

|COMPONENT ACTIVITIES. |Look only for hazards which you could|There is no need to list individuals |RATING |Have you already taken precautions against the |THE RISK? |RATING |

| |reasonably expect to result in |by name - just think about groups of |Prioritise risk|risks from the hazards you listed, for example: |What more could you reasonably do for those |Prioritise risk|

| |significant harm under the conditions|people doing similar work or who |as high, medium|have you provided:- |risks which you found were not adequately |as high, medium|

| |in your workplace. Use the following|might be affected e.g.:- |or low |• Adequate information, instruction or training? |controlled? |or low |

| |examples as a guide:- |• Office staff | |• Adequate safe systems or procedures? | | |

| |• Slipping/tripping hazards |• Operators | |Do the Precautions:- |Priority should be given to those risks which| |

| |• Noise |• Maintenance personnel | |• Meet the standards set by a legal requirement? |affect large numbers of people and/or could | |

| |• Electricity |• Cleaners | |• Comply with a recognised standard? |result in serious harm. Apply the principles| |

| | |• Contractors | |• Represent a good practice? |below when taking further action, if possible| |

| |• Fume |• Members of the public | |• Reduce risk as far as reasonably practicable? |in the following order:- | |

| |• Fire |• People sharing your workplace | |If so, then the risks are adequately controlled, |• Remove the risk completely | |

| | | | |but you need to indicate the precautions you have |• Try a less risky option | |

| |• Vehicles |Pay particular attention to:- | |in place. You may refer to procedures, manuals, |• Prevent access to the hazard (eg by | |

| |• Dust |• Disabled persons | |etc. giving this information. |guarding) | |

| | |• Young persons | | |• Organise work to reduce exposure to the | |

| |• Violence |• Inexperienced staff | | |hazard | |

| |• Chemicals |• Visitors | | |• Issue personal protective equipment | |

| |• Moving parts of machinery |• Lone Workers | | | | |

| |• Manual Handling |• Pregnant/Nursing women | | | | |

| |• Work at height | | | | | |

| |• Ejection of materials | | | | | |

| |• Poor lighting | | | | | |

| |• Pressure systems | | | | | |

| |• Low temperature | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

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| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

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| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|List Activities here |List hazards here: |List groups of people who are |Initial Risk |List existing controls here - or note where the |Describe the action needed to improve matters|Residual Risk |

| | |especially at risk from the | |information may be found: |where it is reasonably practicable to do more| |

| | |significant hazards which you have | | |to control risks. Specify also the target | |

| | |identified: | | |date for action and the person to action. | |

|List Activities here |List hazards here: |List groups of people who are |Initial Risk |List existing controls here - or note where the |Describe the action needed to improve matters|Residual Risk |

| | |especially at risk from the | |information may be found: |where it is reasonably practicable to do more| |

| | |significant hazards which you have | | |to control risks. Specify also the target | |

| | |identified: | | |date for action and the person to action. | |

|List Activities here |List hazards here: |List groups of people who are |Initial Risk |List existing controls here - or note where the |Describe the action needed to improve matters|Residual Risk |

| | |especially at risk from the | |information may be found: |where it is reasonably practicable to do more| |

| | |significant hazards which you have | | |to control risks. Specify also the target | |

| | |identified: | | |date for action and the person to action. | |


Assessment Date: June 2014

Task: Fun Day in the Shopping Precinct

Assessed by: John Goff

Ref: No: Static FunDay

Review Date: June 2015


Risks are graded as:




Merthyr Mendicants

Risk Assessment


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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