
General William Smallwood ChapterMaryland Society, Sons of the American RevolutionBoard of Managers Meeting ReportJanuary 4, 2020Since the Maryland Society’s Semi-Annual Meeting on October 26, 2019, the General William Smallwood Chapter has been involved with the following activities to further the mission and purpose of the Sons of the American Revolution:December 2019 Chapter MeetingThe chapter held its final quarterly meeting of 2019 on December 5, 2019, at the Rosensteel Knights of Columbus Council in Silver Spring, with Chapter President Charles H. Bogino presiding. Chapter Chaplain Ed Knight offered the Invocation. Members and guests were led in the Pledge of Allegiance (Past President James Perry), the SAR Pledge (Registrar Michael Saunders) and the American’s Creed (Secretary Jack Carson). Members and guests were introduced.Chapter Chaplain Ed Knight provided the invocation, immediate Past Chapter President James Perry led the Pledge of Allegiance, Chapter Registar and Past Chapter President Michael Saunders led the Pledge to the SAR, and Chapter Secretary Jack Carson lead “The American’s Creed.” Dinner followed introductions of the 33 members and guests present.Minutes of the September meeting were approved as submitted.President’s ReportPresident Bogino provided a report of the activities of the chapter and state society since the September 5, 2019, chapter meeting:On September 14, President Bogino attended the state C.A.R. workday at the Benjamin Banneker Historical Park and Museum in Catonsville. This year’s C.A.R State Chapter President’s project is “Pathways to the Past,” in which the C.A.R. is raising funds for, and assisting with, construction of walkways, signage, and a reproduction of a Colonial-era chicken coop at the Banneker Park.On October 26, President Bogino attended the state society’s Board of Managers Semi-Annual Meeting at the Union Jack Pub in Annapolis.General William Smallwood ChapterMDSSAR Board of Managers Meeting ReportJanuary 4, 2020Page TwoOn Saturday, November 30, President Bogino attended the Maryland State Chapter C.A.R. meeting and Christmas Party, which was held at the D.A.R Maryland Society State Chapter house in Baltimore.President Bogino announced that there will be a meeting of the Maryland State Society Board of Managers on Jan. 4, 2020 in the Governor’s Room of the Maryland Club in Baltimore. In his announcement, President Bogino noted that the BOM business meeting will be held from 9:00am to 11:30am, and will be followed by the Jackson Day Luncheon of the Society of the War of 1812 in Maryland, to which Maryland Society SAR members are cordially invited.Treasurer’s ReportChapter Treasurer Lucas Ginn submitted a report on the chapter’s finances following the meeting, which indicated that the chapter’s checking account had a balance of $3,398.45. The chapter’s CD had a balance of $1,294.85 and reached maturity on Dec. 4. It will be renewed for another 12-month period with Fulton Bank.Induction:The Chapter inducted and welcomed John Satterlee as a new member into the Sons of the American Revolution and the General William Smallwood Chapter. Past chapter presidents James Perry and Mike Saunders conducted the induction ceremonySpecial Recognition and Awards:Memorial CertificateThe Chapter paused to reflect on the life of Compatriot Joseph Patrick Warner, an outstanding leader of the sons of the American Revolution, a great man, father, and husband who served his community and country well. Pat had served as president of this chapter and, later, as president of the Maryland State Society. He was a member of the Board of Managers and long-time corresponding secretary for the state society. Also, he served as liaison between the sate society and the C.A.R. as well as to the D.A.R., and was a significant booster of encouraging our young people to become involved with the C.A.R. and American history in general.Pat also served with distinction in the Society of the War of 1812 and was a member of a number of other civic organizations in the area, including this council of the Knights of Columbus where our chapter meets. Pat’s loss is being felt far and wide. We have been blessed to have had Pat in our midst.On behalf of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, the General William Smallwood Chapter, MDSSAR, presented Pat’s wife, Sarah, and son, Michael, with a Memorial Certificate as a small token of our respect and admiration for Pat.General William Smallwood ChapterMDSSAR Board of Managers Meeting ReportJanuary 4, 2020Page ThreeMontgomery Historical Trust Recognition of ChapterJames Perry introduced Eileen McGuckian, president of Montgomery Preservation, Inc. and president of the Coalition to Protect Maryland Burial Sites, Inc. Ms. McGuckian presented to President Bogino The Maryland Historical Trust Maryland Preservation Award for Excellence in Community Engagement, for the Smallwood Chapter’s support of the Montgomery County Cemetery Inventory Revisited project, which was completed successfully in 2019. President Bogino accepted the award and expressed his appreciation on behalf of the Smallwood Chapter.SAR Lafayette Volunteer Service Medal:In recognition of Chapter Treasurer Lucas Ginn’s extensive work helping enter chapter SAR applications into a national database, he was awarded the SAR Lafayette Volunteer Service Medal.Fifth Annual Public Safety Awards: The SAR presents awards to individuals for accomplishments and/or outstanding contributions in the area of public safety. These individuals may come from the law enforcement, emergency medical, fire prevention, and response communities or simply members of the public who step forward to assist. At the December meeting, the Chapter recognized several members of our community for their outstanding contributions in the area of public safety. President Bogino and chapter Treasurer and Public Safety Awards Committee Chairman Lucas Ginn presented the following awards:Heroism Award – Corporal Paul Craine and Police Officer III Ryan MungraWhile on patrol in Rockville one night in 2018, Corporal Paul Craine of the Montgomery County Police Department responded to the sound of an explosion, and discovered a burning townhouse. Corporal Craine called for assistance, and was soon joined by Police Officer III Ryan Mungra. The officers learned that there were two people in the townhouse who would likely perish in the fierce blaze if not quickly rescued. Faced with the prospect of fatalities, Corporal Craine and Officer Mungra decided that they could not wait for the arrival of fire units. Despite a lack of protective gear, and a fire so intense that it had already blown out a door and window, the officers entered the house twice to save the occupants. On their second entrance, they discovered a badly burned woman who became combative as they approached. They had to restrain her and carry her out of the home. The officers later learned that the combative woman had set the fire in a suicide attempt.Corporal Craine and Officer Mungra displayed tremendous courage in their response to the townhome fire. They willingly and selflessly faced tremendous danger to save two lives. The General William Smallwood Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution is proud to bestow upon Corporal Craine and Officer Mungra the Heroism Commendation and Medal. General William Smallwood ChapterMDSSAR Board of Managers Meeting ReportJanuary 4, 2020Page FourLaw Enforcement Commendation and Medal – Sergeant Christopher HomrockSergeant Christopher Homrock is a twenty-five year veteran of the Montgomery County Department of Police. As head of the Cold Case Squad, Sergeant Homrock leads a team of dedicated professionals to solve some of the region’s most vexing criminal cases. Using a variety of methods, including DNA profiling, genetic genealogy, and painstaking review of old police files, the cold case team has solved several decades-old cases. These include the identification of a serial rapist/murderer who terrorized women in the Rockville area over a five-year period beginning in 1989, and the identification of the notorious Potomac River Rapist who attacked ten women in the 1990s, killing one of them. Sergeant Homrock played a key role in solving one of the Washington region’s most infamous and traumatic cold cases, the 1975 abduction, assault, and murder of young sisters Sheila and Kate Lyon. Sergeant Homrock was the last detective remaining on the case. His persistence in reviewing old case files to develop new leads ultimately led to the identification and conviction of the perpetrator. Sergeant Homrock’s dedication to solving cold cases has brought justice to victims and their families, and healed traumatized communities. His willingness to dedicate himself to some of Montgomery County’s most frustrating and emotionally taxing cases demonstrates a keen devotion to law enforcement and public service. Where others have given up, Sergeant Homrock perseveres. The General William Smallwood Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution is proud to honor Sergeant Homrock with the Law Enforcement Commendation and Medal. Fire Safety Commendation and Medal – Keith StakesKeith Stakes has dedicated himself to fire protection, both in the field and in the laboratory. Stakes has a Bachelor of Science and a Master’s of Engineering in Fire Protection Engineering, both from the University of Maryland. He has thirteen years of firefighting and rescue experience with the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad in Bethesda, where he holds the rank of Battalion Chief. Additionally, Stakes serves as Research Engineer for the UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute in Columbia, MD, and is on the Technical Committee for Fire Service Training for the National Fire Protection Association in Quincy, MA. Previously, Stakes worked with the Fire Research Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology to study firefighting tactics and protective equipment. He also worked with the Division of the Fire Marshal at the National Institutes of Health assisting with fire protection design reviews and inspections of fire suppression systems. Keith Stakes is a scholar, scientist, and public servant. He has contributed to the enhancement of fire safety standards across the nation, and saved lives within his own community. The General William Smallwood Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution is proud to award Keith Stakes the Fire Safety Commendation and Medal.General William Smallwood ChapterMDSSAR Board of Managers Meeting ReportJanuary 4, 2020Page FiveLife Saving Award – Jorge QuintanillaOn July 21, 2018, Jorge Quintanilla was driving in Gaithersburg when he came across a horrifying sight. Two large pit bulls were attacking a man. The man had been bitten several times, and one of the dogs was hanging off of his arm. Without regard to his own safety, Quintanilla jumped out of his truck, grabbed a stick, and rushed to aid the victim. He used the stick to pry open the jaws of the dog that was latched onto the victim’s arm and to keep the other dog at bay. Quintanilla then helped the semi-conscious man get into the back of his pickup truck where he collapsed. As the barking and growling dogs circled the truck, Quintanilla called 911 and remained on the scene until the arrival of emergency responders. The victim’s injuries were extensive and life threatening. Emergency responders reported that the victim’s “arm was split open, his bone was exposed, and his legs looked like he had been stabbed multiple times.” Once EMT’s had transported the victim to the hospital, doctors told him that he was lucky to be alive. His injuries were so traumatic that he had to be transferred to a second hospital for specialized care. Thankfully, Quintanilla was unharmed. Jorge Quintanilla saw a fellow citizen in mortal danger, and bravely risked his own safety to rescue him. The General William Smallwood Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolutions is proud to award Jorge Quintanilla the Life Saving Commendation and Medal. Emergency Medical Services Commendation and Medal – Diego PeclatOn July 28, 2019, Silver Spring Firefighter/Medic Diego Peclat was at Washington Adventist Hospital when a deranged man tried to steal an ambulance. Peclat confronted the man, who then pulled a knife and attempted to attack Peclat. Peclat, a former MMA fighter, used his martial arts skills to disarm and subdue the man until police could take him into custody. Peclat suffered minor wounds during the altercation, but was prepared for more serious injury. “I was close to the hospital,” he explained. “If he stabbed me one time, it’s alright, I will be right there. They could help me.” Peclat’s quick response to an unexpected and dangerous situation prevented the theft and possible destruction of a $350,000 piece of county lifesaving equipment. The General William Smallwood Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution is proud to present Diego Peclat with the Emergency Medical Services Commendation and Medal.Children of the American Revolution: Annually, at our December chapter meeting, the Chapter singles out for special recognition the members of the Maryland State Chapter Children of the American Revolution, and its local societies which are active in or near Montgomery County.General William Smallwood ChapterMDSSAR Board of Managers Meeting ReportJanuary 4, 2020Page SixThe Maryland State Chapter C.A.R.’s organizing secretary and president of the Hungerford Resolves Society of the Maryland C.A.R., Andrew Parsley, represented the C.A.R at the meeting, along with Senior State C.A.R Chapter President Barbara Carpenter.Following remarks by Andrew, President Bogino presented him with a check as a small token of the Smallwood Chapter’s appreciation of the work that the Hungerford Resolves Society C.A.R., does in support of our shared goals.State Chapter President James Perry stepped forward and presented Andrew with the NSSAR Eleanor Smallwood Niebell Award to the Hungerford Resolves Society of the Maryland Society C.A.R., for having the best newsletter in the state.The next meeting of the Gen. William Smallwood Chapter will be Thursday, March 5, 2020, at the Knights of Columbus in Silver Spring. The Benediction was conducted by Ed Knight. The SAR Recessional was led by Lucas Ginn.Respectfully submitted,Charles H. BoginoPresident ................

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