Walden University M

Walden University M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology Program

Formative Evaluative Criteria for Discussion Board Assignments

|Quality of Work Submitted |A: Exemplary Work |B: Graduate Level Work |C: Minimal Work |F: Work Submitted but |

| | |B+ = 3.50; B = 3.00; B- = | |Unacceptable |

| |A= 4.00; A- = 3.75 |2.75 |C+ = 2.50; C = 2.00; | |

| | | |C- = 1.75 |F = 1.00 |

| |All of the previous, plus | | | |

| |the following: | | | |

|Contribution to the Learning|The student’s contribution |The student’s contribution |The student’s contribution |The student’s contribution |

|Community |meets all assigned criteria |satisfactorily meets the |is minimal to the posting |does not meet the assigned |

| |and frequently prompts |assigned criteria for |and response deadlines. |criteria |

| |further discussion of a |contributions to the | | |

| |topic. |discussions. | | |

| | | |Occasionally, the student | |

| |The student takes a | |makes an additional comment.|The student does not respond|

| |leadership role in |The student interacts | |or responds late to |

| |discussions. |frequently and encourages | |postings. |

| |Regularly contributes to |others in the community. | | |

| |collaborative learning. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |The student demonstrates | |The student makes minimal |The student does not make an|

| |exemplary awareness of the |The student demonstrates an |effort to become involved |effort to participate in the|

| |community’s needs. |awareness of the community’s|within the community. |community as it develops. |

| | |needs. | | |

|Initial Posting: Critical |Demonstrates critical |Relates to the assigned |Summarizes or restates |Does not relate to the |

|Analysis of Issues |thinking to analyze and |discussion topic with |discussion topic components |assigned discussion topic. |

| |relate key points. |satisfactory evidence of |with minimal evidence of | |

|**May include, but are not | |critical thinking. |critical thinking skills. | |

|limited to, scholarly | | | | |

|articles, collegial |Supports content with |Summarizes and supports |Post is off topic. | |

|discussions; information |required readings or course |content using information | |Post does not summarize or |

|from conferences, in |materials, and may use |from required readings and |Post has minimal or no |contain a connection to |

|service, faculty |creditable sources** in |course materials. |connection to course |required readings or course |

|development, and/or |addition to those materials.| |materials. |materials.. |

|meetings. | | | | |

|Responses: Quality of |Provide specific, |Provide constructive and |Provide general feedback |Provide agreement without |

|Learning for Colleagues and |constructive, and supportive|supportive feedback to |with minimal or no |substance or connection to |

|Self |feedback to extend |colleagues. |connection to required |required readings or course |

| |colleagues’ thinking. | |readings or course |materials. |

| | | |materials. | |

| |Encourage continued and |Refer to sources from | |Demonstrate no evidence of |

| |deeper discussion. |required readings and course|Demonstrate minimal evidence|personal learning as a |

| | |materials. |of personal learning as a |result of interaction with |

| |Offer additional resources | |result of interaction with |colleagues. |

| |or experiences. |Demonstrate satisfactory |colleagues. | |

| | |evidence of personal | | |

| |Demonstrate exemplary |learning as a result of | | |

| |evidence of personal |interaction with colleagues.| | |

| |learning as a result of | | | |

| |interaction with colleagues.| | | |

|Expression |Provides clear, concise |Provides clear opinions and |Expression is unclear or |Unacceptable written |

| |opinions and ideas |ideas written in Standard |interrupted by errors. |expression. |

| |effectively written in |Edited English. | | |

| |Standard Edited English. | |Includes minimal or no |May include outside sources |

| | |Includes satisfactory |APA-formatted citations and |and direct quotes that lack |

| |Includes appropriate |APA-formatted citations and |reference list for outside |appropriate citations. |

| |APA-formatted citations and |reference list for outside |sources and direct quotes. | |

| |reference list for outside |sources and direct quotes. | | |

| |sources and direct quotes. | | | |

|Final Assignment Grade |A: Exemplary Work |B: Graduate Level Work |C: Minimal Work |F: Work Submitted but |

| | | | |Unacceptable |

The Discussion Board is intended to foster a dynamic, flowing discussion that stems from students’ engagement with course materials, one another, and faculty. Students are expected to ground their ideas and responses to one another in the course materials, in their own experience, and when relevant, in additional outside references.

**NOTE: The use of outside sources is not required for Discussion Board postings. Students must make at least one reference to course materials in their initial posting; however, it does not require a citation, unless it is a direct quotation. Outside sources must be referenced if a student uses direct quotes or paraphrases from the source.

Since all members of the online course have access to the same course materials, an allusion to an idea found in the course materials does not require an in-text citation with an accompanying reference list. However, a verbatim quote of language from any source, including course material, does require an in-text citation according to APA style (including the page number[s] of the quote) and an accompanying reference list. (Wherever there is a citation, full bibliographic information for that source must be provided in an accompanying reference list). We are aware that eCollege prevents exact APA formatting; however, students should make every effort to present information correctly..

Also, any outside sources (e.g. personal communication, published material, electronic websites, or electronic articles) -- whether an allusion to an idea, a paraphrase, or a direct quote – should be cited on the Discussion Board with an accompanying reference list.

It is expected that required Discussion postings and responses will be submitted to meet the assignment due date as postings and responses to colleagues after the due date do little to foster the purposes of discussion in a community of learners. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the faculty member if contacted by the student prior to the due date describing extenuating circumstances.

Updated: 7.8.09


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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