



1 Escribe las palabras del cuadro debajo de los dibujos.

|adverts cartoon chat show game show music programme |

|the news sports programme weather forecast |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|cartoon |1 c___________ s___________ |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|2 w___________ f___________ |3 g___________ s___________ |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|4 t___________ n___________ |5 s___________ p___________ |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|6 a___________ |7 m___________ p___________ |

2 Escribe los tipos de programas de televisión que hay en el cuadro junto a sus definiciones.

|comedy documentary reality show soap opera the news |

It tells us what’s happening in the world. the news

1 At first the people on the programme aren’t famous. Every week one person leaves the programme. r______________ s______________

2 It’s a long story about everyday life. It is usually on TV every day. s______________ o______________

3 It’s funny. c______________

4 It tells us about interesting things. It can be about history, nature or famous people. d______________

3 Completa el texto con las palabras del cuadro.

|chat show comedy documentary drama |

|soap opera sports programme |

|This week’s highlights |

|For art history lovers, there’s a great (1) documentary about art in the 1900s. |

|Art Nouveau is on Wednesday night. |

|There’s live coverage of the UEFA semi-finals on Channel 2’s |

|(2) ______________ Match. For anyone who doesn’t like sport, there’s |

|a (3) ______________. This week Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie speak to host, Jules Collins. |

|As usual, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, it’s the popular |

|(4) ______________, Albert Street. Does Kim love Andy, or not? |

|There’s a more serious (5) ______________ on Thursday. It’s a story about a family who lived during the Second World |

|War. |

|If you need a laugh, then watch Channel 3’s new (6) ______________ My life! |

|It’s very funny. |


4 Completa las respuestas para que sean verdad en tu caso.

1 What is your favourite type of TV programme?

My favourite type of TV programme is ______________.

2 How often do you watch documentaries?

I watch documentaries ______________.

3 Which is the best music programme on TV?

______________ is the best music programme on TV.

4 Which soap operas do you watch?

I watch ______________.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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