Description of Criminal Record Data-Sources

[Pages:93]Description of Criminal Record Data-Sources

Air Force Fugitives

Alabama Medicaid Exclusion List

America Most Wanted Fugitives Australia Sex Offender Registry Australian Consolidated List

Australian Reserve Bank Sanctions List Burma Australian Reserve Bank Sanctions List Former Yugoslavia Australian Reserve Bank Sanctions List Iran Australian Reserve Bank Sanctions List North Korea Australian Reserve Bank Sanctions List Zimbabwe Bank of England Consolidated List

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

Canadian Sanctions List - Entities

Canadian Sanctions List - Individuals

Connecticut Medicare Administrative Action List DEA Atlanta Division

DEA Boston Division

DEA Caribbean Division

Air Force Fugitives - AFOSI opens an investigation on any Air Force member that is classified a deserter by the member's command. AFOSI will then classify the deserter a fugitive if either of the two following requirements is met: a) if the member deserte

List of individuals and businesses excluded from participating in the Alabama Title XIX (Medicaid) program.

List of fugitives available on the Americas Most Wanted Website

Australia Sex Offender Registry. Includes DOB.

The moment an individual or entity is placed on the UN list, its assets must be frozen under Australian law. These names are automatically incorporated onto a Consolidated List (Excel format) maintained by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT

A consolidated list of all individuals from Burma subject to financial sanctions administered by the Reserve Bank of Australia

A consolidated list of all individuals from Former Yugoslavia subject to financial sanctions administered by the Reserve Bank of Australia

A consolidated list of all individuals from Iran subject to financial sanctions administered by the Reserve Bank of Australia

A consolidated list of all individuals from North Korea subject to financial sanctions administered by the Reserve Bank of Australia

A consolidated list of all individuals from Zimbabwe subject to financial sanctions administered by the Reserve Bank of Australia

A consolidated list of asset freeze targets designated by the United Nations, European Union and United Kingdom under legislation relating to current financial sanctions regimes. Includes DOB, birth state, last known address.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Most Wanted Individuals - The following ATF wanted persons are the result of ATF criminal investigations, often in conjunction with other law enforcement agencies, that resulted in the issuance of a federal arrest w

List of names subject to the Regulations Establishing a List of Entities made under Subsection 83.05 (1) of the Criminal Code, and/or the Regulations Implementing the U.N. Resolutions in the Suppression of Terrorism and/or UN Al-Qaida and Taliban Regulati

List of names subject to the Regulations Establishing a List of Entities made under Subsection 83.05 (1) of the Criminal Code, and/or the Regulations Implementing the U.N. Resolutions in the Suppression of Terrorism and/or UN Al-Qaida and Taliban Regulati

State of Connecticut, Dept. of Social Services: Administrative Actions List

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - Atlanta Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - Boston Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - Caribbean Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

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DEA Chicago Division DEA Dallas Division DEA Denver Division DEA Detroit Division DEA Diversion Control Administrative Actions Against Doctors DEA El Paso Division DEA Houston Division DEA Los Angeles Division DEA Miami Division DEA New Jersey Division DEA New Orleans Division DEA New York Division DEA Philadelphia Division DEA Phoenix Division DEA San Diego Division DEA San Francisco Division

DEA Seattle Division DEA St. Louis Division DEA Washington Division Denied Persons List

Department of Treasury Debarred List

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - Chicago Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - Dallas Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - Denver Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - Detroit Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

List of administrative actions taken against physicians registered with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to dispense or prescribe controlled substances.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - El Paso Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - Houston Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - Los Angeles Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - Miami Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - New Jersey Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - New Orleans Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - New York Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, sex, race and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - Philadelphia Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - Phoenix Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - San Diego Division. Inlcudes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - San Francisco Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - Seattle Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - St. Louis Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

DEA Most Wanted Fugitives - Washington Division. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

US Department of Commerce Denied Persons list - A list of individuals and entities that have been denied export privileges. Any dealings with a party on this list that would violate the terms of its denial order is prohibited. Includes last known address.

US Dept of State list by name for Defense Trade Control Debarred Parties (parties denied export privileges under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations "ITAR" as administered by the Office of Defense Trade Control.

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Excluded Parties - Nonprocurement List

Excluded Parties - Procurement List

Excluded Parties - Reciprocal List

FBI Crime Alerts FBI Crimes Against Children FBI Criminal Enterprises FBI Cyber Crime

The Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) includes information regarding entities debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, excluded or disqualified under the nonprocurement common rule, or otherwise declared ineligible from receiving Federal contracts,

The Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) includes information regarding entities debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, excluded or disqualified under the nonprocurement common rule, or otherwise declared ineligible from receiving Federal contracts,

The Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) includes information regarding entities debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, excluded or disqualified under the nonprocurement common rule, or otherwise declared ineligible from receiving Federal contracts,

FBI Crime Alerts

Individuals wanted by the FBI for crimes against children. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, hair/eye color, height, weight, sex, race, scars/marks, skin tone and photo.

Individuals wanted by the FBI for crimes relating to Criminal Enterprises. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex, scars/marks, skin tone and photo.

Individuals wanted by the FBI for Cyber Crimes. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex, scars/marks, skin tone and photo.

FBI Domestic Terrorists

Individuals wanted by the FBI for domestic terrorism. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, height, weight, hair/eye color, sex, race, scars/marks, skin tone and photo.

FBI Terrorism-Most Wanted FBI Top 10 Most Wanted FBI Violent Murders

FBI Violent Offender

FBI's list of most wanted Terrorists. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, hair/eye color, height, weight, scars/marks, skin tone, sex, race and photo.

FBI's 10 most wanted fugitives. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, hair/eye color, height, weight, scars/marks, skin tone, sex, race and photo.

Individuals wanted by the FBI for violent crimes - murders. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, hair/eye color, height, weight, scars/marks, skin tone, sex, race and photo.

Individuals wanted by the FBI for violent crimes. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, hair/eye color, height, weight, scars/marks, skin tone, sex, race and photo.

FBI White Collar Criminal

Individuals wanted by the FBI for White Collar crimes. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, hair/eye color, height, weight, scars/marks, skin tone, sex, race and photo.

FDA Clinical Investigators Compliance List

FDA Clinical Investigators Disqualified List

FDA Clinical Investigators No Longer Restricted List FDA Clinical Investigators Notice of Initiation

All clinical investigators who, under regulations in effect until 1987, have provided FDA with adequate assurances of their future compliance with requirements applicable to the use of investigational drugs and biologics.

All clinical investigators who have been disqualified or "totally restricted." FDA may disqualify a clinical investigator if the clinical investigator has repeatedly or deliberately failed to comply with applicable regulatory requirements or the clinical

All clinical investigators who agreed to certain restrictions, which have now been removed.

All clinical investigators who have received a Notice of Initiation of Disqualification Proceedings and Opportunity to Explain (NIDPOE) since 1998 are listed.

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FDA Clinical Investigators Presiding Officer Report List FDA Clinical Investigators Restricted List FDA Debarment List

FDIC - Failed Bank List

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Enforcement Actions

Federal Reserve Enforcement Actions

Health & Human Services

ICE Most Wanted Criminal Aliens

ICE Most Wanted Fugitives Idaho Medicare Excluded Providers Interpol Incident Alert

Monetary Authority of Singapore Enforcement Actions Money Services Businesses FINCEN List

National Credit Union Administration

Northern Mariana Island Sex Offender Registry OCC Bank Enforcement Actions

All clinical investigators who have received a Presiding Officer Report (recommendation to the Commissioner about whether to disqualify) and/or a Commissioner's Decision (final determination concerning disqualification).

All clinical investigators who have agreed to certain restrictions with respect to their conduct of clinical investigations..

Firms or individuals convicted of a felony under Federal law for conduct (by a firm) relating to the development or approval, including the process for development or approval, of any abbreviated drug application; or (an individual convicted) for conduct

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) provides protection to bank account holders when the banks fail. In some cases, the bank must be taken over if federal regulators believe that the bank has become insolvent. The FDIC has released a list of

The FDIC Enforcement Decisions and Orders (ED&O) contains the full text of the formal enforcement actions against financial institutions that are regulated by the FDIC or against their affiliated parties. The FDIC pursues enforcement actions against finan

The Federal Reserve supervises the following entities and has the statutory authority to take formal enforcement actions against them: State member banks; Bank holding companies; Nonbank subsidiaries of bank holding companies; Edge and agreement corporati

The OIG under Congressional Mandate, established a program to exclude individuals and entities affected by various legal authorities contained in section 1128 & 1156 of the Social Security Act and maintain this list of all currently excluded parties (prev

The ICE Most Wanted Criminal Aliens list, first unveiled on May 14, 2003, features foreign nationals from around the globe who have been convicted of committing serious crimes in the United States and served their time. Each of these criminal aliens have

List of ICE most wanted fugitives.

Providers excluded by Idaho Medicaid. These providers or persons have been found to be involved in fraud or abuse.

Type of incident: Alert and request to locate and trace 85 criminals for terrorismrelatedmatters including being linked to Al Qaeda. All are suspected of having travelled internationally from Saudi Arabia, more particularly Iraq and Afghanistan and are c

List of all formal regulatory actions taken by Monetary Authority of Singapore

The MSB Registration List, which is updated and posted on a monthly basis, contains entities that have registered as Money Services Businesses (MSBs) pursuant to the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) regulations at 31 CFR 103.41, administered by the Financial Crimes

Administrative Orders - Administrative Orders are formal enforcement orders issued by the NCUA pursuant to Section 206 of the Federal Credit Union Act (FCUA) (12 U.S.C. ? 1786). Generally, NCUA issues Administrative Orders when it finds that a credit unio

Northern Mariana Island Sex Offender Registry.

Administrator of National Banks, OCC supervises the following and has statutory authority to take enforcement actions against them: national banks, Federal branches/agencies of foreign banks, institution affiliated parties (IAP's) including: a. officers,

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OCC Institution Affiliated Parties Enforcement Actions

Office of Thrift Supervision Enforcement Actions

Palestinian Legislative Council List

Politically Exposed Persons List

Secret Service Most Wanted

Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons

Terrorism Knowledge Base Texas Health and Human Services Commission Medicaid and Title XX Provider Exclusion List TRICARE Sanctions List

U.S. Marshals Service Major Fugitive Cases UK Disqualified Directors

UN Consolidated List

US Department of Commerce

US Marshals Most Wanted US Postal Service Most Wanted

Administrator of National Banks, OCC supervises the following and has statutory authority to take enforcement actions against them: national banks, Federal branches/agencies of foreign banks, institution affiliated parties (IAP's) including: a. officers,

The Office of Thrift Supervision is the primary regulator of all federally chartered and many state-chartered thrift institutions. The OTS enforcement actions list is a directory of actions levied against institution-affiliated parties, officers, director

These are individuals that are PLC members who were elected on the party slate of an FTO, SDT or SDGT. Transactions involving these individuals MUST be rejected. Includes DOB, birth state and alias.

The Central Intelligence Agency publishes and updates the online directory of Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments weekly. The directory is intended to be used primarily as a reference aid and includes as many governments of the worl

These fugitives are wanted by the U.S. Secret Service. Anyone with information regarding these people should contact the Secret Service at 1-877-242-3375. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, last known address, Hair/eye color, height, weight, sex and race.

List of individuals/company's owned or controlled by, or acting for or on behalf of, targeted countries. It also lists individuals, groups, and entities, such as terrorists and narcotics traffickers designated under programs, not country specific. Their a

Terrorism Knowledge Base offers in-depth information on terrorist incidents, groups, and trials. Leaders and Members. Includes alias, sex and photo.

List of individuals and businesses excluded from participating in the Texas Medicaid, Title V, and Title XX and other HHS programs

TRICARE health care program for active duty members and their families, retired service members and their families, National Guard/Reserve members and their families, survivors and others entitled to DoD medical care. The basis for sanctions includes conv

USMS major cases consist of individuals with a history of violent crimes who may be considered armed and dangerous. They may also be cases of considerable national significance.

A disqualification order is made by the court under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986. The Act applies not only to a person who has been formally appointed as a director but also to those people who have carried out the functions of a direct

The Security Council Committee established pursuant to paragraph 6 of resolution 1267 (1999) concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities (hereafter referred to as the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee) oversees the i

The Unverified List includes names and countries of foreign persons who in the past were parties to a transaction with respect to which BIS could not conduct a pre-license check ("PLC") or a post-shipment verification ("PSV") for reasons outside of the U.

The U.S. Marshals 15 Most Wanted Fugitive list. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex, scars, skin tone and photo.

United States Postal Inspection Service list of Most Wanted individuals. Includes DOB, birth state, alias, hair/eye color, height, weight, race, sex and photo.

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World Bank Debarred List

These firms and individuals are ineligible to be awarded a World Bank financed contract for periods indicated because they were found to have violated the fraud and corruption provisions of the procurement Guidelines or the Consultants Guidelines. These f

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Alabama AL Baldwin County Arrest AL Baldwin County Arrest(New layout) AL Calera Warrant

AL Calhoun Arrest AL Calhoun County Warrant

AL Dept of Corrections

AL Houston Arrest AL Jefferson Arrest AL Mobile Arrest AL Montgomery Arrest AL Sex Offender Registry

AL Sex Offender Registry

AL Shelby Arrest AL Shelby Arrest (old layout) AL Tuscaloosa Arrest

Booked inmates for Baldwin County Arrest. Includes Photo, race, sex, age. Booked inmates for Baldwin County Arrest. Includes Photo, race, sex, age. Outstanding Warrants for the City of Calera Police Department since 10/09/2006.

Booked inmates for Calhoun County. AL Calhoun County Warrant. Includes age, hair/eye color, height, weight, sex and race. Individuals Incarcerated under the Supervision of the Dept of Corrections dating back to 2004. Includes DOB, race. Previous 2-3 years of arrests with booking date and offense. Previous 3-4 years of arrests. Includes Photo, sex, race. Booked inmates for San Mobile County. Includes DOB, sex, race. Booked inmates for Montgomery. Includes sex and race. Department of Public Safety's Registry of Criminal Sex Offenders. Includes Photo, DOB, race, sex, height, weight, eye/hair color, alias. This file contains SOR filings from Baldwin, Chickasaw, Mobile, Cullman, Escambia, Jefferson, Lee, Madison, Marshall, Mobile, Montgomery, Morgan, Shelby, and Tuscaloosa law enforcement agencies Booked inmates for Shelby County. Includes Photo. Booked inmates for Shelby County. Booked inmates for Tulsa County. Includes Photo.

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Alaska AK Admin Office of Courts AK Anchorage County Most Wanted

AK Boulder Most Wanted

AK Sex Offender Registry

Felony & Misdemeanor Convictions Since 1983. Includes DOB, alias.

AK Anchorage County Most Wanted. Includes DOB, Birth State, age, hair/eye color, height, weight, sex, race.

AK Boulder Most Wanted. Includes DOB, birth state, age, hair/eye color, height, weight, sex and race.

Department of Public Safety's Central Registry of Sex Offenders required to register. Includes Photo, DOB, race, sex, height, weight, eye/hair color, alias.

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