
Request for Proposals (RFP): Route Planning and Optimization for Solid Waste CollectionPROJECT OVERVIEWThe City of Ennis, Texas (The City) is seeking the services of a qualified consulting team for assistance with route planning and optimization for Solid Waste Collection. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals and to award the contract to the proposer who offers the best value to the City of Ennis.DELIVERY AND DEADLINEThe City of Ennis will receive sealed Proposals at Ennis City Hall located at 115 W. Brown Street until Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 12:00 pm CST (deadline) for services of a qualified consulting team for assistance with route planning and optimization for Solid Waste Collection at which time the names of proposers shall be read aloud. Provide three (3) printed copies of the Proposal in an envelope that is sealed and labeled “Attn: Angie Wade, Sealed Proposal, Sanitation Route Optimization”. No submittals received after the time and date deadline listed above will be considered.Sealed Proposal may be sent by USPS mail, but are required to be in the PO Box on or before the deadline:City of EnnisAttention: Angie WadeP.O. Box 220Ennis, Texas 75120Sealed Proposal may be sent by shipping company, courier, personal delivery, etc. to:City of EnnisAttention: Angie Wade115 W. Brown St.Ennis, Texas 75119Additionally, one .pdf of the Sealed Proposal shall be emailed to egreen@RFP ADVERTISEMENT SCHEDULEAdvertise RFP 1st publication:January 24, 2021, Advertise RFP 2nd publication:January 31, 2021INQUIRIESQuestions or clarification request regarding the RFP or Project should be directed in writing to: Edward Green, Director of the Department of Public Works via email at egreen@1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION1.1PURPOSEThe City’s goal is to procure the Consultant services and work product necessary to create and maintain a balanced service route system as it relates to the Department of Public Works management of waste collection. The results of the optimization study shall include customized computer generated route configuration files compatible with FleetMind? suite of hardware and software solutions and must reduce associated drive time and costs as it relates to man hours, fuel, vehicle maintenance and other services.1.2BACKGROUND INFORMATION:The Sanitation Division of Public Works Department provides environmentally sound and cost effective waste collection services in the form of residential garbage collection and hauling that is an essential need of the community. These services are provided to approximately 5,800 residential customers. A Republic Services owned and operated landfill located on Interstate Highway 45 near the northerly incorporated city limits is the end disposal of wastes originating in Ennis.Residential Services currently include two-time per week trash collection of bagged and privately owned cans place near the street on four biweekly scheduled routes plus bulk pickup is performed on Wednesdays. Additionally, a fifth small downtown route is collected five to six days per week. These services are provided utilizing a fleet consisting of four rear-load packer trucks, and one recently added grapple truck utilized for bulk pickup, all stationed at the Public Works yard locate at 500 W. Lake Bardwell Drive. Commercial collection and hauling services is contracted to Republic Services. The City currently collects recyclables at a central location but hopes to offer single stream curbside recycling in the future.The City has recently ordered two Mcneilus automated side-load garbage trucks and 8,000 Toter? brand 96-gallon sanitation carts. The Mcneilus order includes the FleetMind? suite of hardware and software solutions for both the automated side loaders and to retrofit two of the existing rear-load garbage trucks which are equipped with cart tippers. The City maintains a GIS system with shape files available for the entire Street Network. Refer to the GIS screen captures of the existing sanitation routes attached at the end of this document.1.3SCOPE OF SERVICES:The goal of this project is to provide the City with a revised routing recommendations for the collection of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) that makes the most efficient use of the available vehicles and manpower. The new routes shall be sized to balance the workloads of the sanitation staff and the fleet of collection vehicles for the pickup of waste within the confines of an eight-hour work day, 40 hours per week. The goal is to modify or develop the routes to maximize staffing and equipment for the most productive utilization. Bulk pickup routing is not included in the optimization study.The basic scope of services is to provide optimized routes for collection days modified to one-time per week as a result of the project including the following minimum steps:Project Initiation: Collection and Validation of data for Streets, Stops, and Vehicles. Project Kick off Meeting to review and collect any additional route data, define route parameters, and discuss routing strategy.Development of Draft routes: Refine the route parameters, develop, balance, and review draft routes. Draft routes will then be provided to the client for review and then returned to the vendor for final editing.Development of Finalized routes: Incorporate Client Comments and finalize for implementation into final routes, deliver final reports, maps and files. Client will implement routes and send one final round of comments if required. Incorporate comments and deliver updated route files. A second option may be requested to develop optimized routes and continue twice per week collection.Hourly services or task order delivery for route maintenanceFinal approved route version shall be incorporated into the FleetMind? software and shall also be provided to the City in shape files compatible with the City’s GIS system.1.4INFORMATION AND COOPERATION BY THE CITY:The following information is maintained by the City and will be provided to the successful proposer in order to implement the project:GIS-based maps of current MSW routesStreet centerline data and parcel maps for developing routing modelRoute-specific limitations such as neighborhoods with narrow streets, one-way streets, existing customers that may require assistance with carts, landfill wait times, dump times, and closing time, and other information as requested.Coordination and feedback on draft and finalized route recommendations.1.5PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT:City of Ennis shall require the team selected to execute a Professional Services Agreement upon award of a contract. 1.6PROJECT TIMING:The City anticipates the award of this project upon approval of the City Commission and in preparation and planning to implement the updated sanitation program in late spring/early summer of 2021. 2.0 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS2.1FORMAT OF PROPOSAL:Proposals should be organized as shown below with tab dividers between sections and should include all the information indicated. Note that elaborate brochures or other presentations beyond those sufficient to present a complete and extensive response to this solicitation are not desired. Limit entire length of response to sixty (60) pages or less. Three (3) printed copies shall be submitted and a .pdf file shall be emailed to egreen@ on or before the Proposals Due deadline shown above.SECTION A. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENTSECTION B. QUALIFICATIONS AND APPROPRIATENESS OF PROPOSED STAFFProject team. Proposers are to demonstrate significant municipal experience in waste collection routing services.Provide names and resumes of key personnel proposed for this project.SECTION C. APPROPRIATENESS AND QUALITY OF PROPOSER'S EXPERIENCEInclude experience on projects of similar scope to this RFP and how long proposer has been providing route optimization to clients and the percentage of the projects that are waste management.Describe experience specific to FleetMind? suite of hardware and software.Describe experience assisting moving clients from 2 times per week collection to once per week and any lessons learned in the process.SECTION D. PROPOSED METHODOLOGYBased on the project description and scope of services, the firm should discuss how it would approach and manage the project.SECTION E. MANPOWER BREAKDOWNManpower estimates shall be separated by task with the employee's name, classification, percentage of time to be spent on the project, and estimated man-hours. Total hours for each Phase. SECTION F. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATIONAny additional information relevant to the firm's qualifications for this project may be included at the firm's option.SECTION G. PRICE FOR SERVICESA lump sum amount for the basic scope of services provide optimized routes for one-time per week collection services.A second lump sum amount that would be added to the basic services effort if requested to also develop optimized routes for twice per week collection.Hourly rates for services to deliver for ongoing routes maintenance services.SECTION H. SIGNED COPY OF THIS RFP AND MANDATORY FORMS3.0 CRITERIA OF EVALUATION3.1PROPOSAL EVALUATION:The City of Ennis will evaluate proposals based on the factors outlined within this RFP, which shall be applied to all eligible - responsive proposals in selecting the successful team. The City reserves the right to disqualify any proposal it deems as non‐responsive and/or non‐responsible. The City reserves the right to make such investigations of the qualifications of the proposer as it deems appropriate.Award of any proposal may be made without discussion with respondents after responses are received. The City reserves the right to cease contract negotiations if it is determined that the respondent cannot perform services specified in their response or within the City’s budget. Evaluation criteria will be grouped into percentage factors as follows:Qualifications and Appropriateness of Proposed Staff, Appropriateness and Quality of Proposer’s Experience, Proposed Methodology, Manpower Breakdown, Supplemental Information (50%)Price for Basic Services (50%)It is the intent and desire of the City of Ennis to identify, through this RFP process, the team and proposal that provides the best value to the City for this project. The teams submitting sealed RFPs responses will be evaluated and ranked based on the criteria enumerated above.If so desired or deemed necessary by the committee, the top ranked teams may be asked to come in foran interview. Once the top ranked team is identified, the City will move forward with the terms of the agreement. If negotiations should stall, then negotiations shall begin with the second highest team and so on until an agreement can be made.Once terms are agreed upon with a team, it shall be presented to the City Manager, followed by the City Commission for approval.3.2FALSE INFORMATION:Respondents who provide false or misleading information, whether intentional or not, in any documents presented to the City for consideration in the selection process shall be excluded. 3.3CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION:All responses shall be held confidential from other parties by the City to the extent allowable by law until after the selection process is completed. Respondents should be aware that at the completion of the selection process, the contents of their proposals are subject to the provisions of the Texas Public Information Act and may be made public. Confidential and/or Sensitive information should not be included in the proposal.3.4RIGHTS OF THE CITY:The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals and to award the contract to the proposer who offers the best value to the City of Ennis.There is not expressed or implied obligation for the City to reimburse responding team for any expense incurred in preparing submittals in response to this request. Proposals submitted to the City shall become property of the City and will not be returned to respondent.3.5MANDATORY FORMS:Complete all forms in Attachment 2: Proposer Guarantee, Proposer Warranty, and Conflict of Interest Questionnaire.TYPE OR PRINT:TEAM NAMEAUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE & TITLEPHONE:( )STREET ADDRESS and/or P.O. BOX NO.TELEPHONE NUMBERFAX:( )CITY/STATE/ZIP CODEFAX NUMBERFIRM’S TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBERE-MAIL ADDRESS/SIGNATUREDATEATTACHMENT NUMBER 1EXISTING ROUTE MAP SCREEN CAPTURES (3 pages)Current Monday and Thursday routesCurrent Tuesday and Friday routesCurrent daily routeATTACHMENT NUMBER 2\sA. Proposer GuaranteesPrinted Name:, is an authorized signer for this proposal.He/She is the (owner, partner, officer, representative or agent) of _____________________________________________, the proposer that has submitted the attached proposal;He/She is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached proposal and all the pertinent circumstances respecting such proposal;Such proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham proposal; The proposal will remain subject to acceptance for 60 days after the proposal’s due date to the City.This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm, or corporation, and is not submitted in conformity with any Agreement or rules of any group, association, organization, or corporation; PROPOSER has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other PROPOSER to submit a false or sham Bid; PROPOSER has not solicited or induced any person, firm, or corporation to refrain from bidding; and PROPOSER has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other PROPOSER or over OWNER.All responsible parties will comply with Chapter 176 Local Government Code and complete the Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (CIQ).365823514795500AUTHORIZED SIGNATUREB. Proposer WarrantiesA.Proposer warrants that it is willing and able to comply with State of Texas laws with respect to foreign (non-state of Texas) corporations.B.Proposer warrants that it is willing and able to obtain an errors and omissions insurance policy providing a prudent amount of coverage for the willful or negligent acts, or omissions of any officers, employees or agents thereof.C.Proposer warrants that it will not delegate or subcontract its responsibilities under an agreement without the prior written permission of the City of Ennis.D.Proposer warrants that all information provided by it in connection with this proposal is true and accurate.Signature of Official: __________________________ Name (typed): _____________________________ Title: _____________________________________ Firm: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ C. Conflict of Interest Questionaire ................

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