


Bitcoin Back At $8,000 Level Ahead Of This Week's ETF Decision

It was a wild week for Bitcoin. After recently breaching the $8000 level, the world's largest and most liquid digital currency slipped back to $7,000 over the last few days only to rally back to $8,000 on Sunday. After soaring more than 100% so far in 2019 (and over 50% in the past 30 days), Bitcoin has once again caught the attention of the mainstream press with CBS's 60 Minutes program set to expose the meteoric rise of the cryptocurrency to millions of viewers this evening.

In addition, the SEC is expected to deliver its decision on whether to approve or delay the VanEck Bitcoin ETF on Tuesday, May 21. Stay tuned!

Cryptocurrency Poll: Which Coins Are You Most Bullish On?

Last week on Twitter, we asked our audience which coins they were most enthusiastic about for the long-term. Bitcoin (BTC) was the top-ranked leading crypto while Tron (TRX) was the most popular altcoin, closely followed by Cardano (ADA). View the full results below.

POLL: Which of these four leading cryptocurrencies are you the most bullish on in 2019 and beyond?

POLL: Which of these four altcoins are you the most bullish on in 2019 and beyond?

REPORT: Bitcoin Now Accepted At 30,000+ Retail Outlets in U.S.

Last week, it was revealed that several leading U.S. retailers have begun accepting Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a form of payment, thanks to a new payment network known as the Flexa network. This is yet another exciting development as cryptocurrencies continue to break into the mainstream with major corporate sponsors, like Amazon-owned Whole Foods and even Starbucks. The times they are a changin'.


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