TOWN OF DERBY, VERMONTSELECT BOARD MEETINGMinutesApril 6, 2020Present: Brian Smith, Steve Gendreau, Grant Spates, Karen Chitambar, Beula Shattuck (speaker phone). Others: Rod Lyon, Joe Profera, Bob Kelley.MEETING CALLED TO ORDER - 6:00 P.M.Warrants #7A in the amount of $21,839.09 and #7B in the amount of $44,379.86 were signed. APPROVE MINUTES: Steve moved to approve the minutes of March 23, 2020, with Brian seconding. Unanimous.PUBLIC COMMENTS: None.NEW BUSINESS:Discussion on Board Members Signing – If meetings end up being canceled or held remotely the Board thought it would be better to have fewer board members need to go in to sign the warrants. For now the Board decided to continue their regular meetings and to allow members and staff to participate remotely if they so desire. Karen move to have Grant and Steve sign warrants on the Boards behalf if needed until the COVID-19 pandemic is over, seconded by Brian. Unanimous.Review & Sign – Balance Sheet, Delinquent Tax Report, Budget Status Report, General Journal Posting Report – All were reviewed and signed.Excess Weight Permits– Desrochers Excavation, Sticks & Stuff – Steve signed all permits as Road Commissioner.Liquor License: Walmart – At 6:06 Brian moved to recess the meeting to go into a Liquor Control hearing, with Karen seconding. Unanimous.The Board discussed the License. At 6:07 Steve moved to come out of the Liquor Control hearing, with Brian seconding. Unanimous.Brian moved to sign the License for: Walmart, with Karen seconding. Unanimous.TA & ZA Update – DRB/PC – No meetings are being scheduled for now. If permits do come in requiring DRB review, I have 30 days to refer it to the DRB and then the DRB has 60 days to hold a hearing. Bottom line is we can delay any hearings for 3 months if we had to. Permits - 17 permits have been submitted year to date (see attached). Eagle Point - We have received $276,067.46 and are waiting for our 2nd reimbursement request which should only be about $1,500. Johns River - The State has reviewed the plans and a few items need to be addressed. Ruggles is waiting for the R.O.W. clearance from the State before making the changes. Storm Damage – FEMA - I had the initial call with the FEMA and follow up call is scheduled for April 9th. Stump Dump - It was decided to open the Stump Dump this weekend and to have extended hours during the week for a while. Due to the Coronavirus people are home doing yard work and may want additional access to the Stump Dump. Rod will work with Bob on the hours.OLD/OTHER BUSINESS: Legislative Update – Committees are meeting remotely.ROAD REPORT: Rod reported that some of the crew is getting nervous with the close working conditions. The Board discussed ways to comply with the social distancing guidelines. Work is limited due to the guidelines, temporary layoffs may be an option. If it does come to layoffs, medical benefits will remain the same. Currently they are hauling sand which is keeping everyone separated except for the beginning and end of the day. Rod will continue to monitor the situation.EXECUTIVE SESSION: At 6:26 Brian moved to go into Executive Session on a potential legal matter, second by Steve. Unanimous. Out of Executive Session at 6:33, no action taken.ADJOURNMENT: The next regular meeting is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. Monday, April 20, 2020. Beula made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:33 p.m., with Brian seconding. Unanimous.Submitted by Bob Kelley, Unofficial until approved. ................

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