Eugenia Sanchez's Blog | Just another site


(page 1)

1 1. flash drive 4. scissors 6. microscope

2. glue 5. stapler 7. tablet

3. laptop

2 atlaspaintbrushcalculatorcompassglobepaints

1. paints, paintbrush 3. calculator, compass

2. globe, atlas

3 1. sport 3. textbooks 5. literature

2. drama 4. dictionary

(page 2)

4 1. studies, is meeting 3. practises, is playing

2. buy, are shopping 4. is answering, knows

5 1. Mark never takes photos at night.

2. Is Lisa putting water in the paint now?

3. I am not using my laptop at school today.

4. Where does your teacher live?

6 1. don’t know 5. are preparing 9. clean

2. speaks 6. wear 10. isn’t helping

3. love 7. put 11. are making

4. teaches 8. is washing



(page 1)

1 1. d 3. h 5. g 7. e

2. f 4. a 6. c 8. b

2 1. perform in a band 4. learn a foreign language

2. do judo 5. repair computers

3. build a model 6. play the piano

3 1. check e-mails 4. send text messages

2. take photos 5. do experiments

3. learn competitive 6. paint pictures


(page 2)

4 1. Are there 4. any 7. there is

2. there are 5. some 8. the

3. some 6. there aren’t

5 1. Is there any glue in your schoolbag?

2. Is there an orange pen in your pencil case?

3. Is there a laptop in your classroom?

4. Are there any blonde students in your class?

5. Are there any white shirts in your cupboard?

6 1. Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

2. Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

3. Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

4. Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

5. Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

7 1. How much 3. How much 5. How much

2. How many 4. How many


(page 1)

1 1. demonstrate 6. reach

2. fight 7. steal

3. pull 8. freeze

4. attach 9. light

5. bite

2 1. volunteer 5. save

2. improve 6. develop

3. survive 7. borrow

4. prevent 8. cross

(page 2)

3 1. taught 4. closed

2. travelled 5. heard

3. saw 6. began

4 Possible answers

1. My family ate / didn’t eat chicken yesterday.

2. I volunteered / didn’t volunteer last summer.

3. My friends and I did / didn’t do sport last weekend.

4. My class had / didn’t have a test last week.

5. There was / wasn’t a great film on TV last night.

5 1. did … steal – c 4. did … invent – a

2. did … reach – e 5. did … find – d

3. did … develop – b



(page 1)

1 1. b 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. d

2 1. was born 7. got a job

2. grew up 8. belonged

3. moved 9. fell in love

4. joined 10. get married

5. went to university 11. died

6. graduated

(page 2)

3 1. used to fight

2. didn’t use to study

3. used to go

4. used to receive

5. didn’t use to enjoy

4 1. Did … use to read 3. Did … use to have

2. Did … use to play 4. Did … use to make

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

5 1. used to 7. showed

2. used to 8. were

3. didn’t know 9. came

4. got 10. didn’t want

5. decided 11. were

6. wasn’t 12. wasn’t


(page 1)

1 1. rough 3. isolated 5. dull

2. peaceful 4. elegant 6. lively

2 1. safe 4. calm 7. frightening

2. ideal 5. terrible 8. pleasant

3. wonderful 6. extraordinary 9. relaxing

(page 2)

3 Possible answers

1. less relaxing than 4. less peaceful than

2. larger than 5. cleaner than

3. more elegant than

4 1. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world.

2. Mineral water is the least tasty drink on the menu.

3. Death Road in Bolivia is the most dangerous road

in the world.

4. Mount Teide is the highest mountain in Spain.

5. Football is the most popular sport in the world.

5 1. more famous than

2. the hottest

3. nicer than

4. the biggest

5. the most extraordinary

6. larger than



(page 1)

1 1. d 2. b 3. e 4. c 5. f 6. a

2 1. north 3. east

2. west 4. south

3 1. glaciers 4. canyon

2. stream 5. scenery

3. cliffs 6. ground

(page 2)

4 1. not as isolated as 4. not as clean as

2. not as large as 5. as nice as

3. as safe as

5 1. brave enough 4. too tired

2. not tall enough 5. not elegant enough

3. too small

6 1. the best 4. faster than

2. big enough 5. more exciting than

3. too hard


(page 1)

1 1. cold – d 5. cloudy – a

2. stormy – e 6. sunny – c

3. snow – g 7. windy – h

4. warm – f 8. hot – b

2 1. thunder 3. cold 5. hot

2. foggy 4. rain

3 1. wet 3. lightning 5. cool

2. warm 4. dry

(page 2)

4 1. (kind of dress) do 4. did

2. drove 5. do

3. is calling 6. made

5 1. Who is riding a horse now?

2. Who eats a lot of rice in your family?

3. What fell on the ground yesterday?

4. Where did Laura go sailing last week?

5. Who do you usually do your homework with?

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

6 1. Who cries every night?

2. When does Steve feed his pets?

3. How often do you play the piano? / How many

times a day do you play the piano?

4. What changed your plans?

5. Why did Al leave work early?



(page 1)

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2 1. aunt 4. niece

2. grandmother 5. nephew

3. grandsons, 6. grandfather

granddaughter 7. uncle

(page 2)

3 1. I never do my homework quickly.

2. Kate doesn’t sing as nicely as her sister.

3. Brad dances less shyly than me.

4. I spoke slowly to the teacher.

5. Mel studies more seriously than her friends.

4 1. bravely

2. more beautifully than

3. less nicely than

4. as well as

5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.


(page 1)

1 1. fingerprints 3. police officer 5. prison

2. gun 4. criminal

2 1. robbery 4. murder 7. court

2. investigate 5. arrested 8. weapon

3. hijacked 6. knife

The police found evidence of the crime.

(page 2)

3 1. was studying 4. was shining

2. wasn’t sleeping 5. weren’t waiting

3. were sitting

4 1. weren’t playing, were playing

2. was eating, wasn’t eating

3. were shopping, weren’t shopping

4. were talking, weren’t talking

5. wasn’t drawing, was drawing

5 1. Was Tom washing the car in the afternoon?

2. Where was Matt looking for his dog?

3. Were they planning a party for me?

4. Why were you crying?

5. Were you working at 4.00?



(page 1)

1 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. f 5. d 6. e

2besuspect1. forger

2. lawyer

3. judge

4. suspect

5. thief

6. expert

7. prisoner

8. victimpxtergofhopardinfisecgkdmoeprisonerfttjeboxgyhculawyeriidrwnzrhesgvictimgteadinap(page 2)

3 1. was … hiding 4. won

2. was talking 5. was cooking

3. saw

4 1. e –was lying

2. a –was fighting

3. d –was waiting

4. c –was going

5. b –were making

5 1. went 6. found

2. were sleeping 7. cleaned

3. entered 8. called

4. was cleaning 9. didn’t steal

5. were lying 10. was working


(page 1)

1 1. minivan 3. jeep 5. motorbike

2. lorry 4. scooter

2 1. flew 4. above 7. cities

2. holiday 5. coast 8. sailing

3. travel 6. electricity

3 1. Will the weather be sunny tomorrow?

2. Will our basketball team win the championship?

3. Will mobile phones cost more money in the future?

4. Will the teacher give four tests next term?

5. Will Jason like the birthday present?

(page 2)

4 1. c – will rain 4. e – won’t have

2. d – will be 5. b – won’t like,

3. a – will pay, will be won’t say

5 1. isn’t going to visit 4. isn’t going to repair

2. is going to give 5. are going to eat

3. aren’t going to study 6. are going to buy

6 1. are leaving 3. is selling

2. Are … moving 4. am not going



(page 1)

1 1. cleaned up 3. threw out 5. unplugged

2. picked up 4. recycle

2hplantrromtdestroyeddcewasteumssaege(page 2)

3 1. is 5. doesn’t want

2. will write 6. will ask

3. will be 7. are

4. recycle 8. won’t have

4 1. would meet 4. asked

2. didn’t throw 5. were

3. would buy 6. would plant


(page 1)

1 1. c 3. e 5. d

2. b 4. f 6. a

2 1. e 3. d 5. g 7. f

2. h 4. c 6. a 8. b

(page 2)

3 1. has left 4. haven’t answered

2. haven’t arrested 5. has put out

3. have decided 6. hasn’t eaten

4 1. Has Alex taken the dog for a walk?

2. Has Zoe fallen off her bicycle?

3. Have Amber’s friends forgotten her birthday?

4. Where have you put the car keys?

5 1. No, he hasn’t. 3. No, they haven’t.

2. Yes, she has. 4. On the table.



(page 1)

1 1. frightened 5. rude

2. worried 6. exhausted

3. upset 7. angry

4. proud

2 1. risky 5. surprised

2. ridiculous 6. unpleasant

3. unique 7. silly

4. nasty

(page 2)

3 1. Kevin has lived in London since 2010.

2. They haven’t spoken French for two years.

3. Daniel and Greg have been best friends since primary school.

4. We have watched this television series since the beginning.

5. She hasn’t visited her grandmother for a month.

6. I have drunk coffee for many years.

4 1. have made 7. has written

2. has travelled 8. since

3. for 9. has taken part

4. has been 10. has appeared

5. since 11. has chosen

6. has had


(page 1)

1 1. vitamins 4. calories 7. balanced diet

2. processed food 5. carbohydrates 8. sugar

3. healthy lifestyle 6. junk food

2saltiqpuunutritionodhtsecaffeineaaialtnctkhy(page 2)

3 1. couldn’t 3. mustn’t 5. could

2. can 4. can’t 6. must

4 1. You shouldn’t eat all this junk food.

2. He shouldn’t drive in this storm.

3. Should I wear this dress for the party?

4. I think we should buy her a present.

5 1. can’t, can 3. must, mustn’t

2. should, mustn’t



(page 1)

1 1. gained weight 4. team 7. track

2. exercise 5. gym 8. muscle

3. dietician 6. fresh air

2 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T

3 2. Running two kilometres every day is good for your heart.

3. Eat lots of fresh vegetables if you want to lose weight.

5. Because of the injury, the gymnast lost the competition.

(page 2)

4 1. Everyone has to leave their coats and bags outside the room.

2. Amy must take off her shoes before she exercises.

3. You mustn’t bring food into the gym.

4. Dan doesn’t have to wear special clothes for

this lesson.

5. You don’t need to meet with a personal fitness trainer.

5 1. Can 5. don’t need to 8. must

2. can’t 6. can 9. mustn’t

3. couldn’t 7. should 10. have to

4. have to


(page 1)

1earringsephcuakrsunglassesdaebcbbraceletglwatch2 1. b 2. d 3. g 4. a 5. f 6. c 7. e

(page 2)

3 1. the following week, would be

2. was looking, his, then

3. could, his, the next day

4. wanted, her, that

4 1. art teacher, were looking

2. shop assistant, didn’t sell, there

3. model, couldn’t, those

4. customer, would get, that day, following month, would buy


1 1. expensive 3. pretty

2. old-fashioned 4. formal

2gcpracticalaironlovelyimdapliztimpoocabcodcheapdohslkueimacenieeedrsaiorliplainfrnonhaztprituzlrcomfortabley 1. colourful 4. Cool 7. lovely

2. comfortable 5. modern 8. plain

3. cheap 6. practical

(page 2)

3 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a

4 1. to visit 5. seeing

2. to decide 6. to do

3. Shopping 7. to go

4. walking around

5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.[pic]


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