Medieval Machine Mayhem!Overview: In this inquiry activity, students will explore and understand what machines are and how they work. Students will produce culminating pieces of work summarizing and extending their knowledge of machines from the Medieval/Renaissance time periods. They will investigate mechanical advantage in a variety of mechanisms and simple machines as related to Medieval/Renaissance times. Students will ask questions about the machines and develop and implement experiments to provide solutions to their queries. Strand and Topic: Systems in Action: Understanding Structures and MechanismsGrade Level: 8Inquiry Focus: How did medieval engineers solve problems using machines?How can you use the technological design process to build and improve upon the mechanical advantage and work done as it relates to medieval machines?The time required depends on students’ background knowledge, skills set, level of interest, and any additional time required for completion of student work.Big Ideas: Systems are designed to accomplish tasks.All systems include an input and output.Systems are designed to optimize human and natural resources. Overall Expectations: Science and Technologyassess the personal, social, and /or environmental impacts of a system, and evaluate improvements to a system and/or alternative ways of meeting the same needs investigate a working system and the ways in which components of the systems contribute to its desired functiondemonstrate an understanding of different types of systems and the factors that contribute to their safe and efficient operationSpecific Expectations: Science and Technologyassess the social, economic, and environmental impacts of automating systems (from a historical standpoint)2.3 use scientific inquiry/experimentation skills to investigate mechanical advantage in a variety of mechanisms and simple machines2.4 use technological problem-solving skills to investigate a system that performs a function or meets a need2.6 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including mechanical advantage, input, output, friction, gravity, forces, and efficiency, in oral and written communication2.7 use a variety of forms (e.g., oral, written, graphic, multimedia) to communicate with different audiences and for a variety of purposes3.1 identify various types of systems3.2 identify purpose, inputs, and outputs of various systems3.3 identify the various processes and components of a system3.6 calculate the mechanical advantage of various mechanical systemsMathematicsdescribe different ways in which algebra can be used in real-life situations model linear relationships using tables of values, graphs, and equations solve and verify linear equations involving a one-variable term and having solutions that are integerssolve problems that require conversions involving metric units collect and organize categorical, discrete, or continuous primary data and secondary data read, interpret, and draw conclusions from primary data (e.g., measurements, observations) presented in charts, tables, and graphs solve angle-relationship problems involving triangles, intersecting lines, and parallel lines and transversalssolve problems involving right triangles geometrically, using the PythagoreanrelationshipLanguage: Oral Communication1.2 demonstrate an understanding of appropriate listening behaviour by adapting active listening strategies to suit a wide variety of situations, including work in groups2.2 demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour in most situations, using a variety of speaking strategies and adapting them to suit the purpose and audience2.4 use appropriate words, phrases, and terminology from the full range of their vocabulary, including inclusive and non-discriminatory language, and a range of stylistic devices, to communicate their meaning effectively and engage the interest of their intended audience 2.7 use a variety of appropriate visual aids to support and enhance oral presentationsLanguage: Writing 1.2 generate ideas about more challenging topics and identify those most appropriate to the purpose 1.3 gather information to support ideas for writing, using a variety of strategies and a wide range of print and electronic sources 1.4 sort and classify ideas and information for their writing in a variety of ways that allow them to manipulate information and see different combinations and relationships in their data1.6 determine whether the ideas and information they have gathered are relevant, appropriate, and sufficiently specific for the purpose, and do more planning and research if necessary 2.1 write complex texts of a variety of lengths using a wide range of forms 3.1 spell familiar words correctly3.3 confirm spellings and word meanings or word choice using a wide variety of resources appropriate for the purposeLanguage: Media Literacy3.4 produce a variety of media texts of some technical complexity for specific purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniquesHistoryA3.3 identify key social and economic changes that occurred in and/or affected Canada during this period (Including the industrial revolution)The Arts: Visual ArtsD1.4 use a variety of materials, tools, techniques, and technologies to determine solutions to increasingly complex design challengesD1.3 use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, messages, and understandings for a specific audience and purpose. (Example: drawing models with 3D view and face views)Key Concepts:Simple machine, systems, input, output, force, work, energy, efficiency, mechanical advantage, loadPrior Skill Sets: Students should be able to: design and carry out a plan to achieve a solution using the Technological-Design Process:“Critical aspects of technological problem solving are: careful planning; purposeful selection of tools and materials; testing, retesting, and modifications of a product or process; communicating about the solution; and recommending of changes or improvements.” (Ontario Science and Technology curriculum document, 2007, p. 17)work safely with toolswrite observations based on experimentation and ask questions that demonstrate curiosity about what was observedunderstand the use of independent and dependent variables when experimenting using the Scientific Methodlook for and select information that relates to the exploration from various sourcespropose an answer to the inquiry and describe steps to take to answer questionsPrior Knowledge:Understanding Structures and Mechanisms Grade 23.1 describe different ways in which objects move 3.2 identify ways in which the position of an object can be changed3.3 identify the six basic types of simple machines – lever; inclined plane; pulley; wheel and axle, including gear; screw; and wedge – and give examples of ways in which each is used in daily life to make tasks easier 3.4 describe how each type of simple machine allows humans to move objects with less force than otherwise would be needed Grade 43.5 distinguish between pulley systems and gear systems that increase force and those that increase speed3.8 identify the input components that drive a mechanism and the output components that are driven by itGrade 52.2 measure and compare, quantitatively and/or qualitatively, the force required to move a load using different mechanical systems, and describe the relationship between the force required and the distance over which the force moves 3.3 explain the advantages and disadvantages of different types of mechanical systems Grade 72.2 design, construct, and use physical models to investigate the effects of various forces on structures 3.2 describe ways in which the centre of gravity of a structure affects the structure’s stability 3.3 identify the magnitude, direction, point of application, and plane of application of the forces applied to a structureUnderstanding Matter and EnergyGrade 32.2 investigate forces that cause an object to start moving, stop moving, or change direction 2.3 conduct investigations to determine the effects of increasing or decreasing the amount of force applied to an object3.3 describe how different forces applied to an object at rest can cause the object to start, stop, attract, repel, or change direction 3.4 explain how forces are exerted through direct contact or through interaction at a distance Social StudiesGrade 4A1.4 compare two or more early societies in terms of their relationship with the environment A2.1 formulate questions to guide investigations into ways of life and relationships with the environment in two or more early societies, with an emphasis on aspects of the interrelationship between the environment and life in those societies A2.5 evaluate evidence and draw conclusions about ways of life and relationships with the environment in early societies, with an emphasis on aspects of the interrelationship between the environment and life in those societies A3.2 demonstrate the ability to extract information on daily life in early societies from visual evidence A3.5 describe the importance of the environment for two or more early societies, including how the local environment affected the ways in which people met their physical needsA3.6 identify and describe some of the major scientific and technological developments in the ancient and medieval worldMaterials and Equipment:examples of everyday simple machineslaptops or iPadsweights for testing purposeslevers (metre rule, ruler, etc.)blocks or books for rampsbalsa wood, dowels, elastics, hot glue, carpenter's glue, and other materials for buildingtools - hand and/or machine (saw, drill)mitre box and clampspulleys of various sizesgears of various sizessyringes of varying sizes and tubingSafety:Refer to your specific board guidelines and the STAO Safety in Elementary Science and Technology: A Reference Guide for Elementary School Educators (2014) ( ) for the following issues:safe usage of personal protective equipment (p. 34-35)following and reviewing established safety procedures (p. 37-40)following established safety procedures for using tools and handling materials (p. 64-68, 72-75)investigating forces and motion (p.70-72)designing, building, and testing constructions (p.73-76)Instructional Planning and Delivery:Engage -> Explore -> Explain -> Extend -> EvaluateTypeStructured or DirectedGuidedCoupledOpen or FullParticipantTeacher Initiated and PerformedTeacher Initiated, Students PerformedTeacher InitiatedStudent Initiated-24129938100Teacher Directed Student DirectedTeacher Directed Student DirectedPath to Inquiry:Accommodations and ModificationsTeacher Tip: This inquiry activity lends itself to allowing a wide range of learners to access the curriculum in a variety of ways. Nevertheless, the teacher should recognise that students can have a wide variation of abilities and should ensure that instruction is tailored according to individual needs and preferences. Within this document, there are several different entry points for students along the inquiry process. Teachers can choose to do one of the options (guided, coupled, open) with the entire class or choose to do different options with groups of students depending on student ability. Engage (I SEE) To begin the inquiry, generate curiosity and interest by introducing the topic using one or more of the following suggestions. Students should be encouraged to think about and formulate questions relating to the structures observed in the examples shown.Watch a movie or clip related to medieval technology, e.g., ) thinking of the technology Museum visit: e.g., Canada Science and Tech,. (2015). Smith College Museum of Ancient Inventions: Museum Directory. Retrieved 29 July 2015, from: a book (see examples in the Student Support Resources section)Look at Leonardo DaVinci’s designs samples of everyday machines/technology, e.g., rake, can opener, wheelbarrow, knifeQuestioning (I WONDER)Through a Knowledge Building Circle (KB - ), or an online forum, class-wiki, collaborative website, or on chart paper, gather student questions. Teachers should use the Engage portion of this inquiry to provide a starting point for discussion and interest. Students should reflect upon the resources and generate questions that they would like to investigate based upon the inventions and engineering in the Middle Ages. Teachers can add their own questions to start students off or redirect the topic. Teachers can also use inventions and systems of this century, or of the Industrial Revolution (to link to the grade 7 History curriculum) to help set the tone for discussion. The class can choose questions that will be revisited, answered collaboratively, and expanded on throughout the unit. Students are also encouraged to answer the gathered questions during this process, if they can.Teacher-ledStudent-Led - examplesWhat machine did you see? What machines didn’t you have, but that might have existed in those times?Why did they build these machines?Were they successful?Which is more efficient - a trebuchet or catapult?Could you survive in medieval times?What is common between these devices?What are the parts of this technology?How do you ensure a machine is more efficient?What machines are important in your household? Which is the most important?Can you think of a machine that would make your life easier?Does an input always need to be more than the output?How could you improve on medieval technology? How could you survive the battle of…? How could you invent a new simple machine?How could a machine help you survive?How can we build one of these machines?How can I make it accurate?How can I make it better?What is the difference between a catapult and a trebuchet?How much can the machine hurl?What did they use to build machines in medieval times?What would happen if I change ____?What is the best machine to lift ______ ?What do engineers do?I find ____ aspect of medieval life interesting.What were medieval machines used for?Explore/ Inquiry activity: (I DO) Activity 1: Initial ExplorationProvide students with a variety of materials (e.g., balsa wood, dowels, string, pulleys, gears) to create a machine/device/technology that a medieval person might have needed to accomplish a task (e.g., catapult, water wheel, drawbridge, farming equipment). Students could also use building kits, such as LEGO and K’Nex to build their device. The focus of this activity is for students to explore materials, building techniques, and to provide an opportunity for students to design a device similar to those that they saw in the Engage portion of the inquiry. This is a short-duration open-ended exploration build (one or two periods). In later activities, students are asked to use their structures to test concepts, and to revisit their design and improve upon them.Some students may benefit from exemplars or models of structures that are already built so that they are not working from memory. These can be pulled from the ENGAGE activity done previously. Teacher Considerations:“When engaged in technological problem solving, students should be given opportunities to be creative in their thinking, rather than merely to find a prescribed answer.” (Ontario Science and Technology curriculum document, 2007, p. 16) Teachers are encouraged to have students work through a model that follows the Technological Design-Process, like SPICE: S-ScenarioP- ProblemI- InvestigateC- ConstructE-EvaluateStudents are given a scenario to set the stage for the problem. For this particular activity, consider having students take on the role of a medieval person wanting to invent something to accomplish a task. Students then conduct some planning, which can include rough drawings that are similar to isometric drawings. They should include measurements to determine their usage of materials. Students are also encouraged to write procedural plans of the steps that they will take to construct their structure from beginning to end. This encourages students to do some pre-planning before cutting and building to prevent unnecessary mistakes. Through the construct stage, encourage re-design and proper use of tools and techniques of building. In the evaluation stage, students should be testing their structures and systems and revising, if needed. Students should be encouraged to test their systems and structures throughout their design process. Once they are satisfied with their design, it is good practice to have them reflect about their process and final structures.Teacher Tip: Students new to the Technological-Design process and building, may prefer to work with a partner. Groups of more than two for this project are not recommended due to the project’s scope. Materials should be taken into consideration when deciding individual versus group work.After students have completed their build, the teacher can use the student examples to pullout proper unit vocabulary: force, fulcrum, lever, pulley, etc. If possible, this would also be a good place to introduce how to use spring-scales to measure force: Take this time after the activity to review initial Knowledge Circle questions. Have some been answered? Are there more questions to add to the list of already-generated questions?Activity 2: Experiments to Improve Machines Provide students with other simple machines (e.g., levers, pulleys, and inclined planes) and materials to experiment with, in addition to the machines built in the previous activity.Option 1 (Guided) Have stations for each concept where students will execute the experimentExamples of experiments:If the input of the machine changes, what happens to the output (e.g., change where the fulcrum is on a lever)?How does one calculate/compare work of the machine (e.g., changing the force or the distance on a lever; work = force x distance)?How does one calculate and improve mechanical advantage of the machine (e.g., changing the location of the fulcrum to increase the output; MA = Load/effort)?What other variables can be changed (e.g., number of pulleys, number of teeth on gears) that might affect input/output, work, and/or mechanical advantage?Option 2 (Coupled) Teacher asks the questions and the class designs the experiments togetherExamples of questions:If we change the input of the machine, what happens to the output? Can we increase or decrease it?How can we compare the work of the different machines? What formulas will we need? (Work = Force x Distance) How can we calculate and improve the mechanical advantage of a machine? (MA = Load/effort)What other variables can be changed that might affect input/output, work, and/or mechanical advantage?Option 3 (Open) From student original designs, the question of improvement and comparison of designs is asked. The teacher then introduces the concepts of work, input/output, and mechanical advantage.ExplainFrom the above experiments, students should be able to answer some of the questions they first posed in the initial Knowledge Building Circle. Students are encouraged to use the device that they built to help answer any of the questions. Students should be able to explain, using proper vocabulary learned in the Activity 2 of the Explore section of this inquiry. From the experimentation phase, more questions might have arisen and this is an opportunity to explore any new questions students might have.Throughout the activities, knowledge can be collaboratively built using a Knowledge Building Circle, an online forum, class-wiki, collaborative website, or on chart paper in the classroom. Special attention can be given to different learning styles, as different concepts can be recorded orally and uploaded to a site, video recorded for kinesthetic demonstrations, or drawn by students.Student Support Resources: EUREKA video series including (Pulley, Inclined plane, Work, Weight vs. Mass, Gravity, Acceleration parts 1 & 2, Speed, Mass, Inertia). Original series from TVO.[TheRoboticsOrg]. EUREKA - Inclined Plane. [Video File]. Retrieved Web. 13 July 2015: Da Vinci’s Inventions r. (n.d.). Retrieved July 17, 2015. Videos - Design processYouTube. (2015). Defining a Problem: Crash Course Kids #18.1. Retrieved 28 July 2015, from: . (2015). Defining Success: Crash Course Kids #18.2. Retrieved 28 July 2015, from: (2015). Retrieved 21 August 2015, from: or other media (movies) that show medieval devices and daily life:Beckett, W. (1997). The Duke and the Peasant: Life in the Middle Ages (Adventures in Art). Prestel Publishing. DeVries, K., & Smith, R. (2012). Medieval Military Technology. North York, ON: University of Toronto Press.YouTube. (2015). New Medieval Technology park. Retrieved 27 July 2015, from: . (2015). Technology in the Middle Ages. Retrieved 27 July 2015, from: , J. (2006). Science and Technology in Medieval European Life. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.Whitney, E. (2004). Medieval Science and Technology. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.Related Background Resources and/or Links:,. (2015). OCTE. Retrieved 13 July 2015, from: (2015). CODE Health & Safety Project. Retrieved 13 July 2015, from: (2015). - Student Achievement Division Resources - K to 12. Retrieved 13 July 2015, from: . (2015). Launch into Learning: Catapults! - Lesson - . Retrieved 27 July 2015, from: Extend / RedesignAfter learning more about simple machines and systems, students revisit their design to see how they can improve upon their original design. Students should improve their design by increasing mechanical advantage and work done.Other criteria for success include:DurabilityAestheticscost/materialsaccuracy (if building a throwing device)Extension possibilities:conducting a Medieval Times Science Fair showcasing student models and final calculationsapplying what they have learned to solve a contemporary problem, e.g., how to lift a sunken boat using a floating platformusing SKYPE to talk to engineers that are working on current systems and machinesconducting other investigations as to what technological problems people face today (i.e., NASA, industrial manufacturing)comparing structures of Medieval Times to those in the Industrial Revolution (linking to the grade 7 History curriculum) and the impact those new machines had in their historical contextOptional/Alternative build ideasa system for a disabled person to use (e.g., chair lift, arm reach extender)a mechanical device that fulfills a current need/solves a problem that is identified by students (e.g., robot)Evaluate (I REMEMBER) Things to look for in assessment pieces:ConsistentlyWith promptsNot yetCan the student use the vocabulary appropriately?Does the technological-design process show signs that new knowledge was used to improve on the design?Can the student justify choices of design for criteria success?Can the student calculate the mechanical advantage and work done by different machines?Possibilities for Assessment As/For/Of Learning:Assessment As Learning:Contributions to the Knowledge Building and student-generated questions (wiki, website, or other)Lab/Design Notebooks - Students keep track not only of their design ideas and how new knowledge can be applied, they can also keep track of new questions they may have, and reflect on the skills, knowledge, and materials they may need.Assessment For Learning:Peer review and feedbackSPICE Design checklist (Scenario, Problem, Investigate, Construct, Evaluate) - this checklist can be done individually, or during teacher conferencing so students may be reoriented to the appropriate next stepsQuiz on mechanical advantage to ensure students can do the calculations for their own projectSelf-evaluation for Spice model (see below) Self-evaluation for SPICE Model 1. Were my sketches clear enough for others to understand? 123452. Did I include written suggestions on my rough sketch? 123453. Did my product do what I designed it to do? 123454. If I worked with others, how well did I cooperate? 123455. If I worked with others, how would I rate my contribution to the product? 12345 (5= My best effort; 3 = Medium; 1 = Poor effort) Assessment Of Learning:PortfoliosMedieval Times Science FairMedieval Village ExpositionTools and equipment rubric (see below)Science and Technology Performance Task – Grade / Division K-8 CRITERIAPerformance IndicatorsLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Design Process planDevelops a plan with limited clarity and a few stepsDevelops a workable plan with some clarity and some stepsDevelops a clear workable plan including steps in a logical sequenceDevelops a workable plan and modifies the plan as necessaryDesign Process use of materialsUses tools, equipment, and materials with limited regard to safetyUses tools, equipment, and materials with some regard to safetyUses tools, equipment, and materials safelyUses tools, equipment, and materials safely and appropriatelyDesign Process use of design processDemonstrates little use of the design process (plan, build, test, evaluate, communicate)Demonstrates some use of the design process (plan, build, test, evaluate, communicate)Uses the design process (plan, build, test, evaluate, communicate)Uses the design process (plan, build, test, evaluate, communicate) effectivelyModeltranslate plan to modelTranslates design plans into a working model, with assistanceTranslates design plans into a working model with limited assistanceSuccessfully translates design plan into a working model based on criteria requiredSuccessfully translates design plan into a working model based on criteria requiredModelmodel performs intended taskCreates model that performs intended function in a limited mannerCreates model with some evidence of intended functionCreates model that functions successfully according to specificationsCreates model that functions beyond expectationsCommunication terminologyUses little appropriate terminology for grade levelUses some appropriate terminology for grade levelUses most appropriate terminology for grade levelUses all appropriate terminology for grade levelCommunication clarityReport lacks clarityCommunicates with some clarityCommunicates clearly and precisely (e.g., oral or written) through all stages of taskCommunicates clearly, precisely, and insightfullyCommunication presentation skills / styleLimited awareness of importance of style to suit purposeUses a presentation style that is somewhat appropriate to purpose and audienceChooses a presentation style that is appropriate to purpose and audienceSkilfully chooses a presentation style that maximizes the impact for purpose and audienceCommunication of basic conceptsCommunicates understanding of few of the basic conceptsCommunicates understanding of some of the basic conceptsCommunicates understanding of most of the basic concepts (for grade level) e.g., oral or writtenCommunicates understanding of all of the basic conceptsLearning Log reflection for purposeMakes limited reflectionReflects on results but makes few changesReflects on results in order to make necessary changes and evaluate information gatheredUses sophisticated reflection to record results. Makes changes and evaluates information gatheredLearning Log goals / time linesSets a few goals and describes few of the steps needed to achieve goalsSets some goals and describes some of the steps needed to achieve goalsSets clear goals and describes each step needed to achieve goalsSets clear goals and describes each step needed to achieve goals and adjusts as necessaryLearning Log resourcesSelects, records, and uses resources with limited appropriatenessSelects, records, and uses somewhat appropriate resourcesSelects, records, and uses appropriate resourcesSelects, records, and integrates appropriate resourcesGroup Work contribution to group goalHas limited success working toward group goalsDemonstrates some commitment to the group goals; carries out specific roles with some successDemonstrates commitment to the group goals and carries out assigned rolesActively identifies group goals and fulfills a variety of roles in group*Adopted from Halton District School BoardTechnology Possibilities:design software for 3D model creation (e.g., 123D Design for iPad, )3D printinguse of Duplo/Lego/K’nex or other building systemsuse of wood or straws to model designsuse data collection hardware, e.g., motion probes, and software to collect and organize dataIndigenous Perspective:According to the Western and Northern Canadian Protocol educator resource,“Teaching and learning take place within the rich and complex context of the school community. Student engagement and learning become enriched when students feel safe and experience a sense of belonging within their school community. Creating warm and caring schools and learning environments where First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students feel safe and valued has a positive influence on student engagement and learning. This is accomplished through positive, inclusive, and respectful attitudes as well as through the presence of affirming First Nations, Métis, and Inuit images—such as art, posters, books, videos, and positive messages celebrating diversity—throughout the school” (Our Way Is A Valid Way, WNCP, 2013, pg. 34)Teachers should strive to make connections to the curriculum by incorporating the indigenous worldview in ways that appreciate and affirm the diversity in thinking about science and the natural world. The following are a few examples of how to ensure FNMI understandings are reflected in teaching about structures:invite traditional storytellers and Elders to share stories relating to structures and land useallow students to visit historical sites that show traditional structures and to engage in building things with Elders and other community members, e.g., baskets, bowls, etc.use thematic story circlesweave FNMI language into the science curriculumincorporate or adapt Medicine Wheel and Circle of Life teachings to learning about structuresuse Traditional Ways of Knowing in the teaching of structures, e.g., for Traditional Laws; students can demonstrate cultural practices related to stewardship, such as using the least materials to accomplish a task“People invent and discover technologies to meet their wants and needs. Aboriginal people have made many contributions to Canada and the world through their invention of such things as petroleum jelly, chewing gum, the canoe, and snowshoes, and the growing of corn. Aboriginal people’s inventions have allowed them to survive in their environments for centuries. What Settlers Learned from Aboriginal People – Technology: Students research an item or a technology invented by Aboriginal people before or during the early settlement period, and compare the older version of the item or technology with the version in use today.” Aboriginal Perspectives: A Guide to the Teacher’s Toolkit, 2009, pg. 10 ................

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