the Curriculum) ED1.310/2:432969/MF - ERIC Web access:

Birth Expectations of women in the United States, 1973-88 HE20.6209:23/17

Birthin' Babies: The History of Midwifery in Appalachia ED1.310/2:464795/MF – ERIC Web access:

Black Americans in Defense of Our Nation: A Pictorical Documentary of the Black

American Male and Female Participation and Involvement in the Military Affairs of

the United States of America D1.2:B56/991 Web access:

Black Cohosh (Questions and Answers About Black Cohosh and the Symptoms of

Menopause) Web access:

Black Dispatches (Civil War – Harriet Tubman) Web access:

Black Feminism and “Race Uplift,” 1890-1900 ED1.310/2:221445/MF – ERIC & paper Web access:

The "Black Girl Turn" in Research on Gender and Science Education: Toward Exploring and Understanding the Early Experiences of Black Females. A Literature Review Paper ED1.310/2:499925/MF – ERIC Web access:

Black Girls and Schooling Directory of Strategies and Programs for Furthering the

Academic Performance and Persistence Rate of Black Females K-12

TD 4.210:83-16 and ED1.310/2:302603/MF – ERIC Web access:


Black Girls and Women in Elementary Education History of Black Women's education in

the South, 1865-present ED1.310/2:281957/MF – ERIC Web access:

Black Parent-Teacher Associations and the Origins of the National Congress of Colored

Parents and Teachers, 1896-1926 (Blacks, Black Women) ED1.310/2:442722/MF -


The Black Woman ED1.310/2:104990/MF - ERIC

Black Women and the Philosophy of “Race Uplift” Prior to Emancipation ED1.310/2:221444/MF – ERIC & paper Web access:

Black Women Business Owners L36.114/3:89-7

Black Women in the Academy. Promises and Perils ED1.310/2:410836/MF - ERIC

Black Women in the Labor Force L36.114/3: 90-4 & 97-1

Black Women's Academic Education in the South History of Black Women's education in

the South, 1865-present ED1.310/2:281959/MF – ERIC Web access:

Black Women's Vocational Education History of Black Women's education in the South,

1865-present ED1.310/2:281958/ MF – ERIC Web access:

The Blackwell family, Carrie Chapman Catt, and the National American Woman Suffrage

Association (rev. ed.,1985 (women’s sufferage) LC 4.10:44 and LC 4.2:B 56/985

Bladder Control for Women HE20.3302:B56

Bladder Control for Women. Spanish. (Control de la vejiga en las mujeres) HE20.3302:B56/SPAN.

Blood Mercury Levels in Young Children and Childbearing-Aged Women - United States,

2002. (MMWR November 5, 2004 / 53(43);1018-1020) HE20.7009:53/43

A Body of Writing, 1990-1999 (Chapter 5: "Women's Subjectivity and Feminist Stories")

ED1.310/2:438553/MF – ERIC

Books for Schools and the Treatment of Minorities: Hearings Y4.ED8/1:B64/3

Born Hooked: Confronting the impact of perinatal substance abuse: Hearing (pregnant women, drug abuse in pregnancy) Y 4.C 43/2:P 41/MF

“Breaking Down Barriers to Health Care for Women with Disabilities” (black & Hispanic women)

Breaking the Barrier: Women Lighthouse Keepers & Other Female Employees of the U. S. Lighthouse Board / Service Web access:

Breaking the Bonds: Women School Leaders Confront the Effects of Socialization ED1.310/2:465705/MF – ERIC Web access:

Breaking the Cycle of Domestic Violence: Know the Facts HH 1.2:V81 & 2000

Breaking the Glass Ceiling in the 1990s L36.102:G46

Break the Silence, Stop the Violence (Wife abuse) D1.2:SI 3/PACKAGE

Breast Cancer: 44A Resource Guide for Minority Women (African American Women) Web access:

Breast Cancer in Younger Women: Proceedings of a conference held at the National Institutes of Health HE 20.3162/3:16

Breast Cancer Prevention Study: Are healthy women put at risk by federally funded research?: Hearing Y4.G74/7:B74/2/MF

Breast Cancer Resource Guide for Minority Women HE1.6/3:C16 and HE1.6/3:C16/Web access:

Breast Cancer Screening for Women ages 40-49 HE20.3046:15/1

Breast Cancer screening in women ages 40-49: January 1985 through November 1996 :

334 selected citations HE 20.3615/2: 96-5 Web access:



Breastfeeding Practices — Results from the National Immunization Survey Web access:

Breastfeeding Promotion Research: The ES / WIC Nutrition Education Initiative and economic considerations A1.75: 744/MF Web accewss:

Breastfeeding: Some Strategies used to market infant formula may discourage

breastfeeding; state contracts should better protect against misuse of WIC name: Report GA1.13: GAO-06- 282

Breastfeeding: WIC's Efforts to Promote breastfeeding have increased: Report GA1.13:HRD-94-13 Web access:

A Brief List of Works Concerning Aunt Molly Jackson LC1.12/2:J13

Bringing Beijing Home: The Fourth World Conference: A success for the world's Women


Bridging the Gender Gap: Eliminating Retirement income disparity for women: Hearing

Y4.AG4: S.HRG.109-493/MF Web access:

Budgetary Examination of the investment potential of the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC): Hearing Y4.B85/3:102-9/MF

Buena salud de por vida: su guia para mantenerse sana (Women - Health aspects – US) HE 20.3002:H34/4 Web access:

Building A Legacy: Women in Social Education, 1784-1984 (NCSS Bulletin)

ED1.310/2:466434/MF – ERIC Web access:

Building Capacity to Prevent and Control Chronic Disease in Underserved Communities: Expanding the Wisdom of WISEWOMAN in Intervening at the Environmental Level Web access:

Building Data Systems for Monitoring and Responding to Violence Against Women: Recommendations from a Workshop HE20.7009/2-2/49/RR-11 Web access:

Building Effective Programs: Coping with the Patchwork Quilt of Women's Health Issues: A Workshop for State Health Policymakers Web access:

Building on the success of 35 years of Title IX: Hearing (sex discrimination against

women / sports and education) Y 4.ED 8/1: 110-48/MF Web access:

Building the Future: The Maternal and Child Health Training Program ED1.310/2:449696/MF - ERIC

Bureau of Prisons: Alderson WV ( women’s prison) Web access:

Business Opportunity and Procurement Opportunity for Women-Owned Small Business: Hearing Y4.SM1:103-108/MF

Cadet Evaluation Battery: A Comparison of 1975 Male and Females Scores with One Another and With 1971 Male Scores D 101.60:330/MF

Caffeine and Pregnancy HE20.4002:C11

The Campus Climate Revisited: Chilly for Women Faculty, Administrators, and Graduate Students ED1.310/2:282462/MF – ERIC Web access:

The Campus Climate Revisited: Chilly for Women Faculty, Administrators, and Graduate Students, Final Report ED 1.310/2:298837/MF – ERIC Web access:

Cancer in African American Women Web access:

Cancer in Alaska Native Women Web access;

Cancer in American Indian Women Web access;

Cancer in American Samoan Women Web access;

Cancer in Asian American Women Web access;

Cancer in Cuban Women Web access;

Cancer in Mexican American Women Web access;

Cancer in Native Hawaiian Women Web access;

Cancer in Puerto Rican Women Web access;

"Can't You Lighten Up a Bit?" Black Women Administrators in the Academy ED1.310/2:455350/MF – ERIC Web access;

Cardiac Risk Underestimation in Urban, Black Women Web access;

Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction: The Massachusetts WISEWOMAN Program Web access:

Career Changers: Women (and Men) Who Switch to Teaching ED1.310/2:466452/MF – ERIC Web access:

Career Counseling for Women in the Federal Government: A handbook CS 1.54:27

Career Counseling of Girls and women guidelines for professional practice

ED1.310/2:414524?MF – ERIC Web access:

Career Ccounseling for Women in the Federal Government: A Handbook CS 1.54:27

Career Development and the Future World of Work for Executive Women ED1.310/2:492645/MF – ERIC Web access:

Career Development for African American and Latina Females ED1.310/2:410369/MF – ERIC Web access:

Careers for Women in Science and Technology: Hearing Y4.SCI2:103/127/MF

Caregiving Best Practice Profile. Coalition building National Federal of Interfaith Caregivers (Older Women's Leaque for National Eldercare Institute on Older Women) HE1.1002:EL2/17/NO.1/MF

Caregiving Best practice profile. Financial assistance Woodward Respite Care Fund (Older Women's Leaque for National Eldercare Institute on Older Women)

HE1.1002:EL 2/17/NO.2/MF

Caregiving Best practice profile. Outreach to people of color Family Survival Project (Older Women's Leaque for National Eldercare Institute on Older Women)

HE1.1002:EL 2/17/NO.4/MF

Caregiving Best practice profile. Outreach to rural populations Volunteer Information Provider Program (Older Women's Leaque for National Eldercare Institute on Older Women) HE1.1002:EL 2/17/NO.5/MF

Caregiving Best practice profile. Support services Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center (Older Women's Leaque for National Eldercare Institute on Older Women)

HE1.1002:EL 2/17/NO.3/MF

Caring for New Mothers: Pressing Problems, New Solutions: Hearing Y4.C43/2:M85/MF

Carry A. Nation: "The Famous and Original Bar Room Smasher" Curriculum Packet (Female Reformer; prohibition, anti-smoking, women's health, and suffrage) ED1.310/2:477747/NMF – ERIC Web access:

CASA: New Directions, A Program Model for Battered Women L36.112:22

Catholic Women's Colleges in America ED1.310/2:463680/MF - ERIC

CDC - Health Topic: Women's Health Web access;

CDC Recommendations Regarding Selected Conditions Affecting Women’s Health HE20.7009/2-2:2000/49/RR-2 Web access;

CDC Report Regarding Selected Public Health Topics Affecting Women's Health HE20.7009/2-2:2001//50/RR-6 Web access;

The CDC Guide To Breastfeeding Interventions Web access;

Celebrate the Beauty of Youth (African American Women) (NIH) Web access:

Celebrating Women's History: Recommendations to President William Jefferson Clinton PR42.8:W84/3/2003012595 Web access:

Center for Women Veterans (VA website) Web access:

Center for Women Veterans in the Department of Veterans Affairs: Report Y1.1/8:103-538/MF

A Century of Women's Basketball. From Frailty to Final Four ED1.310/2:336377/MF – ERIC Web access:

A Century of Women's Health, 1900-2000 HE20.41:2/2003001535 Web access:

CETA Journey, A walk on the women's side: Booklet which documents CETA's responsibilities to women and women's access to CETA L 36.112:19 

The Challenge of Compliance: Food Security in Rural Households Affected by Welfare Reform. Food Assistance Needs of the South's Vulnerable Population (Blacks / Feminization of Poverty) ED1.310/2:467441/MF – ERIC Web access:

Challenges for Women: Taking charge, taking care: Hearing Y 4.Ag 4:S.hrg.99-629/MF

Chances Are-- You Need A Mammogram: A Guide for Midlife and Older Women

HE 20.3158:M31

Changes in the Gender Gap in Crime and Women's Economic Marginalization (From The Nature of Crime: Continuity and Change) Web access

Changes in the Social and Economic Status of Women by metro-nonmetro residence A1.75:732/MF Web access:

Front Matter (contents, summary)

Introduction and text of the report


Changing America: The New Face of Science and Engineering: The Task Force on Women Minorities, and the Handicapped in Science and Technology: Final Report Y3.W84/3:2Am3/2

Changing America: The new face of Science and engineering: Task Force on Women, Minorities, and the Handicapped in Science and Technology: interim Report Y3.W84/3:2Am3

Changing Directions in the Treatment of Women: A Mental Health Bibliography


Changing Face of Medicine: Celebrating America’s Women Physicians

Changing Roles of Women in the Armed Forces D 1.2:W84/3

Changing the Opportunity Structure for Women in the Public Sector HH1.2:W84/9/V.3/MF

Characteristics of Elderly Men and women discharged from home health care services, United States, 1991-92 (Advance Data From Vital and Health Statistics PHS 95-1250) HE20.6209/3:259 Web access:

Characteristics of Homeless Female Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment, 2002

Web access:

Characteristics of visits to female and male physicians:  the national ambulatory medical care survey, United States, 1977 HE 20.6209:13/49      


Characteristics of Women Postsecondary Students ED1.310/2:221126/MF – ERIC Web access:

Characters in Textbooks: A review of the literature (Racism and Sexism) CR1.10:62

Chart Your Curse Career Planning for Young Women ED1.310/2:316719/MF – ERIC Web access:

Chartbook on Women and Disability in the United States ED1.2:D63/8x/999, ED1.310/2:432079/MF – ERIC and ED1.2:2003016020

Web access:

Charting Progress: The Role of Women in Reconstruction and Stabilization: Companion Article to the Special Report

A Checklist for Evaluating Materials; How to Determine if materials are sexist HE19.102:C41

Child Care and the Working Woman: Report and Recommendations HE1.2:W84/5/975

Child Care: Child care subsidies increase likelihood that low-income mothers will work: report GA1.13:HEHS-95- 20/MF WEB ACCESS:

Child Care: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84:10/2

Child Labor and the Work of Mothers in the Beet Fields of Colorado and Michigan (1923) L5.20:115

Children of Battered Women: Family Dynamics and Their Effect on Behavioral Profiles. ED1.310/2:450305/MF – ERIC Web access:

Children of Women Vietnam Veterans, (CWVV) Health Care Benefits Program


Children of Working Mothers L 2.3: 2158

Children of Working Mothers, March 1973. Special Labor Force Report No. 165

ED1.310/2:099559/MF – ERIC Web access:

Children of Working Mothers, March 1977. Special Labor Force Report 217

ED1.310/2:176886/MF – ERIC Web access:

Childspacing Among Birth Cohorts of American Women: 1905 to 1959


The Chilly Classroom Climate A Guide to Improve the Education of Women

ED1.310/2:396984/MF – ERIC Web access:

The Chilly Climate for Women and Cognitive Outcomes During the First Year of College

ED1.310/2:402847/MF – ERIC Web access:

China: Human Rights violations and coercion in one-child policy Enforcement: Hearing Y4.IN8/16:C44/21/MF Web access:

Chisholm, Shirley Anita (Biographical directory of the United States Congress,

1774-present) Web access:

Cigarette smoking among teen-agers and young women HE 20.3152:C 48                   

Cigarette Use among Pregnant Women and Recent Mothers Web access:

Circles of Women Professional Skills Training with American Indian Women

ED1.310/2:329377/MF –ERIC Web access:

Circles of Women: Professionalization training for American Indian Women: A Manual for counselors, teachers, workshop leaders, and trainers ED1.310/2:277510/MF – ERIC

Civil Rights Act of 1984: Hearings (Women, People with disabilities, Age Discrimination and Race Discrimination – U.S.) Y4.J89/2:S.hrg.98-934/MF

Civil Rights Act of 1990: Hearing (Women, People with disabilities, Age Discrimination and Race Discrimination – U.S.) Y 4.L11/4:S.hrg.101-649/MF

“The Civil War Homefront" (Effects of the Civil War on the homefront, and more particularly how the war affected women) Web access:

Clara Barton I 29.9/5:110

Clara Barton National Historic Site, George Washington Memorial Parkway, Maryland

I 29.6/6:C54

Clara Barton National Historic Site, Historic Structure Report I 29.88:C54/V.1-2

Clara Barton National Historic Site, Maryland I 29.21:C54

A Clash of Ideologies: The Reagan Administration Versus the Women's Educational Equity Act ED1.310/2:266079/MF - ERIC

Classification of Women Offenders: A National assessment of current practices J 16.102:2002009327 Web access

Classification of Women Offenders in state correctional facilities: A handbook for practitioners J 16.102:97028348 Web access:

Clients of Prostitute Women: Deterrence, Prevalence, Characteristics, and Violence Web access:

Cloning: A Risk to Women?: Hearing Y4.C73/7:S.HRG.108-844/MF Web access:

Clothing for Ladies and Gentlemen of Higher and Lower Standing: A Working Pamphlet to Aid the Imitators of New England Citizens of the Eighteenth Century I 29.2:C62

The Coal employment project : how women can make breakthroughs into nontraditional

industries  L 36.102:C 63  

Coast Guard: Information Needed to Assess the Extent of Sexual Assaults on Ships: Report (Women merchant mariners – U.S. - Crimes Against)

GA1.13:RCED-89-59/MF Web access:

Cocaine Abuse and Reproductive Function in Women Web access:

Coerced Sterilization of Romani Women in Slovakia: A Report Y4.SE2:ST4/MF

Web access:

Coercive Population Control in China: Hearings Y4.IN8/16:C65/MF

Coercive Population Control in China: New evidence of forced abortion and forced sterilization: Hearing Y4.IN8/16:C65/2/MF Web access:

Cohabitation, Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the United States (Women – US – Statistics) HE 20.6209: 23/22 Web access:

Cohen v. Brown University and the Acceleration of Gender-Equity in Higher Education. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper ED1.310/2:427564/MF – ERIC Web access:

A College for Appalachia: Alice Lloyd on Caney Creek ED1.310/2:384459/MF - ERIC

Color-Line to Borderlands: The Matrix of American Ethnic Studies. American Ethnic and Cultural Studies Series (American Indian Studies; Asian Americans; Asian Studies; Black History; Black Studies; Hispanic Americans; Homosexuality; Womens Studies) ED1.310/2:474542/MF – ERIC

The Collaborative Perinatal Study of the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke: The Women and Their Pregnancies HE 20.3502:P91

A Collection of Articles That Address Women's Health and Gender Differences

Web access:

Columbia Hospital for Women--Conveyance of Land: Markups Y4.D63/1:101-2/MF

Combating Human Trafficking: Achieving Zero Tolerance: Hearing (Women and Children

- Crimes Against) Y4.IN 8/16:H88/43/MF Web access:

Combating Human Trafficking in China: Hearing Y4.C44: H88/7/MF

Combating Violence Against Women: Hearing Y4.J89/2:S.hrg.104-842/MF

Commemorative Coin Program Women in Military Service for America Memorial Foundation, Inc. GA1.13:AIMD-98-38 R/MF

Commission on the Advancement of Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology Development Act: Report Y1.1/8:105-562/PT.1-

Commission on the Status of Women. Report and Recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly June, 1974 ED1.310/2:096595/MF - ERIC

Commissions, Committees, and Councils on the Status of Women L 36.102:St2/2

Common Screening and Diagnostic Tests (women - diagnostic tests) HE20.41:2Scr2/2008

   Web access:                   

Common Threads: Quilt-Making and Teaching ED1.310/2:436325/MF – ERIC Web access:

Common Threads: Women, Mathematics, and Work ED1.310/2:417965/MF – ERIC

A Common World: Courses in Women's Studies for Rural and Urban Communities ED1.310/2:235102/MF – ERIC Web access:

A Community Checklist: Important Steps to End Violence Against Women: "-- What Can We do About it?" J 1.2:V81/7 and J 1.2:1/81/7                  

Community Environment and Women's Health Outcomes: Contextual Data HE20.6209:23/23 Web access:

Cómo puede la mujer mantenerse saludable a cualquier edad: lista de verificación

para su próximo reconocimiento medico (Women, stay healthy at any age. Spanish)

HE20.6502:W 84/SPAN. WEB ACCESS:

A Comparative Analysis of White Slavery in the Modern World (female prostitution) ED1.310/2:271650/MF - ERIC

A Comparative Investigation of Safer Sex Practices among Canadian and New Zealand Prostitutes. NALL Working Paper ED1.310/2:460280/MF – ERIC Web access:

A Comparative View of the Roles of Women and Men: Grades 6-12. Comparative Studies Series ED1.310/2:238799/MF – ERIC

A Comparison Between Male and Female Mathematics Anxiety at a Community College ED1.310/2:432349/MF – ERIC Web access:

Comparison of the Use of School Placement Services and other employer recruitment methods for jobs filled by different Race, Sex, and education attainment groups ED1.310/2:260168/MF - ERIC Web access:

Comparable Issue for the 80’s (Volume 1, June 6-7,1984) CR1.2:C73/3/v.1-

Comparable Issue for the 80’s: A Consultation of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (Washington, DC, June 6-7, 1984). Volume 2: Proceedings ED1.310/2:256665/MF – ERIC Web access:

A Comparative Investigation of Safer Sex Practices Among Canadian and New Zealand Prostitutes. NALL Working Paper ED1.310/2:460280/MF – ERIC Web access:

A Comparison of Female and Male Treatment Admissions: 2002 Web access:

A Comparison of the Adult Performance Levels of Women Offenders in the Texas Department of Corrections and Free-World Women in Texas ED1.310/2:154135/MF – ERIC

A Comparison of the Interpersonal Behavior Orientation of College Freshman Women from Catholic School Background with College Freshman Women from Public School Background ED1.310/2:083524/MF – ERIC

A Comparison of the Mathematics Achievement of Males and Females. Bulletin No. 9194 ED1.310/2:159073/MF - ERIC

Compendium: Conference on the Educational and Occupational Needs of Black Women

HE19.202:Ed8/6/v.1-2 and ED1.310/2:156768/MF - ERIC Volume 1: Overview and

Recommendations; ED1.310/2:157961/MF – ERIC Volume 2: Research Papers

A Compendium of National Statistics of women-owned businesses in the U.S. executive summary and data report Y3.W84/4:2C73 Web access:

Comprehensive Services for HIV-infected pregnant Women and their newborns: Seven Case Studies HE20.9102:H88

Conference on the Educational and Occupational Needs of Black Women, December 16-17, 1975. Compendium, Volume 1. Overview and Recommendations ED1.310/2:156768/MF – ERIC and HE19.202: Ed8/6/ v.1-2

Conference on the Educational and Occupational Needs of Hispanic Women, June 29-30, 1976, December 10-12, 1976 ED1.310/2:194252/MF – ERIC Web access:

Conference on the Educational and Occupational Needs of White Ethnic Women (October 10-13, 1978) ED1.310/2:194421/MF - ERIC

Conference Proceedings: National Symposium on Women Offenders J 1.2:W84/4

Confirmation Hearing on the Nominations of William H. Pryor, Jr., to be Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Circuit and Diane M. Stuart to be Director, Violence Against Women Office, Department of Justice: Hearing Y4.J 89/2:S.HRG.108-264/MF Web access:

Confronting Domestic Violence: A Guide for Criminal Justice Agencies J 28.23:V81

Confronting Domestic Violence: The Role of Criminal Court Judges J 28.24:V81/2

Congressional-Executive Commission on China 2005 Annual Report - III. Monitoring Compliance With Human Rights - -III (f) Status of Women: Findings (laws and institutions | trafficking of women and girls | gender disparities) Web access:

Congressional Symposium on Women and Retirement: Hearing Y4.AG4/2:C76/5

Connecting Women's Voices: A Symposium on the Intersection of Gender, Race, and Class ED1.310/2:479147/MF – ERIC

Los consejos de la abuelita (Hispanic American teenage girls) HE20.430:G76/SPAN. Web access:

Consejos para la futura mamá: cómo alimentarse y mantenerse activo durante: toda la

Vida HE20.3302:P91/2/ 2002/SPAN. Web access:

Consider a Career in Aerospace (Women in aeronautics / Women air pilots) NAS1.19/6:2000-02-132-HQ

Constitutional Aspects of the Right to Limit Childbearing CR1.2:C43

Constructing Denver's New Airport: Are Minorities and Women benefiting? CR1.10:97

Consumer Health information for Women: Assessing the role of the federal Government: Hearing Y4.AG4/2:W84/18/MF

Contextual Factors in Education: Improving Science and Mathematics Education for Minorities and Women ED1.310/2:288947/MF - ERIC

The Contributions of Women to the United States Naval Observatory: The Early Years (NAVY) Web access:

Contraceptive Efficacy Among married women aged 15-44 years, United States


Contraceptive Efficacy Among Married Women 15-44 Years of Age in the United States, 1970-73 HE20.6209/3:26 (Advance Data From Vital and Health Statistics) Web access:

Contraceptive Use Patterns, Prior Source, and Pregnancy History of Female Family Planning Patients: United States, 1980 (Advance Data From Vital and Health Statistics PHS 82-1250) HE20.6209/3:82 Web access:

Contraceptive Utilization Among Widowed, Divorced, and Separated Women in the United States, 1973 and 1976 HE20.6209/3:40 (Advance Data From Vital and Health Statistics) Web access:

Control de la vejiga en las mujeres (Bladder control for women. Spanish) HE20.3302:B56/SPAN.

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: Report


Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: Report

Y1.1/6:107-9/MF Web access:

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (Ex. R, 96-2): Hearing Y4.F76/2:S.HRG.103-892/MF

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: Hearing


Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: Message from the President X 96-2:S.ex.doc.R

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: Report


Conveyance of Land to the Columbia Hospital for Women: Hearing Y4.D63/1:100-7/MF

Conveyance of Land to Columbia Hospital for Women: Report Y1.1/5:103-125/MF

Conveyance of Land to Columbia Hospital for Women: Report Y1.1/8:103-23/PT.1-

Conveying Sympathy to The Families of The Young Women Murdered in Chihuahua Y4.IN8/16:M57/10/MF Web access:

Cool Names for Women? The Cold Facts, They're Not! (poster) D2.9:N15

Corporate Reactions to Workplace conditions in Wyoming: A statement (Women miners)


Costs and Effectiveness of Cervical Cancer Screening in Elderly Women Y3.T22/2:2C33

Web access:

Costs of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in the United States HE 20.7952:C82 (Abused Women, wife Abuse) Web access:

Counseling Girls and Women: Awareness, Analysis, Action L7.2:C83/4

Court-Mandated Counseling for Men Who Batter: A Tree-Day Workshop for Mental Health Professionals: Participant's Manual (Wife abuse) J 26.8:B 32/Participants

"Coyote and Spider Woman and Other Creation Stories" (Navajo mythology - Juvenile literature) ED1.310/2:442166/MF - ERIC Web access:

Crafting Flight: Aircraft Pioneers and the story of the contributions of the men and Women of NASA Langley Research Center NAS1.21:2003-4316

"Creating A Circle of Care”: Comprehensive Service Delivery to HIV-positive pregnant Women and their newborns: A Manual on best practices HE20.9508:H88

Creating A Place for Learning: Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement ED1.310/2:471831/MF – ERIC Web access:

Creating and Maintaining a Diverse Faculty New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 87 ED1.310/2:376884/MF - ERIC Web access:

Creating and Maintaining a Diverse Faculty: ERIC Digest ED1.310/2:386261/MF – ERIC Web access:

The Creative Woman: A Report of the Committee on the Arts and Humanities Y3.W84/2:C86 and ED1.310/2:155098/MF - ERIC

Credit Discrimination: Hearings (Race, color, age, sex, etc.) Y4.B22/1:C86/14/pts.1-3/paper

Credit: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84:10/3

Crimes of Violence Motivated by Gender: Hearing Y4.J89/1:103/51/MF

The Criminalization of Domestic Violence: Promises and Limits J 28.24/3:71

Critical Events Shaping the Hispanic Woman's Identity ED1.310/2:234303/MF – ERIC Web access:

Critical Issues Bibliography (CRIB) sheet gay, lesbian, bisexual college students

ED1.310/2:450658/MF – ERIC Web access:

A Critical Review of Ann Rinaldi's "My Heart Is on the Ground: The Diary of Nannie Little Rose, A Sioux Girl, Carlisle Indian School, Pennsylvania, 1880" ED1.310/2:437229/MF – ERIC Web access:

The Cultural Constructs of Race, Gender, and Class: A Study of How Afro Caribbean and Indo Caribbean Women Academics Negotiate Their Careers ED1.310/2:478395/MF – ERIC

Culture at the Crossroads: The Education of Women. Is There a Future for Women's Colleges in the New Millennium? ED1.310/2:447279/MF – ERIC Web access:

Current Industrial Reports. MA-23F, Women's and Childrens' Outerwear C3.158:MA23F

Current Issues in Women's Health HE20.4010/4:W84 & 994

Current Status and Future Trends of Diversity Initiatives in the Workplace: Diversity experts' perspective ED1.310/2:414474/MF - ERIC Web access:

Current Status of Diversity Initiatives in Selected Multinational Corporations ED1.310/2:414475/MF - ERIC Web access:

Current Topics in Forest Research: Emphasis on contributions by women scientists: proceedings of a national symposium, Gainesville, Florida, November 4-6, 1986 A13.88:SE-46 Web access:

A Curriculum in Speech for the Catholic Women's Liberal Arts College in the Light of Contemporary Needs ED1.310:048280/MF - ERIC

Curriculum on Women in Contemporary India: A Multidisciplinary and Historical Approach. Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminars Abroad 1966 (India) ED1.310/2:421374/MF – ERIC Web access:

The Cycle of Violence J 28.24:V81/3

The Cycle of Violence Revisited J 28.24/7:V81

DACOWITS, Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services 1991 Fall Conference, Miami Beach, Florida D 1.2:W84/2/991-2/MF

A Dangerous Experiment; 100 Years of Women at the University of Michigan ED1.310/2:047609/MF - ERIC

The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Homeless Female Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment, 2002 Web access:

The DASIS Report: Dually Diagnosed Female Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions: 1999 Web access:

The DASIS Report: Facilities Offering Special Programs or Services for Women

Data Brief: Women and Underrepresented Minority-Scientists and Engineers NS1.11/3:996/14/MF

Data on Female Veterans VA1.2/12:yr.

Daughters of Mothers Who Smoked During Pregnancy are More Likely to Smoke, Study Says (NIDA Notes Volume 10, Number 5 - September/October 1995) HE20.3967:10/5

Daughters of the Union Veterans of the Civil War 1861-65: Hearing Y4.J 89/1:98/77/MF

Daybook (Women's health services – US) HE20.41:2/D33 WEB ACCESS:

DCI EIAP Monograph: International Trafficking In Women To The United States: A Contemporary Manifestation of Slavery and Organized Crime

Decisions and drinking: Reflections in a glass: A course for women HE 20.8302:D 35/2 re

and insert 9-11

Defense Contracting Regulations: A Guide for small business, small and disadvantaged business, and women-owned business D1.6:C76/5 and D1.6:C76 Web access:

Defense Health Care: Health Care benefit for Women comparable to other plans GA1.13:GAO-02-602 Web access:

Degree Awards to women: 1979 Update ED1.310/2:202396/MF - ERIC

Degree Awards to Women: An Update HE19.302:W84/4

"A Delightful Entertainment": Study Groups as Part of the Kalamazoo Ladies' Library Association ED1.310/2:429296/MF – ERIC Web access:

Democratic Reforms and Women's Higher Education During the U.S. Occupation of Japan, 1945-1952 ED1.310/2:478820/MF

Demographic and Socioeconomic Data on Female Veterans VA1.2:F 34/3

The Demographic Profile of U.S. Army Active Duty Women 1980-1994 Using the Total Army Injury and Health Outcomes Database Web access:

Demographics of Adolescent Pregnancy in the United States: Joint Hearing ED1.310/2:262320/MF – ERIC Web access:

Demonstration Projects for the Early Intervention and Prevention of Sexual Violence and Intimate Partner Violence among Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations Web access:

Department of Defense 1995 Sexual Harassment Survey (Sexual harassment of women – US) D1.2:97032158 WEB ACCESS:

Depresion: lo que toda mujer debe saber (Depression in Women –US) HE20.8102:D43/2


Depressed Moms & Child Development ED1.310/2:455940/MF - ERIC Web access:

Depression Among Moms: Prevalence, Predictors, and Acting Out among Third Grade Children. Child Trends Research Brief. Publication #2006-19 ED1.310/2:494232/MF - ERIC

Depression: What Every Woman Should Know (NIMH/NIH) HE20.8102:D44/19 and 2000 Web access:

Design Considerations in the Building of Women's Prisons J16.102:97028350


Design for Life. Abortion. A Student's Lesson Plan [and] A Teacher's Lesson Plan [and] A Lawyer's Lesson Plan ED1.310/2:250264/MF – ERIC Web access:

Developing Gender-Specific Classification Systems for Women Offenders J16.102:W84/2 Web access:

Developing Leadership Potential & Career Choices: A Report of the Statewide conferences on Women Helping Girls with Choices ED1.310/2:419090/MF - ERIC Web access:

Developing Services for Older Abused Women a Guide for Domestic Abuse Programs


Development of Literacy Follow-Up Materials for Women and Other Disadvantaged Population. Final Report of the Regional Workshop on the Preparation of Literacy Follow-Up Materials in Asia and the Pacific (9th, Islamabad, Pakistan, November 2-13, 1991) ED1.310/2:354401/MF – ERIC Web access:

Development with Women: Mainstreamed or Marginal?: Hearing Y4.H89:100-6/MF

Dewey's Disciples: "Progressive" Reformers in a Conservative New South (four female educators: Celestia Susannah Parrish, Marietta Pierce Johnson, Else Ripley Clapp and Grace Bigelow House) ED1.310/2:465777/MF -ERIC

Diabetes and Women’s Health Across the Life Stages HE20.7602:D54/2 Web access:

Diagnosis and Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease in Women HE20.6524:81

Web access:

Diagnosis and Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease in Women: Systematic reviews of

evidence on Selected topics HE20.6524:81/SUM. Web access:

Dietary Assessment Methodology for use in the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC): Final project report A98.2:D54/MF

Differences in Maternal Mortality Among Black and White Women -- United States, 1990

(MMWR, January 13, 1995 / 44(01);6-7,13-14) HE 20.7009:44/1

Directory: Curriculum Transformation projects and activities in the U.S. (Women in the Curriculum) ED1.310/2:432959/MF - ERIC Web access:

A Directory of Federal R&D Agencies’ Programs to Attract Women, Minorities, and other Physically Handicapped to Careers in Science and Engineering NS1.50:M66

Directory of Non Traditional Training and Employment Programs Serving Women L36.116:T68

Directory of Residency and fellowship Programs in Women's Health HE20.41:2/2004002156

Disabled Women in America: A Statistical Report PrEx1.10:D63/7

Disadvantaged Women and Their Children CR1.10:78

Discovering Their Voices: Engaging Adolescent Girls with Young Adult Literature

ED1.310/2:495935/MF - ERIC

Discriminatory Religious Schools and Tax Exempt Status CR1.10:75

Discrimination Against Blacks and Women at Federal Aviation Administration, Air traffic control facility, O’Hare Airport: Hearing Y4.G74/7:D63/8/MF

Discrimination Against Minorities and Women in Pensions and Health, Life, and Disability Insurance CR1.2:M66/V.1-2

Discrimination Against Women…Hearings Parts 1-2 Y4.ED8/1:W84/3

Discrimination on the Basis of Pregnancy, 1977: Hearings Y4.H88:P91/977/paper

A Discussion on the U.N. World Conference Against Racism: Hearing Y4.IN8/16:D63/3/MF

Disparities and Gender gaps in women's health, 1996: Health insurance, access to

care, health status HE20.6517/7: 8 WEB ACCESS:

The Displaced Homemakers Act: Hearing (Sex Discrimination Against Women) Y4.Ed8/1:H75/2/paper

Displaced Homemakers : programs and policy: An interim report Y3.T22/2:2H75


Disproportionate Minority Confinement, 2002 Update: Summary J32.2:M66/2/2004/SUMM. Web access:

Disproportionate Minority confinement: A review of the research literature from 1989

through 2001 J32.10:2004016767 Web access:

Disproportionate Minority Confinement: Lessons Learned from Five States J32.10:M66/3

Dissemination of Catholic Charities (USA Eldercare Materials) HE1.1002:C28/MF

District of Columbia Female offenders in the federal prison system: Oversight Hearing Y4.D63/1: 97-9/paper

The Divergent Roles of African Women in Place Making ED1.310/2:454145/MF – ERIC Web access:

Diversion Programming: Integrating Treatment with Criminal Justice Sanctions for Women with Co-Occurring Disorders (Justice Involved Women with Co-Occuring Disorders and Their Children Series) Web access:

Diversity: Celebrating a World of Differences AE1.102:C33/2

Diversity Digest D12.2: Web access:

Diversity In Law Firms (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)


Diversity in the Workforce A Literature Review ED1.310/2:414473/MF – ERIC Web access:

Diversity Increased in the Past Decade (Women, African Americans, Hispanics, Asian

Americans, and Native Americans) GA1.13:GAO-01-377/MF Web access:

Diversity of Programming in the broadcast spectrum: Is there a link between owner race

or ethnicity and news and public affairs programming?: A report C1.2:2001005353

Diversity Special: DOT Diversity TD1.2:D64

Diversity Strategy I 49.2:ST4

Diversity, the Competitive Advantage HE20.3152:D64

Diversity Training: Trends and Issues Alerts ED1.310/2:417292/MF - ERIC Web access:

Diversity Training: Myths and Realities No. 13 ED1.310/2:454403/MF - ERIC Web access:

Do Batterer intervention Programs Work?: Two Studies (Abused Women) J28.38:B32

Web access:

DOD Service Academies: Further efforts needed to eradicate sexual harassment:

statement GA 1.5/2:T-NSIAD-94-111/MF

DOD Service Academies: More actions needed to eliminate sexual harassment: Report


DOD Service Academies: Update on extent of sexual harassment: Report GA .13:NSIAD-


Doing Business with HUD: Guide for minority, women owned, and small businesses


DOL Working Women Count! L1.2:W84/4

The Dolley Madison House Ju13.2:M26

Domestic Abuse in later Life a cross training Manual on Working with Older Abused / Battered Women HE1.1008:D71/MF

Domestic and Sexual Violence Data Collection: Report to Congress under the Violence Against Women Act J28.24/3:Se9 Web access:

Domestic Criminal Violence: A Selected Bibliography J28.11:D71

Domestic Violence, 1978: Hearings Y4.H88:D71

Domestic Violence D1.2:2001011708 Web access:

Domestic Violence: A Workplace Issue (Women – Crimes Against) L36.114/3:96-3

Domestic Violence Against Older Women: Final Technical Report

Domestic Violence and New American: Directory of Programs and Resources for Battered Refugee Women HE20.410:P94

Domestic Violence and Stalking: The Annual Report to Congress under the Violence Against Women Act J35.21: & J28.24/3:D71/2 Web access:

Domestic Violence As A Public Health Issue: Hearing Y4.G74/7:D71/2/MF

Domestic Violence Assessment by Health Care practitioners: January 1990 through February 1997: 683 citations HE20.3615/2:97-3 Web access:

Domestic Violence Awareness Manual J35.8:97032816 Web access:

Domestic Violence by Police Officers: A compilation of Papers J1.14/2:V81/2

Domestic Violence by Police Officers: A compilation of papers J1.14/23:D71/CD

Domestic Violence, Final Report HE1.2:V81/v.1-3/MF

Domestic Violence: Hearing held in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, June 17-18, 1980: Testimony CR1.8:H24

Domestic Violence: Hearing held in Phoenix, Arizona, February 12-13, 1980: Testimony and exhibits CR1.8:D71/MF

Domestic Violence: Hearings Y4.Ed 8/1:D71

Domestic Violence in the OSCE Region: Briefing of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe Y4.SE2:V 81/paper and Web access:

Domestic Violence in Vermont: Hearing Y4.Ed8/1:D71/3/paper

Domestic Violence: Not Just A Family Matter: Hearing Y4.J89/1:103/93/MF

Domestic Violence Prevalence and Implications for Employment Among Welfare recipients: Report GA1.13:HEHS-99-12/MF

Domestic Violence Prevention and Services Act, 1980: Hearing Y4.L11/4:D71/3/980/MF

Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Antistalking Legislation: An Annual Report to Congress under the Violence Against Women Act J 28.24/3:D71/2 Web access:

Domestic Violence: Task Force Report D1.2:2001011708 Web access:

Domestic Violence: Terrorism in the Home: Hearing Y4.L11/4:S.hrg.101-897/MF

Domestic Violence: The Case for Social Advocacy ED1.310/2:435915/MF – ERIC Web access:

Domestic Violence: The Struggle for Survival: Hearing Y4.Ap6/2:S.hrg.102-45/MF

Domestic Violence Victims' Civil Legal Assistance Grants: Program Brief J35.2:D71

Domestic Violence-- What is it J35.2:97032822

Don’t Work in the Dark: Regional Working Women’s Summits Newsletter L36.102:W89/

Double Dilemma: Minorities and Women in Science Education ED1.310/2:220278/MF – ERIC Web access:

Double Jeopardy: Addressing Gender Equity in Special Education. SUNY Series, the Social Context of Education ED1.310/2:457611/MF – ERIC

Double Jeopardy: Pregnant and Parenting Youth in Special Education ED1.310/2:339174/MF - ERIC Web access:

Dream Catcher’s Artist’s Guild I 1.84:Ar7/2

Drug-Abusing Women Offenders: Results of a National Survey J28.24:D84/12

Drug Addiction Research and the Health of Women (African-American women; lesbians; Hispanic women; and American Indian women) HE20.3952:W84/2 web access:

Drug Addiction Research and the Health of Women: Executive Summary (African-American women; lesbians; Hispanic women; and American Indian women) HE20.3952: W84/2/ EXEC.SUM. Web access:

Drug dependence in pregnancy: Clinical management of mother and child HE20.8216/2-2: P91 and 979

Drug Safety: Most Drugs withdrawn in recent years had greater Health Risks for

Women GA1.13:GAO-01-286R Web access:

Drug Use and Increased Risk of HIV Among Lesbians and Other Women Who Have Sex With Women and

Dynamics of Women-Operated Sole Proprietorships, 1990-1998: Patterns in the

number, gross receipts, and net income of Women-operated sole proprietorships based on data provided by the Statistics of Income Division, Internal Revenue Service SBA1.2:2004018304 Web access:

E-News (U.S. Department of Labor, Women's Bureau) L36.117: WEB ACCESS:

Earnings differences between women and men L36.114/3:90-3

Earnings differences between women and men L36.114/3:93-5 Web access:

Earnings sharing implementation plan: Hearing (Women, Elderly) Y4.Ag4/2:Ea7/MF

An Easy Guide to Breastfeeding for African-American Women HE20.41:2/2002010110 Web access:

An Easy Guide to Breastfeeding for American Indian and Alaska Native Families HE20.41:2/2004002045 Web access:

Eating Disorders HE20.41:2/2004002253 WEB ACCESS:

Ecological Model of Battered Women’s Experience over Time, Final Report

Economic Census (1997). Report series (Women Owned Businesses) C3.277:CD-EC97- 2/DISC.2A- WEB ACCESS:

Economic Census (2002). Women-owned firms, 2002 C3.277/3:02-00 Web access:

Economic Problems of Aging Women: Hearing Y4.Ag 4/2:Ec7/MF

Economic Problems of Women Y4.EC7:W84/pt.4

The Economic Status of Black Women: An Exploratory Investigation CR1.2:B56/3

Economic Status of Women: Hearing Y4.Ec7:W84/5/MF and Ed1.310/2:220687/MF – ERIC Web access:

Economics: Discipline Analysis (Women in the Curriculum) ED1.310/2:432971/MF - ERIC Web access:

Education: A Workshop Guide (Sex discrimination against women – US) Y3.W84:10/4

Education and Immigrant Girls: Building Bridges between Cultures. WEEA Digest ED1.310/2:461995/MF – ERIC Web access:

Education and Unemployment of Women ED1.310/2:324376/MF - ERIC Web access:

Education: CUNY Panel: Rethinking the Disciplines (Women in the Curriculum) ED1.310/2:432965/MF - ERIC Web access:

Education: Discipline Analysis (Women in the Curriculum) ED1.310/2:432972/MF - ERIC Web access:

Education: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84/10/4

Educational Needs of Rural Women and Girls: Report of the National Advisory Council on

Women's Educational Programs Y3.Ed8/6:2Ed8

The Educational Progress of Women. Findings from "The Condition of Education 1995"

ED1.109/2-2:5, ED1.302:W 84/3 and ED1.310/2:457039/MF - ERIC Web access:

Effect of Pornography on Women and Children: Hearings Y4.J89/2:S.hrg.98-1267/MF and

ED1.310/2:257009/MF – ERIC Web access:

The Effect of the Young Child-Carrying Practices of Nigerian Woman: On Gross Motor and Language Development in Young Children ED1.310/2:418781/MF – ERIC Web access:

The Effectiveness of Women's Studies Teaching HE19.220:T22

Effects of a Tailored Follow–Up Intervention on Health Behaviors, Beliefs, and Attitudes (women) Web access:

The Effects of Active Learning Programs in Multigrade Schools on Girls' Persistence in and Completion of Primary School in Developing Countries. Girls' Education Monitoring System (GEMS) ED1.310/2:476511/MF – ERIC Web access:

The Effects of Arrest on Intimate Partner Violence: New evidence from the Spouse

Assault Replication Program J28.24:AR6 Web access:

The Effects of the Determinants of Women's Movement Into and Out of Male-Dominated Occupations on Occupational Sex Segregation ED1.310/2:411346/MF – ERIC Web access:

The Effects of Workplace Hazards on female reproductive health HE20.7102:2003007361


The Egalitarian Marriages of Six Froebelian Leaders in Late Nineteenth Century America ED1.310/2:458997?MF – ERTIC Web access:

Elder Abuse and Violence Against Midlife and Older Women: Roundtable discussion Y4.AG4:S.HRG.103-745/MF

Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site: Hearing Y4.En2:95-18/paper

Eleanor Roosevelt: Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site, New York I 29.6/6:El 2

Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation: Roundtable on the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation Remarks by First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton Dakar, Senegal April 2, 1998 Web access:

Elimination of Gender-Based Language Distinctions in Title 38 Y1.1/8:99-735/MF

Elimination of Sex Discrimination in Athletic Programs: Memorandum HE1.2:Se9

Elizabeth Blackwell: That Girl There is Doctor of Medicine

Elizabeth Cady Stanton: "The Mother of Woman Suffrage" (Women of Influence)

Elizabeth Nourse, 1859-1938: A Salon Career SI 6.2:N85 & checklist

Embarazadas y maltratadas (Pregnant and Abused): Domestic Violence among Latinas. JSRI Occasional Paper No. 44. Latino Studies Series ED1.310/2:438963/MF – ERIC Web access:

The Emergence of Women in West Virginia History: A Title IX Project for Social Studies ED1.310/2:292748/MF-ERIC Web access:

Employment: A Workshop Guidelines (Sex discrimination against women – US) Y3.W84:10/5

Employment and Economic issues of low-income Women: Report of a project L36.102:Em7/2

Employment and Health Among Older Black Women: Implications for Their Economic Status. Working Paper No. 177 ED1.310/2:311112/MF – ERIC Web access:

Employment Concerns of Older Women (Sex Discrimination Against Women) HE23.3002:W84/2/wkg.paper no.2/MF

Employment Discrimination Against Gay Men and Lesbians: Hearing Y4.ED8/1:103-102/MF

Employment Discrimination and Women in South Dakota: A legislative Handbook CR1.6/2:EM7/2/MF

Employment Discrimination in the Federal Workplace--parts I and II: Hearings Y4.G74/7:D63/22/MF

Employment: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84:10/5

The Employment of Minorities and Women by Kentucky state Government CR1.2:EM7/17/MF

The Employment of minorities and women in Wyoming state government CR1.2:EM7/16/MF

Employment opportunities for women: today and tomorrow: hearing Y 4.Ag 4:S.hrg.99-701/MF

Employment Problems of Women, Minorities, and Youths: Hearings Y4.Ec7:Em7/15/Paper

Empowerment of Women through Distance Education in Pakistan ED1.310/2:499353/MF – ERIC Web access:

Encouraging Girls in Math and Science. IES Practice Guide. NCER 2007-2003 ED1.310/2:498581/MF – ERIC Web access:

Encouragement Not Gender Key to Success in Science. Carnegie Perspectives ED1.310/2:498992/MF – ERIC Web access:

Energize Yourself and Your Family (African American Women) (NIH) Web access:

Enforcing Title IX. A Report of the United States Commission on Civil Rights. Washington, DC. October, 1980 CR1.2:EN2/7

Enforcement of Federal Civil Rights Laws in the Reagan Administration ED1.310/2:213811/MF – ERIC Web access:

Entry and Persistence of Women and Minorities in college Science and Engineering Education ED1.328/6:2001000333 and ED1.310/2:444872/MF – ERIC Web access:

Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Antibody to Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Female Prostitutes (MMWR March 27, 1987 / 36(11);157-61) HE20.7009:36/11

The Epidemiology of Substance Use and Dependence Among Women

Equal Employment Opportunity Report. Minorities and Women in apprenticeship Programs and referral unions Y3.Eq2:12-2/

Equal Employment Opportunity: Women and Minority aerospace managers and professionals, 1979-86: Report GA1.13:HRD-90-16/MF

Equal Employment Opportunity: Women and Minority representation at Interior, Agriculture, Navy, and State: Report GA 1.13:GGD-95-211/MF

The Equal Opportunity for displaced homemakers act: Haring Y4.Ed8/1:H75

Equal Opportunity for Women (displaced homemakers and minority women): Hearing Y4.Ag4/2:W84

Equal Pay: A Thirty-Five Year Perspective (DOL) L36.102:EQ2/3

Web access:

Equal Pay for Equal Work for Women: Hearings Y4.ED8/1:W84

Equal Rights 1970 Y4.J89/2:6/970-2/Paper

The “Equal Rights” Amendment Y4.J89/2:Eq2/6/9760/paper

Equal Rights Amendment: A Workshop Guide Y3.W84:10/6

Equal Rights Amendment Extension: Hearings Y4.J89/2:Eq2/7/paper

The Equal Rights Amendment: Guaranteeing Equal Rights for Women under the Constitution CR1.10:68

Equal Rights Amendment: Hearings Y4.J89/1:98/115/MF

Equal Rights Amendment: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84:10/6

Equal Rights Amendments Extension: Hearings Y4.J89/1:95-41/MF

Equity in Contracting For Women Act of 2000 Y1.1/8:106-879/MF Web access:

ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education, Mathematics Education Fact Sheets, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 1981 ED1.310/2:212502/MF - ERIC Web access:

Erratum to U.N. Conference to Review and Appraise the U.N. Decade for Women Y4.F76/1:UN 35/78/985/Erratum

Estimating Breast Cancer Risk: Questions and Answers for Women HE20.3152:B74/26

Estimation of Persons Income Eligible for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) in 1989 A98.2:N95/2/MF

Ethnic and Gender Profiles HE20.9302:ET3

Ethnic Minority Women Bibliography HE1.1011:ET3/MF

European History: Discipline Analysis (Women in the Curriculum) ED1.310/2:432973/MF - ERIC Web access:

Evaluating Gender differences in individual accessibility: A study using trip data collected by the Global Positioning System: Final report TD 2.2: 2001040288


Evaluation of a Regional Pilot Program to Prevent Mother-Infant HIV Transmission --- Thailand, 1998—2000 (MMWR July 20, 2001 / 50(28);599-603) HE20.7009:50/28 Web access:

An Evaluation of California's Inferred Birth Statistics for Unmarried Women HE20.6209:2/97 Web access:

Evaluation of Grants to Combat Violence Against Women on Campus

An Evaluation of the National Centers of Excellence in Women's Health: Executive

summary HE1.2:W84/8/EXEC.SUM. Web access:

Evidence from Census 2000 About Earnings by detailed occupation for men and Women C3.205/8-3:15 Web access:

Evidence Related to Issues of Sex Bias in Interest Inventories ED1.310/2:137672/MF – ERIC Web access:

Examining U.S. Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking and Slavery: Hearing Y4.J89/2: S.HRG.108-639/MF

An Examination of Barriers to Pre and Postnatal Care for High-Risk Women and Infants: Hearing Y4.H89:102-12/MF

An Examination of the Perceptions of Older Females in Relation to Dress and Cosmetic Use ED1.310/2:299646/MF – ERIC

Examining the prevalence of and solutions to stopping Violence against Indian women:

Hearing Y 4.IN 2/11: S.HRG.110-196/MF Web access:

Expanding Business Opportunities for Women: The 1995 report of the interagency

committee on women's business enterprises in cooperation with the National Women's Business Council Y3.W84/4: 2B96 WEB ACCESS:

Expanding the Evidence for Health Promotion: Developing Best Practices for WISEWOMAN Web access:

Expectant Mothers and Substance Abuse: Intervention and Treatment Challenges for state government: Hearing Y4.G74/7:M85/MF

Expected Size of Completed Family Among Currently Married Women 15-44 Years of Age: United States, 1973 HE20.6209/3:10 (Advance Data From Vital and Health Statistics) Web access:

Expediter: Published in the interest of the men and women of the Military Traffic Management Command D101.66/3:

The Experience of childbearing women in the workplace the impact of family-friendly policies and practices L36.102:C43/3

Explaining State-Level differences in women-owned business performance Y3.W84/4:2ST2 Web access:

The Exploitation of Trafficked Women J 36.15/3:38 Web access

Exploring Gender Differences in Solving Open-Ended Mathematical Problems ED1.310/2:389586/MF - ERIC Web access:

Exploring the Impacts of Poverty on Battered Women Who Kill Their Abusers

ED1.310/2:306475/MF – ERIC Web access:

Exploring Ways to Eliminate Penalties for Marriage for low-income families: Hearing (Unmarried mothers - Taxation – US.) Y 4.AP 6/2: S.HRG.109-773/MF Web access:

Exploratory Study of Women in the Health Professions Schools HE1.2:W84/3/v.1-10

Executive summary ED1.310/2:144432/MF -ERIC --- v.1. Data Analysis , Findings, conclusions, recommendations ED1.310/2:144433/MF -ERIC --- v.2. Medicine. ED1.310/2:144434/MF -ERIC --- v.3. Osteopathic medicine ED1.310/2:144435/MF -ERIC -- v.4. Dentistry ED1.310/2:144436/MF -ERIC --- v.5. Veterinary medicine ED1.310/2:143292/MF -ERIC --- v.6. optometry ED1.310/2:143293/MF -ERIC ---v.7. Podiatry ED1.310/2:143294/MF -ERIC -- v.8. Pharmacy ED1.310/2:143295/MF -ERIC --- v.9. Public Health ED1.310/2:144437/MF -ERIC --v.10. Annotated Bibliography ED1.310/2:144438/MF -ERIC

Expressing the Sense of the Congress concerning the worldwide trafficking of women and girls, whereby women and girls are coerced, abducted, or deceived into migrating within or across national borders, and particularly the trafficking of Burmese women and girls in Thailand for the purposes of forced prostitution (H. CON. RES. 114)

Expressing the Sense of Congress Concerning Uzbekistan; and commending the state of Kuwait for granting women certain important political rights: Markup Y4.IN8/16:C76/14/MF Web access:

Expressing the Sense of Congress that expert testimony concerning the nature and Effect of domestic Violence, including descriptions of the experiences of Battered Women, should be admissible when offered in a state court by a defendant in a criminal Case: Report Y1.1/8:102-998/MF

Expressing the Sense of Congress with respect to raising awareness and encouraging prevention of sexual assault in the United States and supporting the goals

and ideals of National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month: Report Y1.1/8: 108-113/MF Web asccess

Extending the Reach of Public Health Nutrition: Training Community Practitioners in Multilevel Approaches (Women) Web access:

Extending the Special Postage Stamp for Breast Cancer: Report Y1.1/5:109-140/MF

Web access:

Extent, Nature and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence: Research Report J 28.24/3:V81 Web access:

Extent, Nature, and Consequences of Rape Victimization: Findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey J 28.15/2:V81 Web access:

Extraordinary Women from U.S. History: Readers Theatre for Grades 4-8 ED1.310/2:482714/MF – ERIC

Facilitating Women's Involvement in Non-Traditional Occupations ED1.310/2:354351/MF – ERIC Web access:

Facilities Offering Special Programs or Groups for Women: 2005 Web access:

Facing the Future: Education and Equity for Females and Males: Considerations for Leaders in Elementary-Secondary Education ED1.310/2:202768/MF - ERIC Web access:

Fact Finding Report of the Federal Glass Ceiling Commission: Executive Summeary Web access:

Fact Finding Report of the Federal Glass Ceiling Commissionl: Report (Good for Business: Making Full Use of the Nation's Human Capital) Web access:

Fact Sheet on Women of Spanish Origin in the United States ED1.310/2:086385/MF – ERIC Web access:

Factors Influencing Persistence / Achievement in the Sciences and Health Professions by

Black High School and College Women ED1.310/2:240200/MF - ERIC Web access:

Facts About Adolescent Girls Web access:

Facts About Asian American and Pacific Islander Women L36.114/3:98-03

Facts About Compensation Discrimination – Equal Pay for Equal Work Y3.EQ2:2 C73/4 Web access:

Facts About Heart Disease and Women: Are You at Risk? HE20.3218:W84 Web access:

Facts About Heart Disease and Women: Be Physically Active HE20.3218:W84/3

Facts About Heart Disease and Women: Kicking the Smoking Habit HE20.3218:SM7/3

Facts About Heart Disease and Women: Kicking the Smoking Habit HE20.3218:SM7/4/MF

Facts About Heart Disease and Women: Preventing and controlling High blood pressure


Facts About Heart Disease and Women: Reducing High Blood Cholesterol HE20.3218:W84/5

Facts About Heart Disease and Women: So You Have Heart Disease HE20.3218:W84/2

Facts About Menopausal Hormone Therapy HE20.3218:M52 Web access:

Facts About Pregnancy Discrimination Y3.Eq2:2P91 and 992, 994, 998

Facts About Pregnancy Discrimination. Haitian French Creole. (Fe reyel sou diskriminasyon kont fanm ansent) Y3.EQ 2: 2P91/CREOLE Web access:

The Facts About-- : The WNET Roundtable, the small Business mentoring Program for Women SBA 1.49/2:0088

The Facts About--: Women-Owned Small Business SBA1.2:F 11/Women & 992

The Facts About--: Women's Prequalification Pilot Loan Program SBA1.2:F11/PILOT

Facts for Features: Mother's Day: May Web access:

For 2009:

For 2008:

For 2007

For 2006:

For 2005:

For 2004:

For 2003:

For 2002:

For 2001:

For 2000:

Facts for Features: Women’s History Month (March) (U.S. Census Bureau) Web access: For 2000: For 2001: For 2002: For 2003: For 2004:

For 2005:

For 2006:

For 2007:

For 2008:

Facts on Women Workers L36.102:W89/5

Facts on Working Women L36.114/3:irregular Web access:

Facts on Working Women: Asian American Women Business Owners L36.114/3: 89-9

Facts on Working Women: Women at the Millennium, Accomplishments and Challenges Ahead. L 36.114/3: 2000-02 Web access:

Facts on Working Women: Hot Jobs for the 21st century L36.114/3:2000-03 Web access:

Facts on Working Women: Tools for Employers L36.102:W84/15

Facts on Working Women: Women at the Millennium, accomplishments and challenges ahead L36.114/3:2000-02 Web access:

Facts on Working Women: Women of Hispanic Origin in the labor force L36.114/3:2000-04 Web access:

Facts on Working Women: Women’s Bureau Publications L36.102:W84/14

Facts on Working Women: Women, Work and Wages: How to get the Job and Pay you want L36.114/3:W12 and L 36.108:W84/4 Web access:

Faculty Research Development Workshop: Final Report (African American, Minorities and Women) ED1.310/2:230125/MF – ERIC

Fair Textbooks: A Resource Guide (Racism & Sexism) CR1.10:61

Fall Colors, 2001-02: Prime Time Diversity Report (African Americans, Latinos,

Asian/Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, gay and lesbian, etc)

ED1.310/2:464750/MF – ERIC Web access:

Family and Medical Leave Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Title VII of the Civil

Rights Act of 1964. Spanish. (La Ley de Licencia Familiar y Medica, la Ley de Los

Ciudadanos Americanos con Idiscpacidades, y el Titulo VII de la Ley de Derechos

Civiles de 1964) Y3.EQ 2: 2 F 21/SPAN. Web access:

Family and Medical Leave Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Title VII of the Civil

Rights Act of 1964. Haitian French Creole. (Lwa sou Fanmi ak Konje Maladi-a, Lwa

sou Ameriken Adikape yo, e Tit VII Lwa 1964 sou Dwa Sivik-la Y3.EQ2:

2F21/CREOLE Web access:

Family Planning: It’s Impact on the Health of Women and Children PE1.2:F21/2

Family Violence: Psychological Consequences and Beliefs in Asian and Asian-American Women ED1.310/2:449452/MF - ERIC

Famous Indians: A Collection of Short Biographies (Pocahontas, Sacagawea, etc.) I20.2:In2/26 ED1.310/2:098004/MF - ERIC Web access:

Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, Coretta Scott King, and César E. Chavez Voting Rights Act Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006: Report Y1.1/5:109-295/MF Web access:

Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Coretta Scott King Voting Rights Act Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006 AE2.110:109-246 - Public Law 109-246 Web access: and

Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Coretta Scott King Voting Rights Reauthorization and

Amendments Act of 2006: Hearing Y4.J89/1:109-101/PT.1/MF and

Y4.J 89/1:109-119/PT.2/MF Web access:

Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Coretta Scott King Voting Rights Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006: Report Y1.1/8:109-478/MF Web access:

FBI Documents Regarding Marilyn Monroe J 1.14/2:98027951 Web access:



FCC Econometric Analysis of Potential Discrimination utilization ratios for Minority- and Women-Owned companies in the FCC wireless spectrum auctions: A Study

CC1.2:2001005362 Web access:

FDA Milestones in Women's Health: Looking back as we begin 21st century HE20.4002:M59/9 Web access:

FDA Regulated Products & Pregnant Women Executive Summary HE20.4002:P94/6/exec.sum.

FDA's Diversity Databank HE20.4002:D64

Federal Affirmative Employment: Progress of women and minority criminal investigators at selected agencies: Report GA1.13:GGD-95-85

Federal Affirmative Employment: Status of Women and Minority Representation in federal law enforcement occupations: Statement GA1.5/2:T-GGD-93-2/MF

Federal Affirmative Employment: Status of women and minority representation in the federal workforce: Statement GA1.5/2:T-GGD-92-2/MF

Federal Bureau of Investigation - FBI History - Famous Cases: Velvalee Dickinson

Doll Woman Web access:

Federal Council on Women Act: Hearing Y4.G74/7:W89/6/MF

Federal Efforts to Eradicate Employment Discrimination in State and Local Government CR1.2:D63/2

Federal Employment: Progress of women and minorities in key federal jobs and handling of EEO complaints at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms: Statement GA1.5/2:T-GGD-93-33/MF

Federal Labor Relations Authority, Washington, D.C., Federal Bureau of Prisons Federal Correctional Institution for Women Alderson, West Virginia (Agency) and American Federation of Government Employees Local 1494 (Union) 0-ar-2060: Decision June 24, 1991 Web access:

Federal Procurement: Trends and Challenges in contracting with Women-Owned Small Businesses: Report to congressional committees GA1.13:GAO-01-346 Web access:

Federal Real Property: Conflicting appraisals of land near Columbia Hospital for Women: Report GA1.13:GGD-90-15/MF

The Federal Response to Domestic Violence CR1.2:D71

The Federal Role in Determining the Medical and psychological impact of abortion on Women: Tenth Report Y1.1/8:101-392/MF

Federal Women's Program: Spanish Speaking Program TD1.8:W84/3

Federally Chartered Corporation: Review of the financial statement audit report for

the Former Members of Congress for 2000 and 1999 (Women legislators - United States - Services for - Auditing) GA1.41: GAO-02- 755R WEB ACCESS:

Feeling A Bit Chilly? Exploring the Climate for Female Community College Faculty ED1.310/2:470469/MF – ERIC Web access:

Female Delinquency Cases, 1997 J 32.21:2000/16 Web access: ; ;

Female Gang Involvement in a Midwestern City: Correlates, Nature and Meanings Web access:

Female Gangs: A Focus on Research J 32.10:G15/5 Web access:



Female Genital Cutting Web access:

Female Genital Cutting: Easy to Read Web access:

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or Female Genital Cutting (FGC): Individual Country

Reports Web access:

Female Genital Mutilation: Proposals for Change. Minority Rights Group International

Report. [Revised] ED1.310/2:359139/MF - ERIC-

The Female-Male Earnings Gap: A Review of Employment and Earnings Issues L2.71:673

The Female Offender--1979-80: Hearings Y4.J89/1:96/59/pt.1-2/paper

The Female Offender: A Selected Bibliography J 26.9:F34

Female Offenders in the Community: An Analysis of innovative strategies and Programs


Female Offenders in the Federal Prison System J 16.2:F34

Female Offenders in the Federal Correctional System (Alderson, WV, etc.)

ED1.310/2:107946/MF – ERIC Web access:

Female Offenders in the Juvenile Justice System: Statistics Summary J 32.2:F34



Female Offenders: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84:10/7

Female Offenders -- Who are they and what are the problems confronting them?: Study

GA1.13:GGD-79-73/MF Web access:

Female Representation in Gikuyu Popular Music: A Catalyst for Domestic Violence (Ke3nya prostitutes) ED1.310/2:477143/MF – ERIC Web access:

Female Suicide Bombers D101.146/10:F34 & D101.146:2004024999 & Web access:

The Female Veteran Population VA1.2:F34

Female Veterans' Usage of VA Hospitalization, Fiscal Year 1986 VA1.67:21/MF

Female Victims of Violent Crime J 29.2:F33/4 Web access:

Female Victims of Violent Crime J 29.28:F34 Web access:




Female Youths and Delinquent Behaviors Web access:

Females and Mathematics ED1.310/2:212502/MF - ERIC

Females and Mathematics: Factors Influencing Their Participation and Achievement

ED1.310/2:296894/MF - ERIC

Feminist Rhetoric: A Selected Annotated Bibliography ED1.310/2:289206/MF – ERIC Web


Feminist Rhetoric: A Selected Annotated Bibliography ED1.310/2:335708/MF – ERIC

Web access:

The Feminization of Poverty Among the Elderly HE20.6512/6:P86

Fertility of American Women (Census Bureau) Web access:

Fertility of American Women C 3.186/10: Web access:

Fertility of American Women: June 2000: Detailed Tables and Documentation for P20-543

C3.223/25:153 Web access:

Final Report for the Interdisciplinary Center for Research, Development, Dissemination, Evaluation of Women and Minorities ED1.310/2:269996/MF Web access:

Final Report of the Massachusetts Older Women and Domestic Violence Prevention Project HE1.1002:M38/4/MF

The Final Report of the Panel to review Sexual misconduct allegations at the U.S. Air Force Academy: Hearing Y4.AR5/2 A:2003-2004/16/MF

Final Report to the Administration on Aging for restructuring aging and domestic Violence Services for elderly (Elderly Women, Abused) HE1.1002:B32/2/MF

Final Report, WIC dynamics A98.2:2001007387 Web access:

Finding funds for Programs related to Women's education and other opportunities for Women HE19.102:W84/2

First Ladies Y3.H62/4:2F51

First Ladies Gallery (White House) Web access:

First Ladies White House Endowment Fund Y1.1/5:104-378/F

First Lady: A Bibliography of Selected Material by and About Eleanor Roosevelt LC 25.9:R67

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton PREX1.2:V66

First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, 1929-1994: Memorial Tributes Y1.1/3:103-32/MF

First Lady of the World: Eleanor Roosevelt at Val-Kill. Teaching with Historic Places ED1.310/2:438199/MF – ERIC Web access:

Fiscal Year 2007 Outlook: Better Jobs! Better Earnings! Better Living! (Women - US - Social conditions and Employment) L36.102: OU8 Web access:

Fit and Fabulous as You Mature (African American Women) (NIH) Web access:

Fitness-In-Total Program welcomes International Association of Women Police members and guests J 25.2:F55/2

Five National Demonstrations of Educational Equity. Evaluation Summary ED1.310/2:248290/MF – ERIC Web access:

Flickering Clusters: Women, Science, and Collaborative Transformations ED1.310/2:468780/MF – ERIC Web access:

“Fly Girls”: Women Aviators in World War II Web access:

Focus Groups with Older Women to Test Motivational Messages on Cervical Cancer and the Pap Test (DHHS / ODPHP) Web access:

Focusing on the Clients of Street Prostitutes: A Creative Approach to Reducing Violence Against Women -- Final Report (US DOJ) Web access:

Focusing on the Clients of Street Prostitutes: A Creative Approach to Reducing Violence Against Women -- Summary Report (US DOJ) Web access:

Folate Status in Women of Childbearing Age --- United States, 1999 (MMWR October 27, 2000) HE20.7009:49/42 -962-5 Web access:

Folate Status in Women of Childbearing Age, by Race/Ethnicity --- United States, 1999--2000, 2001--2002, and 2003—2004 (MMWR January 5, 2007 / 55(51);1377-1380) HE20.7009:55/51 Web access:

Folklore in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God (NEH) Web Access:

Follow up on U.S. commitments Made at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women


A Follow-Up Study of Selected Women Attending West Texas State University from Fall, 1973, through Spring, 1976. Final Report ED1.310/2:146830/MF - ERIC

Follow Us into Our World: Feminist Scholarship on the Communication of Women of Color ED1.310/2:337816/MF – ERIC Web access:

Food Assistance: A variety of practices may lower the costs of WIC: Report GA1.13:RCED-97- 225 Web access:

Food assistance: Activities and use of nonprogram resources at six WIC agencies: Report GA1.13:RCED-00-202 Web access:

Food Assistance: FNS could take additional steps to contain WIC infant formula costs:

Report GA 1.13: GAO-06-380 Web access:

Food Assistance: Performance measures for assessing three WIC Services (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children)

GA1.13:GAO-01-339 Web access:

Food assistance: Potential to serve more WIC infants by reducing formula cost GA1.13:GAO-03- 331 Web access:

Food assistance: Research provides limited information on the effectiveness of

specific WIC nutrition services: Report GA 1.13: GAO-01- 442 Web access:

Food assistance: WIC faces challenges in providing nutrition services GA1.13: GAO-02-142 Web access:

Food Assistance WIC Program issues: Statement (Maternal and infant welfare) GA1.5/2:T-RCED-98-125/MF

Food Safety at-a-glance. Spanish. (Resumen de seguridad alimentaria: cómo protegerse a sí misma y a su bebé) (Pregnant women - Health and hygiene) HE20.4502:F73/SPAN. Web access:

Food Safety for Moms-to-be [videorecording]: Practicing good food safety behaviors Before, during and after Your Pregnancy HE20.4002:F69/KIT

For All the People…By All the People: A Report on Equal Opportunity in State and Local Government Employment CR1.2:P39

For the relief of Melissa Johnson: Report (Girls – Crimes Against) Y1.1/8:103-191/MF

For Your Heart: A Guide to Healthier Living for African-American Women HE1.6/3:H35

Forced Abortion and Sterilization in China: The view from the inside: Hearing Y4.IN8/16:AB7/MF Web access:

Foreign Aassistance: U.S. had Made slow Progress in involving Women in development: Report GA1.13:NSIAD-94-16/MF

Foreign Government complicity in Human trafficking: A review of the State Department's "2002 trafficking in persons Report": Hearing (Children, Women, Forced labor, slave trade) Y4.IN8/16:F76/23/MF Web access:

Fragmenting and Reconstructing Identity: Struggles of Appalachian Women Attempting To Reconnect to Their Native American Heritage ED1.310/2:469736/MF – ERIC Web access:

Framework for Dietary risk assessment in the WIC Program: Interim Report A98.2:2001007342 Web access:

Free A Marine to Fight: Women Marines in WWII D214.14/4:M33/2 Web access: and

Freedom of Choice Act of 1989: Hearings (Women’s Rights) Y4.L11/4:S.hrg.101-876/MF

Freedom of Choice Act of 1991: Hearing (Women’s Rights) Y4.L11/4:S.HRG.102-813/MF

Frequently asked questions about women's health HE20.41: 2F89 and HE20.41:2/2003001536 Web access:

Frequently asked questions about women's health. Spanish. (Preguntos frecuentes sobre la salud de la mujer) HE 20.41: 2 F 89/SPAN. Web access:

From Convict to Citizen: Programs for the Woman Offender ED1.310/2:096430/MF ERIC Web access:

From Data to Action CDC's public health surveillance for women, infants, and children


From Slave Women to Free Women: The National Archives and Black Women's History in the Civil War Era (NARA website) Web access:

Frontiers in Civil Rights: Dorothy E. Davis, et al. versus County School Board of Prince Edward County, Virginia (Documents Related to Brown v. Board of Education: Teaching With Documents) (NARA) Web access:

Full Report of the Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women J 28.24/3:V81/2 Web access:

Funding: Obtaining Money for Curriculum Transformation projects and activities (Women in the Curriculum) ED1.310/2:432958/MF - ERIC Web access:

FWHA Task Force on Women: Study Report and Summary TD2.2:W84 & sum.

The G-Women (Policewomen - United States) T 70.2:W84

Galactic Cosmic Radiation Exposure of Pregnant Aircrew Members II TD4.210: 00/33/MF

Web access:

Games Yet to be Played Equity in sport leadership (Women athletes) ED1.310/2:380413/MF – ERIC Web access:

Gaining Ground, Moving Up: The Change in the Economic Status of Single Mothers under Welfare Reform. Civic Report (Black and Hispanic Women) ED1.310/2:476302/MF - ERIC Web access:

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents: Resources for Professionals and Parents (DHHS) Web access:

Gay and Lesbian Health (MedlinePlus) (NLM/NIH) Web access:

Gender, 2000 C3.205/8-2:01-9 Web access:

Gender and Aing: Cegiving C3.205/9:98-3 Web access:

Gender and Aging: Demographic Dimensions C3.205/9:97-3 Web access:

Gender and Aging: Mortality and Health C3.205/9:98-2 Web access:

Gender and Development Training Manual (Peace Corps) PE1.8:G28/ Web access:

Gender and Power in the Community College ED1.310/2:382256/MF – ERIC Web access:

Gender and Racial Disparities GA1.13:NSIAD-93-54/MF

The Gender and Racial / Ethnic Composition of postsecondary instructional Faculty and

staff, 1992-98 ED1.328/3:2003002708 and ED1.2:2003002708 Web access:

Gender and Racial/Ethnic Differences in Salary and Other Characteristics of

Postsecondary Faculty: Fall 1998. Statistical Analysis Report

ED1.310/2:468730/MF – ERIC Web access:

Gender and Racial Pay Gaps in the 1980s: Accounting for Different Trends. Final Report

(Researching Women in the Workplace) ED1.310/2:361266/MF - ERIC Web access:

Gender and Schooling in Appalachia: Historical Lessons for an Era of Economic

Restructuring. Research Paper 9411 ED1.310/2:406071/MF - ERIC Web access:

Gender and the Culture of Schools ED1.310/2: 421575/MF -= ERIC Web access:

Gender as an Organizing Force in the World of Mass-Circulation Magazines

ED1.310/2:272885/MF – ERIC Web access:

Gender-Based Advocacy for Equity and Non-Violence ED1.310/2:435914/MF – ERIC Web


Gender Based Wage Discrimination: Hearing Y4.L11/4:S.HRG.106-631/MF

Gender Bias and Fairness ED1.310/2:328610/MF - ERIC Web access:

Gender Bias in the College Predictions of the SAT ED1.310/2:383736/MF – ERIC Web


Gender Bias in SAT items ED1.310/2:294915/MF - ERIC

Gender Differences and Leadership Web access:

Gender Differences in Attitude Toward Science ED1.310/2:404132/MF - ERIC Web access:

Gender Differences in Drug Market Activities: A Comparative Assessment of Men and

Women’s Participation in the Drug Market Web access:

Gender Differences in Earnings Among Young Adults Entering the Labor Market

ED1.328/5:G28 and ED1.310/2: 417308/MF – ERIC Web access:

Gender Differences in Educational Achievement within Racial and Ethnic Groups

ED1.310/2:455341/MF – ERIC and Web access:

Gender Differences in Participation and Completion of Undergraduate education and how

they have changed over time ED1.102: G28 and ED1.310/2:484429/MF – ERIC Web


Gender Differences in Substance Dependence and Abuse Web access:

Gender Differences in the Careers of Academic Scientists and Engineers: A Literature

Review Web access:

Gender Discrimination in the Military: Hearings Y4.AR5/2/A:991-92/60/MF

Gender Equality and Equity: A Summary Review of UNESCO's Accomplishments Since the Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing 1995) ED1.310/2:467220/MF - ERIC

Gender Equity for Educators, Parents, and Community ED1.310/2:400216/MF – ERIC

Gender Equity in Education: Additional Resources Web access:

Gender Equity in the Academic Labor Market: An Analysis of Academic Disciplines ED1.310/2:493514/MF – ERIC Web access:

Gender Equity: Men's and Women's participation in higher education: Report

GA1.13:GAO-01-128/MF & Web access:

Gender-Fair Math. Equity in Education Series ED1.310/2:412089/MF – ERIC Web access:

Gender-Fair Math. Equity in Education Series ED1.310/2:387361/MF – ERIC Web access:

The Gender Gap in California Higher Education. Commission Report 06-08 ED1.310/2:493543/MF – ERIC Web access:

Gender-Integrated Training & Related Matters Y4.AR5/3:S.HRG.105-166/MF

Gender integration in Basic training the Services are using a variety of approaches: statement for the record GA1.5/2:T-NSIAD-97-174/MF Web access:

Gender Issues: Analysis of Methodologies in Reports to the Secretaries of Defense and the Army GA1.13:NSIAD-98-125/MF Online;

Gender Issues Analysis of promotion and career opportunities data: Report GA1.13:NSIAD-98-157/MF and Web access:

Gender Issues: Changes would be needed to expand selective service registration to Women: Report GA1.13:NSIAD-98-199/MF Web access:

Gender issues: Improved guidance and oversight are needed to ensure validity and equity of fitness standards: Report GA 1.13: NSIAD-99- 9 WEB ACCESS:

Gender Issues in Children's Literature ED1.310/2: 424591 WEB ACCESS:

Gender Issues: Information on DOD's assignment policy and direct ground combat definition: Report GA1.13:NSIAD-99-7/MF Web access:

Gender Issues: Information to assess ervicemembers' perceptions of gender inequities is

incomplete: Report GA 1.13: NSIAD-99- 27/MF WEB ACCESS:

Gender Issues: Medical Support for Female soldiers deployed to Bosnia: Report GA1.13:NSIAD-99-58/MF and Web access:

Gender Issues: Perceptions of Readiness of Selected Units GA1.13/NSIAD-99-120/MF Web access:

Gender Issues: Trends in the Occupational distribution of Military Women: Report

GA1.13:NSIAD-99-212/MF Web access:

Gender Issues: Women's Participation in the Sciences has increased, but agencies need to do more to ensure compliance with Title IX: Report GA1.13:GAO-04-639/MF and ED1.310/2:483237/MF – ERIC Web access:

Gender Matters: Training for Educators Working With Students with Disabilities ED1.2:68/8

Gender Perspectives on Vocational Education: Historical, Cultural and Policy Aspects ED1.310/2:473198/MF - ERIC

Gender, Race / Ethnicity, and treatment of adults in hospitals by diagnosis HE20.6514:26

Gender-Responsive Strategies: Research, Practice, and guiding principles for Women

Offenders J16.108:G28 & J16.108:2003017989 & Web access:

Geography: Discipline Analysis (Women in the Curriculum) ED1.310/2:432974/MF - ERIC Web access:

Georgia O'Keeffe I 29.2:G29/5

Georgia O'Keeffe Home & studio, New Mexico X 96-1:H.doc.202/pt.13

Geri Keams, "Coyote and Spider Woman and Other Creation Stories": Cue Sheet (Navajo mythology - Juvenile literature) ED1.310/2:442166/MF - ERIC Web access:

Germany's World Cup Brothels: 40,000 women and children at risk of exploitation through trafficking: Hearing Y4.IN8/16:B79/1/MF Web access:

Get the skills that pay the bills: Secretary's initiative to support women and minorities in the skilled trades L1.2:W84/3

Getting By on the Minimum: The Lives of Working-Class Women ED1.310/2:473266/MF - ERIC

Getting Started: Planning Curriculum transformation (Women in the Curriculum) ED1.310/2:432956/MF - ERIC Web access:

Getting Straight: Overcoming treatment barriers for addicted women and their children: Hearing Y4.C43/2:T71/MF

Girl Power! Community Education Kit HE20.402:G44/4/KIT Web access:

Girl Power! Diary we’ve got the Power to Be Drug Free! HE20.402:P87

Girl Power - Girls at Work (Careers - FirstGov for Kids) Web access:

Girl Power!: Have You Got It? HE20.402:G44/KIT

Girl Power!: How To Get It HE20.402:G44/3

Girl Power!: Keep It Going HE20.402:G44/2

The Girl That I Am = La niña que soy (Hispanic American teenage Girls) HE20.430:G44/ENG.-SPAN. Web access:

Girls and Basic Education: A Cultural Enquiry. Education Research Paper ED1.310/2:419130/MF – ERIC Web access:

Girls and Drugs, A New Analysis: Recent Trends, Risk Factors and Consequences

PREX26.2:G44 Web access:

Girls and Violence ED1.310/2:430069/MF - ERIC Web Access:

Girls Are-- Boys--: Myths, Stereotypes, and Gender Differences ED1.310/2:409250/MF - ERIC Web access:

Web access:

Girls Who Play Boys' Games, Girls who play girls' games, girls who don't play at all

ED1.310/2:226829/MF - ERIC Web access:

The Glass Ceiling in Federal Agencies, a GAO survey on women and minorities in federal agencies: Hearings Y4.G74/9:S.HRG.102-1142/MF

Glass Ceilings and Bottomless Pits: Women's Work, Women's Poverty ED1.310/2:416412 /MF - ERIC

Glass Ceilings: The Status of Women as Officials and managers in the private sector

Y3.EQ 2:2/2004018415 Web access:

Glimpses into Northwest Lives Some Outstanding Women ED1.310/2:311194/MF – ERIC Web access:

Glimpses into Pacific Lives: Some Outstanding Women ED1.310/2:270542:MF – ERIC Web access:

Glimpses into Pacific Lives: Some Outstanding Women (Revised) ED1.310/2:280923?MF – ERIC Web access:

Global Health: USAID supported a wide range of child and maternal health activities, but

lacked detailed spending data and a proven method for sharing best practices: Report GA1.13: GAO-07- 486/MF WEB ACCESS:

Global Trends in Trafficking and the "Trafficking in persons Report": Hearing (Women - Crimes Against) Y4.IN8/16:T67/23/MF and Web access:

Goddard Space Flight Center: Women's Advisory Committee NAS1.83:2003-3-536-GSFC

Going Strong!: Women in Defense D 1.2:W84/5

Good for Business: Making full use of the nation's human capital: The environmental scan: A fact-finding report of the Federal Glass Ceiling Commission Y3.2:G46/B96


Graduate Research with Women Survivors of Domestic Violence ED1.310/2:457518/MF – ERIC Web access:

Graduate School and Beyond: A Panel Discussion from the Conference Science Careers in Search of Women E1.2:G75

Grandma's Wisdom Hispanic American Women and teenage Girls) HE20.430:G76 Web access:

Grandma's Wisdom/Los Consejos Dela Abuelita (English-Spanish) HE20.430:G76/Eng.-Span.

Grandmothers (of Panola County, Texas) ED1.310/2:337367/MF - ERIC

Grants to Encourage arrest policies: Program brief (Abused and Battered Women, Violence Against Women) J 26.31:AR6 WEB ACCESS:

Growing A Diverse Workforce in the Library Web access:

A Growing Crisis: Disadvantaged Women and Their Children CR1.10:78

Growing a Diverse workforce in the library and information Science professions an ERIC Digest ED1.310/2:411873/MF – ERIC

A Guide to Conducting a Conference with American Indian Women in Reservation Areas L36.108:In2

A Guide to Doing business with the Department of State (Minority and Women-owned business enterprises – Periodicals) S 1.40/2:B96/ and S1.40/2:994

Guide to Doing business with the Department of State (Minority and Women-owned business enterprises) S 1.40/2-4: WEB ACCESS:

A Guide to Federal Laws and Regulations Prohibiting Sex Discrimination. United States Commission on Civil Rights, Clearinghouse Publication 46 Web access:

ED1.310/2:145329/MF - ERIC

A Guide to Federal Laws and Regulations Prohibiting Sex Discrimination CR1.10:46/2

A Guide to the Clinical Care of Women with HIV HE20.9008:W84/2001/CD & HE20.9008:W84/2001 Web access:

A Guide to the Clinical Care with Women with HIV/AIDS, 2001 First Edition (DHHS/HRSA) HE20.9008:W84 Web access: and

A Guide to the Clinical Care of Women with HIV/AIDS, 2005 Edition (DHHS/ HRSA) Web access: and

A Guide to the Clinical Care of Women with HIV/AIDS, 2005 edition (DHHS/ HRSA) Web access:

Guidelines for Federal Women's Program Coordinators CS1.54:25

Guidelines for Sex-Fair Vocational Education Materials. HE19.108:Se 9/2

Guidelines for the Creative Use of Biased materials in a non-biased way (sexism in

textbooks) HE19.108:B47

Guidelines for Vaccinating Pregnant Women (CDC) Web access:

Gynecologic Cancer Education and Awareness Act or 2005 or Johanna's Law (Other title:

Act to Provide for Programs to Increase the Awareness and Knowledge of Women

and Health Care Providers with Respect to Gynecologic Cancers) AE 2.110: 109-


A Handbook for Workshops on Sex Equality in Education: Information Activities,

Resources for Educators, Students, the Community HE19.108:Se9

Hands That Shape the World: Report on the Conditions of Immigrant Women in the U.S.

Five Years after the Beijing Conference ED1.310/2:448222/MF – ERIC

Harriet Quimby: America's First Lady of the Air ED1.310/2:431181/MF – ERIC Web


Harriet, the Moses of Her People (Library of Congress - African American Odyssey) Web access:

Harriet Tubman Integrated Unit. ArtsEdge Curricula, Lessons and Activities

ED1.310/2:476397/MF – ERIC Web access:

Harriet Tubman: Leader of the Underground Railroad (Women of Influence)

Has Feminism Changed Science? ED1.310/2:466354/MF - ERIC

Has Nontraditional Training Worked for Women? ED1.310/2:435037/MF – ERIC Web


Hats Off to Today's Building Professionals: If You're wondering about your future, think

about an exciting career in the construction trades! more than ever, women are

becoming successful building professionals, enroll in construction trades training

today! [picture] L37.2:H28

Hattie Ophelia Wyatt Caraway: First Woman Elected to U.S. Senate (Women of Influence)

Web access:

Having A Daughter with A Disability: Is it different for girls ED1.310/2:331211MMF – ERIC

Web access:

The Hawaiian Romance of Laieikawai by Martha Warren Beckwith (Thirty-third Annual

Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology Pp. 285-666, pls. 91-95)

A Health Alert for Hispanic pregnant Women: For Your baby's sake, avoid soft cheeses

(such as Mexican-style feta, brie, camembert, and roquefort) HE20.4002:H34/2

Health and Access to Health Care the special challenge of Older Women: A briefing paper


Health Care for Minority Women: Program Brief Web access:

Health Care for Women: Access, utilization, outcomes: January 1990 through July 1993:

580 citations HE20.3615/2:93-5 Web access:

Health Care Reform: How Do Women, Children, and Teens Fare?: Hearing


The Health Consequences of Smoking for Women: A Report of the Surgeon General HE20.2:Sm7/5 Web access:

The Health Consequences of Smoking for Women: A Report of the Surgeon General (preparatory) HE20.2:SM7/5/PRE.

Health Diary: Myself, My Baby HE20.9202:H34/5 and 994

Health: Discipline Analysis (Women in the Curriculum; sexism in medicine; feminist criticism) ED1.310/2:432975/MF - ERIC Web access:

Health Disparities: Bridging the Gap: Hearing (Women, Minorities) Y4.L11/4:S.HRG.106-


A Health Guide for All Women: Understanding breast changes HE20.3158:B74/8

Health Insurance and Cancer Screening Among Women (Advance Data From Vital and Health Statistics PHS 94-1250) HE20.6209/3:254 Web access:

Health Insurance coverage and employment opportunities for minorities and women CR1.10:72

Health Insurance for children and pregnant women: Hearing Y4.W36:101-78/MF

The Health insurance status of US Latino women: A profile from the 1982-1984 HHANES

Health: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84:10/8

The Health of Homeless Women information for state maternal and child health Programs.

HE20.9202:H35/2 Web access:

The Health of Minority Women HE20.41:2/2004002316 Web access:

The Health of Women HE20.6212:

The Health of Women: A Bibliography HE20.6216:W84

Health Problems in African American Women (DHHS) Web access:

Health Problems in Hispanic American / Latina Women

Health Professions Training, Education, and Competency: Women’s Health in the Pharmacy School Curriculum (DHHS/HRSA) Web access

Health Promotion Interventions for Disadvantaged Women: Overview of the WISEWOMAN Programs Web access:

Health Resources for Older Women HE20.3852/H34

Health Status of Minorities and low-income groups HE20.9302:M66/3/991

Healthy Colorado Women: Steps to Success HE20.41:2H34

The Healthy Heart Handbook HE20.3208:H34/3/992

Healthy Heart Handbook for Women HE20.3208:H34/3/997

Healthy Heart Handbook for Women HE20.3208:H34/3/2002 and 2003 Web access:


Healthy Mothers Coalition directory of educational materials HE 20.11/2:H 34/3/986

Healthy Mothers, healthy babies: A coalition for public education to improve maternal / infant health HE20.2:M41/3

Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies: A Collection of prenatal and infant Care publications and films HE20.11/2:H34/2/985

Healthy Mothers, Healthy babies: The community connection: A guide to community planning and organizing HE 20.8:H 34/4

Healthy Women / Healthy lifestyles: What you need to Know About alcohol and illicit Drugs HE20.402:W84/2 and 996

Healthy Women: State Trends in Health and Mortality Web access:

Healthy Women Today: A newsletter from the National Women's Health Information Center HE20.41:15/yr./mo. Web access:

Hearing on Domestic Violence: Hearing Y4.J89/2:S.HRG.103-596/MF

Hearings Before the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on Utilization of Minority and Women Workers in Certain Major Industries Y3.Eq2:M66/3

Hearings on H.R. 6569, Registration of Women Y4.Ar 5/2 a:979-80/68/Paper

Heart Disease Prevention for Alaska Native Women: A Review of Pilot Study Findings Web access:

Heart Truth for African American Women (DHHS/NIH) Web access:

The Heart Truth for Women: The Heart truth for Latinas: An action plan HE20.3202:L34

Web access:

A Heightened National Response to the HIV/AIDS Crisis among African Americans Web access:

Help for Menopause HE 20.4002:M52

Helping Yourself Heal: A recovering Woman's Guide to coping with childhood Abuse Issues HE20.408:H34

Helping Yourself Heal: A Recovering Woman’s Guide to Coping with Childhood Abuse Issues HE20.408:H34

Heteronormativity and Teaching: A Phenomenological Study of Lesbian Teachers

ED1.310/2:479173 MF - ERIC Online

HHS Blueprint for Action on Breastfeeding

Higher Education Leadership Analyzing the Gender Gap ED1.310/2:410846/MF – ERIC and ED1.310/2:410847/MF – ERIC Web access:

Higher Education Opportunities for Minorities and Women: Annotated Selections--1982 Edition ED1.310/2:230120/MF – ERIC Web access:

Higher Education Opportunities for Minorities and Women. Annotated Selections, 1983 Edition ED1.310/2:239555/MF – ERIC Web access:

Higher Education Opportunities for Minorities and Women. Annotated Selections, 1985-86 Edition ED1.310/2:273238/MF – ERIC Web access:

Higher Education Opportunities for Minorities and Women, Annotated Selections, 1989 ED1.42:yr ; ED 1.310/2:H 53/989 Web access:

Higher Education Opportunities for Minorities and Women--Annotated Selections. 1991 Edition ED1.310/2:343547/MF – ERIC Web access:

Higher Education Opportunities for Minorities and Women--Annotated Selections. 1994 Edition ED1.310/2:388201/MF Web access:

Highlights of Women's Earnings in ……… L2.71/10:annual Web access










Hiring, Promotion, retention and overall representation of minorities, women and disabled persons within the intelligence community: Hearing Y4.IN8/18:M66/MF

Hiring Someone to Work in your home (Facts on Working Women) L36.114/3:94-1

Hispanic Female Admissions in Substance Abuse Treatment: 2005 Web access:

Hispanic Women and Smoking HE20.41:2/SM7/2004002344 Web access:

Hispanic Women: Making Their Presence on Campus Less Tenuous

ED1.310/2:334907/MF - ERIC

Hispanics and Hispanic Women in New York State ED1.310/2:263227/MF – ERIC

Hispanics in the Work Force, Part II: Hispanic Women ED1.310/2:278746/MF – ERIC

Historic Furnishing Report: Val-Kill: Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site

I 29.88/2-2:EL2

Historic Structure Report: Historical Data Section, Wesleyan Chapel, Women's Rights

National Historical Park, New York I 29.88:W84

Historic Structure Report: Archeological Data section, Wesleyan Chapel,

Women's Rights National Historical Park, New York I 29.88:W84/2/MF

Historical Census Statistics on Population Totals by Race, 1790 to 1990, and by Hispanic origin, 1790 to 1990, for the United States, regions, divisions, and states C3.223/27:56 Web access:

An Historical Review of Women in Dentistry: An Annotated Bibliography HE20.6016:W84

Historically Women’s Public Colleges or Universities Historic Building Restoration Act : report Y 1.1/8: 106-915/MF Web access:

History: CUNY Panel: Rethinking the Disciplines (Women in the Curriculum) ED1.310/2:432966/MF - ERIC

A History of the Women Marines, 1947-1977 D 214.14/2:W84/2 and ED1.310/2:280948/MF –

ERIC Web access:

HIV/AIDS and African American Women: A Consultation Supporting CDC’s Heightened National Response to the HIV/AIDS Crisis among African Americans: Meeting Report Web access:

HIV/AIDS Among Women HE20.7320/3:H64/5 Web access:



HIV/AIDS Among Women who have sex with women HE20.7320/3:H64/12

Web access:

HIV/AIDS and U.S. Women Who Have Sex With Women (WSW) (CDC) HE20.7320/3:H64/3

Web access:

HIV/AIDS and U.S. women who have sex with women (WSW). Spanish. (El VIH, el SIDA y las mujeres que tienen relaciones sexuales con mujeres (WSW) en Estados Unidos) HE20.7320/3:H64/3/SPAN. Web access:

HIV/AIDS Health Care Utilization & medical adherence Issues among HIV seropositive African [sic] Women in Miami HE20.9002:H34/7/paper and 993-2/MF

HIV/AIDS Surveillance in Women Web access:

HIV/AIDS Work group on health care access issues for women HE20.9002:H34/8

HIV Disease in Women of Color (HRSA Care ACTION) (DHHS/HRSA) Web access:

HIV Testing of Women and Infants: Hearing Y4.C73/8:104-22/MF

HIV Transmission Among Black Women--North Carolina, 2004 (February 4, 2005, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; Vol. 54; No.4, p.89-92, 94 Web access:

Holding Up Half the Sky: Women's Rights in China's Changing Economy

Y4.C44:W84/2/MF Web access:

"Home Work" and Nineteenth-Century West Virginia Women ED1.310/2:308041/MF – ERIC

Web access:

Homeownership is for Women: Own Your Home--We'll Show You H.O.W. HH1.2:W84/11

Honoring Our Past: Report and Recommendations (President's Commission on the

Celebration of Women in American History) PR42.8: W84/3/H75 Web access:

Honoring the Men and Women of the Drug Enforcement Administration on the

occasion of its 30th anniversary: Report Y1.1/8:108-409/MF Web access:

Hospital Resource Use by HIV-infected Females HE20.6514:25

How Do Active Duty Women Perceive the Army's Equal Opportunity Climate? Web access:

H.O.W. Homeownership opportunities for women: National partners in homeownership


How Much Violence Against Women is There? (From Violence Against Women and Family Violence: Developments in Research, Practice, and Policy, 2004) Web access:

How to Celebrate National Women's History Month ED1.310/2:432484/MF – ERIC Web access:

How to Protect yourself against sexual assault: Take a bite out of crime (Self-defense for women) J 26.2:C86/12/sexual

How to Take care of your baby before birth HE20.8008:C18/2

How Union-only labor agreements are harming women and Minority Owned Businesses: Hearing Y4.SM1:105-63/MF

How Well Are We Housed? v. 1 Hispanics.—(v. 2. Female-headed households ED1.310/2:179667/MF – ERIC Web access:

) .--v. 3. Blacks.--v. 4. The elderly.-- v. 5 Rural) HH 1.2:H 81/59/no.-

How Well do Women fare under the nation's retirement Policies?: A Report Y4.AG4/2:W84/17/MF

How Will Today's Women fare in yesterday's traditional retirement system?: Hearing Y4.Ag4/2:W84/15/MF

How Women See their roles: A change in attitudes HE20.8122/2:W84

H.R. 490, to provide for the conveyance of certain lands and improvements in Washington, District of Columbia, to the Columbia Hospital for Women to provide a site for the construction of a facility to house the National Women's Health Resource Center: Hearing Y4.P96/11:103-3/MF

HR 1356, the Freedom from Sexual Trafficking Act of 1999 Y4.IN8/16:F87/MF

H.R. 3849, Military Sexual Trauma Counseling Act of 2004: Hearing (U.S. - Armed Forces - Women - Crimes Against) Y4.V64/3:108-40 Web access:

H.R. 4020, State Veterans' Homes Nurse Recruitment and Retention Act of 2004: H.R. 4231, Department of Veterans Affairs Nurse Recruitment and Retention Act of

2004: H.R. 3849, Military Sexual Trauma Counseling Act of 2004: H.R. 4248, Homeless Veterans Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2004: and a draft bill to

reform the qualifications and selection requirements for the position of the Under Secretary for Health: Hearing Y4.V64/3: 108-40/MF Web access:

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Antibody Testing in Women 15-44 years of age: United States, 1990 (Advance Data From Vital and Health Statistics PHS 94-1250) HE20.6209/3:238 Web access:

Human Resource and Diversity: Hearing Y4.IN8/18:H88/MF

Human Rights Abuses Against Women: Hearings Y4.F76/1:H88/65/MF

Human trafficking: Mail Order Bride Abuses: Hearing Y4.F76/2:S.HRG.108-695/MF and Web access:

Human Trafficking: better data, strategy, and reporting needed to enhance U.S.

antitrafficking efforts abroad: Report GA 1.13: GAO-06-825 Web access:

Humanitarian Assistance: Protecting refugee Women and Girls remains a significant challenge: Report GA1.13:GAO-03-663 Web access:

Identification of At-Risk Drinking and Intervention with Women of Childbearing Age


"I'd Like To Go to Harvard but I Don't Know Where It Is": Bridging the Gap between Reality

and Dreams for Adolescent African American Girls ED1.310/2:439205/MF –ERIC

Web access:

"If You Only Knew": Lessons Learned from Successful Black Entrepreneurs (Black

Women) ED1.310/2:480495/MF – ERIC Web access:

Images of Women in the Literature of Selected Developing Countries (Ghana, Senegal, Haiti, Jamaica) S 18.55:Im1 and S 18.2:W84

Impact injuries in pregnancy. I, Experimental studies TD4.210: 68-6

Web access:

Impact injury to the pregnant female and fetus in lap belt restraint TD4.210: 68-24

Web access:

Impact of Evidence Concerning Battering and Its Effects in Criminal Trials Involving Battered Women (ojp.usdoj) Web access:

The Impact of Reagan Economics on aging Women: Oregon: Hearing Y4.Ag4/2:W84/8/MF

The Impact of Smoking on Women’s Health: Statement of Cristina Beato, M.D. Web access:

The Impact of Social Security Reform on Women: Hearing Y4.AG4:S.hrg.106-271

The Impact of the Equal Rights Amendment: Hearings Y4.J89/2:S.hrg.98-1259/pt.1-2/MF

The Impact of Women's Studies on the Campus and the Disciplines HE19.220:C15

The Impact on Navajo Mothers Becoming Special education teachers ED1.310/2:394785/MF - ERIC Web access:

Implementation of the Repeal of the combat exclusion on Female aviators: Hearing Y4.Ar5/2a:991-92/38/MF

Implementation of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act: Hearing Y4.IN8/16: V66/4/MF

Implementation of the Violence Against Women Act: Hearing Y4.J89/2:S.HRG.103-1084/MF

Implementing the WISEWOMAN Program in Local Health Departments: Staff Attitudes, Beliefs, and Perceived Barriers Web access:

Implications of the Drug Use forecasting data for TASC Programs: Female arrestees J 26.2:T71

Improving Income security for older women in retirement: Current issues and legislative reform proposals: Forum Y4.AG4:S.HRG.103-798/MF and Y4.Ag4:103-13/MF

Improving the Quality of Mammography: How Current practice fails: Hearing


Improving the School Experience for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Students ED1.310/2:377257/MF – ERIC Web access:

Improving the Status of Women in the Arts and Humanities Y3.W84:10/1

Improving Women's Health through biomedical and behavioral research: Hearing


Improving Women's Health: Understanding Depression After Pregnancy: Hearing

Y4.C73/8:108-133/MF and Web access:

Improving Women's Health: Why contraceptive insurance coverage matters: Hearing

Y4.L11/4:S.HRG.107-391/MF and Web access:

Improving Your Health: Tips for African American Men and Women (DHHS / NIH) HE20.3302:H34 Web access:

In the Classroom: Empowering Girls (Peace Corps) PE1.10: M0082

Web access:

In the Classroom: Empowering Girls (Peace Corps) PE1.10: M0083

Web access:

In the Green Desert: Non-formal Distance Education Project for Nomadic Women of the Gobi Desert, Mongolia. Education for All: Making It Work. Innovations Series, 12. ED1.310/2:425045/MF – ERIC Web access:

"In the Thick of the Fight": Service and Learning in Progressive Era Composition (Women / Bryn Mawr College) ED1.310/2:464341/MF – ERIC Web access:

In the Zone: Living Drug Free PREX26.2:Z7

In the Zone: Living Drug Free PREX26.2:Z7/2

In the Zone: Living Drug Free: A Guide for Girl Scout Adults PREX26.8:Z7

Incarcerated Women and the Construction of the Self ED1.310/2:468445/MF – ERIC Web


Inclusion of Women in the Randolph-Sheppard Program ED1.310/2:413687/MF – ERIC Web access:

Income Security for Older Women: Path to Equality: Report Y4.Ag4/2:In2/2

Income Security and retirement decisions: Informing older women about private pension programs: A resource brief for the Aging Network HE1.1002:IN2/2/MF

Income Security and retirement decisions: Informing older women about social security: A resource brief for the Aging Network HE1.1002:IN2/3/MF

Income Status of Older Women HE1.1002:EL2/17/income/MF

Increasing Minority Participation in the Teaching Profession ED1.310/2:270527/MF – ERIC Web access:

Increasing the Amount authorized to be appropriated for acquisition at the Women's Rights National Historical Park: Report Y1.1/8:100-395/MF

Increasing the Amount authorized to be appropriated for acquisition at the Women's Rights National Historical Park: Report Y 1.1/5:100-532/MF \

Increasing the Effectiveness of Women's Programs on College Campuses: A Summary of the Activities and Accomplishments of the National Women's Centers Training

ED1.310/2:235721/MF – ERIC Web access:

Increasing Use of Mammography Among Older, Rural African American Women: Results From a Community Trial (PubMed/USDHHS)

Increasing Women’s Use of the IUD for Family Planning (Program Brief) Web access:

Indian Women's Health Steering Committee HE20.302:W84

Indicators of Equal Employment Opportunity - Status and Trends Y3.Eq2:2In2/2000

Inequities Toward Women in the social security system: Hearing Y4.Ag 4/2:In 3/MF

Infant and Maternal Mortality Among Negroes (1937) L5.20:243

Infant Mortality among Medicaid newborns in five states: The effects of prenatal WIC participation A 98.2: 2001007391 Web access:

Informacion sobre discriminacion por razon de embarazo (Facts about pregnancy discrimination. Spanish) Y3.EQ 2:2P91/SPAN. Web access:

Information for Health Care Providers: Preventing Malaria in the Pregnant Woman

Web access:

Information for the Public: Preventing Malaria in the Pregnant Woman Web access:

Information for Victims of Trafficking in Persons and forced labor (Women - Crimes Against) J 35.2:T67 and Web access:

Information for Women: Your Sterilization Operation HE20.2:St4/7

Initiatives to Combat Violence Against Women J34.4:211/998 and 2001 Web access:

Integrating Preventive Health Services within Community Health Centers: Lessons from WISEWOMAN Web access:

Integrating the Scholarship on Women into the Curriculum of Selected Community colleges in the Baltimore-Washington Area: Final Report ED1.310/2:413943/MF -ERIC Web access:

Integrating the Scholarship on Women: Transforming the Curriculum ED1.310/2:316093/MF – ERIC Web access:

Inter-American Convention Granting of political Rights to Women between the United States of America and other Governments S 9.10:8365

Intercollegiate Athletics: Recent Trends in Teams and participants in National Collegiate Athletic Association Sports: Report (College sports for women - US – Evaluation) GA1.13: GAO-07-535 and ED1.310/2:497328/MF - ERIC Web access:

Intercollegiate Athletics: Status of Efforts to Promote Gender Equity: Report GA1.13:HEHS-97-10/MF Web access:

Intercollegiate Athletics: Trends by Sport in National Collegiate Athletic Associations sports (July 2007), An E-supplement to GAO-07-535 (College sports for women - US - Examinations, questions, etc) GA1.2: GAO-07-744SP Web access:

Interim Report-- Proposed Recommendations for Action: A national public health initiative on diabetes and women's health HE20.7602:2003008993 Web access:

International Efforts to End Discrimination Against Women: Hearing Y4.IN8/16:D63/2/MF Web access: and

International Feminist Perspectives on Educational Reform: The Work of Gail Paradise Kelly. Garland Reference Library of Social Science. Volume 1030 ED1.310/2:398099/MF - ERIC

International Human Rights Abuses Against Women: Hearings Y4.F76/1:H88/58/MF

International Independence: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84:10/9

International Position Paper on Women's Health and Menopause: A Comprehensive

approach HE20.3202:2002025320 Weba access:

International Trafficking in Women & Children: Hearings Y4.F76/2:S.hrg.106-705/MF Web access: and

International Trafficking in Women to the United States: A Contemporary manifestation of slavery and organized crime PREX3.18:T67 Web access:

Internet Resources on Women: Using Electronic Media in Curriculum Transformation (Women in the Curriculum) ED1.310/2:432957/MF - ERIC Web access:

Interparliamentary Union Conference: Report (Women's Rights – Congresses) Y4.F76/1:In8/52/984-2/MF

Intimate Partner Violence (Women - Crimes Against) J 29.13:IM8 Web access:

Intimate Partner Violence Among Unmarried College Women ED1.310/2:458501/MF – ERIC Web access:

Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence Victimization Assessment Instruments for Use in Healthcare Settings Web access:

Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy, A Guide for Clinicians Web access:

Intimate Partner Violence Surveillance: Uniform Definitions and Recommended Data Elements Web access:

Introductory Bibliography for Curriculum Transformation (Women in the Curriculum) ED1.310/2:432955/MF – ERIC Web access:

The Invisible Realities of Welfare Reform in Wisconsin: Perspectives of African American Women and Their Employers ED1.310/2:492294/MF – ERIC Web accesss:

Iraq, Women's Empowerment and Public Policy D101.146/3: IR 1 Web access:

Is Childlessness Among American Women on the Rise? C3.223/27:37 Web access:

Is There a Way Out? A Community Study of Women in the San Francisco County Jail ED1.310/2:203269/MF - ERIC

Issues of Sex Bias and Sex Fairness in Career Interest Measurement HE19.202:Se9 and ED1.310/2:113609/MF – ERIC

Issues relating to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women Y4.F76/2:S.hrg.100-1039/MF

It's You Time!: 12 Months to a Healthier You (Women – Health, hygiene, and education - US) HE20.41: 2/D33/ 2007 Web access:

Jane Addams - (9/1860) 188 pages of FBI documents. She was the Chairman of the newly formed Women's Peace Party in the U.S Web access:

Jeannette Pickering Rankin: First Woman Member of the U.S. Congress (Women of Influence) Web access

Job Opportunities for Women in the Military, Progress and Problems GA1.13:FPCD-76-26

Job Patterns for Minorities and Women in private industry Y3.EQ2:12-7/annual/MF (Periodical) Web access:

Job Patterns for Minorities and Women in State and Local Government 1997


Job Patterns of Minorities and Women in Public elementary and secondary Schools

Y3.Eq2:11/51 and Y3.Eq2:2Em7/7

Job Training Partnership Act: Racial and gender disparities in services: Report GA1.13:HRD-91-148/MF

Joint Resolution Approving the Location of the Memorial to the Women Who Served in Vietnam AE2.110:101-187 - Public Law 101-187

Joint Resolution Designating February 4, 1993, and February 3, 1994, as "National Women and Girls in Sports Day" AE2.110:102-557 - Public Law 102-557

Joint Resolution Designating February 6, 1992, as "National Women and Girls in Sports Day" AE2.110:102-252 - Public Law 102-252

Joint Resolution Designating November 5-11, 1989, as "National Women Veterans Recognition Week" AE2.110:101-153 - Public Law 101-153

Joint Resolution Designating November 6-12, 1988, as "National Women Veterans Recognition Week" AE 2.110:100-514 - Public Law 100-514

Joint Resolution Designating November 11 through November 17, 1990, as "National Women Veterans Recognition Week" AE2.110:101-490 - Public Law 101-490

Joint Resolution Designating the Week Beginning November 7, 1993, and the Week Beginning November 6, 1994, Each as "National Women Veterans Recognition

Week" AE2.110:103-148 - Public Law 103-148

Joint Resolution Designating the Week Beginning November 8, 1992, as "National Women Veterans Recognition Week" AE2.110:102-517 - Public Law 102-517

Joint Resolution Designating the Week Beginning November 9, 1986, as "National Women Veterans Recognition Week" AE 2.110:99-527 - Public Law 99-527

Joint Resolution Designating the Week Beginning November 10, 1991, as "National Women Veterans Recognition Week" AE 2.110:102-161 - Public Law 102-161

Joint Resolution Expressing the Sense of Congress with Respect to Raising Awareness and Encouraging Prevention of Sexual Assault in the United States AE2.110:108-38 - Public Law 108-38 Web access:

Joint Resolution Expressing the Sense of Congress with Respect to the Women Suffragists Who Fought for and Won the Right of Women to Vote in the United States AE2.110:109-49 - Public Law 109-49 Web access:


Joint Resolution to Authorize the Establishment of a Memorial on Federal Land in the District of Columbia and Its Environs to Honor Women Who Have Served in the

Armed Forces of the United States AE2.110:99-610 - Public Law 99-610

Joint Resolution to Designate February 7, 1991, as "National Girls and Women in Sports Day" AE 2.110:102-5 - Public Law 102-5

Joint Resolution to Designate February 8, 1990, as "National Women and Girls in Sports Day" AE2.110:101-241 - Public Law 101-241

Joint Resolution to Designate March 19, 1992, as "National Women in Agriculture Day" AE2.110:102-257 - Public Law 102-257

"Just A Temp" Expectations and experiences of Women clerical temporary Workers


The June 7, 1991, Forum on Issues in Corrections a record and proceedings: "Female Offenders." J 16.2:F77/2

Just for You > Women (Health Finder) (US DHHS Website) Web access:

Justice Discretionary Grants: Byrne Program and Violence Against Women Office grant monitoring should be better documented: Report GA1.13:GAO-02-25 Web access:

Justice impact evaluations: One Byrne evaluation was rigorous; All reviewed Violence

Against Women Office evaluations were problematic GA1.13:GAO-02-309

Web access:

K-12 Single-Sex Education: What Does the Research Say? (Women – Attitudes) ED1.310/2:444758/MF – ERIC Web access:

Keeping Incarcerated Mothers and Their Daughters Together: Girl Scouts Beyond Bars J 28.30:IN2 Web access:

Keeping Safe: Chimera Self-Defense for Older Women HE1.1002:C44/MF

Kinship Support and Maternal and Adolescent Well-being in Economically Disadvantaged African-American Families ED1.310/2:419859/MF – ERIC Web access:

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior of Immigrant Asian American Women Ages 40 and Older Regarding Breast Cancer and Mammography Screening (DHHS / ODPHP)

Land Conveyance to the Columbia Hospital for Women: Report Y1.1/8:102-912/PT.2/CORR./MF


Latina High School Leaving: Some practical solutions  (Hispanic American teenage girls -

Education) ED1.310/2:423096 and ED1.331/2:EDO-RC-97-8 Web access::


Latina Women of NASA Web access:

Latinas: Area Studies Collections (Library of Congress - Women) Web access:

Law and Policy Affecting Addicted Women and Their Children: Hearing Y4.C43/2:L41/MF

Leading Minds: An Anatomy of Leadership (“Margaret Mead: An Observer of Diverse Cultures Educates Her Own"; "J. Robert Oppenheimer: The Teaching of Physics, the Lessons of Politics"; "Robert Maynard Hutchins: Bringing 'The Higher Learning' to America"; "Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.: The Business of America"; "George C. Marshall: The Embodiment of the Good Soldier"; "Pope John XXII: Rediscovering the Spirit of the Church"; "Eleanor Roosevelt: Ordinariness and Extraordinariness"; "Martin Luther King, Jr.: Leading in a Rapidly Changing Environment"; "Margaret Thatcher: A Clear Sense of Identity" and finishes with "A Generation of World Leaders"; Leadership That Looks Forward: "Jean Monnet and Mahatma Gandhi”) ED1.310/2:418471/MF – ERIC

Leading the Fight: The Violence Against Women Office: Hearing Y4.J89/2:S.HRG.107-886/MF

Learning Stories in Narrative Biographical Research (Women) ED1.310/2:465031/MF – ERIC

Leaving Jail: Service Linkage and Community Re-Entry for Mothers with Co-Occurring

Disorders (Justice Involved Women with Co-Occuring Disorders and Their

Children Series) Web access:

The Legal Issues of Female Inmates ED1.310/2:233288/MF – ERIC

The Legal Situation of Women in Latin America and the Caribbean Defined according to

the Resolutions and Mandates of the United Nations System. Volume I: Basis,

Proposals, Methodology, and Information Analysis ED1.310/2:276644/MF - ERIC

The Legal Status of Homemakers: A Workshop Guide Y3.W84/10/10

The Legal Status of Homemakers (by States) Y3.W84:v.1-

Legal Status of Homemakers in Alabama: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W 84:9/1

Legal Status of Homemakers in Alaska: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84:9/2

Legal Status of Homemakers in Arizona: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84:9/3

Legal Status of Homemakers in Arkansas: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84:9/4

Legal Status of Homemakers in California: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/5)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Colorado: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84:9/6

Legal Status of Homemakers in Delaware: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84:9/8

Legal Status of Homemakers in District of Columbia: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84:9/9

Legal Status of Homemakers in Florida: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/10)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Georgia: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/11)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Hawaii: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W 84:9/12)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Idaho: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/13)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Illinois: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/14)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Indiana: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/15)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Iowa: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/16)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Kansas: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/17)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Kentucky: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/18)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Louisiana: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/19)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Maine: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/20)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Maryland: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/21)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Massachusetts: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/22)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Michigan: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/23)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Minnesota: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/24)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Mississippi: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/25)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Missouri: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/26)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Montana: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/27)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Nebraska: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/28)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Nevada: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/29)

Legal Status of Homemakers in New Hampshire: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/30)

Legal Status of Homemakers in New Jersey: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/31)

Legal Status of Homemakers in New Mexico: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/32)

Legal Status of Homemakers in New York: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/33)

Legal Status of Homemakers in North Carolina: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/34)

Legal Status of Homemakers in North Dakota: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/35)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Ohio: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W 84:9/36)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Oklahoma: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/37)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Oregon: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/38)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Pennsylvania: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/39)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Rhode Island: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/40)

Legal Status of Homemakers in South Carolina: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/41)

Legal Status of Homemakers in South Dakota: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/42)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Tennessee: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/43)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Texas: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/44)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Utah: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/45)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Vermont: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/46)

Legal Status of Homemakers in the Virgin Islands: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/52)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Virginia: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/47)

Legal Status of Homemakers in Washington: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year (Y3.W84:9/48)

Legal Status of Homemakers in West Virginia: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84:9/50

Legal Status of Homemakers in Wisconsin: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84:9/50

Legal Status of Homemakers in Wyoming: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84:9/51

Legislation to Prohibit Sex Discrimination on the basis of pregnancy: Hearing


Legislative History of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978: Public Law 95-555


Length of Stay among Female Clients in Substance Abuse Treatment (Chapter 6 of in Health Services Utilization by Individuals with Substance Abuse and Mental Disorders, 2002) Web access:

Lesbian Baiting Hurts All Women ED1.310/2:412049/MF - ERIC Online

Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals HE20.8008:AL1/11

Lesbian Health (DHHS) Web access:

Lesbian Health Fact Sheet HE20.41:2/2004002255 Web access:

A Lesbian Profile: A Survey of 1000 Lesbians. First Edition ED1.310/2:301775/MF - ERIC

¿Las “lesbianas” u otras mujeres que tienen relaciones sexuales con otras mujeres corren

riesgo de contraer el VIH?

Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals HE20.8008:AL1/11

Lesson Plans for "Not for Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and

Susan B. Anthony" ED1.310/2:448068/MF - ERIC

Lessons Learned: Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for Women and their Children


Library Materials and Services for Teen Girls ED1.310/2:474101/MF - ERIC

Library of Congress Manuscripts: An Illustrated Guide: Women’s History Web access:

Libro de datos sobre la salud de las mujeres de color (Women of color Health data book.

Spanish) HE20.3002:W 84/4/2002/SPAN. Web access:

The Life and Times of Emma Goldman: A Curriculum for Middle and High School Students

ED1.310/2:466975/MF – ERIC Web access:

A Life in Art: Alma Thomas, 1891-1978 SI 6.2:T36

A Lifetime of Good Health: Your Guide to Staying Healthy HE20.3002:H34/3 and HE20.41:

2/2003001534 Web access:

Lilly Martin Spencer: The Joys of Sentiment SI 6.2:Sp3

The Link Between Prostitution and Sex Trafficking Web access:

Linking Girls to the Land EP 1.142:  irregular  Web access:


List of Mothers and Widows of American Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines Entitled to Make A Pilgrimage to the War Cemeteries in Europe (Serial Set #9225)

A List of Speakers on Issues Concerning Hispanic Women CS1.2:H 62/2

Listening to Our Grandmothers' Stories: The Bloomfield Academy for Chickasaw Females, 1852-1949 ED1.310/2:456971/MF - ERIC

Literature: CUNY panel: Rethinking the Disciplines (Women in the Curriculum) ED1.310/2:432961/MF – ERIC Web access:

Literature Review on Effective Sex- and Gender-Based Systems/Models of Care Web access:

Little Sisters and the Law J 1.2:Si8

“Little Women," Adapted for the Stage by Paulette Laufer, based on the novel by Louisa May Alcott cue sheet ED1.310/2:442155/MF – ERIC Web access:

Living in the Shadows: Older Women and the Roots of Poverty: Hearing Y4.Ag4/2:W84/16/MF

Longitudinal Study of Women in School Administration, 1972-2002 ED1.310/2:471592/MF – ERIC Web access:

Louisa May Alcott: An Annotated, Selected Bibliography LC2.2:AL1/2

Lucretia Mott: Friend of Justice. With a Message from Rosalynn Carter. Picture-book

Biography Series ED1.310/2:340637/MF – ERIC Web access:

Lupus and Women HE20.2:L97x and HE20.41:2/2004002296 Web access:

Lynch Law in Georgia: A Six-Weeks' Record (Ida B. Wells-Barnett, journalist), (Library of Congress - African American Odyssey) Web access:

The M'Clintock House: A Home to the Women's Rights Movement. Teaching with Historic Places ED1.310/2:434051/MF – ERIC Web access:

McClintock House, First Wesleyan Methodist Church and Stanton House: Women's Rights National Historical Park, Seneca Falls, New York I 29.88/2-2:M45

McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic Site (National Archives for Black Women's History) Web access:

Mae Schnurr: A Woman`s Rise to Prominence (Prologue fall 1997) AE2.111:29/3

Making Sense of the mammography controversy: What Women need to Know: Joint Hearing Y4.L11/4:S.HRG.107-326/MF Web access:

Male and Female Factors on the Cadet Evaluation Battery D101.60:331/MF

Male and Female Soldiers' Beliefs About the "appropriateness" of various Jobs for Women in the Army D101.60:352/MF

Male-Female Differences in Work Experience, occupation, and earnings: 1984 C3.186:P-70/2/no.10

Mammography and Breast Cancer Motivational Messages: A Focus Group Study of their Effectiveness across Ethnic Groups (DHHS / ODPHP) (American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, and White) Web access: munication/db/FileDownload.asp?ID=99

Mammography: Hearings Y4.AP6/2:S.HRG.105-179/MF

Mammography, the Most Important picture you can take: What women need to know about getting quality mammography at the right time and the right place HE20.4002:M31/2

Mammography Today: Questions and answers for patients on being informed consumers HE 20.4602:2002016835 Web access:

Management of menopause-related symptoms HE 20.6524:120 Web access:

Management of menopause-related symptoms HE 20.6524:120/SUM. Web access:

Management of Preterm Labor (Labor, Premature – Prevention, Pregnant women) HE20.6524:18 Web access:

Management of Preterm Labor (Summary) (Labor, Premature – Prevention, Pregnant women) HE20.6524:18/Sum. Web access:

Manners in the Senate chamber: 19th century women's views Y 4.Ar 7:M 32

The Many Faces of 21st Century Working Women: A Report to the Women’s Bureau (DOL)

L36.102:W89/13 Web access:

Manual for Teaching Midwives (1941) L5.20:260

Mapping Census 2000: The Geography of Diversity C3.2:M32/2002 - mini-CD

Marching Through the Visible Woman Web access:

Margaret Corbin: "The First American Woman to Take a Soldier's Part in the War for Liberty" (Women of Influence) Web access:

Maria Martinez: Five Generations of Potters SI 6.2:M36

Marilyn Monroe (FBI files on) Web access:

Marital Status and Substance Use Among Women Web access:

The Martha Jackson Memorial Collection SI 6.2:J13

Mary Cassatt: Pastels and color prints SI 6.2:C27

Mary McLeod Bethune and the National Council of Negro Women: Pursuing a true and

unfettered democracy I 29.58/3:W 84

Mary Wollstonecraft's "Rational Education" Agenda and the Status of Women in Eighteenth Century England ED1.310/2:424160/MF – ERIC Web access:

The Maryland Experience: Creative Funding and Cutting-Edge Programs Serve People with Co-Occurring Disorders in Contact with the Justice System (women) Web access:

Maryland Women Who Dare: Paving the Way to the New Millennium. Maryland Women's History Display Kit 2000 ED1.310/2:449105/MF – ERIC Web access:

Materials Relating to Existing Federal programs providing or financing health care for mothers and children Y4.F49:H34/20/paper

Maternal and Child Health Statistics: Russian Federation and United States, selected years 1985-95 HE20.6209:5/10/ 999 Web access:

Maternal Mortality and Related Concepts HE20.6209:3/33 Web access:

Maternity Homes for Unmarried Mothers: A Community Service (1946) L5.20:309

Maternity Leave and Employment Patterns, 1961-1995 C3.186:P-70/2/79 Web access:

Maternity Leave and Employment Patterns of first-time mothers: 1961-2000

C3.186:P-70/2/103 Web access:

Mature Women Workers: A Profile L36.102:W89/3

Maya Angelou: Author and Poet (NLS Mini-bibliographies) Web access:

Measuring Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and Perpetration: A Compendium of Assessment Tools Web access:

Measuring the Health of Women in America: National Ambulatory Medicay Care Survey


Measuring the Quality of Breast Cancer Care in Women HE20.6524:105 Web access:

Measuring the Quality of Breast Cancer Care in Women, Summary HE20.6524:105/SUM Web access:

Media (Women in Mass media) Y3.W84:10/12

The Media in Montana: Its Effects on Minorities and Women: A Report CR1.2:M76

Media: National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year Y3.W84:10/12

Medicaid: States Expand Coverage for Pregnant Women, Infants, and Children: Report GA1.13:HRD-89-90/MF

Medical Assistance for Certain Women found to have breast or cervical Cancer: Hearing


Medicaid Policies and Eligibility for WIC A98.2:2001007356 Web access:

Medications Development for the Treatment of Pregnant Addicts and Their Infants

(NIDA Research Monograph, Number 149) HE20.3965:149/MF Web access:

Memorial to Honor Women Who Have Served In or With the Armed Forces Y1.1/8:99-342/MF

Menopause (AgePage) HE20.3861:M52/2005 Web access:

The Menopause, Hormone Therapy, and Women’s Health Y3.T22/2:2M52 Web access:

Menopause: One Woman’s Story, Every Woman’s Story: A Resource for making healthy choices HE20.3852:M52/4 Web Access:

Menopause: One Woman's Story, Every Woman's Story: Companion, 2003 HE20.3852:M52/4/companion Web access:

Menopause: The Experts Speak HE 20.3852:M52

The Menopause Time of life (Rev. ed., July 1986) HE 20.3852:M 52/2

Menopausal hormone replacement therapy use and cancer: Questions and answers

HE20.3182:M52 Web access:

Men's and Women's Quality of Work in the New Canadian Economy. Work Network Research Paper ED1.310/2:477402/MF – ERIC Web access:

Mental Health Concerns of Older Women HE23.3002:W84/2/wkg.paper no.5/MF

Mentoring of Female African American Adolescents ED1.310/2:431061/MF - ERIC

Menstruation and the Menstrual Cycle (Frequently Asked Questions) Web access:

Methadone and Pregnancy: Special Bibliographies HE20.8211/2:1

Methodological Issues in Controlled Studies on Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Drug Abuse( NIDA Research Monograph, Number 114) HE20.8216: 114

Methodological Issues in Epidemiological, Prevention, and Treatment Research on Drug-Exposed Women and Their Children (NIDA Research Monograph, Number 117) HE 20.8216:117 Web access:

Mexican American Women: Schooling, Work, and Family ED1.33/2:EDD-RC-95-9 and ED1.310/2:388490/MF – ERIC Web access:

Midlife Women: Policy Proposals on Their Problems: A Summary of Papers Y4.Ag4/2:W84/3paper

Midlife Women Speak Out: Assessing Job Training; and, the Status of Working Women: A Statistical Profile of Midlife Women Aged 35-54 L36.102:W84/12

Military Academy: Gender and Racial disparities: Report to Congressional Requesters

GA1.13:NSIAD-94-95/MF Web access:

Military Culture: A Paradigm Shift? (Women & Gays, U.S. Armed Forces) D301.26/6:2004003942 Web access:

Military Housing: Costs of Separate barracks for male and Female recruits in basic training: Report GA1.13:NSIAD-99-75/MF Web access:

Military personnel: Preliminary observations on DOD's and the Coast Guard's sexual

assault prevention and response programs: Testimony (Women soldiers - crimes

against – prevention) GA 1.5/2: GAO-08- 1013 T Web access:

Military Widows' Issues: Hearing Y4.Ar5/2 a:987-88/118/MF

Military Women in the Department of Defense D 1.90:990

Minorities and the Coast Guard: A Historical Bibliography Web access:

Minorities and Women are Underrepresented in the Foreign Service GA1.13:NSIAD-89-146/MF

Minorities and Women as Government contractors: A Report of the United States Commission on Civil Rights. Washington, DC. May, 1975 CR1.2:C76/7 Web access:

Minorities and Women in Educational Administration ED1.310/2:319110/MF – ERIC Web access:

Minorities and Women in State and local government (ohther title: EEOC report, minorities and women in state and local government 19 ................

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