CITATION Woe16 \l 1033 (Woerner)Rashad ElliottProfessor SansingEnglish 100113 February 2016Technology Affecting the Healthcare FieldTopicMy topic is mainly about how the 21st century development of technology with learning is taking away from the actual learning of learning something. With the way technology is growing, the old traditional ways of learning are not being used and not taking into consideration. They are vastly fading away. Certain careers need the traditional learning ways that are sort of grandfather into that career.QuestionDoes 21st century technology learning help medical based, health students? Is digital learning and computerized material good for medical students? What are the advantages and disadvantages of 21st century learning for medical students?HypothesisI think that I will find that many will say that 21st century learning, which is more using of technology, is very helpful. I beg to differ. I feel that technology is boxing in the minds of everyone who is learning to become a doctor, pharmacist, engineer, or a chemist. Statement of SignificanceTechnology is affected every field of learning in the 21st century. The way technology is grow people can’t keep up but also some a handicapped by the amount of help technology gives someone. Some come from less fortunate homes and neighborhoods, they may never be as advanced as others who are more fortunate and can afford computers, internet, and as well as other things. Major test are converting over to computer test. If a person isn’t familiar with computer they will not grasp it. It’s changing the way teachers have to teach. On the other hand, the new generation of kids may not learn the fundamentals of learn. Technology is causing the children to only rely on technology instead of their own minds and capabilities. College Teachers, future employers, and the one who is learning these things should be worried about the way learning is changing and evolving. Already KnowA lot of the new learning in schools are becoming more technology and digital based. Jobs like pharmacy have a lot of technology that helps you dispense the medicine, bill the insurance automatically, receive prescriptions via computer, and store pharmacist do not actually make the medication. CITATION Woe16 \l 1033 (Woerner) People are not learning by hand anymore. Everything is digital scales, calculators, and computer. The development of technology is speeding up time with processes, it cuts down cost, and human error.Need to KnowWhy we are taught all these things in school but do not use them in the field of work? CITATION Con15 \l 1033 (Congdon) Pharmacist and physicians are becoming burned out. The development of Health IT is taking away face to face time with patients and patient interaction. CITATION Con15 \l 1033 (Congdon) What if technology failed, would the pharmacist know how to make medication without any technology? Or would they be handicap to technology. CITATION Woe16 \l 1033 (Woerner) Learning need to have an equal balance of learning. Instead of online homework and test but there needs to be more traditional handouts.MethodsTo get the info I received, I interviewed a Walgreens store manager, Channing Hand, and their pharmacy manager, Craig Woerner. I looked up a few health care sites and worked off of them. They all gave me valuable information. So you have to take key methods and statements from the interview. Then relate all this data to the way it relates to technology growth and the advantages an disadvantages it has in the health field. Works Cited BIBLIOGRAPHY Congdon, Ken. "Is Technology To Blame For Physician Burnout?" 13 February 2015. . 12 February 2016.Hand, Channing. Store Manager Rashad Elliott. 11 February 2016.Woerner, Craig. Walgreens Pharmacy Manager Rashad Elliott. 9 February 2016. ................

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