“Eleven” - -Sandra Cisneros

“Eleven” - -Sandra Cisneros

Name:____________________________________________ Period:_________

____ 1. In what place does Rachel, in “Eleven,” want to put the red sweater?

a. desk

b. garbage can

c. alley

d. box

____ 2. In “Eleven,” why does Rachel wish she were one-hundred-and-two instead of eleven?

a. If she were very old, she wouldn’t have to go to school.

b. She doesn’t like being eleven.

c. She wishes she could grow up faster.

d. If she were older, she would know what to say to Mrs. Price.

____ 3. In “Eleven,” why doesn’t Rachel want her classmates to think she owns the red


a. It doesn’t fit her properly, and she doesn’t want to look silly in it.

b. It is an ugly, smelly sweater, and she doesn’t want to have anything to do with it.

c. She doesn’t want her friends to think she lost her sweater.

d. She doesn’t like the color red.

____ 4. In “Eleven,” which sentence best explains why Rachel’s teacher, Mrs. Price, is so

sure the sweater belongs to Rachel?

a. The sweater has Rachel’s name on it.

b. Rachel doesn’t speak up immediately to say the sweater isn’t hers.

c. All the students in the class agree that the sweater belongs to Rachel.

d. Mrs. Price saw Rachel wearing the sweater.

____ 5. In “Eleven,” which statement best summarizes why Rachel says you can be eleven,

but also younger ages at the same time?

a. People sometimes behave in ways they did at younger ages.

b. You never forget what it was like to be a child.

c. Some people never really act their age.

d. Young children are always wishing they were older.

____ 6. When Rachel is made to wear the red sweater, she feels

a. bored

b. embarrassed and miserable

c. guilty

d. hot and itchy

____7. In “Eleven,” what does Rachel mean by “too late,” when she says

There’ll be candles and presents and everybody will sing happy birthday, . . . only

it’s too late.

a. Her birthday party is happening too late at night.

b. The party won’t matter because her day has already been ruined.

c. Her party won’t be a surprise, because she already knows about it.

d. She’s too embarrassed for her classmates to come to the party.

8. What three images does the narrator of “Eleven” use at the beginning of the story to

explain how someone can be many ages at the same time?



9. Why does Rachel get so upset when her teacher makes her take the red sweater? Explain

why this reason is especially important to Rachel.

a. Mrs. Price has been picking on Rachel all year.

b. Rachel is allergic to wool.

c. Rachel always gets upset when Felicia Garcia is mean to her.

d. Insisting the sweater is hers is like not knowing who Rachel is.




10. What kind of person is Mrs. Price? (Describe)



11. Why did Phyllis Lopez wait until after class to say that the sweater was hers? Explain.



12. How does Mrs. Price react when Phyllis Lopez claims the sweater? Is her reaction

appropriate? Explain.




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