Chapter 2

Chapter 2 C R E A T I O N


Before working the other exercises in this chapter, write definitions of each of the key terms from the chapter. Place the cursor in the brackets. Begin typing. Your words will be displayed within the brackets.



Bond: { }

Infinite: { }

Finite: { }

Moment: { }

Manifested: { }

Space-Time: { }

Relativity: { }

Automatically: { }

Event: { }

Big Bang: { }

Corollary: { }

Harmony: { }

Discord: { }

Copulation: { }

Generates: { }

Methodology: { }

Material Universe: { }

Matter: { }

Formulations: { }

Non-Reality: { }

Philosophical: { }


Mechanics: { }

Objectively: { }

Observe: { }


Principle: { }

Electron: { }

Probabilities: { }

Subjective: { }


Observation: { }

Poised: { }

Opposition: { }

Summum: { }

Phenomena: { }

Spirit: { }

Mind: { }


This summary, when completed, gives you a comprehension of the primary points of the chapter in the text. Fill in the brackets with words or phrases that complete the ideas.

1. “NOTHING AND [ ] come in and out of bond infinite times in a finite [ ]." -- Summum

2. Before the material universe manifested there was [ ] [ ]. If there was NO THING (NOTHING), then it must have been possible for [ ] to be. If it is possible for NO THING to be, then it must be possible for [ ] to be -- all matter, "[ ]", all relativity -- all this must be possible. If there is All Possibility, then there must be the [ ] of the NO THING NOTHING).

3. "It is impossible for two things to join in harmony or discord without the presence of a [ ], for a '[ ]' must exist to [ ] them" -- the copulation generates [ ]. It is the [ ] of NOTHING and POSSIBILITY infinite times within this [ ] moment which is the [ ] of the cosmos and all subsequent [ ].

4. "It takes the joining of [ ] to make one -- SUMMUM."

5. Although your [ ] and [ ] have determined the origin of the material universe, they are incapable of determining the [ ] just prior to the [ ] [ ]. This cannot be examined by [ ], because formulas use the [ ] of the [ ] [ ]. Just prior to the [ ] (singularity), "space-[ ]", and therefore "matter" did not [ ], so it is [ ] to make [ ] based upon the non-[ ] of these systems. To be totally correct one would have to say there was no [ ] just prior to the [ ] [ ], for [ ] did not exist.

6. Physicists who deal in [ ] mechanics state: "You cannot(objectively) observe something without changing it in the process." This statement is based upon what is termed the [ ] [ ], which means that when you observe one aspect of a thing (such as an electron), you are forever uncertain of any other aspect of the same thing.

7. The term [ ] is closely related to the term [ ].

8. The Grand Principle of Creation embodies your [ ] OBSERVATION of [ ] Itself, in which the process of [ ] between NOTHING and [ ] produces the [ ] of Creation. This condition, in which the two grand opposites are poised in opposition to one another, results in [ ], the [ ] total of [ ].

9. SUMMUM, created by the [ ] of NOTHING and [ ], is [ ], and may be considered and thought of as A [ ], INFINITE, [ ] [ ]. This MIND is the effect of [ ] "copulation", manifesting the qualities of nothingness and ([ ]) possibility.


Enter the number of the appropriate answer in the brackets in front of the description. There is one correct answer for each blank.

[ ] Before the material universe manifested

and before the BIG BANG there was

[ ] It is impossible for two things to join

in harmony or discord without the

presence of a

[ ] When you observe one aspect of a thing

you are forever uncertain of that same thing.

[ ] Possibilities is closely related to this term.

[ ] The condition, in which the two grand opposites are

poised in opposition to one another, results in

[ ] SUMMUM is created by this type of bond



Type your answers within the brackets.

Using the Systematic Law of Learning, apply the following Principles.

1. Within your mind create a state of nothingness, and at the same time establish an opposite state of all possibilities.

a. Write a description of how you go back and forth between the state of nothing and all possibility in your mind.

{ }

2. Join two identical material objects together to make one.

a. Describe in practical terms how the two identical material objects become one, yet still maintain their individuality.

{ }

3. Illustrate the impossibility that faces the physicists who try to examine the MOMENT just prior to the BIG BANG using formulas derived after the BIG BANG.

a. Using any kind of object, destroy the object. Then, using only the destroyed object, try to destroy it again without recreating it.

{ }

4. Subjective observation is credited with being a factor of the Principle of Creation. This subjective observation is discussed on an infinite level in its relationship to the Grand Principle of Creation.

a. Design and describe an experiment where, within your mind, you subjectively observe an idea and watch its creation. Describe your subjective observation of the idea and its creation.

{ }


Formulate answers to these questions. Refer to both your text and your lecture notes. You need not write out the answer in full sentences, but make notes on all the details you would include in a full answer. Review your answers with someone else in the class after each of you has completed the exercise. Type your answers within the brackets.

1. Define NOTHING.

{ }


{ }

3. Explain how it must be possible for nothing to be if there is possibility.

{ }

4. Explain what a finite moment is.

{ }

5. Describe infinite.

{ }

6. When the Grand Opposites come in and out of bond infinite times in a finite moment, a series of infinite what results?

{ }

7. Explain what the term "copulation" means and what it has to do with the bonding of Nothing and Possibility.

{ }

8. Discuss the moment just prior to the BIG BANG.

{ }

9. Explain what came out of the BIG BANG.

{ }

10. What are the formulas of the physicists?

{ }

11. Explain what did not exist before the EVENT of the BIG BANG.

{ }

12. What are physicists confined to when they try to examine the origin of Creation, and why?

{ }

13. The physicists of quantum mechanics state that when you objectively observe something you change it. Why do they say this?

{ }

14. Explain why Possibility and Probability are similar.

{ }

15. How is your observation involved in the Grand Principle of Creation?

{ }

16. Explain the EVENT between POSSIBILITY and NOTHING.

{ }

17. How is the SPIRIT, which is SUMMUM, related to MIND?

{ }


Place an ‘X’ next to the phrase that most correctly completes each statement.

1. The Grand Principle of Creation is presented here for your examination. It is the answer to the greatest mysteries which dwell within the thinking human mind. No record of this Principle may be found anywhere except

a. the Bible.

b. the Koran.

c. the Golden Dawn.

d. none of the above.

2. The definition of nothing is

a. no way to find out the answer.

b. void, nonexistence, no space-time, no matter, no relativity.

c. voyeur, trite, no want or relationship, deliverance

d. none of the above.

3. The definition of possibility is

a. the quality or condition of being possible.

b. if you were to discover it then it would not be.

c. some thing that just cannot be.

d. all of the above.

4. The term used to describe the type of Opposites which Nothing and Possibility is

a. copulating devitalization.

b. Grand.

c. closely related when in union.

d. the EVENT when the reverse of intercopulation results.

5. A series of infinite events in a finite moment results in

a. numerous things which result in more events.

b. a closely related situation of observation.

c. the BIG BANG.

d. those times when you need to relax.

6. A corollary to this Grand Principle of Creation is

a. all astrologers are not always correct.

b. time after time the same thing happens over and over.

c. it is impossible for two things to join without a bond.

d. the birth of the cosmos is related to religion.

7. What are the physicists incapable of determining?

a. how to calculate the distance to Mars.

b. the MOMENT just prior to the BIG BANG.

c. the need for more funding for radio astronomy.

d. how many planets there are in our solar system.

8. Just prior to the event of the BIG BANG there existed

a. the personalities of enlightened gurus.

b. a large egg and pool of cosmic milk.

c. no space-time, no time, no matter, but subjective observation of Nothing and Possibility.

d. large brain 144,000 kilometers in diameter.

9. To be totally correct one would have to say there was what moment just prior to the BIG BANG

a. moment of reckoning.

b. moment of forethought.

c. moment of decision.

d. no moment.

10. When physicists try to examine the origin of the Creation they must be confined to studying

a. past life regressions.

b. crystal therapy, with color therapy.

c. philosophical states.

d. channeling earth bound disembodied spirits.

11. "You cannot objectively observe something without changing it in the process." This statement is based upon what is termed

a. the relationship of ocular resonance.

b. the Uncertainty Principle.

c. new age thought.

d. unstable photons.

12. If things change when they are observed, then the physicists are restricted to using collections of

a. lenses to observe them.

b. probabilities in describing the motion of things.

c. guided meditation to direct the outcome of things.

d. refined slogans of new age thought to discover them.

13. What types of measurements are possible in solving the problem of the origin of the Universe?

a. metric.

b. objective.

c. those done using the latest computer calculations.

d. none of the above.

14. The Grand Principle of Creation embodies your

a. discovery of positive affirmations.

b. subjective observation of Creation Itself.

c. hope and belief of better days ahead.

d. prayer and fasting.

15. The condition, in which the two grand opposites are poised in opposition to one another, results in


b. a conflict of the third kind.

c. grand vision of understanding your future.

d. all of the above.

16. The sum total of everything is

a. 998,045,456,567,234,011,637,876,897,455.743927.


c. a good meal, glass of wine, and an intimate relationship.

d. the gross national product minus all foreign imports.

17. When one state of being observes another there is created an automatic connection between the

a. two.

b. ankle bone and the shin bone.

c. balance of your financial resources and religious leaders.

d. all the above.

18. SUMMUM, created by the copulation of NOTHING and POSSIBILITY, is


b. a pool of cosmic milk.

c. a moan of ecstasy.

d. an obscene movie.

19. From the copulation of CREATION emanates the seven Great Principles of Summum: PSYCHOKINESIS, CORRESPONDENCE, VIBRATION, OPPOSITION, RHYTHM, CAUSE AND EFFECT, and

a. Those with the most toys win when they die.

b. All mistakes can be abolished by calling the right name.

c. Gender.

d. All the previous Principles are irrelevant to the Positive Thinker.




1. Copulating

2. Probability

3. Nothing


5. Bond

6. Uncertainty


POSSIBILITY exist, impossible

moment formulations, reality

no thing moment

nothing BIG BANG, time

everything quantum

space-time Uncertainty Principle

possibility probabilities, possibilities

third, bond, unite subjective

SUMMUM, bonding Creations, observation

finite POSSIBILITY, event

birth, EVENTS SUMMUM, sum

two everything

physicists, astronomers copulation, POSSIBILITY



formulas CREATION'S

methodology, material universe SUMMUM

EVENT, time


3, 5, 6, 2, 4, 1


1. d 8. c 15. a

2. b 9. d 16. b

3. a 10. c 17. a

4. b 11. b 18. a

5. c 12. b 19. c

6. c 13. d

7. b 14. b


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