855Purchase Order Acknowledgment?Functional Group=PRInterface DescriptionThis Draft Standard for Trial Use contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Purchase Order Acknowledgment Transaction Set (855) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to provide for customary and established business and industry practice relative to a seller's acknowledgment of a buyer's purchase order. This transaction set can also be used as notification of a vendor generated order. This usage advises a buyer that a vendor has or will ship merchandise as prearranged in their partnership.Heading:PosIdSegment NameReqMax UseRepeatNotesUsage010STTransaction Set HeaderM1??Must use020BAKBeginning Segment for Purchase Order AcknowledgmentM1??Must useDetail:PosIdSegment NameReqMax UseRepeatNotesUsage?LOOP ID - PO1????100000????010PO1Baseline Item DataM1??Must use?LOOP ID - ACK????104????270ACKLine Item AcknowledgmentM1??Must use???????????Summary:PosIdSegment NameReqMax UseRepeatNotesUsage?LOOP ID - CTT????1????010CTTTransaction TotalsM1?N3/010Must use030SETransaction Set TrailerM1??Must useNotes:3/010The number of line items (CTT01) is the accumulation of the number of PO1 segments.[ST] Transaction Set HeaderPos: 010Max: 1Heading - MandatoryLoop: N/AElements: 2Usage Option:Must useTo indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control numberElement Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxST01143Transaction Set Identifier CodeMID3/3?CodeName?855Purchase Order AcknowledgmentST02329Transaction Set Control NumberMAN4/9[BEG] Beginning Segment for Purchase Order AcknowledgmentPos: 020Max: 1Heading - MandatoryLoop: N/AElements: 4Usage Option:Must useTo indicate the beginning of the Purchase Order Acknowledgment Transaction Set and transmit identifying numbers and datesElement Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxBAK01353Transaction Set Purpose CodeMID2/2?CodeName?00OriginalBAK02587Acknowledgment TypeMID2/2?CodeName?NANo Acknowledgment NeededBAK03324Purchase Order NumberUsage NotesOriginal Purchase Order - BEG03 from the 850 PO?MAN1/22BAK04373DateUsage NotesDate the Purchase Order was processed.MDT8/8[PO1] Baseline Item DataPos: 010Max: 1Detail - MandatoryLoop: PO1Elements: 3Usage Option:Must useTo specify basic and most frequently used line item dataElement Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxPO101350Assigned IdentificationUsage NotesSequential number to distinguish this line detail within the transaction set.MAN1/20PO106235Product/Service ID QualifierMID2/2?CodeName?PLPurchaser's Order Line NumberPO107234Product/Service IDUsage NotesOriginal Purchase Order Line Number - PO101 from the 850 PO.MAN1/48[ACK] Line Item AcknowledgmentPos: 270Max: 1Detail - MandatoryLoop: ACKElements: 3Usage Option:Must useTo acknowledge the ordered quantities and specify the ready date for a specific line itemElement Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxACK01668Line Item Status CodeMID2/2?CodeName?IAItem Accepted?IDItem Deleted?IHItem on Hold?R1Item Rejected, Not a Contract Item?R2Item Rejected, Invalid Item Product Number?R4Item Rejected, Contract Item not Available?ARItem Accepted and Released for shipmentNote:?EDI 855 Release for shipment status (AR) is a second status after the initial mandatory line acceptance IA status. Both statuses IA and AR can be send in the same file, however IA status must precede the ARThe status IA indicates there is enough stock for the line item and the line item can be fulfilled, while on receiving the second 855 with AR status prevents customer to cancel the line item through the web site.In case customer wants to cancel a line item after AR status is received by , the customer has to call customer service.ACK02380QuantityUsage NotesUsed to indicate quantity not available, only if the ACK01 element is "R4".Used to indicate quantity released for shipment, only if the ACK01 element is "AR"CR1/15ACK03355Unit or Basis for Measurement CodeUsage NotesRequired if ACK02 is present.XID2/2?CodeName?EAEach[CTT] Transaction TotalsPos: 010Max: 1Summary - OptionalLoop: CTTElements: 1Usage Option:Must useTo transmit a hash total for a specific element in the transaction setElement Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxCTT01354Number of Line ItemsMN01/6[SE] Transaction Set TrailerPos: 030Max: 1Summary - MandatoryLoop: N/AElements: 2Usage Option:Must useTo indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments)Element Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxSE0196Number of Included SegmentsMN01/10SE02329Transaction Set Control NumberMAN4/9 ................

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