Civil War Newspaper Project

Civil War Newspaper Project

You and your group have been assigned to create a Civil War newspaper. Even though you will only be creating the front page you will be responsible for writing entire news articles on your chosen topic.

Below is the list of Civil War related topics. You will have to decide within your groups who will be coving which topic.

We will be spending three days in the library for research. You may use any book resources available and the internet. A minimum of three sources will be required. You must use at least ONE book resource; the others may be internet or encyclopedia.

We will also be spending one day in the computer lab to type the articles. Another two days will be spent in class to compile info, work in groups, and put the newspaper together on a poster board.

The articles must be a minimum of 5 paragraphs and will be typed in this two column format. Articles need to have an introduction, body, and conclusion with good detail and correct grammar and punctuation.

Each article MUST be accompanied by a picture or graphic of some kind. This means… since there will be five articles per newspaper there should be five pictures per newspaper. The person writing the article is also responsible for finding their own picture. You can use photocopied pictures, but remember your group is being graded on newspaper design so they may suffer because of your sloppiness. You are allowed to help each other, but NOT do the others work for them.

Newspapers must include the following:

▪ Article with picture from each group member

▪ Bibliography page for each article

▪ Newspaper title

▪ Table of contents

▪ 3 of the following (choose within your group):

o Horoscope

o Weather report

o Puzzle

o Letter to the editor

o Obituary

o Advertisement

o Other newspaper type article

Each student will be graded on quality of your individual report (60 pts), group cooperation (10 pts), and overall newspaper design and layout (30 pts). This makes for a total of 100 points. A rubric will be handed out for a better break down of the grade.

Groups may be asked to present their finished newspaper in front of the class. Each group member will read their article and describe their picture.

Topics are listed on the back. Each member of the group must pick a different topic from a different category.

Library Days:

In-class Work Days:

Computer Lab Days:

Project Due Date:


Below are 5 topic categories. Each member of the team must pick one topic from different categories. This means that no team member can pick a topic from the same category. Remember this is supposed to be like a newspaper – think of what articles might appear in the newspaper.


Civil War Life



Camp Life



Prisons (North and South)

Other Important People

Clara Barton

Frederick Douglas

Harriet Tubman

Children during the Civil War

Women during the Civil War

African Americans soldiers

Civil War Spies

Important Leaders

Abraham Lincoln

Jefferson Davis

Ulysses S. Grant

Robert E. Lee

Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson

William Tecumseh Sherman

James Longstreet

Topics of Interest

Civil War ships

Emancipation Proclamation


Civil War era Music

Gettysburg Address

Draft – Draft Riots

Battlefield Flags

Home front (North and South)

Important Battles

Fort Sumter

First Bull Run





Appomattox Court House

Monitor and Merrimack

Other topics may be considered but must be cleared through the teacher first.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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