General Information - Issaquah Connect

7th/8th Grade Film MakingTrimester 3-2020Mr. AnGeneral InformationThis trimester long exploratory class is intended to introduce and enhance students’ knowledge of creating digital films, as well as understanding the different ways in which individuals communicate and complete tasks. This class is project based and students are expected to work individually and in cooperative groups. Students must have parental permission to view “PG” movies (permission form on last page returned to Mr. An), utilize the district computer network and have agreed to the Internet Acceptable Use Policy of the Issaquah School District.We will be using the following cameras and production tools:iMovieVideo CamerasMovie Maker (a CD or compact music disc from home will be helpful for our first editing project. Mr. An has extra CDs for students who don’t have one.District PCs in computer lab & laptop carts in Mr. An’s room during SBACMaterials Office 365 (all students have a free account set up through our school district)Props/Costumes (optional). If you bring these, please make sure they are school appropriate and you are also responsible for storage and care for your personal item(s).SBAC testing and how it affects our class (and class location): April 27-May 22School-wide SBAC testing (WA State required) will occur at our school roughly from April 27 until about May 22 (make-up testing week for absent testers).During this time, our location in the computer lab (all computer labs) and the library will be used for SBAC testing at this time. Basically-we lose our teaching/learning space.During this time, our class will have the rest of our time in Mr. An’s classroom in 8th grade hall.The alternative to this is that students will not be able to use the Movie Maker program in the computer lab, and will instead use laptop carts that will provided in the classroom.Mr. An will be working with our tech specialist to have students edit on a different program compatible with Windows 10 (Movie Maker has issues with Windows 10).We will also be watching more movies during this time. Movie watching is a part of this class, but the volume of movies we watch increases during Trimester 3 (compared to Tri 1 or 2) due to SBAC testing; the experience changes in the classroom due to our limited access of not having the computer lab, in addition to our (non)ability to film on campus.Noise-students will also be filming less (sometimes not at all) during this time. Noise may result in “irregularities” that must be reported to the State during SBAC testing.Inconveniences-we do what we can to support our school during required State testing.Class ExpectationsBe in your seat when the bell rings. Computer use is for editing or working on projects. Watching random YouTube videos and playing video games will result in loss of points and/or computer privileges.Observe the rules of the computer lab including “no” outside food or drinks.You get points for citizenship, working (being on-task). This is not a free period to do what you want. You get points (daily) by earning the points based on your participation, classroom/hallway behavior, and citizenship.Please treat others the way you wish to be treated.Do your own work (but you may collaborate with your group members). Share the work. One person should not be doing all the work for the group. Share the camera (filming) ,editing responsibilities, etc.When you are in need of something, ASK for it politely by saying “May I please…” This includes when you need to use the restroom etc.-do not abuse use of time away from the classroom (restroom use etc.).There is no filming in any of the locker rooms, restrooms, or by outside the student store (windows looking into the P.E. classes). Also, do not go the “out of bounds” areas when filming such as behind the science wing(s) where an adult may not be able to see you. Remember, your camera is your hall pass, therefore it should be out and not in your pocket.Protect our equipment! We are using brand new video cameras this year. Do not run or speed walk with your camera. Also, do not engage in physical aggression such as wrestling, gymnastics, or pushing others with or without the camera. We do not want to damage cameras and your safely also comes first! We do not climb or hang in areas inside the building or in the courtyard for your safety and the safety of others.TardinessEach tardy will affect the students’ daily participation grade. Excessive tardiness will be dealt with in accordance with school rules posted in the classroom and by the administration.GradingThe grade for this class will be based on a combination of scores from the following criteria:1- Daily assignments, class work, projects2- Participation, behavior and attitude. *Students who choose to play video games, or search YouTube (not related to class projects) will get a reduction in points (lower grade as a penalty). More than one warning = loss of computer privileges for up to one week per offense. See Mr. An for questions.Students are given a combined grade of 1 and 2 above for a weekly grade of 5 points per day (5 day school week = 25 points). Points are taken off for improper behavior, being off-task, disrupting classes or others, not participating, or not having completed work in on time.NOTE: Each student starts the day with 5 points (25 points for a full week), and will lose points for being off-task. Philosophy of ClassThe Film Making class at Maywood Middle School is a trimester class elective. The purpose is create an experience and introductory to some of the basics of Film Making. Technology is one component of the class but is not the sole or even the main focus. Students earn the right to use video cameras by participating in class “act outs,” filling out Story Boards and viewing movies (form on next page) to learn and get ideas. The focus of this class is on story telling. The camera simply captures this story telling. Citizenship is also an important part of class (grade).Fees: A one-time fee of $15 is used to cover possible damage/upkeep of equipment (video cameras, memory cards/adaptors etc.). Fee is payable either online at MMS website or to Ms. Niblock (MMS bookkeeper). Please do not give money to Mr. An. Checks can be payable to “Maywood Middle School.” I am pleased to announce that we have 10 new video cameras this year that were paid for by class fees (from past). Students used these for the first time this Fall.Scholarship(s) are available to students who cannot afford the class fee. If this is the case, please (student) needs to see Ms. Niblock (MMS Book keeper) or parents can e-mail her at: niblockp@issaquah.wednet.eduSchedule (Subject to Change):Day 1 of class: Meet in Mr. An’s classroom (until further notice)-students get class syllabus/explanation Week 1: Start PhotoStory Project to teach students how to edit and transfer file onto Office 365Week 2: Begin Filming in either Groups A or B (2 film days per week).Week 3: Continue (same as last week)-different “theme” this week.Weeks 4-9: Transition from Computer lab 125 to Mr. An’s classroom (class will be there full time) until school-wide SBAC testing is complete. Other tech classes lose the computer labs as well for SBAC.Weeks 10-13: Resume schedule back in computer lab with regular filming schedule. Final projects will be e-mailed to Mr. An from students’ Office 365 accounts as MP4 files (worth 35 points each).Hallway Behavior/Expectations While FilmingIt is a privilege to take this class and be able to film during either period 4 while teachers are teaching and students are learning in their classrooms. It is each students and group’s responsibilities not to disturb or be too loud while filming their projects. If a student/group gets a teacher warning and there is a second offense, that student or group will not film the following week (all week) and complete a library report for their grade but may return to filming the following week. Students may not film in either the girls’ or boys’ restrooms, in either locker room, or in the student store area. Students may also not disturb students not in this class who are out on hall passes (includes student teacher assistants). Getting physical or pushing other students also is not permitted. Violations of any of these rules which includes inappropriate language will result in disciplinary action (discipline form(s), contact home to parent(s), etc.PG Movies Overview/Explanation: In addition to our film projects we will be viewing movies in class to demonstrate elements of film making in addition to viewing these movies while student(s) are editing/finishing film projects also. In doing so, we will watch movies that are of a PG rating. An example of this is the 1954 suspense classic Rear Window by Alfred Hitchcock. Other movies we will be watching are Napoleon Dynamite (PG), Tron Legacy (2011, PG, Disney), Bedtime Stories (2009, PG, Disney), The Sandlot (PG), The NeverEnding Story (PG), and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (PG), The Goonies (PG), Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory: 1971 (G), The NeverEnding Story (PG), Benny and Joon (PG), Good Night and Good Luck (PG), and Superman The Movie: 1978 (PG), and Superman II: 1980 (PG), Beetlejuice (PG), and Space Jam (PG). Based on time, we may not watch all of the movies above. We may also watch movies not on this list such as Star Wars (but none of the movies we watch will exceed a “PG” rating). Some “PG” movies do contain themes that can be deemed inappropriate (please be aware), it not our intention to make that the focal point, but this is included for fair municationTeacher: David An (pronounced “ON”)e-mail: and@issaquah.wednet.eduPhone/voice mail: 425-837-6928Note to Parent(s), please sign in Two (2) spaces for syllabus acknowledgment and permission to/not to view “PG” films in class.Student Name_________________________ Period_____ Mr. An Film Making ClassPlease fill out the information below and return this page to Mr. An for 10 assignment points: please turn in upon receiving this (back to Mr. An) immediately.This signature portion indicates that you have read and understand the contents of the syllabus.Print Parent Name_________________________________________________Parent Signature_________________________________________________--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parent, please also sign one of two spaces below to complete signatures! Thank you.For Permission:As a parent/guardian, by signing this, I give my student permission to view PG rated movies all trimester (including the 16 movies mentioned and “other PG films” ) for the purpose of film making class as determined by the teacher: Mr. An.Parent Signature_____________________________________Date_________PG-13 or R rated movie(s) will not be shown in this class.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Parent/Guardian: (sign above or below), but not in both spaces.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Or Permission not granted:I would prefer my student does not view PG rated movies in class and would like an alternate activity for my student while such movies are being viewed in class.Parent Signature________________________________Date_________ ................

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