Manual - Washington Community and Technical Colleges


Washington Institutions of Public Higher Education

User Manual


Contract Clearing House - Users Manual

Prepared by

State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

1300 Quince Street SE • IT Division

Olympia, WA 98504-2495

Phone 360.704.4400 • Fax 360.704.4418

Table of Contents

WHIPE History 1

Site Structure 2

Public Access 2

Search for Contracts 3

Contract Details 4

Contacts 4

Resources 5

Logon 5

Forgotten Password 5

WIPHE Members Area (secure logon) 6

Search - Secured 6

Contract Details - Secured 6

Add New Contract 10

Resources – Secured 11

User Account Settings 12

Logoff 12

Index 13

WHIPE History


n 1993, the Washington State Legislature passed HB 1509, which among other things, granted Washington's public higher education institutions independent purchasing authority for goods and services. To maximize the benefit of that authority, Washington's public four-year institutions along with the state's community and technical colleges entered into an interlocal cooperation agreement to jointly develop and utilize purchasing contracts. The Council of Presidents and the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges coordinate this process and convene representatives from the institutions to develop policies and procedures for WIPHE contracts.

Since its inception, the WIPHE process has been utilized by institutions of higher education to save time by reducing overlapping efforts, and maximized the value of taxpayer dollars by leveraging the buying power of multiple institutions to obtain group buying discounts and promotional savings. The WIPHE process is a highly successful collaboration among the two and four-year public institutions of higher education.

The original WIPHE web site was created back in 2001 to provide a listing of WIPHE contacts. In 2006, a workgroup consisting of staff from four-year universities, 2-year colleges, the council of presidents, and the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges embarked on a major redesign. The overall objectives of the new WIPHE Contract Clearinghouse are to:

• Provide up to date information and resources on WIPHE contracts available at Washington Institutions of Public Higher Education.

• Raise awareness of the benefits and cost savings of WIPHE contracting

• Facilitate the exchange of information between participating institutions

Contract Clearinghouse

Site Structure

The WIPHE web site is divided into two areas to serve the needs of both the general public and authorized WIPHE members. Access to the WIPHE members’ area is accessible through the secure logon. Requests for user accounts can be emailed to

The public access area is limited to viewing contract details, a listing of WIPHE contacts and public accessible resources.

The WIPHE member’s area (secure logon) includes functions for managing contract details, documents and partners; viewing WIPHE contracts; accessing all WIPHE resources and maintaining individual user account information.

Public Access

Public access to the WIPHE Contract Clearinghouse is available at . Site navigation is available using the menus provided on the home page or the horizontal menu across the top of each page.

Welcome/Home Page


Your location can be determined by looking at the top menu. You will be on the page that has the highlighted tab; notice the color of the Home tab.

Search for Contracts

Archived Contracts

Contracts are marked as archived three (3) months after revised end date

Users can display all contracts or search for a specific contract based on institution, vendor name, product, type of product and if it is achieved (expired).


Once the Search or Display All Contracts button is selected, the search results will display in a grid as shown below.


Contract details can be viewed by clicking the Details hyperlink at the far left of the results field.

Contract Details

The contract details page includes information on the contract’s lead institution, partners, vendor, terms and those documents marked as viewable to the public. Users can click on a partner to view contact information.



The contact page displays a list of all WIPHE institutions and their contacts.



The resources page provides access to reference materials including web site links and documents. Clicking on a resource link will either redirect you to a resource site or open a document.



The logon allows registered WIPHE users to logon and add and manage contracts, partners, documents, contacts and manage individual user accounts.

The registered user will enter their user name and password, the click Logon. They will then be redirected to new home page.


A notice at the top of the site will indicate that the user is securely logged into the Members Only site.

Forgotten Password

If a user has forgotten their password, they can click the Forgot Password link. This will bring up a Password Request box where the user can enter their user name, and click Get Password. The password will be sent to the email address on file.

WIPHE Members Area (secure logon)

The home page will remain the same except for the side menu, which shall contain additional links to the following areas.

0. Add new Contract

1. User Account Settings

2. Logoff

A notice in the upper left corner off the web page will say WIPHE Members Only. This is an indicator that the user is securely logged on.

Search - Secured

The search page will have the same functionality as it did before the use logged in. While logged in, the user will be given the option to edit contracts as necessary.


Contract Details - Secured

Lead institutions can modify partner, vendor, term and product information, upload and manage documents, delete and terminate contracts. Lead Institution contact name can be changed by clicking the link: Contact Name. Clicking the Email link by vendors email address will open a mail window to vendor email address on file.


There are four (4) buttons at the bottom of the page.

• Save - Save contract information as seen on the page.

• Reset – Reset page to the last saved instance of a contract. All changes will be reset to there original form, unless page has been saved.

• Close - Will return user to the home page. No changes are saved.

• Delete Contract – Contract will be marked as deleted and will not be viewable on the website. An alert box will ask if you are sure that you want to do this.

The Lead Institution is the logged in WIPHE member that has volunteered to conduct the solicitation/negotiation process on behalf of the WIPHE members.

Committed Partners are WIPHE members who respond affirmatively to the Lead Institution's request for participation, and whose estimated purchase volume will be included in the solicitation/negotiation documents.

Potential Partners are WIPHE member institutions who are not Committed Participants. Potential Participants may choose to use any contract awarded, provided the contractor will accept their participation.

Term Reminders will be sent to the designated lead institution monthly, starting 6 months prior to end of contract, unless turned off.


Contract Status can be changed by selecting from the drop down box at any time. When resetting an Expired status setting, the contract end dates must be updated or the status will be reset to expired. If the user sets the status to Terminated, and then saves the document; the document will be set to read-only and will be inaccessible.


All Contract partners can be emailed by clicking on the Email Contract partners’ link.

Partners are added by clicking on the Add link. A popup will appear giving you a list of partners to choose from. Select a contact from the Name dropdown, the click the Save link, then the new partner will be added to the contract.


To change a partner contact, select the Edit link. From popup select a new contact or add a new one by selecting the Add Contact link.


Documents can be added, deleted, viewed, have their name changed, or made public or private.



A Terminated Contract is a contract that has been closed and is now shown as read only. The General Comments area is still accessible.

Add New Contract

Lead institutions, are by default, the institution that created the contract and cannot be changed. The default contact is the user that created the contract. The contact details can be changed.

To add a new contract, click on the Add New Contract link, located in the side menu on the home page.

This will redirect the user to a new page where they can enter the new products name. This is a required entry.


After entering the product name and clicking the Add button, a page similar to the contract page will be shown. This is where the details for the new contract will be added. Status will be pre-set to Pre-solicitation. Lead institution is automatically added, with the users’ information.


• Product Type – Select from the available list in dropdown. You can request a new product type by clicking on the Add link to the right. No selection required.

• Contract Number - Any alpha-numeric number, up to 50 characters long, can be added. Not a required field.

• Vendor – Vendor name and contact information. Not required fields.

• Terms – Contract start and end dates. Reminders are emailed automatically 6 month to end, unless turned off. Extension and revised end date has same reminder setup. Not required fields.

• Partners – Committed and Potential partners can be added at anytime.

• Reminders – Can be selected and deselected at anytime.

• Documents – Contract documents can be added, deleted or modified at anytime.

• Comments – General comment box. No requirements on usage.

Resources – Secured

While logged in, both public and private resources are visible.

A link to request that a specific document be posted is at the bottom of the page.


User Account Settings

User account setting can be reached from the home page side menu.

The information contained on this page will be reflected in any contracts that the user is the lead institution, or a partner in.

Passwords can be reset by contacting the Security Administrator on the Logon page.



To logoff, click the link marked Logoff on the side menu of the home page; or click on the horizontal menu button that says Logoff. The horizontal menu is reachable from all pages.




Add Contact 9

Add New Contract 10

Archived Contracts 3


Close 8

Comments 11

Committed Partners 8

Contact Information 4

Contact Name 7

Contacts 4

Contract Details 4

Contract Details - Secured 7

Contract Number 11

Contract Partners 8

Contract Status 8


Delete Contract 8

Details 3

Display All Contracts 3

Documents 11


Edit Contracts 7

Email Link 7


Forgotten Password 5


Get Password 5


Home 2

Horizontal Menu 6


Lead Institution 8

Logoff 6

Logon 5


Members Only 5


Partners 9, 11

Password 5

Password Request 5

Potential Partners 8

Pre-Solicitation 11

Product 3

Product Type 11

Public Access 2


Reminders 8, 11

Reset 8

Resources 5

Resources – Secured 12


Save 8

Search - Secured 7

Search For Contracts 3

Search Page 7

Side Menu 6

Site Structure 2


Table Of Contents 2

Terminated Contract 10

Terms 11


User Account Settings 6, 12

User Name 5


Vendor 11

Vendor Name 3


Welcome/Home Page 2

WHIPE History 1

WIPHE Institutions 4



Link to SBCTC Privacy notification

Email link to report site problems or request site information

Click header to sort by selected row

Click to View contract Details

Click to View partner information

Indicator that user is securely logged in

To edit contract details, click the Edit link

Clicking the Contact Name link will open a popup, allowing you to change contacts

Clicking the Email link will open an email to vendor.

Checking box will turn reminders on and off

Clicking on Email Contract Partners link will call your mail client and populate the To: field with all partners addresses

Select partner and partner contact from dropdowns

Select the Add link to add a partner to the contract

Select a new contact or

add a new one buy clicking

the Add Contact link

Click View to

view document

Clicking the Edit link will allow you to change the document name and make document public or private

Clicking Delete will

delete document

Clicking Terminate Contract will close contract from any action and make it read only.

Clicking Update will save all changes

If you don’t see the product type you need, you can request to have a new category added by clicking the Add link.

Click link or button to logoff

Notification that the user is logged into the secure site


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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