
MINUTESMEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION Washington County School District121 W Tabernacle, St. George, Utah 84770November 14, 20174:00 p.m.Reverence offered by Craig Hammer.Present: Board President David Stirland, Board Member Craig Seegmiller, Board Member Terry Hutchinson, Board Member Laura Hesson, Board Member Becky Dunn, Board Vice President Kelly Blake, Superintendent Larry Bergeson, Business Administrator Brent Bills, Assistant Superintendent Richard Holmes, Assistant Superintendent Rex Wilkey, Executive Director Lyle Cox, Executive Director Bob Sonju, Executive Director Craig Hammer, Executive Director Steven Dunham, Technology Director Lawrence Esplin, Communications Specialist Cody Plumhof, Hurricane City Mayor John Bramall, Hurricane City Council Member Pam Humphries, Hurricane City Council Member Cheryl Reeve, Hurricane City Council Member Kevin Tervort, Hurricane City Council Member Kevin Thomas. Excused: Board Member LaRene CoxMinutes: Executive Secretary Kajsia BoyerWORK SESSIONMunicipality – Hurricane CityMayor John Bramall shared some of the growth in the Hurricane and Dixie Springs area. Last year they grew 9.9%. In 2017, they expect $120 million in new construction. He reported on the success and expansion of the Litehouse Foods Company. He also mentioned the Spray Force manufacturing company is building in Hurricane and will be hiring. Those two companies will bring growth to the area. This year the city should hit a population of about 19,500. He mentioned development plans for 2000 units over the next 10-20 years east of Sand Hollow Reservoir and west of the Copper Rock Golf Course. He mentioned that 10 of the eighteen holes are completed. School sites have been planned into the development. The state road (SR7) around Sand Hollow should be completed in the next couple of years, which will open additional ground for development. SR9 is also being expanded and will allow two lanes of traffic into St. George and two lanes coming off of I15. There is also 2500 acres in Elim Valley that is being looked at for development. The group discussed the need for affordable family homes. The group also briefly discussed water and sewer capacity for Hurricane. Some ordinances have been changed in the city to allow families to rent out basements of homes with bathrooms. Mayor Bramall said the city does need more sports facilities in Hurricane. The school facilities are great and they appreciate the relationship with the schools. They will be doing a city survey to determine other recreational needs in the city.Sand Mountain is still being protected as a recreational area. There is being additional access being added to the area. He mentioned that there has been talk of a sale of SITLA property in the middle the area, but Hurricane City is hoping to keep it as a permanent recreation area. Hurricane City council members have concerns with the traffic around Hurricane Elementary. The charter school nearby does not help the situation. Another road is needed in the area. Brent Bills explained that a new law requires that the public see what amount of property taxes is going to charter schools. It should be reflected on property tax statements.Superintendent Larry Bergeson talked about growth needed before a new high school would be needed in the Hurricane. Rex Wilkey said Three Falls and Hurricane Elementary are full. Something will need to be done, which may include moving students to Coral Canyon. Mayor Bramall pointed out that Utah is not funding our current medical needs or to educate individuals for the jobs needed. Superintendent Larry Bergeson said Dixie State University is working to create more programs to help with training. He also mentioned that the District is looking into specialized high school programs that may help.Richard Holmes said Hurricane Intermediate has grown the most over the past couple of years. We are seeing growth in the Little Valley area and in the Hurricane. The high school has reached 1000. The middle and intermediate are build for 1000 and currently have about 800 students enrolled. The group talked about the enrollment at the charter school. The numbers at the charter school seems to be struggling with their enrollment. Growth has been about 70% home grown, but it now bringing in retirees from other areas.Hurricane is listed as one of the top 5 safest cities.Member Seegmiller presented a motion to go into a closed session at 1:23 p.m. Member Hutchinson seconded the motion that passed unanimously.Present: Board President David Stirland, Board Member Craig Seegmiller, Board Member Terry Hutchinson, Board Member Laura Hesson, Board Member Becky Dunn, Board Vice President Kelly Blake, Superintendent Larry Bergeson, Business Administrator Brent Bills, Assistant Superintendent Richard Holmes, Assistant Superintendent Rex Wilkey, Executive Director Lyle Cox, Executive Director Craig Hammer, Executive Director Bob Sonju, Executive Director Steven Dunham, Technology Director Lawrence Esplin, and Executive Secretary Kajsia Boyer.CLOSED SESSIONProperty and Personnel Items Member Hesson presented a motion to go into a working session at 2:50 p.m. Member Blake seconded the motion that passed unanimously.WORK SESSION PLC Team Building – Bob SonjuThe PLC Team Building was postponed.Future Bond Discussion/Planning – Larry BergesonSuperintendent Larry Bergeson and the District administration reported on things the administration is looking at including changing boundaries and the building of new elementary schools. Craig Hammer said the administration has looked at what the bond would include (order is not specific): two elementary schools in Dixie Springs and Little Valley areas, a preschool in Hurricane, Water Canyon expansion, Enterprise High remodel, Pine View High commons, maintenance priority projects, CTE high school, Millcreek High expansion, Enterprise Elementary expansion, Post High expansion, high school football fields and tracks. He said the administration should know in January the cost of priority maintenance projects. Brent Bills explained the importance of bond payments continually being reduced over time. Adding additional projects will raise the cost of the bond, making it harder to pay off before looking to bond again for future building. Kelly Blake suggested that the administration come together on what items need to be bonded for. David Stirland suggested that the projects should include projects in each of the Board Districts to help demonstrate a need for the bond. Becky Dunn mentioned that some of the older schools are concerned that they have had to raise money for shade structures and marquees. The new schools have those items included. Rex Wilkey and Craig Hammer reported on the request from Heritage Elementary. Craig Hammer said the Board has been wonderful to meet the needs of the students, given the limited resources that we have and schools should not be looking to compare what schools have what. David Stirland asked that the administration get a list of projects to the Board for them to consider ahead of time. Craig Hammer pointed out that there is only a short window of time to complete the priority projects and finding contractors may make it difficult to complete all the projects needed.Elementary Building Timeline Discussion – Rex WilkeyRex Wilkey shared his thoughts that with the enrollment in elementary down, the District could put off building another elementary for at least a year. Boundaries could be shifted to balance the elementary school enrollment a bit. He has been looking at two options. One would require a larger boundary shift, while the other would be a smaller shift with portables. CT High School Visit – Larry BergesonSuperintendent Larry Bergeson reported on the polytechnic high school visit in Houston, Texas. He pointed out that we have good things in our District already, but this program would make it more. Members from Dixie State University also participated in the visit. Additional visits are being scheduled with schools in Salt Lake and Las Vegas. The District administration is really interested in doing something like this. At the Texas school, there were 1400 students enrolled. Students have to apply to get in. The school was the highest performing school in the district. Dave Gardner said he would share a YouTube link on the school with the Board. Bob Sonju said students at the school receive a diploma and industry certification in one of 20 areas. Students are given the opportunity to get higher paying jobs right out of high school and can work while continuing their higher education. Bob Sonju pointed out that there are others thinking about doing this if we don’t. David Stirland said the Texas school would love to have the whole School Board visit next spring when they are attending the NSBA conference in San Antonio. Bob Sonju mentioned that the school is tied to the community and the community helps to determine what industry certification is needed. Board members were asked to look at their schedules and get back to Brent Bills if they are able to go a day early to tour the school.Senior Games and School Safety – Laura HessonLaura Hesson said she heard from principals who shared concern that there were more individuals wondering through their schools this year with the senior games. Lava Ridge was also concerned about the field not being fenced in, allowing people to walk across the field and enter the school. There should be conversations with the senior games officials on boundaries and paying for each of the venues. Craig Hammer said that they do pay to use the facilities under a category three non-profit. The schools keep track of the time they are using the school facilities. Last year they paid $88,000, which was divided among the schools used. Kelly Blake suggested that the rental funds should not be given to the schools, but should be used for repairs on the fields and tracks. David Stirland asked Craig Hammer to follow-up on the concerns. Craig Hammer also mentioned that if we fence all the facilities, we are saying to the public that you can’t use them off-hours.Elementary Reading Program Update – Bob SonjuBob Sonju said a committee has been working since March to adopt a reading program curriculum. The community has done a tremendous amount of work using nationally normed rubrics and research. The selection is down to three. The committee will make a decision on November 28, 2017 and will bring it to the Board for approval on December 12, 2017. 2019-2020 Calendar – Craig HammerCraig Hammer said the responses he has received include moving Fall Break a week later to allow teachers to attend UEA. The District executive staff recommendation would be to adopt 2019-20 calendar option two and move fall break back a week to October 17-18. Graduation would be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at the end of the year. Becky Dunn also suggested possibly taking one day away during Easter Break, which would allow school to end on Wednesday. Craig Hammer said that previously the Board had agreed to keep Fall Break as a Thursday/Friday and Spring Recess as a Friday/Monday to give families the different options. The calendar is a 90/90 calendar.Open Enrollment – Brad FergusonRichard Holmes briefly reviewed schools that would be declared open for enrollment. There were not a lot of changes in schools that are open. The list was included in the board packet.Health Curriculum Compliance – Richard HolmesRichard Holmes briefly reported on our District’s compliance with state requirements for health curriculum.Utah Online Update – Laura BelnapLaura Belnap reviewed the enrollment and shared a flow chart showing how the school runs with full-time and part-time students. There are 3010 students enrolled in the online programs. Krista Winward said the high school offers traditional classes and eight concurrent enrollment courses. She shared a chart showing how many courses have been taken in the last three semesters at each of the secondary schools. She reported on the students participating in the credit recovery and transition programs. The transition program continues in the summer. Laura Belnap mentioned that the summer program increased 600% this past summer. Krista Winward said the school worked with nine of the Super Seniors. Water Canyon had been utilizing credit recovery because of deficiency, but they are now transitioning out.Brent Bills mentioned a letter is being prepared to send out to all employees on the bonus. The board members will have a place to sign.Follow-up from Previous MeetingAssociation DuesThere was no discussion on this item.Open Discussion of the Board 1. Healthy Dixie Update – Craig Seegmiller 2. USBA Update – Kelly Blake 3. MBA Update - Laura Hesson 4. DXATC Update – LaRene Cox 5. Foundation Update – David Stirland 6. FCAOG Update – Terry Hutchinson 7. Audit Committee Update – Becky DunnThere were no updates from the Board given.Items for Board Review 1. Enrollment 2. Safe Schools 3. GRAMA Requests Member Seegmiller presented a motion to go into a closed session at 4:00 p.m. Member Dunn seconded the motion that passed unanimously.Present: Board President David Stirland, Board Member Craig Seegmiller, Board Member Terry Hutchinson, Board Member Laura Hesson, Board Member Becky Dunn, and Board Vice President Kelly Blake.CLOSED SESSIONPersonnel Items Member Hutchinson presented a motion to go into an open meeting at 4:13 p.m. Member Hesson seconded the motion that passed unanimously.A regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Washington County School District was held after due, legal, and timely notice being given to all members and interested parties. Board President David Stirland called the meeting to order and welcomed all visitors. Board members present were Craig Seegmiller, Terry Hutchinson, Laura Hesson, Becky Dunn, and Kelly Blake. Board Member LaRene Cox was excused. Staff members present were Superintendent Larry Bergeson and Business Administrator Brent Bills.OPEN MEETING – 4:00 p.m. Board President Welcome – David Stirland Pledge of Allegiance – Board President Stirland Reverence – Member Blake CONSENT AGENDAMinutes October 10, 2017Financial ReportPersonnel ItemsBrent Bills briefly explained the history of the PILT Forest Reserve federal funds. We do receive the funds annually in-lieu of taxes for Zion National Park and everything else in our county. Brent Bills explained that the other revenues listed under the Capital Outlay Fund come from property taxes and several other sources. He will look and report back where the budget comes from under the other revenues. He also noted that the formula for the percent received was not correct at 100%. Brent Bills also explained that the leases for copies come due at different times. The secondary schools lease their copy machine. The elementary schools usually purchase one. The lease includes the cost of repairs and some supplies.David Stirland announced the Brian Stevenson would be transferred as the principal at the new Crimson Cliffs Middle School.Member Blake presented a motion to approve the Consent Agenda items A through C. Member Hutchinson seconded the motion that passed unanimously.PUBLIC COMMENT ON BOARD ACTION ITEMSNo comments were given.BOARD ACTION ITEMS 2019-2020 Calendar – Richard HolmesCraig Hammer said three calendar options have been out for review. Most of the responses received were to move the Fall Break back a week to coincide with UEA. The recommendation would be to select calendar option two.Member Hutchinson presented a motion to approve calendar option two for the 2019-2020 Calendar with a change to move the Fall Break back a week. Member Blake seconded the motion that passed unanimously.Policy 1700 Conducting an Administrative Investigation – Lyle CoxLyle Cox said the policy is for consistency when conducting an investigation. The policy is a new policy, but is referenced in a number of the other policies. When there is a violation of law, the police department would be contacted. The investigators will receive training. Member Seegmiller presented a motion to approve the changes to Policy 1700 Conducting an Administrative Investigation. Member Hesson seconded the motion that passed unanimously.School CSIP Plans – Bob SonjuBob Sonju mentioned that Board members were provided access last month. This is an ongoing process. The CSIP plans highlight the work of the teams. The CSIP document is one that the teacher teams reference. It gives direction and is a guiding document.Member Seegmiller presented a motion to approve the School CSIP Plans. Member Hesson seconded the motion that passed unanimously.Open Enrollment Declaration – Brad FergusonBrad Ferguson asked for approval of the open enrollment declaration of schools. Kelly Blake mentioned that the process help to self balance the schools. Becky Dunn asked about reasons for applying to move out of boundaries. It was mentioned that some schools offer various programs such as dual immersion, or students have daycare or a parent that work near the school.Member Hutchinson presented a motion to approve the Open Enrollment Declaration. Member Blake seconded the motion that passed unanimously.Health Curriculum Compliance – Richard HolmesRichard Holmes said is part of a state requirement to have a committee to review the health curriculum. Our District is in compliance with state requirements.Member Dunn presented a motion to approve the Health Curriculum Compliance. Member Seegmiller seconded the motion that passed unanimously.Architect Services – Craig HammerBrent Bills said an action item is not needed for the architectural services. We will be going with Campbell and Associates as part of the SIOQ for architectural work on the DXATC building.Sale and Purchase of Property – Craig HammerBrent Bills briefly reported on the first sale of property and the offers received. The District has three parcels for sale in Little Valley and Ivins. The sale includes 63.26 acres in Little Valley established for a high school/middle school site, 11.94 acres on the Meadow Valley site, and 17.57 acres in Ivins. It was proposed to accept an offer for $7,270,000 plus a parcel of property in called Rosewood. Kelly Blake mentioned that as growth has come to the District, we having to adjust where our sites are to fill the needs of the District. Terry Hutchinson said he has been impressed how the Board of the past had acquired various parcels in planning for growth, then switch them out as the growth comes or goes. They have done well. Part of the consideration in this offer is the property acquired for our immediate needs now. The prior board members have put the District in a really good position to serve the community.Member Blake presented a motion to approve the sale of property as described. Member Seegmiller seconded the motion that passed unanimously.Brent Bills briefly reported on the second sale of property in Ivins to the Ed Burgess Group in the amount of $462,000. The property sale of 7.12 acres will allow the group access to their property behind the District property.Member Seegmiller presented a motion to approve the sale of property as described. Member Hutchinson seconded the motion that passed unanimously.Purchase of DXATC – Craig HammerBrent Bills explained the purchase of the former DXATC building. The District would be able to use the building for program and office space. It would also allow more room for professional development. David Stirland said the building is new and would allow a lot of potential.Member Seegmiller presented a motion to approve the purchase of DXATC building. Member Hutchinson seconded the motion that passed unanimously.Majestic Fields School LAND Trust PlanLaura Hesson said the Majestic Fields School LAND Trust Plan does need to go back to the school community council for changes to goals five and six. The money should be spent on the greatest academic need. Member Blake presented a motion to approve the Majestic Fields School LAND Trust Plan with the exception of goals five and six, which need to be changed. Member Hutchinson seconded the motion that passed unanimously.DISCUSSION ITEMS Policy 1450 Discipline and Termination, and Non-renewal of Contract – Lyle CoxLyle Cox said the policy changes are to define the relevance of informal communication and how those directives issued my management enter into the disciplinary process. There is also clarification to the appeal process to Superintendent. Paragraph 3.6.6, allows a supervisor or administrator to issue an informal warning to someone and that the informal warning can be used in a subsequent disciplinary process.Policy 3730 Technology Security Policy – Jeremy CoxJeremy Cox said the policy has become a model throughout the state, but there were things found from an FBI audit and legislative requirements that are being RMATION AND REPORTS Student Achievement – Brad FergusonBrad Ferguson reported on an ACT prep program called Shmoop. The state has purchased the program that is available for all districts in the state to use. High schools give students a code to the resources to use for ACT prep. The resources are also intended to be used as a course. He shared a demonstration of how the program works. The program also has resource information to help students applying for college. It is geared to students. Brad Ferguson said we are just exploring the program so far. The program does allow a prep test in other languages. Brad Ferguson said it has been good to have all of our juniors take the ACT test and feels it has helped prepare students rmation Technology – Lawrence EsplinJeremy Cox shared information about one of the major projects technology has been working on. A law passed provides additional safeguards in how we share student data with other entities. It provides training and things we must do when sharing data. He shared the Data Governance Plan, which is available on the District website. He would appreciate any feedback. Employees will receive additional training to make sure they are compliant with the plan.What’s Right in WCSD Schools Majestic Fields Elementary – Travis WilsteadTravis Wilstead said Majestic Fields is a little overcrowded. The school was staffed for 543 and opened with an enrollment of 711, but has dropped to 670. He shared a video clip of the school. Being a new school there is not a lot of data yet. The school motto is “Here I am.” They started the year with training for their teachers. Some of the events they have done so far include: viewing the solar eclipse, White Ribbon Week - they sent a video link home for parents to review and talk with their student, a pumpkin catapult fundraiser – allowing students to show of designs. Teachers have utilized the data brought to the school with the students. He appreciates the opportunity to open Majestic Fields and the trust of the Board. He mentioned that the biggest issue in opening a new school has been ordering furnishings, equipment, and supplies that will be needed. Many of the orders were received late. Travis Wilstead also reported on how quickly the teachers have bonded together and formed a team.Pine View Middle School – Steve GustavesonSteve Gustaveson said that Pine View Middle School is founded and deeply imbedded with PLC principles. Teachers are always working at improving curriculum, learning targets, analyzing data and providing immediate and specific interventions. Test scores and proficiency scores from last year were high. He said PLCs and the CSIP works. He shared a video that was student driven and created. Students shared how teachers and counselors help students, teachers and administrators know the students by name, and how the school offers a safe clean environment. The school offers a wide variety of clubs and activities for students and allows students to become more involved and connected. Students have access to technology support at the school. The school has a lot of diversity and opportunities for service. Teachers love the atmosphere and family feeling of the school. Steve Gustaveson shared a story of one student who came to the school last year who was not able to read the inscription on the wall, but learned to read at Pine View Middle. Education is important in the lives of students.ReportsSuperintendentSuperintendent Larry Bergeson reported on the delegation trip to Japan with 14 middle school students and the St. George Marathon winners. The city has taken a group for the past 30 years. He said the students were rock stars and spoke more Japanese than students in the past. The experience was phenomenal and the students represented their schools so well. The group visited some of the schools in Japan. It was good to compare and contrast and see what we can learn from them. Their delegation will be bringing 18 students here in January. Kelly Blake said the caliber of young people in the District is phenomenal. The kids from four schools came together as a group and looked out for each other. They represented the District in a positive light.BoardNo reports were given.AssociationNo reports were given.PTA/PTO/Community CouncilLaura Hesson said the council Reflections was held on Thursday. There was good participation among the District.Brent Bills shared an update on the bond issuance.PUBLIC OPPORTUNITY TO ADDRESS THE BOARD – 3 min. eachJennifer Horne and Kylee Hartshorn shared information about the Miss St. George City Scholarship Pageant. The pageant has been held in the Electric Theater, which is small and is used a great deal by the community. They are struggling to find a date that would work for the pageant. The girls who participate are honor students and are involved in community service. Jennifer Horne mentioned that she had approached the highs schools about using their auditoriums. She said there is no budget to rent the auditoriums. She requested for the Board to waive the rental fee for the pageants. Kylee Hartshorn shared some of the opportunities she has had to serve in the community.Jennifer Horne said the pageant is a city-sponsored event. The pageant has charged for entry to the event and could put some of that back into the schools to pay for the use of the building.Superintendent Larry Bergson said he would work with them and communicate what could be done.Board President David Stirland adjourned the meeting at 5:32 p.m., as there was no further business to discuss. ADJOURNMENT ................

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