
The Mayor’s European Social Fund (ESF) ProgrammeApplication Form and QuestionsCreative Enterprise Zone: Brixton (Lambeth) COPYRIGHTGreater London AuthorityNovember 2020Published byGreater London AuthorityCity HallThe Queen’s WalkMore LondonLondon SE1 CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Section 1: Completing this application form PAGEREF _Toc43458486 \h 4Section 2: Application Guidance PAGEREF _Toc43458487 \h 6Introduction PAGEREF _Toc43458488 \h 6Weighting PAGEREF _Toc43458489 \h 6Section 3: Application Form PAGEREF _Toc43458490 \h 8PART A – Pre-Qualification Questionnaire PAGEREF _Toc43458491 \h 8PART B – Information PAGEREF _Toc43458492 \h 12PART C – Your Project PAGEREF _Toc43458493 \h 21SECTION 1 - PROJECT METHODOLOGY PAGEREF _Toc43458494 \h 21SECTION 2 - VALUE FOR MONEY (VfM) PAGEREF _Toc43458495 \h 26SECTION 3 - CROSS CUTTING THEMES AND POLICIES PAGEREF _Toc43458496 \h 27SECTION 4 – PROJECT TEAM AND RESOURCE PLANNING PAGEREF _Toc43458497 \h 28PART D – References PAGEREF _Toc43458498 \h 29PART E – Form of Grant Application, Certificate of Bona Fide Application & Declaration PAGEREF _Toc43458499 \h 32Form of Grant Application PAGEREF _Toc43458500 \h 32Certificate of Bona Fide Application PAGEREF _Toc43458501 \h 33Declaration PAGEREF _Toc43458502 \h 34PART F - Scoring Criteria PAGEREF _Toc43458503 \h 35Scoring Framework PAGEREF _Toc43458504 \h 36Section 1: Completing this application form Please read all the questions carefully.If you are applying for more than one project, complete a separate application for each project.When responding to the questions in this application form, carefully consider the objectives and requirements of the relevant Project Requirements (applications will be appraised and scored against this).Ensure statements are clear, full and appropriately evidenced.Do not assume assessors will be familiar with your organisation.Do not exceed the space limit as text beyond these limits will not be scored.Do not leave any sections blank.All parties that will be involved in delivering the project must be named on the application form.Parts A and B do not attract any score, but the information that you provide in these questions is important to the GLA, and without the answers we will not be able to progress your application.Part A Questions 26-28: If you respond ‘Yes’ you must explain the circumstances and provide strong evidence that the organisation/Subcontractor has taken the necessary measures to remedy the situation. If you answer ‘Yes’ to Questions 26-28 and either (i) provide no evidence of remedial measures implemented, or (ii) the evidence provided does not satisfy the GLA that appropriate and sufficient remedial measures have been implemented, the GLA reserves the right to not progress the Application.If the answer is ‘Yes’ and it relates to any of your proposed Subcontractors/Subgrantees, evidence of remedial measures implemented must be provided, if the evidence provided does not satisfy the GLA that appropriate and sufficient remedial measures have been implemented; the GLA will inform you at the earliest opportunity and you will be asked to propose an alternative subcontractor and resubmit the relevant parts of your Application by a deadline which will be set by the GLA should the situation arise. Part C is scored, and the percentage allocated to each section in Part C, and to each sub-section in Part C, are shown in Part F. All responses to Part C should be provided on a separate Word document, please ensure you clearly indicate which question you are responding to. Each question includes a series of statements that inform you of what should be included in your answer. Please cover all the statements as thoroughly and concisely as you can. Each statement will attract marks towards your overall score, so in order to achieve the maximum marks available, each statement must be addressed. Ensure that you provide the information asked for in the correct place in the application form. To ensure that you have the best possible chance of scoring well, ensure that you answer each question, and that the answer that you give relates to that specific question. The GLA reserve the right to reduce the score of one or more questions where specific responses in one question contradict the information provided elsewhere in the applicationWhen a question asks ‘why’ you think your approach is appropriate, you may wish to consider, as appropriate, either (i) using examples from delivery you have previously been engaged in, or (ii) referring to research or examples of work carried out elsewhere.All answers must be typed using Arial font, point size 12, and should be saved in Microsoft Word format. Responses in Part C are limited to a word count. For questions that carry word limits, Bidders must not exceed the stated word limit. If Bidders exceed the word limit, the GLA will assess the response up until the point at which the word limit has been reached. Text within any tables will be counted towards the total word count for the answer. Bidders should note that they must score 2 or above on ‘key questions’ in order to be considered for a Grant Award. These questions are indicated in Part C. The key questions will be scored first, if the answers do not score a 2 or above the bid will be ‘knocked out’ and the remaining questions will not be scored. The information required in the Funding and Targets Section should be obtained from the Payment Trigger Calculator (PTC). Where there are differences between the information contained in this Application Form and the PTC, the information contained in the PTC will be used as the basis of the scores awarded during the assessment of the Application. Therefore, please ensure that the contents of the Application Form and PTC agree where relevant.Section 2: Application Guidance Introduction With the exception of the due diligence documentation required in response to Part B (iii) Bidders must provide all documentation for each project that they are seeking funding for. Single applications for more than one project will not be considered. Due diligence documentation only needs to be supplied once per bidder organisation.All information supplied by the GLA in connection with applications shall be treated as confidential and shall not be disclosed to any third party without prior written consent of the GLA, except where that information needs to be disclosed to obtain advice, sureties, insurance guarantees and quotations required to prepare and submit your application in which case Bidders must obtain corresponding confidentiality undertakings from the parties to whom such information is disclosed for that purpose.All entries must be type written and must be in the English language.It is the responsibility of the Bidders to obtain for themselves, at their own expense, any additional information necessary for the preparation of their application. It is important that you complete all the forms required for this application Failure to submit any of the documents listed in Part B section (iii) and (iv) may mean that your application will fail and will not go forward for scoring.Please note that Part B sections (iii) and (iv) of this form function as a Checklist to ensure you have included all required documentation before you submit. WeightingEach section within Part C of the application form carries a weighted score, which indicates the maximum score for each section. A maximum score will only be given if a scorer considers that all elements of a question have been answered at least satisfactorily. Complete, good quality, responses which are supported by evidence will attract higher marks than those which do not meet these criteria.Therefore, Bidders must provide as much information as possible on their proposed project, while ensuring that they remain within the space restrictions set by the GLA for each answer.Innovative approaches are encouraged, but Bidders must ensure that they can also deliver against all mandatory requirements, and where suggested key stages are not to be included, Bidders must give a clear description of their proposed approach, clear explanations as to why their methodology and approach should be considered, and where possible, give evidence that substantiates their argument.The application will ask a series of questions concerning:Section 1 - Project MethodologyThe application must describe the range of activities that the Project will offer its clients and must explain how the proposed outputs and results will be achieved. The methodology must highlight how the activities will be undertaken and must include your approach to, and the use of, a delivery plan and an explanation of why your chosen approach is the most appropriate for the client group.Section 2 - Value for MoneyThe GLA will look to award a score for this section of the application based on the volume of both outputs and results achieved for the funding requested, and based on the complexity and perceived cost of the activities offered as part of the beneficiary’s journey to achieving a sustained result.Section 3 - Cross Cutting Themes and PoliciesThe application must explain how you will ensure that your policies are effectively communicated to your staff, subcontractors and beneficiaries during the lifetime of the project in line with the sustainable development and gender equality and equal opportunities requirements of the ESF programme. Section 4 - Project Team and Resource PlanningThe Bidder must give details of their delivery team, including sub-contractors, explaining their role(s) and details of relevant experience and /or qualifications, as well as providing evidence of the team’s successes with regard to managing projects that have delivered similar outputs and results. Referees (to be provided in Part D) from funding bodies will be required to verify any claimed proportions of agreements delivered, unit rates maintained, or volumes of results achieved. Your track record with regard to any projects delivering similar outputs and results or delivering to similar client groups must be stated.Section 3: Application Form PART A – Pre-Qualification QuestionnaireAll questions must be answered either ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘N/A’. If an incorrect response is provided, the GLA reserves the right not to take your application further.Enter Yes, No or N/ADuring the last 12 months, have you met the terms of your banking facilities and loan agreements? FORMTEXT ????? During the last 12 months, has your organisation met all of your obligations to pay your creditors and staff? FORMTEXT ?????The GLA can only pay its Grantees via the BACS system. Can you receive payments by BACS, or will you be able to by the time the delivery period starts? FORMTEXT ?????Do you have monitoring systems in place?that adhere to the requirements of the Equality Act (2010) for; 1. Age2. Disability3. Gender reassignment4. Pregnancy and maternity5. Race6. Religion or Belief7. Sexual Orientation8. Sex9. Marriage and Civil partnership (only if you are a Public Authority) FORMTEXT ?????Do you?have equality policies?that address the requirements arising from the Equality Act (2010) for;1. Age2. Disability3. Gender reassignment4. Pregnancy and maternity5. Race6. Religion or Belief7. Sexual Orientation8. Sex9. Marriage and Civil partnership (only if you are a Public Authority) FORMTEXT ?????Does your organisation have a Health & Safety Policy that is reviewed at least every 12 months? (If you have fewer than five employees, please answer ‘yes’) FORMTEXT ?????Please read the GLA’s Due Diligence guidance in Section 4 of the Prospectus. Can you confirm that you have provided all of the required documentation? FORMTEXT ?????Do you have experience of working with the specific cohort relevant to this Project? (Please provide evidence in the table in Part D of this application). FORMTEXT ?????If you or your Subcontractors/Subgrantees will offer accredited training, will you be able to provide the most recent copies of appropriate evidence of Centre Accreditation for the courses you will deliver? FORMTEXT ?????Is your organisation or any of its directors/Subcontractors/proprietors in a state of bankruptcy, insolvency, compulsory winding up, receivership, composition with creditors, or subject to relevant proceedings? FORMTEXT ?????Please confirm that you have read the situations set out in Regulation 57 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (found at ) and that they do not apply to you or any of your Subcontractors/Subgrantees; FORMTEXT ?????Please confirm that this grant application will remain open for a minimum of 120 days from the date that it is received by the GLA; FORMTEXT ?????Please confirm that you have read the information contained in the Project Requirements and Prospectus; FORMTEXT ?????Please confirm that you have specifically read the information contained in Section 4 of the Prospectus (Conditions of Applying); FORMTEXT ?????Do you have a Project specific Sustainable Development Policy and Implementation Plan in place, or if you do not have a project specific Sustainable Development Policy and Implementation Plan at the time of submitting your application, can you confirm that you will have one by the time delivery starts on your Project? FORMTEXT ?????Do you have a Project specific Equal Opportunities Policy and Implementation Plan in place, or if you do not have a project specific Equal Opportunities Policy and Implementation Plan at the time of submitting your application, can you confirm that you will have one by the time delivery starts on your Project? FORMTEXT ?????Does your organisation have a Safeguarding Policy? FORMTEXT ?????Successful Bidders will be required to ensure that Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks are undertaken for all persons (including volunteers) (as considered) reasonable in line with Governmental Guidance; (without limitation) the personnel of sub-contractors and/or sub-grantees, who are required to work with children (under the age of 18) or vulnerable adults as part of their Project.Please confirm that, if successful, you will carry out DBS checks on all staff, including those of sub-grantees/contractors, who will have direct contact with project participants who are children (under the age of 18) or vulnerable adults? FORMTEXT ?????Does your organisation have a Data Protection Policy that meets the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into effect on 25 May 2018? FORMTEXT ?????The ESF programme must be wholly accessible for persons with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities. Where applicable, will you make reasonable adjustments to ensure access for disabled participants to the support provided by this project? FORMTEXT ?????Do you agree to provide the Greater London Authority with project case studies on a regular basis (every three months) FORMTEXT ?????If applicable, would your ultimate holding company be prepared to guarantee your grant performance as its subsidiary FORMTEXT ?????Has your company been prosecuted for a breach of health and safety legislation in the past 5 years? If Yes, please provide details below. FORMTEXT ?????23.1 FORMTEXT ?????Is your organisation compliant with the requirements contained within Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015? FORMTEXT ?????Can you confirm that you comply with the provisions of all applicable rules on State Aid and ensure that all requirements for application of exemptions or notification to, and approval by, the European Commission under such rules, are met (for more information please refer to the State Aid section of the Delivery Handbook)? FORMTEXT ?????Has your organisation’s or Subcontractors/Subgrantees previous activities resulted in significant repayment to or withdrawal of funding by a funder or contracting organisation within the last three years (?50,000 or 5% of grant value, whichever is the higher)? If yes, please explain in the space provided on page 11. FORMTEXT ?????Has your organisation’s or Subcontractors/Subgrantee failed to repay funding due to a funder or contracting organisation in excess of ?50,000 in the last three years? If yes, please explain in the space provided on page 11. FORMTEXT ?????Have significant irregularities in your organisation’s or Subcontractors or Subgrantees award of qualifications been identified within the last three years? If yes, please explain in the space provided on page 11. FORMTEXT ?????If you have answered ‘Yes’ to either 26, 27 or 28 above, please provide details below, including the name of the Project and Funder. FORMTEXT ????? PART B – Information This section of the application is unscored.(i) INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR PROJECTProposed Project Start Date FORMTEXT ?????Proposed Project End Date FORMTEXT ?????Project name FORMTEXT ?????In the space available, please give a brief summary of your Project, including objectives, geography, and results: FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? (ii) INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ORGANISATION, YOUR SUBCONTRACTORS/SUBGRANTEES, AND OTHER ESF DELIVERY PARTNERSAre you applying as;a)A Sole Lead Bidder with financial responsibility for a partnershipb)A Consortium or Partnership with joint and several liabilitiesc)A Sole Deliverer without Subcontractors/Subgrantee FORMTEXT ?????Bidder Organisation Name FORMTEXT ?????Bidder Organisation Name for Legal Agreements (if different) FORMTEXT ?????Bidder Organisation Address for correspondence FORMTEXT ?????Bidder Organisation Address for Legal Agreements (if different) FORMTEXT ?????Organisational Status(for example; Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered Charity, Local Authority) FORMTEXT ?????Company Registration Number (if appropriate) FORMTEXT ?????Registered Charity Number (if appropriate) FORMTEXT ?????Is your organisation listed on the Stock Exchange? FORMTEXT ?????Contact Name:(for the purpose of this application one authorised individual must be named as the lead contact for the whole application process) FORMTEXT ?????Position in Organisation FORMTEXT ?????Telephone Number FORMTEXT ?????Email Address FORMTEXT ?????Please list all other Subcontractors/Subgrantees that will be formally involved in the delivery of your Project (i.e. organisations with whom you will have some form of formal agreement, and which are paid for their contribution to the delivery of the project). If you require additional space, please attach a separate Word document as an Annex to this application.(Note: Any organisation listed will be required to confirm their involvement on a Partnership Declaration Form which you must enclose with this application. If you are awarded a Grant Agreement and additional paid Subcontractors/Subgrantees are required after this application is submitted, you will be required to procure their services through a competitive process, and you will require the GLA’s approval to involve them in your project).ORGANISATION NAMESUPPORT/ACTIVITIES TO BE PROVIDED1. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????2. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????3. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????4. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????5. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????6. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Please list any other ESF Delivery Partners that will be informally involved (i.e. who will provide ad-hoc support) in the delivery of your project and are unpaid. If you require additional space, please attach a separate Word document as an Annex to this ANISATION NAMESUPPORT/ACTIVITIES TO BE PROVIDED1. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????2. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????3. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????4. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????5. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????6. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????(iii) DUE DILIGENCE DOCUMENTATIONPlease note - In order for the GLA to carry out the Due Diligence checks they will make prior to agreeing to the award of a Grant Agreement, the following documentation must accompany this application. If you fail to supply all of the mandatory documentation the GLA reserves the right not to take your application further. Please confirm that you have enclosed the following documentation with your application;(for ALL BIDDERS). Please enter Y or N.A copy of the organisation’s Certificate of Incorporation; FORMTEXT ?????A copy of the most recent audited accounts or copy of the most recent accounts signed by an independent and qualified accountant, including a full set of notes to the accounts, Directors report, balance sheet, statement of the organisation’s turnover, profit & loss/income & expenditure (not abbreviated) and cash flow position for the most recent full year of trading/operations, where this information is not available in audited form (this is also a mandatory item for all partners applying as a Consortium where all members will be jointly and severally liable and will sign the grant agreement); FORMTEXT ?????(Except for Companies listed on the Stock Exchange) a statement of the organisation’s cash flow forecast for the current year; FORMTEXT ?????(Except for Companies listed on the Stock Exchange) The organisation’s budget for the current year; FORMTEXT ?????Financial Regulations - to include procurement rules; FORMTEXT ?????Budgeted allocation of funding within the project or a budget detailing which activity within the recipient’s organisation will be funded, containing line details of proposed expenditure (e.g. staffing costs, stationery and publicity); FORMTEXT ?????Evidence of Public Liability Insurance; ?10 million, (or confirmation that if you are selected as the preferred supplier you will increase your liability cover to ?10 million.) FORMTEXT ?????Evidence of Employer’s Liability Insurance; ?2 million, (or confirmation that if you are selected as the preferred supplier you will increase your liability cover to ?2 million.) FORMTEXT ?????(iv) OTHER DOCUMENTATIONPlease confirm that you have enclosed the following documentation with your application;(for ALL BIDDERS)One electronic version of the fully completed Application Form in Microsoft Word; FORMTEXT ?????One electronic version of the fully completed Payment Trigger Calculator, in Microsoft Excel; FORMTEXT ?????One electronic version of the fully completed Partnership Declaration Form for each Subcontractor/Subgrantee formally involved in the delivery of the project (in Microsoft Word); FORMTEXT ?????A PDF copy of your organisation’s Health and Safety Policy (if you have less than five employees, please answer N/A); FORMTEXT ?????A PDF copy of your organisation’s Quality Management System or Statement; FORMTEXT ?????If you do not have a Quality Management System or Statement at the time of submitting your application, can you confirm that you will have one by the time delivery starts on your project? FORMTEXT ?????A PDF copy of your organisation’s Safeguarding Policy; FORMTEXT ?????A PDF copy of your organisation’s Data Protection Policy FORMTEXT ?????A PDF copy of your organisation’s current or project-specific Equality Policy; FORMTEXT ?????A PDF copy of your organisation’s current or project-specific Sustainable Development Policy; FORMTEXT ?????Will you or any of the Subcontractors/Subgrantee involved in your project deliver accredited training as part of this project?(Yes/No)If yes;have you provided the latest copies of appropriate Ofsted Reports? (Yes/No)have you provided the latest copies of appropriate evidence of Centre Accreditation? (Yes/No) FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????A PDF copy of your Project Organogram (Question 4.1) FORMTEXT ?????(v) FundingValueHow much money are you applying for in order to deliver your project? ? FORMTEXT ?????(vi) What percentage of your participants do you anticipate coming from the following targeted groups? %Participants from ethnic minorities FORMTEXT ?????Female Participants FORMTEXT ?????Disabled Participants and Participants with health conditions FORMTEXT ?????If the percentage of Participants, you anticipate coming from the targeted groups above differs from the project target in section 1.4 (Equalities Target Groups) of the Project Requirements please provide an explain as to why. FORMTEXT ????? (vii) How many of the below do you envisage participants achieving? Volume%Young People into WorkParticipants starting on the Project FORMTEXT ?????100%Employers receiving training/guidance to create opportunities for participants to gain experience in creative sector jobs. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????A minimum of 60 participants move into employment, education or training FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????A minimum of 35 Participants sustain employment, education or training for 26 weeks (out of 32) FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????In Work ProgressionParticipants enrolled on the project FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Bespoke (non-qualified) training delivered FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Participants gaining a unit of a level 3 or above qualification FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????A minimum of 80 employed participants (“employees”) gain an improved labour market status FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????(viii) What % of your participants do you envisage will come from the following boroughs%Central London ForwardCamden FORMTEXT ?????%City of London FORMTEXT ?????%Hackney FORMTEXT ?????%Haringey FORMTEXT ?????%Islington FORMTEXT ?????%Kensington & Chelsea FORMTEXT ?????%Lambeth FORMTEXT ?????%Lewisham FORMTEXT ?????%Southwark FORMTEXT ?????%Tower Hamlets FORMTEXT ?????%Wandsworth FORMTEXT ?????%Westminster FORMTEXT ?????%Local LondonBarking & Dagenham FORMTEXT ?????%Bexley FORMTEXT ?????%Bromley FORMTEXT ?????%Enfield FORMTEXT ?????%Greenwich FORMTEXT ?????%Havering FORMTEXT ?????%Newham FORMTEXT ?????%Redbridge FORMTEXT ?????%Waltham Forest FORMTEXT ?????%South LondonCroydon FORMTEXT ?????%Kingston upon Thames FORMTEXT ?????%Merton FORMTEXT ?????%Richmond upon Thames FORMTEXT ?????%Sutton FORMTEXT ?????%West London AllianceBarnet FORMTEXT ?????%Brent FORMTEXT ?????%Ealing FORMTEXT ?????%Hammersmith and Fulham FORMTEXT ?????%Harrow FORMTEXT ?????%Hillingdon FORMTEXT ?????%Hounslow FORMTEXT ?????% (iv) AccreditationsConfirm which appropriate qualifications, centre accreditations and quality accreditations will be held by You or Your Subcontractors/Subgrantee at the time that delivery commences that will allow particular components of the project to be delivered, and which Subcontractors/ Subgrantee hold which qualification or accreditation, (this will be reviewed during the project set up and grant award stages). If you require additional space, please attach a separate Word document as an Annex to this anisation Name.Accreditation held. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????PART C – Your Project SECTION 1 - PROJECT METHODOLOGY 1.1 Project Activities (Maximum word count: 1000)NB: This is a key question – you must score 2 or above to be considered for a Grant Award. What will your project do? Describe the activities you intend to deliver and how these meet the needs of your target group (ensuring they meet the requirements outlined in the Project Requirements). Your response should include, but not be limited to:how the activities meet the needs and demands of the target groups and / or sectorthe various stages Participants will progress through on their journey from enrolment to achieving a positive outcome what each stage of the Project involves and how long you anticipate it will take to completehow you would adapt any of the activities to respond to the impact of COVID-19, including if lockdown and/or social distancing measures persist or are reinstated. 1.2 Project Design and Complementarity (Maximum word count: 1000) Describe your approach to the design of your proposed programme of activities. Your response should include, but not be limited to:examples of best practice and/or relevant research, both qualitative and quantitative, and/or data, demonstrating how you have used these to inform your proposed programme of activitieshow the target groups informed the design of your Projecthow you have used any previous experience to inform this process, and the insights it has brought to the overall design of your Project how you have involved relevant stakeholders such as employers/training providers in the development of your proposed programme of activitieshow your proposed programme of activities will complement and add value to Brixton CEZ and other existing provisionhow you have taken the impact of COVID-19 into account in the design of your project, including if lockdown and/or social distancing measures persist or is reinstated. 1.3 Identifying and Engaging Participants (Maximum word count: 650) Please describe how you will identify and recruit eligible Participants (including those with the greatest needs) for your Project. Your response should include, but not be limited to:the referral routes which you/your Subcontractors/Subgrantees will use to identify and recruit eligible Participants and any outreach you will deliverhow you will ensure that you are able to identify, access and prioritise those with the greatest needs, including those least likely to engage with mainstream support serviceshow you will ensure you (and sub-contractors if relevant) can still identify and recruit participants (particularly those with the greatest need) if COVID-19 lockdown and/or social distancing measures persist or is reinstated 1.4 Identifying, and addressing, Participants’ Needs (Maximum word count: 650) Explain how you will identify and address the needs of participants. Your explanation should include, but is not limited to:how you will carry out an assessment in consultation with the participants to understand their needs, career/training goals and any perceived barriers to progressionhow you will develop and deliver an effective individualised plan for each participant which balances both one-to-one and group supporthow you will build on that initial assessment during the project to make sure that your project continues to fully address the participant’s needshow you will work with other agencies to better understand participants’ needs (including any existing assessments or plans) and to provide appropriate supporthow you will address any additional participant needs triggered by COVID-19, for example digital inclusion, remote engagement etc.1.5 Engaging and Supporting Education/Training Providers and Employers/Organisations with Progression Routes (Maximum word count: 1000) NB: This is a key question – you must score 2 or above to be considered for a Grant AwardExplain how you will engage with, and support, the organisations/employers who will provide progression routes for your target group. Your explanation should include, but is not limited to:how you will engage employers in the Brixton Creative Enterprise Zone Consortiahow you will encourage employers to sign-up to the Good Work Standard, and / or London Living Wage accreditation (where appropriate)how you will identify potential employers / organisations and engage them to offer opportunities to Participants, including how you will use your own existing professional networks within the sectorhow you will engage and provide training and support to employers to work with them to identify areas where they can improve inclusive recruitment and working practices how you will build capacity in businesses to support work placements and provide opportunities for Participants how you will adapt the way you’re engaging with employers / organisations to reflect the impact of COVID-19 to date and, if lockdown and/or social distancing measures persist or is reinstated1.6 Supporting Participants to Sustain a Positive Outcome (Maximum word count: 650)Describe how you will support Participants to sustain a positive outcome (e.g. securing a job). Your explanation should include, but is not limited to:the range of activities you will make available to Participants to ensure they are able to sustain in employment/education/training for a minimum 26 weeks (out of 32)how you will work with employers/organisations into which the participant has progressed, to support Participants to sustainmodified or innovative approaches to address the particular, and changing, needs of the Participants in their new situationhow you will support participants in the event of COVID-19 negatively impacting their progression opportunity1.7 Risk Management: What do you regard as the top 3 risks affecting this project, and how will you manage these risks during the project lifetime.(Maximum word count: 500)Your explanation should include, but is not limited to:the risks that you have identified and how you will mitigate against thesehow you will review the risks that will affect the success of your project and the processes that you will put in place to assess and mitigate these risks RiskMitigation1 FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????2 FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????3 FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????(You may enter the information here or create and complete the table in your Word document)1.8 Publicity (Maximum word count: 500) Explain how you will publicise your project. Your explanation should include, but is not limited to:your communications strategy, including the range of methods you will use to communicate your Project to different audiences, and how you will measure its impacthow you will ensure that your publicity (and that of your Subcontractors/Subgrantees) adheres to ESF and GLA guidelines how you will ensure that your publicity engages with the projects target equality groupshow you intend to publicise the success of your project how you will provide the GLA with case studies for publication or promotion1.9 Evaluation of Project Activities (Maximum word count: 500)Explain your approach to Project evaluation, and how you will ensure your Project maximises its impact. Your explanation should include, but is not limited to:the key measures, or indicators, that you believe will help you to evaluate the effectiveness of your Project how you will measure the ‘soft outcomes’ achieved by participantsthe methods you will use to ensure engagement with Participants to evaluate the effectiveness of your Projecthow you will share the impact of your project and any good practice and lessons learnt with stakeholders how you will measure any wider benefits to London that your Project will deliver. 1.10 Exit strategy (Maximum word count: 500)Explain your exit strategy for the continuity, or closure, of your Project once the GLA/ESF funding has come to an end. Your explanation should include, but is not limited to:how you will ensure legacy of the project how you will signpost Participants to other agencies/services and/or support them to access ongoing help to progress or sustain their progressioneffective measures you will employ to mainstream delivery of your Project or continue focused areas of Project deliveryproposals for future funding or other initiatives to generate further revenueSECTION 2 - VALUE FOR MONEY (VfM)2.1 Output and Results (Maximum word count: 500)NB: This is a key question – you must score 2 or above to be considered for a Grant AwardExplain why your project represents good VFM. Your explanation should include, but is not limited to:an explanation of why the volumes of outputs, results and conversion rates you have proposed in the Payment Trigger Calculator and Part B (vii) are realistic and achievable, and the evidence you have to support your proposal is informed by previous delivery and/or benchmarked against similar projectsif you have offered 'Primary Results' in excess of the minimum targets proposed in the Project Requirements, a clear explanation and rationale.2.2 Project Expenditure (Maximum word count: 500)Explain why your planned expenditure is appropriate to the delivery of your project. Your explanation should include, but is not limited to:verification of the amounts and percentages that you have proposed in the Payment Trigger Calculator;why the percentage of spend is appropriate by broad expenditure area;how your Project costs will support the needs of your Participants.Expenditure AreaPercentage of overall budgetValueStaff Costs – Direct Delivery FORMTEXT ?????%? FORMTEXT ?????Staff Costs – Programme Management FORMTEXT ?????%? FORMTEXT ?????Participant Costs FORMTEXT ?????%? FORMTEXT ?????Indirect Costs FORMTEXT ?????%? FORMTEXT ?????Other Costs FORMTEXT ?????%? FORMTEXT ?????TOTAL100%? FORMTEXT ?????(You may enter the information here or create and complete the table in your Word document)SECTION 3 - CROSS CUTTING THEMES AND POLICIES3.1 Diversity and Equality (Maximum word count: 500)Explain how you (and your Subcontractors/Subgrantees if appropriate) will positively promote and encourage diversity and equality and eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation as outlined in the Equality Act 2010 or equivalent legislation. Your explanation should include, but is not limited to:how you will ensure your Equalities Policy is widely available and communicated clearly to key stakeholders.your processes for reviewing and managing implementation of your policy and practices to ensure that they are current and effective, specifying who will be responsible for doing so. how you will investigate and address all complaints of discrimination, harassment and you will assess the impact of your activities on advancing the equality of opportunity for groups named in the Equality Act 2010 or equivalent you will review and manage the policy if the impact of COVID-19 leads to online / remote delivery3.2 Social, Economic and Environmental (Maximum word count: 500)Explain how you (and your Subcontractors/Subgrantees if appropriate) will integrate social, economic and environmental considerations into the delivery of your Project. Your explanation should include, but is not limited to:how you will ensure the design and delivery of your Project will integrate social, economic and environmental considerations in order to obtain maximum social value outcomes during the life of the you will baseline, review and analyse the effectiveness of your policy in promoting and delivering sustainable development. how you will ensure your Sustainable Policy is widely available and communicated clearly to key stakeholders.your processes for reviewing and managing implementation of your policy and practices to ensure that they are current and effective, specifying who will be responsible for doing so. 3.3 Safeguarding (Maximum word count: 500)Explain how you will ensure the safeguarding of participants supported by your project. Your explanation should include, but is not limited to:how you will ensure your Safeguarding policies are widely available and communicated clearly to key stakeholders.your processes for reviewing and managing implementation of your policy and practices to ensure that they are current and effective, specifying who will be responsible for doing so. how you will ensure the effectiveness of Subcontractors/Subgrantees and stakeholders’ policies and procedures how you will review and manage your safeguarding policy if the impact of COVID-19 leads to online / remote delivery. SECTION 4 – PROJECT TEAM AND RESOURCE PLANNINGPlease upload your project organogram to demonstrate the structure of your delivery resource. This should include the full project structure, including delivery partner resourcing if necessary.4.1 Project Teams (Maximum word count: 650)Explain how you will resource the proposed delivery of the Project (with reference to your project organogram). Your explanation should include, but is not limited to:key project staff, premises and management structure.the responsibilities of your project team. the responsibilities of any Subcontractors/Subgrantees (if appropriate), including how they will be identified through your selection and due diligence processes, and their expected contribution to your you will manage resource-related risks and ensure capacity to deliver the project including consideration of any other existing service delivery commitments. how you will manage project resources (whether staff or, if relevant, Subcontractors/Subgrantees) so that delivery is high quality and meets your target volumes4.2 Project Management Approach (Maximum word count:850)Describe your project management approach to ensure targets are met and the quality of provision is maintained consistently high. Your explanation should include, but is not limited to:how you will monitor progress and what actions you will take to correct any potential shortfalls during the course of the grant, including the systems and processes you will use to keep the project on trackhow you will monitor and manage Subcontractor/Subgrantee (if applicable) progress and performance.what processes you will put in place to ensure that your project team (and your partners where applicable) communicate effectively throughout the lifetime of the you will monitor and measure the quality of project delivery, including activities undertaken by Subcontractors/ you will capture and use feedback and evaluation to drive continual you will work with project staff and subcontractors (if applicable) to take into account any delivery changes required to respond to COVID-19 if lockdown and/or social distancing measures persist or is reinstated 4.3 Delivery Plan (Maximum word count: 400)Provide a Delivery Plan for the lifetime of the ProjectStart DateEnd DateKey Milestone/Activity FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????(You may enter the information here or create and complete the table into your Word document)PART D – References This part of the application is unscored.ReferencesPlease note – Whilst this question is not scored, references may be checked. Any inconsistent information will be reviewed during the evaluation of your project proposal and may lead to a reduced number of points being awarded.Project NameFunderValue of grant/contract deliveredContact Name Contact Email Contact Telephone Number FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? Part D (i): For the Projects that you have included in the table above, please provide; (maximum 250 words) The defined criteria for success, and evidence that demonstrates how successful you were in delivering to the project target group(s);Your contracted targets and actual volumes delivered for (as appropriate) participants ‘entry and progression in employment; units towards qualifications gained; improved labour market status, employers engaged, work placements delivered.The lessons learned during the delivery of your projects; and how you might do things differently in order to improve on achievements. FORMTEXT ?????PART E – Form of Grant Application, Certificate of Bona Fide Application & DeclarationThis part of the application is unscored. Form of Grant ApplicationFor:Grant application for: FORMTEXT ????? (Project Name) To:Greater London AuthorityI/We FORMTEXT ?????carrying on business at FORMTEXT ?????hereby apply and undertake to execute and complete the Project required to be performed, in accordance with the conditions of the Grant Agreement, Project Requirements, Fee Schedule and the documents referred to in the invitation.I/We agree that the insertion by me/us of any conditions qualifying this application, or any unauthorised alteration to any of the application documents, shall not affect the form of grant application or the conditions of the Grant Agreement and may cause the application to be rejected.I/We agree that this application shall remain open to be accepted by the GLA and shall not be withdrawn for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days from this date.And I/We further undertake to execute a grant agreement in the form set out in Appendix 4 to the invitation (with all relevant information and requirements of the Project to be incorporated by the GLA). I/We understand that the GLA will not enter into negotiations in respect of the Grant Agreement but that it does reserve the right to make amendments as it deems necessary. I/We agree that the GLA will not make any payment of the Grant until the GLA’s Grant Agreement has been executed and the GLA has received a valid claim form.I/we understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any application you may receive.Name FORMTEXT ?????Job Title FORMTEXT ?????Date FORMTEXT ?????Certificate of Bona Fide ApplicationThe essence of competition is that the GLA shall receive bona fide competitive applications from all those applying. In recognition of this principle, we certify that this is a bona fide application, intended to be competitive, and that we have not fixed or adjusted the amount of the application by, or under, or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person. We also certify that we have not done, and we undertake that we will not do at any time before the hour and date specified for the return of this application, any of the following acts:communicate to a person, other than a member of the GLA, the amount or approximate amount of the proposed application, except where the disclosure, in confidence, of the approximate amount of the application is necessary to obtain insurance premium quotations required to prepare the applicationenter into any agreement or arrangements with any other person either that they shall refrain from applying, or regarding the amount of any application to be submittedoffer to pay or give, or agree to pay or give, any sum of money or valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any person for doing, or having done, or causing or having caused to be done, in relation to any other application or proposed application for the said deliverables any act or thing of the sort described aboveIn this certificate, the word ‘person’ includes any person and any body or association, corporate or incorporate and ‘any agreement or arrangement’ includes any such transaction, formal or informal and whether legally binding or not.Name FORMTEXT ?????Job Title FORMTEXT ?????Date FORMTEXT ?????DeclarationI, (name) FORMTEXT ?????am an authorised representative of (organisation name).To the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this application form is correct. I confirm that any grant awarded by the Greater London Authority will be used exclusively for the purposes described. FORMTEXT ?????Furthermore, (organisation name) FORMTEXT ?????agrees that, if successful in this application, it will make all records, documents and financial information relating to this project available for inspection by the Greater London Authority or its representatives at any point during or after the lifetime of this project to ensure that satisfactory audit trails are in place.Position FORMTEXT ?????dDate FORMTEXT ?????PART F - Scoring Criteria & FrameworkDetails of how the GLA will manage the scoring process can be found in Section 4 of the Prospectus.Individual questions in Part C of this Application Form will be weighted to represent the importance that the GLA attach to answers, and a table of questions, weighting, maximum scores, and the maximum percentage that each question can achieve, is shown on the next page.Scores will be awarded to individual questions in Part C in accordance with following principles:3An answer that demonstrates a good understanding and addresses the defined requirements2An answer that demonstrates a reasonable understanding and addresses some of the GLA defined requirements1An answer that demonstrates little understanding of the question and/or addresses few of the GLA defined requirements0An answer that demonstrates little or no understanding of the question and/or addresses none of the GLA defined requirementsYour Application will be scored against the following framework., Application Section% of Score 1. Project Methodology 50%2. Value for Money20%3. Cross Cutting Themes and Methodology10%4. Project and Resource Planning 20%Section Questions% of Score Project Methodology1.1 Project Activities7%1.2 Project Design and Complementarity6%1.3 Identifying and Engaging Participants 7%1.4 Identifying, and addressing, Participants’ Needs 7%1.5 Engaging and Supporting Employers/Organisations (progression routes)7%1.6 Supporting Participants to Sustain a Positive Outcome6%1.7 Risk Management3%1.8 Publicity3%1.9 Evaluation of Project Activities2%1.10 Exit Strategy2%Project Methodology Total50%2. Value for Money (VfM)2.1 Output and Results 12%2.2 Project Expenditure 8%Value for Money Total20%3. Cross Cutting Themes and Policies3.1 Diversity and Equality4%3.2 Social, Economic and Environmental3%3.3 Safeguarding3%Cross Cutting Themes and Policies Total10%4. Project Team and Resource Planning4.1 Project Team8%4.2 Project Management Approach8%4.3 Delivery Plan4%Project Team and Resource Planning Total20%Other formats and languagesFor a large print, Braille, disc, sign language video or audio-tape version of this document, please contact us at the address below:Greater London AuthorityCity Hall The Queen’s WalkMore LondonLondon SE1 2AATelephone 020 7983 4000.ukYou will need to supply your name, your postal address and state the format and title of the publication you require.If you would like a summary of this document in your language, please phone the number or contact us at the address above. ................

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